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Chapter 276: The Meal of the Past Lives

Rimuru and Ainz faced each other face to face, and each revealed his past life identity in a way that only Neon people could understand.

In this world where time-travelers can come from various planes, and reincarnations do not exist and are easy to cheat, it is also good to be open about your identity. They all think so.

At the same time, Ainz also introduced the past lives of unrelated parties to Rimuru, Mesette and Plantona.

Rimuru invited them to sit down. After fully confirming that the other party was a Neon person, he took out various sushi and tempura from several tables of food stored in the [stomach bag] and sent them to the table.

"Hmm, Your Majesty Rimuru, did you prepare these dishes because you knew about my race?" Ainz said. If you knew it completely, you would feel very malicious.

"It's okay, Mr. Gong, you can give it a try. You might be surprised. This part is specially prepared for you and your wife." Rimuru pointed the plates that were placed on one side of Ainz and Messette towards them.

Moved a little.

Messette swallowed the non-existent saliva. As an undead person who had a poor sense of taste but could at least swallow, she first picked up the fork next to the chopsticks and put a piece of sushi in her mouth to chew. Her eyes suddenly widened.

Said: "Ainz, I can actually eat the taste I had before I was born! This... maybe Ainz can eat it too!"

"Then, I'm going to start." Although Ainz still complained a little, "My chin won't leak out?", Mercette, who seemed to have no sense of taste as a living person, looked happy after eating, and couldn't help but smile slightly.

He lifted up his mask, picked up the chopsticks that hadn't been used for an unknown amount of time, picked up the sushi and put it into his mouth.

Unexpectedly, the sushi, which was obviously solid food, actually melted in his mouth, and the taste actually penetrated the bones and penetrated into the marrow. He, who had no sense of taste, directly experienced the delicious taste of real food in the depths of his soul that he had never experienced in his previous life.

But this excitement was immediately suppressed by the "forced unhappiness" green light. Every time Ainz took a bite, he was forced to suppress his emotions, which made him a little stunned. He used this as a reference to find someone who would not be unhappy.

Suppressed enjoyment balance point.

"By the way, what are Mr. Gong's plans regarding rewards?" Rimuru asked.

"Your Majesty, are you talking about the rewards for the position of the 'Four Heavenly Kings'?" Mesette looked up at Ainz and said to Rimuru with a slightly dissatisfied tone, "We have inquired about the treatment of the other three 'Four Heavenly Kings'.

If you use this as the standard, don’t you think it’s too low?”

“Indeed, many aspects of the level of treatment accorded to cronies in this country are confusing,” Plantona agreed.

"Oh, that's what you're talking about." Rimuru remembered that the Demon Kingdom had indeed always had problems with paying work remuneration to the dependents, but there was a reasonable excuse for this. "It is true that the remuneration of many high-ranking officials and important positions seems to be very low, and some are still

They find extra money to spend outside of their duties, but they have all followed me since the founding of the Demon Kingdom, or paid a lump sum equivalent to a lifetime reward when they made a contract with me. You should understand that this world gives monsters names and

What is the meaning and value of giving a spiritual life body a physical body? If we want to formally discuss the subsequent work contract, it will have to be at least dozens or more than a thousand years later.

"If I can offer you the salary you want, will you accept my employment?"

"If it is the position of the 'Four Heavenly Kings', please forgive me for rejecting it."

Rimuru was stunned for a moment, suddenly realized, and said: "Well, if you are the same kind as me, you must also know the meaning of the fourth person of the 'Four Heavenly Kings', then let's put it another way, if there is a job suitable for you in the Demon Kingdom

, the remuneration can also guarantee to meet your expectations, Mr. Gong, are you willing to accept the employment?"

Rimuru only knew some basic information about Ainz, but considering the role of Amanda, who is equivalent to a close relative of the race, in Clayman, he believed that there are places in the Demon Kingdom that are quite suitable for undead people like Ainz to work.


Of course, outsiders who do not have a family or soul contract relationship cannot easily enter the center of the demon kingdom upon first meeting, but existences like Ainz can, for example, add combat power and a terrifying atmosphere to the maze, and increase the labor force needed to expand the transportation network and develop the demon industry.

Yes, they are all very good.

"Hmm." Ainz raised his chin and pretended to think.

He has some plans recently.

As a monster, if you meet the conditions required for the Demon King species and collect more than 10,000 souls, and more than 100,000 souls of the family members, you can advance to the true Demon King and possibly gain ultimate abilities. Not many people know this information, but it is possible.

It was not deliberately hidden from the world.

During this period of time, he had already asked himself and Mesette to complete the conditions for becoming a demon king. However, if he had to kill ten thousand people, no matter what type of race he was, he would definitely be targeted if he was weak and weak. He knew this.

There are some very powerful individuals in the world, and we don’t want to make too many enemies.

They also tried to sacrifice the undead that could be created every day, but those were not recognized by the "Voice of the World".

"I heard that a war may break out with the East recently. If you are willing to hire me as a mercenary and the remuneration is suitable, I can consider it." Ainz said.

"Well... let's discuss it later. Now let's enjoy our delicious food." Rimuru said.

He is not so conceited that he can push back the Eastern Empire without any harm. Let’s not talk about absorbing combat power. If the other party’s behavior and actions do not touch Rimuru’s bottom line and negative scale, Rimuru still hopes to make friends as much as possible.


Ainz was also attracted by the delicious food that he had never tasted in his previous life, and they shared the same interest in talking about how his experience as a social animal could improve his life after reincarnation.

In this way, they each gained new friends for the time being.


The last day of the founding ceremony——

Crownpis was in a good mood because she easily achieved part of her combat objectives in the martial arts tournament.

But the root cause has not yet been eradicated, and the next step is to conduct an experiment to block Otsutsuki's ability to resurrect.

Although she does not intend to directly participate in anything related to the politics of the Demon Kingdom as Kumo Tamamo said, she is still very willing to increase her popularity through variety shows and entertainment activities. Such activities are also easier to spread her existence factors than engaging in politics.

As a result, the finals of the King of Kitchen Competition took place in the arena that had gained a lot of popularity due to the martial arts competition not long ago.

Of course, it was rearranged for this game, and there was no chilling atmosphere.

"Hi! Audiences, you've been waiting for a long time!" Crounpis held the microphone and raised his hand in front of the crowded audience and shouted loudly, "Not long ago, a much-anticipated martial arts competition was held here. Although today's competition is not powerful,

The collision and smoke of gunfire, but it must be equally wonderful, it is a delicious dance-King of Kitchen Competition, finals!"

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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