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Chapter 275 Two Sadores

Haruna and Juno led Ainz and his party to the gate.

Ainz looked at the entrance and nodded slightly in realization: "I see, it's a maze."

"Eh? The maze? They let us enter the maze despite being invited to a dinner party. What on earth were they thinking? Could it be..." Mercette said worriedly.

"Captain Feifei, although they seem to open the maze as an entertainment facility. While setting up treasures in the maze for challengers to get, they seem to have set up teleportation points connected to ground service facilities. That should be fine, but I feel like this door is now open.

It's obviously different from when I came to see it yesterday, and it's a bit strange. Should we still go?" Plantona whispered.

The undead are not a race that can be treated kindly in this world. Not long ago, Ainz said that he felt detection skills on the field and failed to resist. Although there were other means, not much information should be exposed, but with this country showing

Their strength and race must have been exposed, will they...

Haruna showed no anger towards this suspicion. Many newcomers had doubts. She explained kindly: "The guests' worries are not unnecessary. This door is indeed the entrance to the maze, but it can also be connected to other guests depending on the situation."

I'll go in first to the guests' room, and everyone please come with us."

She and Juno nodded and disappeared through the door.

"I see. Could this be—" Ainz looked at the door and remembered that the facilities on the ninth and tenth floors of his own Great Tomb of Nazarick a long time ago were mostly living facilities that had nothing to do with the labyrinth challenge. Even though they were virtual, they could still be used.

Serves as a place for guild members to relax and entertain friends.

Besides, he went out of his way to show off his so-called magnanimity and used a way to gain popularity in the finals to fight and win the championship, which also has meaning beyond prestige and making money.

Such a country that has many controversies but constantly shows friendliness to the outside world cannot be so shameless towards a popular champion, right?

Ainz stepped into the door, Mercet followed closely behind, and Plantona hesitated for two seconds before following.

Mesette and Plantona were stunned by what they saw before their eyes.

It is actually a beautiful and windy place, and the road stretches ruggedly through the forest and grassland where the sun shines and the breeze blows.

Ainz was unfazed by this. In addition to the fact that the skeleton-type undead have the most stable mental characteristics, he has never forgotten the Great Tomb of Nazarick. Although everything there is a texture, the world in the maze is more realistic than here.

It was close, but he didn't want to give in too much. Besides, he had also participated in a maze strategy battle where the game turned into reality, so he knew that this kind of thing could happen in reality.

"Is there a similar place in this world? It's just that the people in this world may have used unique skills and massive resources to build it. Besides, this may not be the underground of the Demon City," Ainz thought.

In fact, this is really the 90th floor underground of the maze.

Not long after, the jungle came to an end, and a luxurious mansion with a vast garden appeared in their sight. The shape seemed to oppress those who came.

"Please come in." x 2

Haruna and Juno will open the huge double door, bow and invite Ainz and his entourage in. Their tour of leading the way ends here.

Kumagama Tamamo, who had changed into a more gorgeous short kimono, greeted you inside: "You are here, Rimuru-sama has hosted a banquet inside and is waiting for you."

"Hmm, won't the legendary 'beautiful monster princess' come to participate?"

"You seem to have a certain personal relationship with the master, but the king of this country is Lord Rimuru. The master does not like to use his true identity to participate in things that represent the Demon Kingdom. Please bear with me."

"That's it, then I'll make another appointment."

Under the leadership of the Nine Demons Tamamo, Ainz walked around various halls and corridors, looking at the various furnishings. Unlike the other two who commented on the level of craftsmanship here, he, who was the most powerful, noticed that many of the decorations here were of various types.

There is a maze mechanism, but it is currently closed.

The road outside plus this bungalow seems a bit inadequate as a maze map. It should be close to the room of the guard boss.

"Is this your domain?" Ainz asked the Nine Demon Tamamo.

"This is my current home... Having said that, the owner of the labyrinth is the Demon King Ramiris, and the slave family was invited by her to serve as the guardian of the 81st to 90th floors and the gatekeeper boss of the 90th floor. This

In this martial arts competition, the slave family also wanted to test their strength in practicing hard to live up to their status and realize their wishes. Unexpectedly, I lost to you in the first round, and I am extremely ashamed."

"I see. I can see how much care you put into the layout of this place. If you perform your duties here, you will definitely cause me a lot of trouble."

"Thank you. But I understand my shortcomings. I have a grudging request. Can you tell me?"

"If there is still enough time on the road ahead, let me listen and see."

"Your ability to defeat the generals in the martial arts competition has moved the slave family. Excuse me...can I become your disciple?"

"Haha, hahahahaha..." Ainz laughed heartily, without any malice of course, "Sorry, I lost my temper. I'm not making fun of your lack of strength and determination, it just reminded me of some past events."

Plantona glanced at Mercette, who looked back with a look that said, "This won't happen again."

"There are conditions for being my disciple. Miss Tamamo Zao, you do meet most of the conditions. But I am not the one who makes the decision here, but I will remember your words first." Ainz added.

"I understand...we're here, right here."


It was Rimuru's dinner time. Although he planned to talk alone with Ainz, who was called "the same kind" by Cronpis, Ainz must have no idea about the food here. It seemed that he only wanted to eat without anyone.

I would be embarrassed that I couldn't eat, but I agreed with consideration.

"Although it's not the first time we've met, let's officially say we've met for the first time. I'm King Hekatia Tempest of the Demon Kingdom, and Demon King Rimuru."

Then Rimuru deliberately switched to Japanese and continued: "By the way, my real name is Mikami Satoru (Sadoru), and I used to be an office worker."

He had no intention of hiding this matter for a long time. The Familia didn't care about his race in his previous life. Calling him a human in his previous life also served as a barrier to communication between humans and demons. Now it has another effect.

"Hello, my registered name as an adventurer is Momon as you know, but my real name is Ainz Ooal Gown, and my real name is Suzuki Satoru (Sadoru)."

To people who don't understand Japanese, they will only hear the word "Sadoru", which is not a strange pronunciation in this world.

(to be continued)

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