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Chapter 134 Sky-high claim

 If it weren't for the uproar at the door, Lu Gongzhu would have thought that he had heard wrongly.

A thousand strings?

What a good guy!

Not to mention the surprise of the scholars who were watching in front of the courtyard gate, even Han Qi and Fu Bi looked at Zhang Fei in surprise.

As for Su Shi's poor poetry collection, if he could make a hundred dollars, he would have to burn high incense.

Your mouth is worth a thousand guan.

I'm afraid that the grass bandits will have to call you daddy when they see you!

Litigation stick!

A complete litigator!

This is even more excessive than the original one. After all, the victim of the attack, Weada, was indeed physically injured, and it would even affect his future work.

Su Shi himself was not harmed at all, he was just a thief, but Zhang Fei wanted to pay a thousand gu in compensation.

Su Shi, the person involved, was also dumbfounded.

He felt embarrassed about the amount of the claim.

It's too much!

Su Zhe couldn't stand it anymore and whispered: "Brother, how can you claim so much money?"


Su Shi stamped his foot hard and said with an aggrieved look on his face: "This... this has nothing to do with being a brother."

Su Che asked curiously: "He helped his brother fight the lawsuit, how could it have nothing to do with him?"

Su Shi was very ashamed and said: "At that time, he asked for a hundred thousand dollars in reward, and I didn't have that much money, so he said that the compensation for this lawsuit was the reward I gave him. But I never expected that he would ask for a thousand dollars."


He really didn't expect that Zhang Fei would be so cruel.

Because even if the entire Jijuxian was sold, there wouldn't be so much money.

How much can a small bookstore be worth?

He thought at that time that the most he could do was double it, to about two hundred guan, and it couldn't be more.

Are you protecting my reputation or are you destroying my reputation?

This thousand dollars had nothing to do with him, but Zhang Fei did claim compensation on his behalf.

He is really incomprehensible.

What an injustice!

Su Zhe sighed: "I told you a long time ago that brother is asking for trouble. It's too late to regret now."

Su Shi was about to cry. He had already felt the angry looks from Fu Bi, Wen Yanbo and others.

Even his younger brother guessed that he asked for it, let alone outsiders.

He originally wanted to stand up and stop this lawsuit, but he also believed that Lu Gongzhu would not agree to such a high claim amount.

It just doesn’t make sense!

Just wait and see.

"Quiet! Quiet!"

Lu Gongzhu took three photos of the gavel in a row. After all, it was spring, the weather was warmer, and the side effects of taking photos of the gavel were relatively small.

After it was quiet, Lu Gongzhu asked Zhang Fei with a look of disbelief on his face: "Why do you claim a thousand guan? As for the benefits Ji Juxian gained from Su Shi's collection of poems, I have already found out, but it is only a mere 30 guan."

Once this gap emerged, Zhang Fei almost did not arouse the outrage of both humans and gods.

If you really want to steal money, you are not as shameless as you.

Su Shi felt a little lonely. Do I only buy this little collection of poems?

Zhang Fei, however, replied righteously: "What the prefect said is wrong. The amount of compensation should not be calculated based on the benefits gained from gathering virtuous people, but should be calculated based on the losses of the victims. Therefore, the benefits gained from gathering virtuous people are different from those of small people."

The people’s claim for compensation actually doesn’t have much to do with it.”

Although what he said made sense, Mr. Lu was very curious and couldn't help asking: "But I wonder what Su Shi lost in this incident?"

Zhang Fei said: "The risks taken."


Mr. Lu was a little confused.

How to determine the loss of this risk?

Currently there are not so many regulations.

In most contemporary laws, compensation is calculated based on specific losses.

Zhang Fei asked: "I would like to ask the prefect if the government can provide concrete evidence to prove that every poem in this collection of poems was written by Mr. Su, or that each poem was not written by Mr. Su."

Lu Gongzhu pondered for a while and said: "This is not easy to prove! The only thing the government can prove is that two of them were written by Su Shi in the Zhishi Museum, which are recorded in the eucalyptus."

"The prefect's words make sense."

Zhang Fei nodded and said: "I think so too. This is indeed difficult to prove. If I were asked to identify it, the only thing I can identify is the song "The Jade Girl Shakes the Immortal Pendant·Beauty" by Liu Yong.


Su Shi felt a little unhappy after hearing this, "What do you mean, kid? I'm not as good as Liu Laoqi?"

He then heard Zhang Fei explain: "This poem was once sold to a singing prostitute at a high price, and both parties had a contract to prove it. However, for many poems, it is difficult to find concrete evidence to prove who wrote them.

.Fortunately, the literati in our dynasty all have character and will not randomly recognize other people's poems."


This kid doesn’t look so hateful!

The literati sitting here couldn't help but give Zhang Fei admiring glances.

Zhang Fei smiled with respect and admiration, quietly stretched his hand to the side, and whispered: "Text number!"

Xu Zhiqian immediately found a copy of the article and handed it to him.

Zhang Fei took the article and said, "This article is about some officials in the past dynasties who were demoted and killed because of their poems and articles."

After speaking, he turned it over and read: "One of the very famous cases is about Wang Bo, the great poet of the Tang Dynasty. He was convicted and dismissed from office because of his "Cockfighting Cry"."

As he spoke, he looked up at Mr. Lu and asked, "Does the prefect know about this?"

Mr. Lu nodded, "Of course I know this, and this can explain it."

Zhang Fei replied: "Suppose that no one knows about this, and the bookseller slightly changed the name of the article "Cockfighting" and then put it into Mr. Su's collection of poems, which aroused the anger of the court and wanted to take it away.

If Mr. Su is convicted, what should we do if no evidence can be found to prove that this was not written by Mr. Su?"

After this discussion, Han Qi and Fu Bi, who had been angry just now, could not help but frown and think.

The people sitting here are all writers and intellectuals, and they are very sensitive and afraid of this kind of thing.

Although there is no such thing as literary prison at present, people who were punished for poetry and articles actually existed in all dynasties, but it was not that serious. By the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it was completely expanded. Writing a poem casually could become a crime.

Thousands of people are gone.

Lu Gongzhu frowned and said: "If it involves human lives or official positions, the court will find out clearly and will not convict casually."

"But the prefect also said just now that it is difficult to prove such a thing. Besides."

Zhang Fei glanced at him and said: "Everyone sitting here is a scholar. I believe that we should also understand what people's words are terrible. Some lies, as they are passed around, they become true. First of all, it is difficult to prove it now.

, who is the real author of a poem? In this case, this phenomenon of piracy may cause big problems.

Usually the pirates themselves don't know much about poetry and articles, and they are very likely to be copying other people's pirated copies. This can easily lead to spreading falsehoods and falsehoods, which is very scary.

Because when a hundred booksellers put a poem that is not yours into your collection, it may become yours. If something happens, the victim will be unable to defend himself!"

When everyone sitting here heard this, they all thought about it carefully and felt terrified.

This sounds really terrible.

A hundred different booksellers publish poetry collections that all contain the same poem. You say it’s not yours?

Can the government be trusted?

Zhang Fei continued: "Mr. Su was a Jinshi when he was weak. His talent was deeply appreciated by many ministers in the court, and his official career was bright. If his career was frustrated because of a bad work, his career would be ruined.

The loss is more than one thousand guan.

We can't wait until a few years or more than ten years after this happened to make a claim. It doesn't make much sense anymore, because as far as Mr. Su is concerned, he has already lost his most precious years.

As far as the Song Dynasty is concerned, we may have lost a pillar of the country. At that time, whether it was a thousand guans or ten thousand guans, what was the point?

Xiaomin knew that the prefect would think that this claim was too harsh and excessive, and that it was no different from extortion. But Xiaomin believed that Xiaomin's claim was completely based on respecting the principles and spirit of legislation, because the law is more

It is to prevent, stop, and intimidate, not to punish.

It is also in line with our dynasty’s ancestral laws and policies to prevent abuses.

If Xiaomin just claims twenty or thirty dollars, what's the point? Of course, I also know that Jixianju has no intention of harming Mr. Su. He just wants to make profits. But if you are not careful, or you are selfish,

It may hurt other people's lives, so the law must tell you to be careful."

Su Shi, who had regretted his mistake just now, now said to Su Zhe in a sullen voice: "Third brother, did you invite the wrong person for me?"

Su Zhe suddenly woke up and realized that his back was already wet. He glanced at his brother, nodded, and said, "This man really deserves his reputation!"

This has frightened everyone sitting here. You must know that those sitting here listening to the trial are all prime ministers, great writers, and great poets.

They suddenly felt that this claim was not excessive at all.


After all, this is related to their vital interests.

And this is indeed scary, and it is indeed possible.

This is by no means an alarmist statement.

Lu Gongzhu, who was also a civil servant, of course had a deep understanding of it. He nodded slightly and said: "Although what you said makes sense, Jijuxian simply cannot afford so much money to compensate!"

Zhang Fei immediately said: "This can be discussed later, but we must pursue the highest compensation, because this matter is actually very, very scary for Mr. Su."

Listening to his tone, Mr. Lu seemed to have room for relaxation, so let's discuss it further in the hall. Suddenly he thought of something and said, "I thought this was enough for this, but I don't know what you said in the paper about making a coat."

Where do we start talking about books and coats?"

The lawsuit is almost over at this point. In this case, it is nothing more than a claim for compensation. The crime of making a jacket, a letter, and a letter is really not an ordinary crime.

Zhang Fei said seriously: "Jijuxian's piracy of printing has damaged the foundation of our country and will naturally harm Mr. Su. If it is not controlled in time, the consequences will be disastrous."

This chapter has been completed!
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