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Chapter 5 Ambition, Expectation)


The breeze surges.

Red light emerged from Ding Zheng's body like long hair.

Then it spread out instantly, like a huge bloody net, covering the central lake.

Covering the entire central lake.

The extremely intense resentment and pure desire for destruction in the orangutan soul immediately became like air.

Pervasive, following every hole.

Slowly drill into the brains of these animals.

Although this method of intrusion.

It's not like Ding Zheng dealt with that skeletal lizard before.

It is fast and convenient to stick directly to the body and pour it along the wound that leads directly to the brain.

But the current situation is different from before.

It doesn't need to rush to kill these animals.

These animals are also attracted to blood orchids.

It's impossible to escape.

Just take your time.

Before the flowers bloom tomorrow.

Just affect the sanity of these animals and arouse their desire for destruction!

And at this time, Ding Zheng was also rushing towards the Central Lake.

Naturally, it cannot be like a magician.

Controlling the orangutan soul from an extremely remote place, it penetrates into the brain of every animal.

It must be close enough to allow more precise control.

Then, we have to take the initiative at critical moments.

Blow up the place!

A faint red light fell from the sky.

There was no sound at all.

But it finally attracted the attention of a small number of animals.

For example, a group of more than ten dire wolves that are seven meters tall.

The wolves looked up at the red light and twitched their noses twice.

Smelled nothing.

The wolves started a little commotion.

But then, a low whimper came from behind.

The Wolf King stepped out, lying on all fours, and was eight meters tall.

It can already be called a giant beast.

The Wolf King's order immediately stopped the commotion.

Compared to the red mist in front of me, I don’t know what it is.

The blood-red flowers beside the lake are even more noteworthy.

Scenes like this happen everywhere.

But most of them are among animals with relatively high intelligence.

Animals with relatively low intelligence.

He stared blankly at the blood orchids.

He was completely blind to the faint red light around him.

But there are some animals that cannot see red at all.

Generally speaking.

The more intelligent the animal, the weaker its influence.

But the animals on Skull Island are generally better than the animals in the outside world.

Be a lot smarter.

At this time, Ding Zheng had arrived at a big tree on the edge of the Central Lake.

These animals are less than a hundred meters away.

It selects and controls the ape soul to select the target.

While waiting quietly, he picked his own opponent.

Almost none of the animals that come here come here for hunting.

All are waiting for the flowers to bloom.

Then swarmed up.

When the flowers haven't bloomed, they don't move much.

Because the blood orchids didn’t bloom.

Not only will it not help them in the slightest.

On the contrary, it also contains toxicity.


This kind of scene can only appear in Skull Island.

Change a place and gather so many animals.

I'm afraid the fight has already started.

We can't even get together.

Time passed slowly.

One is nearly fifteen meters tall.

Standing out among the chickens in the central lake, the extremely huge terror bird suddenly shook its head.

His two small eyes blinked, as if he felt something strange.

Then, it wiped its sharp beak on its chest.

The two huge paws also moved.

The ground made a thumping sound when stepped on.

Several animals around looked at it.

A wild boar suddenly stepped into the distance.

It smelled danger from this terrifying bird.

The horror bird still didn't notice anything unusual about itself.

Its breathing gradually quickened, and its two thick thighs and beak made small movements one after another.

And with the abnormality of this terrifying bird.

Throughout the lake, other animals were behaving abnormally.

Those giant pythons in the middle of the lake.

It also seemed as if he had been stimulated by something.

Tangled together, the rolling speed seems to be faster.

Let the lake water continue to create ripples one after another.


Suddenly, the ground shook.

The fifteen-meter-tall terrifying bird violently attacked a triceratops next to it.

It stepped on the triceratops to the ground.

The exclamation of the Triceratops stopped just as it started.


A soft sound.

The sharp and sharp beak of the horror bird pierced directly from the eyes of the Triceratops and penetrated deeply into the brain.

Even the hard skull cannot resist at all.

The terror bird pulled out its beak.

The tongue scraped lightly.

But it didn't even eat its favorite brain.

Instead, it rushed towards a wild boar not far away.


The behavior of the Terror Bird is like a fuse.

Detonate the bomb.

And at this time.

Ding Zheng also completely let go of his control over the ape soul.

He just took a step forward and jumped out of the tree!


There was a crisp sound.

He directly stepped on the neck of a dire wolf.

The entire Central Lake suddenly turned into a mess.

The animals started fighting one after another.

They even forgot what the purpose of coming here was.

All fell into madness.

At this time, this is a central lake.

Almost no animal can remain calm.

The orangutan soul, which had completely let go of its restraints, even aroused Ding Zheng's negative emotions.

At this time, no matter what animal steps into this place.

All will be affected by the ape soul.

Unless Ding Zheng can separate his mind and let the monkey soul avoid certain people or places.

But such fine control.

For Ding Zheng, it was still too difficult.

This is simply not possible at the moment.

It can't even be used for two purposes, controlling the ape soul to invade other animals.

While fighting.

The ape soul is not real air after all.

It cannot really enter the brain with the breath.

Every action must be controlled by Ding Zheng with all his strength.

Ding Zheng at this time.

You can only let go of control over this part of the ape soul.

Let the orangutan soul stir up the nerves of all the animals in the area without any scruples.

Drill into the brain of every animal.

And Ding Zheng himself will also be greatly affected.

After all, it only refines and controls the dragon soul, but is not completely immune to the influence of this dragon soul on consciousness.

But compared to before.

Naturally, the impact on Ding Zheng should be much less.

So it always remains calm.

Try to pick the smartest animals to do it.

This is why Ding Zheng must bring the people from Xingcun here with him.

If there are some fish that slipped through the net.

It's not just beyond reach.

But there is no way to stop ************ There will naturally be smarter animals in the lake.

They have not been affected by the ape soul yet.

But as long as you want to stay here, you can't stay out of it.

You can only choose to kill the animals that rush towards you.

Or, escape from this place!

But most of them just want to get the blood orchid.

The flowers haven't bloomed yet, so I can only stay here.

Then, he was surrounded by crazy animals.

Strong smell of blood.

And that was completely released by Ding Zheng.

Influenced by the truly all-pervasive orangutan soul.

Eventually he lost his mind.

Plunge into endless killing.

In the end, only a small number of already weak animals survived.

When the killing just started.

In order to avoid being affected.

I left this place early.

Then it will fall into the hands of the people of Xingcun who are waiting in all directions.

Although even so, it is impossible to truly catch them all.

But the less people escape.

The trouble caused to Ding Zheng and King Kong will naturally be smaller in the future.

A shockingly violent killing unfolded on Skull Island.

Hundreds of animals gather together.

Crazy attacks on each other.

Animals still staying in Central Lake.

Almost all of them have completely lost their minds.

I even lost my fear of death.

Moreover, there is Ding Zheng, the "stick" who wants to muddy the water.

Let the water of the central lake continue to be dyed red with blood.

Never calm down.

But outside, there are Ding Zheng and people from Xingcun waiting for them!

The sun slowly circled around.

The moon ran out.

it's dark.

But the killings still didn't stop.

On the contrary, the giant pythons in the lake also escaped from the great reproduction operation.

Got involved.

When the 70-meter-long giant python faced these Skull Island animals...

There is only one result, and that is crushing!

Soon, there were very few animals left alive around the lake.

Ding Zheng also gathered all the orangutan souls.

Launch an attack on several of the largest pythons with all your strength.

Pythons are so large that it may be difficult to influence them.

But Ding Zheng was targeted with purpose after all.

Soon, the three largest pythons also lost their minds.

Another round of melee started.

And it lasted all night...

Early the next morning.

The huge central lake has been completely dyed red with blood.

There is a patch of blood-red flower bones beside the lake, as the sun rises.

Slowly bloomed.

There are drops of blood on the petals.

Completely integrated with the color of the flower itself.

This is a flower watered entirely by blood and death.




Ding Zheng punched three times and smashed the head of the last giant python that was wrapped around him in the lake.

Then climbed ashore.

The steps are slightly sloppy.

My brain is dizzy.

There are corpses all around. It can be called a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood!

But even so.

Ding Zheng also failed to kill all the animals as he wished.

There are still many fish that slipped through the net and escaped.

There are also many giant pythons still alive in the lake.

Because it was too deep, Ding Zheng couldn't catch up.

The extremely exhausted mental state does not allow it to use the ape soul to do anything anymore.


These results are astonishing enough.

Even if the King of Changes were here, he might not be able to do this.

Only the ape soul can make animals lose their minds and fight.

and the blood orchid, which induces lust in all animals.

The combination of the two resulted in such brilliant results.

It can only be said that it was the right time, the right place, the right people, and the right people.



A long and loud shout came from Ding Zheng's mouth.

Soon after.

People from Xingcun came from all directions.

See what Central Lake looks like today.

Their eyes widened and they couldn't even speak.

"Guard the surrounding area, pick all the flowers, and then leave without damaging the roots. This place will be ours from now on!"

Ding Zheng took a deep breath.

Look at this huge lake.

There was something called ambition flashing faintly in his eyes.

Since rebirth.

All of Ding Zheng's actions are to deal with future crises.

Whether it's a skeletal lizard or Godzilla.

Whether it's nuclear weapons or the military.

It has to work hard to survive.

But now, with its own strength gradually growing.

Ding Zheng's purpose gradually changed.

Nowadays there is system help.

All kinds of abilities are at hand.

Blood Orchid and countless internal skills can create powerful people in batches.

The ape soul can firmly control these powerful men.

There is also a more powerful King Kong to rely on than in the movie.

These are all trump cards.


There will only be more and not less in the future!


Why can't we live better with King Kong?

Ding Zheng's eyes were extremely firm.

Perhaps he achieved such amazing results alone.

this moment.

It is no longer afraid of the future.

On the contrary, I am vaguely looking forward to it!

This chapter has been completed!
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