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Chapter 41 Spiritual Induction

The Delayflower is not a powerful monster and is almost harmless to humans. Even if it is unfortunately parasitized, it usually will not die. The Delayflower understands the importance of symbiosis and sustainable development.

Of course, even if you really can't stand being parasitized, there is no problem. Once you find it, go to the temple and spend a few silver coins to find a priest who can use low-level purification techniques to cast magic to get rid of the parasitic plants and make them fall off (abnormal status)

released) and excreted together with feces.

During the course of her studies in the Elf Kingdom, the great elf also collected a lot of seeds of Dreiin flowers in the forest. This was just a part of her learning and acquisition of various knowledge and techniques.

Although he didn't know if it would be useful, the big goblin took a serious attitude of not letting go of the opportunity. After finding some seeds and conducting various experiments, he packaged and sent ten of them. The time was when Crounpith was studying the languages ​​of various countries in the empire.


Crownpis used various small animals or good soil as a breeding ground for these seeds, and carefully used a little bit of [life frenz] to quickly cultivate and reproduce them for several generations, trying to see if they could rely on the "strong man's power"

They were upgraded based on the popular theory that most of their offspring will have good talents. Because the Dreien flower will die after all its seeds fall out, so [life frenz] forced a lot of parameters to be improved before it was temporary, so it should be considered "

"Get stronger", right?

As a result, after a few minutes of experiment, the ratio of harvest rate to sowing rate was: 1. A few seeds in the first generation had subtle changes, which surprised Crounpisi. The experiment was conducted once a day, and the seeds were removed in four months.

The level of the most vigorous period when it grows into a flower has been increased to level 15.

That’s it, there’s no way to improve it in any way.

Speaking of which, ordinary humans (as opposed to humans with extraordinary talents and natural abilities) can only reach level 15 at most by exhausting everything they have. Is this proof of inferior creatures? When the indigenous dryads were first born, they were all the same.

Level 15, but by observing Penny Xun and her companions, the possibility of upgrading has been confirmed, which is essentially different from the lower-level creatures of Zenith Star, which are only level 15.

The pinnacle of inferiority is the starting point of superiority. It is truly an insurmountable gap.

But what made Crownpiss a little discouraged and annoyed at the time was——

During her study of foreign languages, she also traveled to the Top Forest and the Dwarf Kingdom during her break. She bought these seeds, as well as some low-level treasures from dragons and other things from the human mass market, to buy from demi-humans.

people's hearts.

As a result, Bellufine and the others directly used the Delaine flowers as food ingredients and said they tasted good. It was no big deal to feed the seeds to the wise king and dragons of the forest.

It seems that the Delaine Flower can only affect beings of a lower level than it, and it cannot be changed even if it "flowers" from the center of the body.

There is no way, all the seeds that meet the standard level are processed with [memory operation [odif or]], so that they can guide the behavior of the parasite in a direction that is beneficial to Crounpith. Let's make do with it. It can be used now.

It's just that it's difficult to make people willing to stuff something like this into their mouths that makes them feel like they're piercing their throats.

In fact, Crounpisi has wanted to use it for a long time. In the library, she carefully used the extremely skilled [ass har speies] in a way that would not be discovered by the teacher. However, the level is too low now, so it is guaranteed not to be possible.

Being noticed by the magic teacher would only make Melphis feel that Crounpis was "too cute" at best.

Within ten seconds, Merriface collapsed on her seat like a puppet with its strings cut off.

"Phew, he's still alive. It seems that his HP has been depleted a little but it's not a serious problem." Crounpis breathed a sigh of relief.

After a while, Merriface's eyelids moved, as if she had just woken up, she slowly opened her eyes and got up.

"Ah, eh? I fell asleep? Ah, it seemed like just now?!" Melphis fumbled back and forth between her neck and stomach in panic, but the memory just now has not disappeared.

The current level of Crounpith is very low, and it is impossible to use [memory operation [odif or]] to erase the memory.

In the same way, it is even more impossible to modify other people's memories and permanently manipulate them, which is why such a troublesome method as Delayin Flower is used.

"Meliphis, from now on, study hard and strive to become Fluder's disciple to assist in research. Please don't treat what happened tonight as if it didn't happen, but please take it into the coffin." Cronpis said.

"...Oh, I know." Melissa was stunned for a moment, as if she felt a vague tightening in her stomach, and replied hurriedly.

You have already swallowed it, so you can only agree, right?

Besides, becoming Fluder's disciple is something that Melphis longed for in the first place. As long as she obeys well, she can be guaranteed in the future.

According to human standards, it is a monster. Its civilian status is very low, but after all, it is only human standards. However, it is common sense that humans are weak creatures. Otherwise, there would not be easy to increase the strength and accept strong human beings, adventurers who are dedicated to eliminating monsters.

Professional existence.

That is a monster that humans cannot defeat. It is absolutely impossible for the "Thirteen Heroes" to come out again. It is absolutely impossible to kill such a cute goblin.

"Wait, wait, what's going on?" Melissa realized that something was wrong with her mind and held her temples.

It is a cute monster, but it is also... the enemy of mankind. If it hides a secret like this, if the incident comes to light, will I be considered a co-culprit? Sure enough, I should...

"Ah, haha~" Melissa felt dizzy and weak and shook her head.

"Merriphis, you'd better not resist this feeling," Crownpiss said very seriously, stretching out her toes and kicking Meliphis's ankles, "If you push me head-on, in addition to increasing your

The mental drain becomes more tiring and harder to resist, with no other consequences."

This is of course a lie, but objectively speaking, people like Merriface, who is not high-level and cannot resist, will cause those symptoms.

"Mind...control?" Melphis whispered.

"No, the mind control magic of low-level magic can only last for a short time. You should have learned this level of knowledge if you can use attack magic, so I implanted a monster in your body." Crown

Pisi smiled and touched Melphis's belly.

"..." Meliphis immediately pinched the place where Crounpis had touched just now. Of course she couldn't feel anything, but she didn't dare to move or think about it anymore.

If she doesn't concentrate hard, Melphis will not be able to think of anything bad to do to Crownpis. Even if she remembers that she might do something for the safety of mankind, once she relaxes, she will immediately subconsciously

Find various reasons for yourself to make the image of Crounpis cute in your mind...

(to be continued)

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