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Chapter 129 Please enter the mandatory level for the next group

After Crounpis was ready to summon the "minions", she began to contact Luna to see if there was any equipment that could double the combat power of the "minions".

[Luna, Pisi, I have an emergency here. Do you have any subordinates from Alice Contract No. 0? 】

[Pissy, um, no. But I can call him directly using teleportation magic. Which of the contract partners of Alice No. 0 are going to be summoned by Pisi? What can be done immediately? Are they the troops or equipment needed to deal with that big tree?

[Haha, Luna really understands. What I’m looking for is the 18th patriarch of Titania. Well... you should look for the treants and tree spirits who are good at transporting. Prepare enough chariot scrolls and chariots for them.

Staff, and prepare three of Sophia's heavy magic cannons.】

[I see, Pease wants a cannon named after Star.]

[Don’t be kidding, Star Safia is star sapphire, and Sophia heavy artillery is sophia. Are the pronunciations of sapphire and sophia very similar? It is indeed a bit similar. 】

[Who told Pisi to always be lazy and look for legendary allusions when naming names? Our names come from game comics, I know it very well, but those are also references to similar literature, right? 】

[Don’t worry about the small details, um... Cain, Abel, Seth, that’s all. If there is teleportation magic, can it be done in five minutes? 】

[Yes, but if Adam and Eve are not dealt with by the way, is there room for the battle that Pisi is currently dealing with? 】

[Yes, and I am afraid that the two early prototypes of the same model will explode.]

[So I said not to dispose of it... Since Pisi plans to use reliable ones, I will prepare them. 】

[Luna makes sense. If our competitors see that our weapons are unreliable, will they relax their vigilance or become more aggressive, Luna, what do you think?]

[Let Pi Si judge this on the spot.]


But all the preparations were done out of sight of Crownpis, and they were quickly carried out and prepared after she gave the order.

Then, Crownpis accepted everything and threw herself into the battlefield.


Canopy maze c——

This group beat the final boss five and a half hours later than maze A.

The final boss of the maze named "Self Devourer" is a giant dragon with seven heads.

The seven heads represent the seven attributes of fire, wind, water, thunder, earth, light, and darkness. They can release breath and magic that match their respective attributes, and can also use powerful physical attacks, and cannot rely on existing magic theories and races.

Theoretical explanation, first sight of special attacks that are difficult to defend against.

Whenever HP is depleted to a certain level, the seven-headed dragon will split into seven separate dragons and act separately. Not only will they attack the team that challenges them, but they will also bite and devour each other as a group, forming a double-headed dragon.

The dragon, the four-headed dragon, finally transformed back into the seven-headed dragon. The division of the already weak dragons made them each have less HP. It seemed easy to defeat them, but the most troublesome thing is that if they failed to be defeated, they merged successfully.

The individual HP will be reset to full!

Although there is still residual health before devouring it, it is not something that players can easily defeat before then. The best strategy is to ignore the multi-headed dragon that has started to reorganize, and give priority to attacking the first single one when it is an odd number.

The first dragon, or the two-headed dragon with the lowest HP in even numbers, can be defeated in one go with restrained attribute attacks, but this will inevitably hit a few more HP gauges. Let Ainz shout "garbage production".

Perhaps this is the reason why it is named "self devourer" even though it looks like a multi-headed dragon.

Even so, with the efforts of Ainz, Mordred, Andist, Miyu, Shiloe, and Jack, four hours after maze A was cleared, the Self-Eater was almost transformed into a complete one.

's corpse.

The lolita cheered a little, but mostly they breathed a sigh of relief. The characteristic of splitting and reorganizing is really too bad.

Before the corpse disappeared, Ainz, as the only one with an infinite backpack, quickly collected all the drops and immediately used the skill: "[create undead] - follow the zombies."

[Create undead] Most games are different from reality. Reality requires corpses. In the game, this skill creates undead out of thin air. Follower zombies are a bit special. Both in the game and in reality, they are made from corpses.

The undead created have the same level as the corpse in life, but will lose the abilities that the zombie race cannot possess in life.

The previous experiments with the mid-boss were successful, but they were all worn out in the battle. But Ainz felt that things that could not be done in the game could be done here. In addition to the different rules, his level was actually higher than that of the mid-boss.

Or similar reasons, what will be the result if the target is of a higher level than him?

It's rare to see a corpse of this level. [Create Undead] still has one-third of the number of uses left today. It would be a shame not to try it.

Because it was just the same level of undead as directly driving the dead, and there were no exaggerated special effects, several dragon corpses started to move after quickly losing water in their bodies.

"Hmph, can you control all the dragons at once? Are they still one individual? Okay, let me see if you combine them... It's really possible." Ainz looked at the zombie dragons that had been reorganized into seven dragons and felt a little surprised.

Wouldn't it be possible to lose the unique racial abilities that existed when you became a zombie? Or is it because the undead also have an evolutionary line that can be aggregated to become larger and more advanced undead, so the zombie seven-headed dragon can also do this?

"Hey, Ainz, are you planning to use this as a mount? Hahahaha!"

Ainz saw Mordred looking like he wanted to laugh, but he didn't think there was anything strange about what he was doing. Ainz had never used an undead dragon as a mount in the past. It wasn't that he couldn't do it, but that he couldn't ride a dragon.

Benefits. For the natives, riding a dragon is indeed practical in providing combat power and mobility. However, the native dragons are weak in front of him, and their flying is not as smooth as his own. They are not very stable when they are too loud.

It’s uncomfortable to sit up too. It’s really nothing but pretense. It’s not that Ainz doesn’t like pretense, but is he an undead person who likes this kind of pretense?

Just as he was about to say something, and was thinking about future contacts and next steps, suddenly there was a distortion in the air, and everyone's eyes fell into darkness.

When the vision recovered, I found that everyone was falling!

"Is it a plot arrangement to bring the self-eater back to life and become a mount? No, is it a coincidence?"

Even if you fall from a high altitude, since everyone here is capable of climbing to the canopy on their own, you should naturally have a safe landing method.

But Ainz still offered his hand, stood on the dragon's back, and picked up the flightless Mordred, Shiloe, and Jack one by one.

(to be continued)

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