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Chapter 133 Private goods time

 A sentence that tells the truth!

As a person involved, Su Shi couldn't help but be a little confused.

Is this okay?

If you really say it, this sentence is suspected of being in contempt of court!

Xu Zhiqian, who was standing next to Zhang Fei, was also dumbfounded. Zhang Fei's words just now really frightened her out of her wits. It took a moment for her to react, and she whispered: "You are really amazing!"

Zhang Fei winked at her proudly.

"This brat!"

Sima Guang couldn't help laughing and scolding, "He is holding the literati hostage to make him the prefect!"

Wang Anshi chuckled and said, "I told you that it has nothing to do with me."

Mr. Lu glanced at the two culprits and saw that they were still there, as if they were gloating about their misfortune. He was really angry.

He became irritable when he saw Zhang Fei, because he really didn't want to give it.

But Zhang Fei's complaint made him have to give it.

Because this feudal society is very particular about class status.

The people hearing the case today are all great writers and young scholars. Almost without exception, they are all scholars.

If you don't accept Zhang Fei's complaint, will these scholar-bureaucrats and literati feel happy?

Although many of them don't like Zhang Fei, this time Zhang Fei is actually helping them fight the lawsuit!

It is related to the vital interests of literati.

I gave it last time, but I won’t give it this time. If word gets out, where will the literati put their face?

Feelings: The status of our literati is not as good as that of a yamen servant?

This must be given!

The government officials brought up long tables and benches.


Directly in front of Zhang Fei and Xu Zhiqian.

The difference in attitude does not need to be seen, even the pores can feel it.

Mr. Lu pretended not to see it.

Zhang Fei didn't care at all, and said with a smile: "Brothers, can you please put them aside for a little bit? What virtues and abilities do ordinary people have? How dare they sit across from the magistrate?"

The police officers glanced at Mr. Lu.

Lu Gongzhu also felt that he was also the prefect and a neutral role. If he sat across from one party, it would create a feeling of fighting in an arena.

This is different from the last time, where Zhang Fei sued the court and sat across from the chief judge, which suited the atmosphere.

Lu Gongzhu nodded slightly and then waved gently.

Brother Cha understood this and glared at Zhang Fei: "Move it yourself."

Just step aside.

Wow... why are you so petty? Zhang Fei quickly looked down at Mr. Lu, and then showed his manly demeanor by rejecting Xu Zhiqian's request for help and moving the long table and bench to the side alone.

Because there were too many people hearing the case, the hall would definitely not be able to fit in. In addition, the spring sun was shining brightly, and the courtroom was located in the front yard, so the space was still large enough.

After sitting down with Xu Zhiqian, Xu Zhiqian placed the articles on the table in an orderly manner.

"Show me a copy of your pleading."

Zhang Fei whispered.

Xu Zhiqian immediately handed Zhang Fei a copy of the pleading she had written.

In fact, Zhang Fei didn't even read the paper. He just dictated his thoughts, but Xu Zhiqian decided how to write it. After all, the two had collaborated so many times, and he still trusted Xu Zhiqian very much.

After watching for a while, Zhang Fei raised his head and began to defend himself, "Just now, the prefect said that Jijuxian's bookstore has admitted to pirated printing of the poems of my client, Mr. Su Shi?"

Mr. Lu nodded.

He had no intention of letting the shopkeeper from Jujuxian go to court to argue, because Zhang Fei's accusation could offend him in a big or small way, and Lu Gongzhu was also afraid of letting the shopkeeper go to court and ask Zhang Fei questions again.

After all, Zhang Fei’s questioning skills are still fresh in his memory!

If you can't do it, don't do it.

Zhang Fei said: "But because Mr. Su is an official of the imperial court, his status is quite special, and because of his status, it has caused a lot of discussion, so the common people still think it is necessary to explain why Mr. Su hired the common people to sue the gathering.

Xian, so as not to cause misunderstanding and damage Mr. Su's reputation."


Su Shi, who saw Zhang Fei litigating for the first time, nodded frequently.

This is very necessary.

Indeed, many people have disputes about this, thinking that Su Shi was too fussy and did not have the magnanimity of a scholar.

Of course, Mr. Lu also heard these remarks, so he nodded and said: "Okay! I will give you some time to explain this matter."

"Thank you, Prefect."

Zhang Fei looked at the paper and said, "Actually...it has been written very clearly on the paper. The beginning and end have been changed, the pronunciation and meaning have been changed, the pronunciation and meaning have been changed, the omissions have been omitted, and the details have been distorted, which has led to misunderstandings."

After reading this, he suddenly asked in a low voice: "Ms. Xu, what do you mean by these words?"

Xu Zhiqian almost collapsed, "Didn't you read it?"

After she finishes writing, she will definitely show it to Zhang Fei.

"Uh... I've seen it, but I didn't say I fully understood it! Please tell me more quickly!"

Xu Zhiqian is really drunk. You trust me too much.

"The general meaning is to add changes and take quotes out of context to cause readers to misunderstand."

"Very good! That's pretty much what I wanted to express."

Zhang Fei raised his head and found that it was strangely quiet inside and outside the courtyard. He could only see the government officials, the literati and dandies watching at the door, all looking at the two of them in bewilderment.

Mr. Lu was used to the two of them chatting in private, but most people here had never seen such a lawsuit.

They were all dumbfounded.

What are you doing?

Talk about love?

Zhang Fei, who has always liked open court trials, felt for the first time that he would have to apply for a closed trial next time.

Little did we know that it would be difficult to return to closed-door trials now.

After all, before anyone else came to complain, the hearing seats had already been reserved.


Zhang Fei coughed twice tactically, and then asked Lu Gongzhu: "I wonder if the prefect agrees with these sentences?"

Lu Gongzhu nodded and said: "If it weren't for these few words, I would not have opened a court to hear this case."

Zhang Fei nodded and said: "I believe that in addition to the prefect, everyone here should also agree that this kind of pirated printing behavior by Ji Juxian will cause great harm to Mr. Su's reputation.

However, everyone must understand that Mr. Su did not use his position and power to stop this behavior, or to secretly retaliate against Juxian. If Mr. Su did this, it would undoubtedly be bending the law for personal gain.

Because this matter is not within the scope of his authority, even if he has this power, according to the rules of the court, he should choose to avoid suspicion. For the sake of fairness, Mr. Su chose to hire me to recover his rights and interests for him in court.


There is no more appropriate way to deal with it than this. When an official conflicts with the people, he chooses to go to court. This is the true selflessness, this is the true gentleman, and this is the glory of our Song Dynasty.

I have heard that many people are dissatisfied with this, and I think those who say these things are ignorant and extremely shameless, and are just villains."

The speaker is thoughtful, and the listener is even more thoughtful!

Fu Bi and Han Qi immediately stared at him.

Who are you scolding?

Almost at the same time, there was a burst of cheers and cheers outside the door.

"well said!"

"That's really good to say. I think so too."

"Mr. Su is truly a gentleman."


Su Shi asked someone with an ear pen to sue Jijuxian, which indeed caused a lot of controversy.

Many people thought that what Su Shi did was ungentlemanly and aggressive.

Is this what you would do if you pirated a few of your poems?

At the same time, more people supported Su Shi, and the two sides were quarreling.

Now, after Zhang Fei’s argument, this is precisely the embodiment of demeanor, and this is precisely the embodiment of a gentleman.

Su Shi's status is countless times higher than that of the bookseller. He could use his power and connections to stop this behavior, but he chose to go to court and use legal means to resolve it. Isn't this selfless?

Those who support Su Shi, of course, want to applaud Zhang Fei's argument, but they are also venting their anger for themselves!

Han Qi stroked his beard and said, "What he said makes sense."

Fu Bi also looked ashamed and remained silent.


Mr. Lu patted the gavel.

It immediately fell silent outside the courtyard gate.

Zhang Fei suddenly looked around and said loudly: "I hope that more officials will come to me to file a lawsuit in the future. Only in this way can we show that justice has been done and fairness and justice have been done. Instead of sowing discord secretly or relying on

Power does not allow anyone to interact with so and so, and uses some dirty means to retaliate and oppress the people. This kind of behavior is called a lack of grace, a hypocrite, despicable, shameless, shameless, and crazy.

Extremely vicious, uh..."

As he spoke, he was panting a little, and suddenly whispered to Xu Zhiqian: "Quick, quick, help me add a few words, I don't have enough brain."

Xu Zhiqian tried her best to hold back her smile, "I'll help you add something, and it's enough."

"You're so useless!"

Zhang Fei said in annoyance again: "It's true that when the book is put to use, you will regret it less!"


It gradually became quiet inside and outside the hospital.

All eyes were focused on Zhang Fei.

Is he really complaining about Mr. Su?

It doesn’t look like it!

It was as if he was complaining about himself.

When his law firm opened its doors a few days ago, there was not a single guest. Of course everyone knew what was going on.

This guy is clearly criticizing Sang and Huai!

What about professional ethics?

Su Shi standing next to him was really trembling with fear. He regretted how many people he would offend after this lawsuit!

God knows if Sansi will be angry with him.

You must know that he is just a little brother now, and these elders cannot afford to offend him!

If someone asks for money in a lawsuit, it will cost you your life!

However, Wang Anshi, who hates evil and hates evil, silently applauded him. If it were not for his status, he would have applauded and shouted for Zhang Fei.

Sima Guang was thoughtful.

If there is a dispute between officials and the people, they must go to court...!

Good boy, you really treat me as your own in Kaifeng Mansion! Mr. Lu was so angry that he was itching his teeth. How could you go to your boss to make trouble? What are you calling me for? , I will make the decision for you."

Don't criticize Sang and Huai. If you have the ability, just say it clearly.

Zhang Fei opened a page of text: "For example, Wang Sinong back then..."


This move of the carbine killed Mr. Lu so much that he almost spat out a mouthful of blood. He hurriedly said: "This is settled, and you want justice. What else can you say?"

He thought that Zhang Fei must be alluding to the Third Division. You have the ability, but you named him by name and made insinuations in the court of Kaifeng Mansion. It was really unreasonable. Who would have thought that this guy didn't follow martial ethics and brought up Wang Sinong's restraint dispute.

This incident really made everyone in the Kaifeng Mansion so happy that they wanted to die, and Mr. Lu never wanted to mention this matter again in his life.

Lu Gongzhu was really afraid that this guy would use the topic to his advantage, so he warned him again: "Don't ramble on about this."

"Young people obey your orders!"

Zhang Fei flipped through the article again, "Therefore, Mr. Su hired me to file a lawsuit to defend justice and his own rights and interests with fairness. This is absolutely understandable.

However, Jijuxian sought personal gain for himself at the expense of harming Mr. Su's reputation and interests. This behavior is very shameful and infringes on Mr. Su's interests. Therefore, on behalf of Mr. Su, I hereby seek compensation from Jijuxian. Qian Guan must be compensated."

There was an uproar immediately inside and outside the hospital.

This chapter has been completed!
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