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Chapter 58 The pace of conquest

Just when Sunny looked "pious"——

"Hey, Sunny, what are you doing?" The magic tree had just chewed a lot of thieves and wood in its big mouth, making a loud sound.

"Eh? Pisi, are you still awake?"

"Of course! It's just that unlike usual I just use fruit seeds as ammunition, this time I'm doing a good pollination to prepare seeds that can take root and germinate."

Crownpis' normal elf posture can also automatically "refill" a lot of fruit ammunition every year, but those fruits until they finally become only seeds and rotten, they feel that they are of a type that cannot be planted.

Although she didn't fully understand her own physiology, Pisi vaguely felt that this was the same as eggs laid by hens who had never had sex with a rooster.

It is rare for thousands of flowers to bloom at once, and they are all full of pollen. It would be a pity not to seriously bear fruits that can reproduce offspring.

"Then, Pisi won't go back with me? Pisi can leave her body behind, right?"

"No, this time is quite rare. I want to concentrate on it."

Crownpis subconsciously shook the branch to express her refusal, which almost caused a "sandstorm" of golden pollen.

"Ahem, cough, cough! No! Pollen... I can't hold it in my flowers!" Sunny had to slap her head hard and jump around to shake off the pollen on her head.

Crownpis suddenly thought about it. If he and Sunny were humans or similar species, this scene would be...

After imagining it, Crounpis found that she was so shy that she wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in at this moment. Although she didn't feel anything when watching other creatures reproduce - just like humans don't feel when they watch dragonflies flying together, but she herself

Are you really shy when you cross-pollinate with your own race?

In fact, it is very simple to shrink down. After all, the body often shrinks underground in the past, but the ongoing self-pollination operation will be hindered.

"Sang... Sunny, take my mimic demon back first and let me be quiet here." Cronpis said.

"Then...let this Mimic turn into something else and stay. It would be embarrassing if you don't have good clothes to wear when you need to move around. Why do you need to take off your clothes? Magic equipment will automatically change size.

It won’t burst.” Sunny picked up the Mimic in the Stars and Stripes clothing and said.

"..." Crounpisi was silent for a moment. It was true that she took off her clothes subconsciously just now. It was true that she didn't react.

Because the Mimic Demon's clothes do not have the function of expanding with the main body summoned by Crounpith, and the clothes worn inside can be taken off along with it.

"Pissy, do you want this mimic to stay?" Fortunately, Sunny didn't care too much.

"...Okay, let's turn it into an ordinary vine and wrap it around my branch." Clawnpith agreed.


The next day, the headquarters of the "Holy Tree Fairy" mercenary group, second floor——

The report from the loli control paladin had arrived at Larva the afternoon before, saying that the loli dragon queen was planning to suppress the matter and pretend it didn't happen, so that would be no problem.

The biggest thing now is——

"Wow~ Pisi is so enthusiastic about the flower blooming this time?" Larva said dumbfounded as he looked at Sunny, who threw the goods to the soldiers to handle on their own as soon as they came back, then rushed up and started talking non-stop.

Star and Luna were also there. They completed the "restocking" earlier and came back early. Because the distance between the target's stronghold and the main road was smaller than Star's sensing radius, they skipped the fishing process and went straight to the door, saving a lot of money.

less time.

"Why don't we also go and ask for some pollen from Pisi?" Star suggested with a smile and clasped his hands.

"Well," Sunny also looked very interested. It would be better to say that she had already accepted the crossbreeding. "It would be great if we could have more companions. It's simply too much for the few of us to have a good time. We need to pay attention to this at all times."

The thought of so many inferior creatures really dampens the mood, hahaha."

After saying that, he deliberately yawned.

"I said, you just don't want to work, right? Or are you looking for exciting things to do but don't want to do 'after-sales service'?" Larva looked at the Three Fairies of Light with a slightly speechless face.

"Definitely. There are all kinds of things in the world, but it's super boring to have to do the same thing day after day." Luna also pouted and agreed.

"You guys~" Larva was already lying on the table speechlessly, "You are so interested in helping Pisi 'conquer the world' but you said such things?"

"Conquer the world? Does Pisi have such a need?" The three goblins tilted their heads in unison.

Larva replied: "The things that Piz sometimes proposes are often incompatible with this world, aren't they? Although I originally hoped that I could try to cause something to divert the attention of the so-called enemies..."

That was what happened at first, but because the goblins had too many headaches, they finally wanted them to be calmer. However, Crounpis did not convey this overall idea to the goblins properly - it was not that she forgot, but she didn't.


Larva continued: "...then for Pisi and us, we are free to do whatever we like, isn't this the only option? How can we let other races ruin our free life in the future?

"But defeating the enemy is easy, but the trouble lies in the follow-up. Running a country is troublesome enough, let alone the world. You must first try to adapt to the environment. When I run a mercenary group, I also start from a young age."

Larva explained.

Of course, Clawnpisi never thought about conquering the world, but all the fairies below her seemed to have followed the Dihua style - that is, they made things that should not be big in their minds very big.

But there is nothing surprising. Crownpis can almost walk sideways in the world in terms of level alone. Other fairies are also stronger than most creatures in this world, just like——

When you find that most of the creatures in the world are inferior to you, and some creatures seem to threaten you, what should you do?

Those who are not from my race must have different thoughts. For my own sake, of course I must seize the resources of inferior creatures to fight against the creatures that can threaten me.

The three fairies of light looked at each other, and then stood up almost simultaneously.

"Since Pisi is not free now, let's get started. Ouch!" Sunny raised her hand.

"What, what's wrong? Act now?" Larva said dumbfounded, "Didn't you say that work is boring or something?"

"Yes." Luna affirmed and then smiled, "But there are still many different and interesting things that need to be learned and explored, and I can't stop at all."

(to be continued)

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