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Chapter 50 Gap

Just like the first impression of the Lolita, the men who just passed by were really robbers. They had dug a section of the road in advance to the extent that it could block the passage of carriages but allow high-end cars pulled by other large monsters to pass. This is very necessary.

, because passers-by who can afford a Warcraft vehicle or even a higher-end tracked chassis vehicle may not be able to offend anyone with their combat capabilities.

If the carriage goes off the road and avoids the bad road, it will be pinched or stepped into a trap, unable to escape quickly, and the robbers will reap the harvest.

A squatting thief said: "Boss, did we lose money this time?"

"Don't you at least have this? Pack it up and wait for the next trip." The leader tossed the silver coins in his hand and said.

"As expected of the boss, even when facing such a powerful person, he can chew off some flesh." Someone flattered him.

"By the way, how much does this cost?" The squatting thief was looking at the broken bear trap.

"Only the spring and the teeth are broken, right? Replace the spring. As for the teeth, just make do with them. They are not used to catch bears."


The new leader of the Bajas Empire, Ye Pesper——

It is common for travelers to open their mouths in astonishment at the walls when they see this city. Although this city has never become a border city that needs to defend itself against foreign enemies, it was once an important strategic transportation hub and military

Status determines how far the defense should be built, and it goes without saying.

Although this defense seemed solid, it was easily killed by a group of Imperial "Airborne Brigade" Center Blossoms twenty years ago.

However, after some repairs were made to the magnificent city wall in peacetime, it seems to be quite good as a selling point of the urban landscape. If travelers entering the city are willing to chat about this topic with the guards on guard, the guards on guard, who are usually very bored, are also willing to accept it.

The guards standing guard at the city gate actually have a very high-tech job to do. They check people entering and leaving the city, and they need to arrest contraband, criminals, spies from other countries, etc. The soldiers working here are all soldiers.

Elites, but if public security is good, they will be very idle, which makes people feel that this arrangement is too wasteful of human resources. However, it is necessary and necessary work, such as the urban alliance that has long been destroyed by the empire, and a city-state has failed because of its inability to

The discovery of the enemy Melivis who had sneaked in led to the collapse of the city's overall function. Therefore, they naturally fulfilled their duties when they should be busy. Normally——

They were all playing board games that were said to have been "introduced" by the Six Gods, or board games that became popular after the city became part of the empire and were said to be "invented" by high-ranking fairies.

On this day, the peak flow of people at the city gate had obviously passed, and they were preparing to avoid the heat brought by the rising sun. They went to the shade of the city gate to play cards, but they found that someone had "fallen" from the air and landed in the city.

The door was dozens of meters away and he was coming this way.

"Is that a magic caster?"

"At least the black-haired one must be, and the white-haired two...should be sword-wielding professions, right?"

"But they are so small. I heard that dwarf women don't have broomsticks all over their bodies like dwarf men. Are they dwarves?"

"No, it could be a race other than humans, right? Since this place became the territory of the empire..."

"Spare me, I'm still not good at dealing with people."

Even if it was an important job on guard duty, it was a trivial job. The empire simply hired locals who were familiar with the local area. Naturally, it was not as good as the empire, which had already seen many outsiders, to adapt.

But they still need to work diligently and conscientiously. If something goes wrong, they will be the unlucky ones.

Fortunately, the other party's speech and behavior were human enough, and he also showed Mithril's adventurer metal plate. If he was an adventurer, their name verification would not be under their control. Even if one person claimed that the metal plate was lost, that's all.

A few extra copper coins were charged for the entrance fee as a token of the regulations.

However, something went wrong in the last step.

When the people sent by the Magicians Guild used [detect magic] to wait for magic to check whether there were prohibited items that could not be seen with the naked eye, they actually did something in a few seconds that even a professional face changer could not do——

His expression changed rapidly, including shock, fear, fear, and finally he lay on the ground convulsingly vomiting rainbows.

While vomiting, he shouted crazily: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Miyu was also a little confused: "Are you okay? My magic power is indeed very strong, but I'm also really——"

"Shut up! You can't deceive my eyes! Uh-huh! With an extraordinary power that is too powerful to describe... why are you lying! This is a power that only adults can have. How can those adults become adventurers! What a bunch of nonsense!

Uh! Hurry, go and call..."

The soldiers were startled, and one of them ran out in a hurry, while the others nervously grasped their weapons but did not dare to get close and surrounded the three legal-looking lolita who were much shorter than them.

"Miyu, I know your magic defense is passive, but why did you make him like this?" Shiloe said awkwardly.

"No, I didn't do anything like that." Miyu shook her head.

To put it simply, it's just that this person's psychological endurance is too poor. After all, the people in the former kingdom are less knowledgeable and educated than those in the empire.

Jack took out the small blade that he habitually kept under his tongue as a spare, and asked in a mosquito voice: "Do you want to solve it?"

Shiloe: "Don't cause trouble!"

Jack: "I won't kill him. As you know, Jack, I can do medical surgery and brainwashing. Hehe."

Shiloe: "So don't take out the scalpel and add fuel to the fire. To do that, Miyu's skill [Brainwashing Wave] is more effective."

Miyu raised his hands in a gesture of surrender and shook his head, hoping that everyone could calm down their shock, and said: "I will sit here well, everyone, calm down, calm down. If the magic power is very high and any other procedures are needed, I will handle it well.


"Anyway, why don't we have a meal first to calm down the panic?" Shiloe said, "There wasn't much decent food in the last two days there."

At this time, the magic chanter suddenly stood up and changed his face. With bloodshot eyes, he bent down and said to the United States: "Excuse me, what do you want to eat? It's too early for dinner. How about fruits and snacks? I want to get them.

What kind of drinks are you bringing? If you can drink, you can also serve high-end liquor.”

Even if they were indeed hungry, they were fooled by this face-changing master, and the surrounding guards were also fooled.

The magic caster grabbed the two guards and dragged them outside the door, saying: "It's not that easy to invite adults with kinetic energy to deal with them! Let's buy some time first! If it's actually a big shot we don't know, it's even better to entertain them.

!Isn’t it?”

Although the guard wanted to say that if you didn't vomit rainbows all over you, it might be a little more convincing...

(to be continued)

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