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Chapter 49 Meiyou is homeless again

"Where is this? Meiyou?"

"I don't know either. Jack, does half of your spiritual energy remain in this world? Can you contact me?"

"Oh, no, no - either he's gone, or something else happened, so that 'I' and I are no longer the same person."

Beside the dirt road that passes through grassland and sparse jungle, a group of legitimate-looking lolita are looking around blankly.

They "escaped" here from a parallel world that resembles the moon world. Because there are active login records, so as long as you don't mind consuming half of the Holy Grail War's magic power, escaping here is easier than retrieving other parallel worlds.

It's less difficult and takes less time.

The reason for such urgency is that that world has been completely destroyed for human civilization.

In front of Emiya Kiritsugu, who was about to die with regrets, Emiya Shirou made a will to inherit the legacy. Although he obtained the power of the heroic spirit Emiya in advance due to the opportunity of the Class Card Holy Grail War during his lifetime, the same is true in the world of the moon.

It is a small existence. It is a matter of course that it cannot do anything for mankind. The same goes for other people with powerful powers. Those who can stay in other forms or connect to parallel worlds have already made their choices.

Since the end of the Sixth Holy Grail War, Miyu and his party have been traveling around the world, so this is the place they choose.

Emiya Shirou is not among them. He has not yet escaped from the human category. After spending the life that a human should live, he passed away before the world was destroyed and renewed. It cannot be said that he has no regrets, but he still feels happy - together for Miyu's happiness.

Spent the rest of my life.

"Where are the others?" Miyu looked around.

At the end of the world, after Shirou passed away, due to various events that had occurred in the world in advance and squeezed human survival resources and land, the number of people who temporarily escaped death and became homeless increased, and her "travel group" also included several magicians.

Michaelis has always been with us.

However, the only ones present were Miyu, Jack and Shiloe.

"Maybe they were blown away by the space jump. Since we wanted to fly to the recording point this time but the error was so big, it's not surprising that they were separated." Shiloe said.

"Could it be because it's my fault..."

"No, no, we've all seen what those guys are capable of, so we wouldn't die because of that level, right?"

"Well, that's right...that's right."

"Hey, Miyu, Hiroya, where are we going now? Looking for the city?" Jack asked, tilting his head.

Miyu and Shiloe glanced at Jack, and then looked at each other. Although Jack has been like this for a long time, the last time he came to this world, Jack played a leading role. Since part of it was separated, even though Jack's IQ

The feeling has not subsided, but I do not participate in decision-making. Instead, I often talk like a child asking adults for opinions. I am obviously used to it. When I came to this world and thought about the past, I felt a little sad for a while.

"Well, let's go look for the city." Miyu nodded and took out a metal plate made of mithril, "If this is a human country, it can represent the identity. Do you still carry it?"

Shiloe also took it out, but only Jack stuck out his tongue: "I'm sorry, mine is on that side of the body."

"...There is always a way." Miyu turned around and said, "Let's go."

You can always find villages and towns along the road, and then you can get some information. I hope you don't fly directly to the other side of the world, but at least stay in the country where you have lived.


"Puff puff puff puff puff..."

"Miyu, are you okay?"

Contrary to Shiloe's laughter, Jack was concerned about Miyu's condition - he was about to walk onto the road when he stepped on a bear trap hidden in the grass and pinched his calf. Although the saw teeth were used to crush the prey, they did not pierce it.

The physical defense of Meiyou Yingling's outfit still managed to trap her. If she looked closely, she could see that the bear trap was still attached to a thick chain on a tree not far away.

I scanned the surrounding area more carefully with additional magic power. It seems that there are quite a lot of animal traps in this area, and there are also pits. Is it lucky that I haven't stepped on them and made a fool of myself?

"Is this the territory of hunters who are often visited by wild beasts? I don't think so. On the contrary..." Jack checked it and did not continue.

"Would it be damaged if I just cut this apart?" Miyu asked.

"Isn't it dangerous to be so close to the road? It's enough to apologize to the hunter in my heart." Shiloe put her hand directly on the trap holding Miyu, and it broke with a "click".

At this time, from a place where the trees were thicker at the bend in front of the road, a group of heavily armed people walked towards this side along the road.

This aroused the vigilance of the legitimate-looking lolita. Could it be a robber?

But the group of people looked at them for a few times and then continued walking on their own.

"Excuse me!" Seeing that the other party didn't seem to have any ill intentions, Miyu waved to them. It seemed to scare the other party. One person suddenly "slithered" and disappeared. It turned out that he slipped and rolled into a shabby road pit.


"I'm sorry, did I scare you?" Miyu trotted over, bowed, and asked again, "Excuse me, which way is the nearest city from here?"

"Oh, oh oh oh," the man who seemed to be the leader patted his forehead and said, "Actually... I've been a little forgetful lately."

Not only did Shiloe look suspicious, but even the male companion was a little dumbfounded, as if he was saying you are a liar?

"This." Miyu held out his hand with a silver coin in his palm.

It’s great to have collected the money I earned from my last visit to this world and haven’t thrown it away for decades.

"Oh, I remembered." The man turned back and pointed in the direction they had just come from, "Go that way, about five miles away, there is a fork in the road, then turn left and keep walking. It will take about three days of walking to get there."

"Thank you." Miyu bowed again, turned around and waved to Shiloe and Jack, "Let's go."

Miyu took out the sapphire wand, made a magic plane, let Shiloe and Jack stand on it, then put his feet down, took them flying up, and quickly disappeared into the sky along the road.

"Huh huh huh huh..." The men who watched the lolita leave let out cries of relief.

"How long are you going to lie here? Get up!" The leader kicked the little guy who accidentally fell into the pit, causing him to roll and sit up.

"Who just said that it might be for a budding adventurer? Isn't that brand Mithril-level?!"

"Fortunately, I know the goods and didn't take any action."

"Of course, leader, can ordinary people open a animal trap of that level with bare hands?"

"If we had come out earlier and hadn't discovered that power, wouldn't we have been doomed?"

"Yeah, I didn't expect it to fly in the end... Just imagine a magic bombing in the air..."

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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