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Chapter 6 Brothers and Sisters

During classes at the Magic Academy, you will learn knowledge about monsters, so Crounpis somewhat despises Melphis's questions.

Seeing the contemptuous look, Melifis became a little nervous: "Because - you communicate more with women, and I think Master Crounpis is also quite interested in His Highness Tajiks, but you have never made a move against him.


Crounpis continued to despise: "Humph, you misunderstood. I do communicate more with women than men, but this is just that I tend to be closer to my appearance (Crounpis is androgynous but looks more like a woman)

Biological communication, Melyphis, can you imagine yourself talking freely with other races?"

Melifiss quickly shook her head. In the empire, all races other than humans are slaves, even races similar to humans. Meliphises, who was born into a noble family, naturally cannot imagine herself talking to slaves who are used to extract value.


"That's right. As for the Tajiks I'm interested in, he's a prince, right? It's too early for me to shake the national system. Can't you even see that? You."

"But His Highness Tajiks is not the Crown Prince? Is it better to say that he is being trained as a military talent?"

"Everything in the world is unpredictable. What if the political situation changes one day?"

"But now that the crown prince is so powerful, that possibility is real..."

"Idiot, after gaining military power, you can order the soldiers to kill all the powerless nobles, right? Even if there are a few powerful nobles like you, there are also many similar people in the army. What is this possibility?


"Is that so?" Although Melphis knew the importance of strength, it seemed to be common sense for human aristocrats to give priority to power and financial resources. In the history of this human country, there has never been a military coup.

, there is no reference basis and no judgment can be made.

"Merriface, our lifespan is very long. This country will have to consider it a hundred years later. Get used to it early. If you use this extraterrestrial power to cause something that shouldn't be caused, you will be wiped out."

"...Understood. Did you think so far ahead?"

"...Let's go." Crownpis continued to wander.


Yayaka, who was leaning on the back of the reef to avoid the waves, received the message from Crounpith that she refused to go with her, so she could only chop the water surface in frustration, creating a few ripples.

"Tch, I thought that even if I was discovered, I would be able to find a few people to accompany me and get scolded."

She became a little angry when she recalled her previous conversation with Brother Max. What do you mean by not leaving the prescribed range of activities in order to ensure military secrets? Have you disclosed a detailed combat plan? Besides, this transportation is except for the single-line sea route with the empire.

In a place with almost no other way out, would there still be enemy scouts? Even if there were, it would be impossible for them to bring the news back across the distance of an empire.

We've been bored on the boat all this time, and we haven't been able to stretch ourselves out when we get to the shore. Are you kidding us?

I am different from those children who have a 100% seasickness rate. Perhaps due to the influence of my natural abilities, although I have fainted in carriages, I have never been seasick. Even if I am not allowed to move, I will get sick even if I am healthy.

"Anyway, just go back before dark."

Yayaka climbed onto the rocks, tightened her hands again and straddled her back - a magic wand that was taller than her own height. Since she was going out related to war, the weapon must not be left carelessly. She still had this level of awareness.


Then, she jumped onto the wave on the other side of the reef and rode the wave forward quickly.

"Although it basically only brings inconvenience to me in life, it is really fun at this time." Yayaka, who was "surfing", thought happily while blowing the sea breeze.

After a while, she looked back at the port dock getting further and further away.

"As long as it gets dark, it will be no problem. The direction of the tide changes around that time, well, I remember, no problem."

If there is really no other way, she can also use the magic scroll that she bought for a little more than one gold coin as a precaution, but that is the last resort. If the battle situation goes bad, she will still use that to escape, no matter what.

What kind of promotion trial is it? If you lose your life in battle, you will lose everything.

Yayaka rode the waves and moved along the steep coastline, watching the changing scenery along the way with interest.

I don't know how long it took, maybe two or three classes, but she followed the direction of the waves and entered a small bay. At the innermost side, there was a huge cave and a huge dock-type building.

There were many small ships docked around them that looked cheap at first sight, but they were marked with the coat of arms of the empire and were filled with the corpses of some monsters or some ores.

There were some dwarves around loading those fresh-looking corpses of monsters and ores onto the ship.

"Dockyard? A dwarven dock? Bigger than the empire's dock? What are they doing? Are these the things the empire wants to buy?"

Due to her family background, Yayaka knew something about military operations. She knew that in addition to protecting the goods to be loaded on the Water Dragon, the people brought by the Water Dragon also had to take over one batch and come here multiple times to receive another batch.

Is this the small fleet of cargo ships?

Let's go in and take a look.

Yayaka made small steps with her feet like a little thief, hiding around rocks, ships, dock buildings and other obstacles, avoiding the sight of the dock staff, and leaned against the outer wall of the dock.

"Huh? Is that brother?"

Captain Max was seen walking side by side with a dwarf, and came into Yayaka's field of vision along the walkway of the pier. She quickly shrank her body behind the wall pillar.

"The speed of ship construction is very impressive." It was the old man's voice.

"Hoho, of course, it's thanks to the favor of the empire. 'That' is very useful."

"Oh, is it really useful? After all, 'that' is easy to obtain, costs almost nothing, and does not require any wages, food, clothing, housing, or transportation. It is free labor that works around the clock."

What, what, such labor? Even if you are a slave, you can't survive being squeezed like this, right? After hearing those words, Yayaka was confused and shocked.

"But there are still some problems." It was the voice of the dwarf.

"What's the problem?" the old man's voice said.

"It's just that 'that' can't recognize the owner. If 'that' is ordered to 'beat someone'... In fact, a friend of mine gave a similar order when he was drunk, and almost died."

"How is that possible? Isn't the highest priority order to prohibit attacks?" The old man's voice also revealed surprise.

(to be continued)

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