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Chapter 8 The Mysterious Ship Full of Undead

If there are people on Earth from the 20th century onwards, they will be able to see that although this is a wooden ship, its appearance is basically that of a 20th century (smaller) battleship, except that a few more masts have been added to the ship.

Just a sail.

Many of the warships of that era were somewhat similar to the clipper ship type. Crownpis originally contracted the clipper ship project to the Dwarf Kingdom, but she felt that the simple clipper ship was not exciting enough, so she decided to design the clipper ship.

On the other hand, they simply imposed the layout of the battleship's cabin and turret, and let the last few newly born level 30 goblins in the Top Forest supervise the production.

The frost giant looks huge and clumsy, but in fact he is very skilled in craftsmanship. Even the transmission gears, tenon joints, and dovetail joints can be polished quite well. Under the guidance of the dwarf, he made two small two-masted clipper boats (later used as fishing boats).

After using it), I started to build a big ship, and it was actually built.

It was completed a year ago, and sea trials and some bug fixes are also being done, but it only includes problems when starting the ship, and testing of other functions, because some of them can't keep up (anyway, this product is a bit ahead of the times), and

It's been put on hold for now.

Only a few trustworthy dwarves participated in the plan, and those responsible for the construction were undead controlled by giants and other elves (the level 30 elves were newly added with elves that replaced necromancy plants).

As for the attitude of the top management of the Dwarf Kingdom - as usual, find an opportunity to take pictures with a spiritual magician, and say that it has nothing to do with you here, and treat it as renting this place, and will pay you the rent. That is enough.

But Crownpis, who has never personally managed it, has neglected the confidentiality of research and development. In other words, with the capabilities of the dwarf country, building a port and dock requires spending money. The level of confidentiality that can be achieved is

There is only a wall between ships and foreigners.

"Ah sneeze!" Crounpis, who was chatting with a dwarf who was supervising the skeleton moving bricks, suddenly sneezed.

"Huh? Do fairies also catch colds?" Melphis complained as she watched.

"No, could it be that someone is talking about me?" A slightly embarrassed Crounpis said, rubbing his nose.

"Well, your body is the capital of your work. It's not okay if you don't take good care of your body." The dwarf reminded him kindly.

"Since the body is the capital of revolution...the capital of work, then don't just watch the skeletons working. How about taking this time to learn skills?" Crounpis pointed at the skeletons who were moving bricks, "Is it possible?

Isn’t it because you didn’t study hard in the past that you can only do this kind of unskilled job where you can’t even afford a drink?”

"Ah, yes." The dwarf seemed to be lost in memories, and said with a smile after coming back to his senses, "But things are different now. Since the opening of the maritime trade route, the prices of food and wine in our country have dropped all at once, so I

I also have some spare money to buy wine, haha.”

After hearing these words, Crownpis couldn't help but smile. She was the one who proposed this trade idea in the first place. Even though no one knew about it, no one thanked her for it, which made her somewhat happy.

"Here, here you go." Crounpis, who was in a slightly better mood, took out a handful of copper coins and handed them to the dwarf, "Think of it as extra drink money."

"Um, this?"

"It doesn't matter, chatting with me about these gossips, I'm happy."

"Then, when I use this money to drink, I will think of you."

After pouring a pile of copper coins into the dwarf's hands, Crounpisi walked straight forward, waving his right hand: "Then, goodbye."

"Is this okay? Give more favors to those who have become happier because of your unconditional dedication, Master Crounpiss." asked Melphis, who hurriedly followed.

In the past few years, Merriface and Crown Peace had been getting along, chatting intentionally or unintentionally, and she knew to some extent some of Crown Peace's insignificant "glorious deeds".

"There's nothing wrong with it, I'm happy." Crounpis said casually.

I was in a good mood just now, so I threw a handful of small coins at random, just like throwing food at random when you see cute animals while wandering around the zoo.


Yayaka swam around from the cabin to the bridge, and then swam to the cabin below the deck.

She found that the place corresponding to the turret was surrounded by independent rooms. Could it be that that was the cabin where the huge turret was rotated and loaded? She still did not resist her curiosity and opened the unlocked door.

In the dark room, I saw a lot of figures!

"Ugh, excuse me!" She was so frightened that she quickly closed the door.

What I saw just now was a human figure, right? It seemed like its eyes were glowing with fire? And it was a bit strange that there was no follow-up after closing the door like this.

With a nervous heart and mentally prepared to take a closer look no matter what, she opened the door for the second time.

After her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she saw clearly. She screamed, took a few steps back, and fell to the ground.

Inside is - skeletons, many skeletons, forming a circle around a huge turntable, holding the handle on the turntable, as if ready to push or pull the turntable at any time, is this the way to rotate the turret above?

However, Yayaka has no time to think about this now. Although she has learned knowledge and magic in the magic academy, and her daily exercise has made her body very strong, she suddenly saw a large group of undead and met them for the first time.

Yes, she had no resistance to the negative energy that threatened her life. She was so scared that she backed away. She accidentally missed the step and fell down the steps behind her.

After rolling several times, the good physical training I had developed in the past took effect. The subject stopped on the steps. Then, he screamed "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" on the spot. He rolled again, and continued to roll until he reached the bottom.

Rolling over and over again due to inertia and panic, he hit the door of the person on the steps and managed to stop himself.

On the lower floor, she saw another group of undead, who seemed to be looking after some cylindrical objects. Directly below the turret, there was a device similar to a waterwheel, except that the "waterwheel"

Equipped with a crank handle, which is held by a skeleton, the "water wheel" seems to be able to transport those cylindrical objects to it.

Could it be that the cylindrical object contains fuel that triggers ignition? Is it ready to be mounted on a spear gun and fired together?

If Yayaka still had time to spare, she would probably think so.

The undead she met this time was a little different from the ones she met before. The empty-handed skeletons reacted to her presence, and the red light in their eyes flickered.

Although there was no attack, Yayaka was not at ease. She stood up holding on to the door handle behind her, grasped the wand behind her back, and was ready for any eventuality. Then she suddenly realized something...

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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