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Chapter 7: The out-of-date advanced design is stupid

Captain Max was somewhat surprised by the dwarf’s complaint: “Isn’t ‘that’’s top priority order to prohibit attacks?”

"That's what it is, but 'that' doesn't have the ability to distinguish between people and things. In order to make 'that' work, we have taught all kinds of abilities, including how to use hammers, saws, axes and other tools, but

These tools can not only be used for work, but can also be used to hit people. Even if the purpose is to work, these tools can still hurt people when they are thrown on them. Alas." The dwarf's voice revealed helplessness.

"I see, there is such a problem."

"If there weren't these problems, then the labor force would be perfect. Look at my belly. It's only because I got 'that' to work for me as a worker that it became so big. As a result, I got scolded by my wife, haha!"

Yayaka was full of curiosity about what "that" was.

It can't be a wooden doll, right? The Imperial Ministry of Magic has many wooden dolls, which are ultra-simplified versions of Graeme. Wooden dolls do have the advantages and disadvantages mentioned by the dwarf before.

However, it is definitely not a wooden doll. The price of a wooden doll is at least a few hundred gold coins, and it requires regular charging of magic power to operate properly. The manufacturing time is also high, and it does not meet the characteristics mentioned by the brother at all.

At this time, Captain Max seemed to feel something. He glanced at the pillars on the outer wall of the dock, but only saw a splash of water.

"Is there anything over there?"

"Maybe it's a fish? Sometimes there are fish that hit nearby."

"Really? Speaking of which -" Captain Max glanced at the huge shipyard, "Does it take such a large shipyard to build these ships?"

The demand for sea-going ships in this era was not large, so large shipyards where multiple ships were built at the same time did not exist. Therefore, Captain Max, who visited the dwarf shipyard for the first time, had questions.

"This is the dock where we develop new ships." The dwarf replied.

"Oh, what kind of new ship is it?" Captain Max was a little interested.

"Unfortunately, I happen to not be the person in charge of this project. Haha."

At this time, Yayaka, who struggled to resist her own extraordinary buoyancy, grabbed the wall pillar and dived into the water, clenching her teeth. She was complaining and rejoicing in her heart——

"Brother deserves to be a first-class warrior. He is so sharp. If I hadn't been forced to train every day after school every day in the past few years by the devil muscle instructor hired by my father to develop arm strength of hundreds of kilograms, I wouldn't have been able to hide.


Although she managed it for a while, she didn't know that the situation outside was also dangerous for a sudden rise. Not wanting to lose face, she just squeezed in through the drainage outlet near the wall pillar and poked her head out of the water in the dock.

"Wow ah ah..."

Yayaka, who had to raise her head high, saw a huge ship. Although it could not be measured accurately, it was definitely much longer than the Galen sailboat, and it must be more than a hundred meters long!

What makes Yayaka a little strange is that such a long ship should have five or six masts for hanging sails, right? But this ship only has three masts, and they are not evenly arranged in the front, middle and back of the ship, but

Somewhat awkwardly squeezed into the middle and rear of the boat.

Even considering the length of the ship, with such an arrangement, the masts will not appear too crowded, but it is still very strange. Is there any problem with the balance and speed of such a ship?

She could tell that this was a warship because of the spearguns protruding from the small windows visible from the side of the ship, but were there too few weapons? It seemed to her that hundreds of guns could be arranged on such a large side.

We have the above guns, but there are only thirty on each side.

Is the design unreasonable? Of course, it is possible that this is just a large cargo ship with certain defensive weapons?

Seeing that there was no one around, Yayaka, who was born into a noble family of the Imperial Navy, could not hold back her curiosity, surfaced from the water, jumped onto the workbench, set up a ladder without permission, and climbed onto the ship.

"Oh oh oh, so wide and big!" Yayaka discovered that the ship was not only longer, but also much wider than the Galen sailboat, nearly twenty meters? Considering the balance, the hull was lengthened and widened accordingly.

Of course.

And Yayaka, who was standing on the deck, also got the answer to the reason why the mast was arranged like this——

The positions where the first and second masts should have been originally occupied were occupied by two huge square boxes. The front box was wider than the rear box, and the rear box was one box higher than the front box.

The end of the square box facing the bow of the ship has three openings, and a huge metal pipe is inserted into each opening. The metal pipes vaguely reveal the light of magic.

Yayaka grabbed the opening of the pipe and tried to climb it, and found that such a large opening seemed like she could fit her entire body inside.

There is also a pair of the same device at the rear of the boat, also in the same three-unit configuration.

There are also high and low similar things arranged on both sides of the cabin amidships, but compared to the huge multi-units at the bow and stern, the similar devices at the midships are a bit smaller, and there are also large spear guns that Yayaka knows mixed in among them.


"The bases of this square box are all round... Could it be... that they can be rotated? Could it be that this huge magic metal tube... is the same weapon as a spear gun? It can shoot and

Does such a large pipe match a huge speargun?”

Then, Yayaka instinctively calculated the advantages and disadvantages of this firepower layout design to see if it was suitable for use in the design of imperial warships?

This mode of stair-step layout with all main firepower on the center line and only secondary firepower on the side lines can maximize the use of firepower on one side of the battleship. However, there are many shortcomings -

This layout requires elongating the ship body, increasing consumables, occupying the sail arrangement area used as sailing power, reducing the number of sails, and affecting the speed and stability;

Although the range of spearguns and ballistas is higher than the magic range, the range is still not very large, and enemies are often encountered on both sides. At this time, the arrangement of concentrating firepower on one side becomes a disadvantage;

How to give such a large turret the power to rotate is also a big problem. Is it necessary to allocate enough additional manpower?

To sum up, there is nothing worthy of imitation in the design of this ship. I really don’t know where the dwarf’s brain went wrong to design such a layout that is neither good nor useful.

"Well, let's take a look inside the cabin." Yayaka jumped off the turret and walked towards the door of the cabin.

"Hey~ Is anyone there? Excuse me." For fear of being discovered by the boatman who might show up, Yayaka called softly towards the door.

He deceived himself into thinking that he had already been informed, and if it was a crime to go in, then he could use this as an excuse to excuse himself.

"It seems there is really no one. Maybe it was shelved because of problems with the design of the ship." She muttered to herself and disappeared through the cabin door.

(to be continued)

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