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Chapter 57 The magic tree blossoms

By the way, the reason why the thieves did not deliberately emphasize that the thieves kidnapped and "used" women is because the thieves "used" not only women, but also people of other genders - such as the beautiful boy Sunny dragged along with her.

After all, birds of a feather flock together, so it's not surprising that a group of crooked people have some special hobbies.

The leader of the thieves did not say anything, so that he could avoid the physical pain that Crounpis might give him. Crounpis, who had almost been fucked by the thieves just now, was a little angry about the thieves and wanted to beat them up.

, the reason why I didn’t think of anything sexual when I saw the slave was because the “slave” that Sunny dragged out was a male.

"But..." Sunny glanced at the carriage and the goods that were piled outside and were still being loaded, with a look of embarrassment on her face. "After loading these, there is no more room for people in the car. There are nine slaves in it.


Clunpisi took up her hands and thought for a moment, then said: "... Then just throw it on top of the cargo. No one will die if it stays there for a day and a half."

Continuing to be idle, Crounpisi took out the drink that the Elf King had warmly given to her from her infinite backpack, and shook the glass bottle.

"There's not much left, so I'll just drink it all at once. I'll ask him for more next time. I'm willing to pay for such a delicious thing. Gudu Gudu..." Kraunpisi

Drink the remaining liquid in one gulp.

The workmanship of the glass bottle was good, and it also vaguely contained magic power. Crounpisi remembered the appraisal stone she had just used, and immediately came to appraise it——

"Oh, is this a fresh-keeping bottle that can extend the shelf life a lot? It's not bad as a beverage bottle." Then he threw the bottle back into the infinite backpack.

What she doesn't know is that this kind of bottle is actually quite luxurious in human society. It is more expensive than a refrigerator. Even nobles will not use it easily. This kind of bottle is basically used to contain medicines made from precious herbs that will deteriorate.


In fact, what's really there is just the right amount of medicine to get any plant right into its next pollination period and increase yields.

By the way, this is not within the scope of abnormal status in the game rules.


After the tall walls surrounding the city were slowly lowered, the gate was slowly raised under the operation of a few thieves, and the heavy carriage headed toward the gate amidst the sound of horse hooves and rolling wheels.

"Pisi, although it's a bit regretful that I didn't surrender to Larva, it's a great harvest this time." Sunny said happily as she looked at Crounpisi who was driving.

Of course, Crounpis can't drive a carriage, but only uses spiritual magic to control the movements of a few horses. She said: "I don't want Larva to conquer them, but to 'offer' the money bag at a regular time."

That’ll be fine.”


"Sunny, think about it, if you have too many people like this, you won't be able to control them, and they will take the opportunity to secretly do evil. If you are under Larva's banner, won't it ruin Larva's reputation?"

"If it's just the reputation of the human group, it's easy to suppress it, right?"

"...But it's a bit troublesome. Uh-huh, uh-huh...Sunny, come and take over the carriage."

Sunny used magic to make up for it the moment Crounpisi canceled the magic, and said: "Pisi, what's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

Crounpisi's face gradually turned a little red, and her body became a little uncomfortable. She hugged her body with her hands and moved up and down, and her legs began to rub against each other.

"Want to pick flowers?" Sunny joked.

"No...but in terms of physical sensation, it does feel a bit like the feeling that humans want to pick flowers. But the actual meaning seems to be just one word different from the literal meaning. Is there any flat land around here?" Cronpis asked.


"If there is one, it's only in the back." Sunny pointed to the back, the gate of the Thieves' Stronghold that was gradually getting away.

"No, we can't solve it on the spot. It will crush the goods for Larva." Crounpis quickly jumped out of the carriage, took off the Star-Spangled Banner Mimic Demon's clothes and threw them on the carriage, and threw everything else on her body.

After entering the infinite backpack, he ran towards the only place with relatively open land in this area.

"Pissy, what's wrong? You feel like you're about to give birth?"

"...To be precise, it's not life or death, right? Get away from here quickly! Two hundred and fifty meters away!"

After finally finishing their work, the thieves who were collectively sitting on the ground panting were startled when they saw Crounpisi running back naked - they knew who the other party was and couldn't think of that.


Crownpis looked at roughly the center of the open area (the buildings were basically ignored), and threw herself on the ground in a "big" shape as if her wings were spread out.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

With Crownpis as the center, a large number of tree stems and leaves pour out from it!

"What is that!"

"What? What the hell is this guy?"

"Weird, monster!"

"Hey, now, this is a dream, right?"

"Hundan! Cheer up! Run away!"


Even if someone really recovers from the shock, there is no point in avoiding these roots that are spreading all around. Although it is just a chaotic expansion, there is no appearance of fighting or capture at all, but the scope is too large.

"Boss! You're lying, boss!"


"I told you, it's just a ghost thing that looks like an elf!"

"God, save us!"


The entire walled city is like a flower pot squeezed out by stubbornly growing plants, with almost only the ruins of the outer walls remaining. It is not an exaggeration to call it a civilization abandoned by history in the "forest".

What happened was almost as described. Crounpisi returned to its original form on the surface, more than three hundred meters tall and lush - a true towering tree.

Everything pressed below, as well as everything nearby, is quickly absorbed by the roots or rolled into the mouth by the stems, turning into nutrients for the giant magic tree.

Thousands of golden flowers bloomed in the canopy, dozens of which were particularly dazzling because of their size and larger petals and stamens.

In the crown of the tree, there seemed to be twinkling golden lights like stars - they were pollen that was moved by the wind and refracted by the sun's rays, and some of it fell to the surroundings like golden blowing snow.

"So...beautiful. Is Pisi so beautiful in her original appearance?" Sunny stopped the carriage that had been running wildly until a moment ago, jumped off, turned around, looked up at the huge magic tree, and took off her head.

wearing a headdress, revealing her flowers, clasping her hands on her chest in a prayer gesture.

A few golden dots fell into the flowers on Sunny's head, causing a shy smile to appear on Sunny's face.

"Pissy and I...will we have children?"

(to be continued)

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