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Chapter 128 Prepare to shake people

Since there is no retreat at the moment, Crownpis has prepared the fortress and defenses to resist the wave of monsters. If they don't die, there is only one thing to do next.

"Then, I'm going to the tower in front." Yugali happily ran towards the defense tower facing the wave of monsters.

"Wait a minute, we don't know how many monsters there are yet. Don't try to refuse when we arrange to change places and rest!" someone in the team shouted.

"Yes, yes, you know, I'm not a masochist, it's really annoying."

It's just a reminder that other teammates didn't stop her. Maybe it's because she wanted to fight. Another reason is that she has the shortest range here, so of course she should stand on the front defense tower first.

Sunny, Anchia, Ibiluayai, Catlea, and Jack were also scattered to different defense towers and outer walls. Everyone agreed that Crounpis was sitting in the castle, who told her to do all kinds of things?

It can be summoned, and it can also build city fortifications. It is basically a one-man army? In the cage battle, as long as the medicine supply is sufficient, Crounpis is a character that cannot be sacrificed.

Before leaving, Anna begged Tosteno and Euryale not to leave the inner city and let Cronpis protect them.

Crounpisi once again summoned several monsters ranging from the eighth to the tenth level to go to the outer city wall to support them.

The levels of the Forest Wise King and the Frost Dragon Princess may not be useless in this kind of battle, but their combat power is also cannon fodder level, and it is too crowded to be crammed into the castle. Crounpis rushed to the open space between the inner city gate and the castle gate to stay.


However, Stheno and Euryale seemed to have no time to spare, playing tricks on the giant hamster and frost dragon in the city.

The castle is basically empty. After all, with the strength of Alice's No. 0 body, Crounpis doesn't have much room to add decorations, but there are still tables and chairs. Crounpis is crossing his legs on the table and tilting the chair

He held the back of his head with his hands, shook his legs, and thought about any method to overcome the levels that fit the game. But the noise outside the window was so noisy, so he jumped off the chair and came to the bedside and shouted: "Are you finished, Euryale?

Don’t you have a bow and arrow? At least it’s over level 50. Even if it’s weaker than the monsters outside, you can still shoot them.”

"We didn't come here on our own."

"It's my sister's job to go out and fight."

"..." Crounpis really wanted to slap Alice No. 0 in the face, because she knew that the two of you, eldest sister and second sister, would be useless in fighting, but your level was barely enough to protect yourself here, so I used you for the experiment.

, can I just ask you not to be so out of tune with the atmosphere?

At this time, Frost Dragon Muvinia raised his head towards the window and said, "Sir, I understand the current situation. Do you have any ideas?"

"Say it."

"Since it is a caged city battle that occupies a favorable location, even if we only have a numerical disadvantage here and our individual strength is comparable to that of the enemy, we can maintain the battle situation within a certain period of time just by occupying the city. So why not concentrate on all the troops you can summon immediately to fight with me?

Such strength is comparable to that of the subjects, so as to enhance the defensive power?"

Muvinia's proposal is very reasonable and has his own selfish motives: with more people, even if the city is breached, its survival rate can be improved. It does not matter whether it is fighting or avoiding.

"Really? I will consider it." She nodded happily and was about to go back when the pitiful voice of the Forest Sage King came——

"My Lord...Young Master? May I ask what I should do?"

Crounpis felt that it was so cute, but it was quite pitiful to leave it alone. Unfortunately, even if it had been well trained, it was still in its early 40s. Although the frost dragon was not much higher, it had breath and

Faith-based magic can be used to some extent. Hamster is basically a magic warrior who is better at melee combat. How to do it? If you rush out, you will be surrounded by lava, and you can't do anything.

After thinking for a few seconds, she took out the Death Sacrifice Orb and threw it to the Forest Wise King, saying, "Just use this to do something to the enemy. Is it useful?"

The Death Sacrifice Orb is a personal wisdom item. Crounpis has done a lot of things with it, but now it feels a bit useless. She doesn’t expect this giant hamster to do anything, but the Death Sacrifice Orb also has [negative light]

[ray of negative energy]], [undead flame], several long-range attack methods, can also be launched from a greater distance than humans [create undead], [seventh level undead control]

Dominate undead 7th], [Army of the Dead [undead army]], can rely on the collected death energy to pay for the required magic power. In this way, the forest wise king's low magical attainments are enough to do something useful for the battle situation.

After the wise king of the forest caught it with dexterity, he opened his round eyes and said, "Well... I should be able to use it! But it's so noisy! I want to give it back to you!"

"Bear it." After saying this, Crownpis returned to her seat and connected to Megaris using soul contact instead of communication magic.

[Migalis, how is the work of giving them new bodies with evolutionary potential? 】

[The clan leaders and their cronies who can accept it have been completed, but I want to have more manpower to deal with the enemy. Although I can rely on Pisi to share the multiple alchemy formations I made with the help of other compatriots, it will still take some time.


[Yes, that’s just right. How many people are level 60 or above? 】

[Only some of the eighteen patriarchs can do this. Maybe using a new body will gain potential, but that is also in the future. Pisi, your expectations are too high. 】

[...I'm sorry, I understand. It's best if you haven't prepared and set off yet. I have something to do with the 18th clan leader. I will use Alice No. 0 to summon them at once. It is not a peaceful thing, but although their level is good

, but unlike professional combatants living in the city, apart from the equipment they wear every day, they don’t have any other personal weapons or standing props. Can you give them five minutes to prepare mentally?】

[Understood. However, what should we do if the new queen in the clan is given a higher level than the clan leader and is stronger than the clan leader? 】

[There is still that kind of thing... Then send it together. If your abilities other than strength are better, consider changing the clan leader. 】

【I understand.】

After hanging up with Megaris, Crounpis connected his soul to Luna. How can he just shake people? Of course, he also needs to shake equipment. It's rare to have so many monsters, but they have to be moved out of the way to have no chance of bringing them to the battlefield.

, a guy with a "death-and-death" mentality who can't see any real reputation should give it a try.

Of course, forget about the Star Destroyer Cannon. That thing will definitely be able to crush one-fifth of the planet's volume. Although there are currently several people who can crush the planet, Crounpis knows them, but this one is different from that one. I hope it won't happen.

Use the opportunity.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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