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Chapter 40 Parasitic Plants: Dreine Flowers

Crounpis deliberately acted like a parent in front of Varudo and Granbell.

There can be no consequences between humans and fairies. You can just treat it as having fun, that's what I mean.

How could Cronpis give the "living figures" he made to original humans?

Granbell turned red and ignored it for now.

Varudo seemed quite embarrassed: "My father lives near the royal city, it's not very convenient."

"Does that mean I have to disguise myself? Is there any problem with me 'appreciating' the count as Mr. Fluder's quasi-disciple?"

"I think it's okay."

"Then, today's dinner party is over, let's almost say goodbye." Clawnpis followed suit and put the cutlery on both sides of the plate.

"Want dessert?"

"What? Are there any more desserts? Bring me some more."


In the carriage on the way back——

"They said this was dessert?" Crownpis opened the package, shook the glass jar in his hand, and squinted at the several dark sausages in the jar.

"...Ah, if you add sugar, that's it." Melissa replied subconsciously. After thinking about it, she mustered up the courage to ask, "Excuse me, how will my family and I be treated in the future?"

"You? Ah, I forgot to introduce you. To be honest, I quite like you. Just eat this." Crounpis took out a sea urchin-shaped dark green ball from his infinite backpack and threw it away.

To Melissa on the other side.

"Ah, this, what is this? Won't it pierce the throat?" Holding the small ball, she felt the sharpness of the dense hairs on the small ball, and Melisa opened her eyes in fear.

"Don't worry, generally speaking, it will become soft when it comes into contact with water, but I will make it as hard as possible, so don't resist. There are never too many talents. I just hope that you will study harder and harder until you can help

We are studying the extent of magic, so I don’t need to tell you what to do next, be careful to disembowel him, hee hee." Crownpis threatened with a smile.

"No, it's not just this problem..."

Merriface understands her natural ability and can see the magic power, but she cannot see the magic power contained in the magic props, that is, she can only see the blue groove of the creature. So why can she see this little ball covered with needles?

The blue slot?

Isn't the answer - this little ball is actually a monster?

Melifiss was thinking about what she should do. Should she bring back the information she obtained here? Should she also let more people know that there are such terrifying monsters hiding in the aristocratic and magic circles of the imperial capital? According to

The situation may require the formation of a subjugation team, but is there really anyone who can defeat them? Even Fluder Paradine, whose personal reputation is as famous as that of the "Thirteen Heroes", is also an accomplice.

If you eat this thing, can you sacrifice yourself to spread the information? Maybe you can, but——

No! Who wants to die for such a thing!

Since as a noble, Melifiss is naturally not a kind and righteous person. If she dies, it will be over. No matter whether others can be saved or whether the madman and villain will be punished, she can't see her.

Who wants to sacrifice the happiness and peace of others to make a wedding dress?

If anyone dared to accuse her like this, she would definitely reply: If you have the ability, try to die for me. If you have the courage to sacrifice and sacrifice, I want to live and live, then everyone will be happy.

"Although I don't think I'm good at observing people's emotions, Melifis, your uneasiness and struggle are all written on your face. You've thought about it a lot? Are all children so mature?" Clawnpis approached Melifis.

In front of Si's face with rich and changing expressions, she grinned.

"Ah?" Even though she knew she was a monster, she was still a little unconvinced by being looked down upon like this.

In this world, children of common people start their families early due to lack of education, and nobles are by no means all given to spoiled young men and eldest ladies. In order to ensure their future status, enlightened nobles will educate their children early, and it is not impossible to even encourage them.

Merriface, who is classified as a "genius", has received an elite education and is naturally very confident in her abilities at this age.

When Melphis opened her mouth to say "Huh?", Crounpis quickly threw the sea urchin-shaped ball into Melphis's mouth.

The seemingly hard hair softened when it encountered saliva. To be precise, it came alive. Like a centipede's feet, it crawled up in Merriface's mouth, penetrated into her throat, and penetrated into her stomach.

Then, Merriface's eyes lost their brightness for a moment, and her whole body trembled and convulsed as if she had received an electric shock.

"Ah, ah? It didn't have this effect when tested on mice. Is it a problem with body size? Sure enough, just like drug testing, sufficient human experiments must be done before putting it into production, right? Da-chan, because there are all elves there.

So you are reluctant to use it? You won't die, right? Hey, hey, if you have to use resurrection magic at your level, you may not be able to succeed~" Crounpis shook Melifee who was shaking in place nervously.


It was the seed of a parasitic plant-type monster called the Delaine flower.

The Delaine flower is an indigenous monster. It is currently known that most of them are distributed in the forests in the southwest corner of the human sphere of influence on the mainland. Their appearance is similar to the Lycoris red flower on the earth. There are quite many petals. In the end, seeds like that will grow and sow.

The way is similar to chestnut.

But since the word parasitism is emphasized, there are naturally differences - sea urchin-shaped seeds will survive immediately if they fall on the land with enough moisture, and attached animals will also survive, but the latter will be a bit tragic.

There is no fatal part of the Dryen flower, but the problem is that it will influence the thoughts of parasitic animals to guide their behavior in a direction that is beneficial to themselves - for example, before death, go to a place that is conducive to the reproduction of the next generation, but if the nutrients of the parasite are not as good as

If you absorb the part from the monster, you will die, but the probability is not high. Unless you are starving to the point of death due to lack of nutrition, at most it will only slightly increase the parasite's demand for food.

In terms of flowering period, there is an essential difference between autochthonous and parasitic. Autochthonous is a one-year period, while parasitic is a flower that drains the nutrients of the parasite and then uses the accumulated nutrients to bloom vigorously, breaking out of the parasite's body, just like parasitizing in a butterfly larvae.

Like bees, the more nutrients they receive, the more flowers and fruits they will produce.

Delaine flower is not strong. If it touches the dry skin of animals, there is almost no possibility of activation. However, there is no shortage of amphibians and monsters in the primitive forest, and they are almost harmless to humans, even if they are directly inserted into the body.

, as long as the nutrition can be ensured, it will not be a big deal if it remains in the body. Delayinhua understands the importance of symbiosis and sustainable development.

(to be continued)

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