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Chapter 215

 Shenzong issued an edict to maintain the old agreement.

Where the deed tax is paid back, the tax must be paid in accordance with the law.

This immediately aroused fierce opposition from many ministers in the DPRK and China. They believed that this would not help ease the situation, but would instead further worsen the situation and cause more public dissatisfaction.

But Shenzong remained unmoved.

The reformists led by Wang Anshi naturally fought back in the court. The court collected taxes in accordance with the law. What was wrong with it?

You are so excited, maybe you are also evading taxes.

He even reported to Shenzong that he would investigate the taxes of those ministers who opposed the imperial taxation.

Of course, Shenzong ignored this.

If this is investigated, there will be no end in sight.

This made Fu Bi and other old officials of Qingli very worried, as if the Qingli party struggle was already around the corner.

They knew very well why Wang Anshi refused to give in, and they also knew why the other party was aggressive.

There is no solution to this problem.

As a conservative, Sima Guang has not made any remarks on this. He has been busy with legal aid matters.

Very smooth.

In fact, not everyone agrees with this matter. Many people have reservations or even oppose it.

This is clearly a recipe for litigation.

Erbi Zhang San, who has a lot of misdeeds, is still vivid in my mind.

Instead of suppressing litigation, litigation will arise.

Isn't this putting the cart before the horse?

But the timing is so good, it's the lesser of these two evils.

Now everyone is united to fight against Wang Anshi. If this matter is brought up again and distracts everyone, Wang Anshi may succeed.

Furthermore, Sima Guang occupies the moral high ground. Even if there is no litigation, just like before, the people will still suffer if they can't afford tea and food for people to write petitions. This is not fair. People who are illiterate and illiterate,

It is already at a disadvantage when it comes to litigation.

Nowadays, the court can provide this kind of help to the people without spending any money, and it can also gain a good reputation, so why not do it.

This was also supported by Zhao Pian, Wen Yanbo, Fan Chunren, Su Shi, Su Che and others.


Wang Anshi even cried with envy. They were all reforms, so why were they so different?

Hanlin Academy.

Sima Guang, who was on duty at the last shift, was sitting in the house, reading books on litigation.

Although he had decided to promote legal aid and give legal status to litigation, he still had some reservations in his heart. He looked at some of the views on litigation in the past dynasties to see if the ills caused by litigation could be avoided.

Suddenly, the door opened from the outside.

Sima Guang looked up and saw Wang Anshi walking in angrily.

The two of them looked at each other.

One lowered his head and continued to read, while the other tilted his face to one side proudly.

It's such a tacit understanding.

After a while, Wang Anshi came up and sat opposite Sima Guang and asked, "Why are you here?"

Sima Guang replied without raising his head: "The political hall is too noisy."

Wang Anshi looked around and said sarcastically: "Isn't it noisy here?"

Sima Guang closed the book and said, "It's a bit noisy now."

Wang Anshi glanced at Sima Guang and asked, "You have been relatively quiet recently. Are you plotting some conspiracy secretly?"

Sima Guang chuckled: "You may not be able to stop this conspiracy, so do you still need a conspiracy?"

Wang Anshi asked: "What conspiracy?"

Sima Guang asked: "Do you have to collect this summer tax now?"

Wang Anshi nodded: "Not bad."

Sima Guang said: "What should you do if someone secretly instigates those subordinate officials to take the opportunity to exploit the people and arouse greater public resentment?"

Wang Anshi dismissed it: "How dare they stand under the emperor's feet."

Sima Guang smiled and said: "Don't forget that it was you who forced them to pay the taxes. Those tenant farmers couldn't pay the taxes, so they had no choice but to use any means."

Before Wang Anshi started the reform, he had already thought about this day.

Using history as a mirror, we can know the routine.

Wang Anshi said: "Sima Junshi, you are also involved in political affairs. You know that they will do this, but you are waiting for me to laugh. Do you think you are bending the law for personal gain?"

Sima Guang said: "Remember I told you a long time ago that to govern a country, you must first govern the officials. If the officials do not govern well, good laws will turn into bad laws. What's more, you can't even talk about good laws."

Wang Anshi said: "Let's wait and see."

After saying this, he stood up and left.

After leaving the Hanlin Academy, Wang Anshi hurriedly found Lu Huiqing and ordered: "Immediately lead the minister to inspect the payment of summer taxes, and don't let anyone interfere with it."

Why did he set up the Ordinance Department of the Second Government and set up the position of the Interests and Interests Officer? This was the way to prevent it. He expected that there would definitely be problems in implementation, but this matter was not in his plan. For a moment, he

Just forgot about it.

Lu Huiqing understood immediately upon hearing this, "My mentor is probably worried that someone will take the opportunity to cause trouble."

Wang Anshi nodded.

Lu Huiqing said: "Teacher, don't worry, the students will not give them a chance."

When Lu Huiqing was about to go out, Wang Anshi suddenly stopped Lu Huiqing and said, "Wait a minute."

Lu Huiqing turned around and asked, "Master, do you have any other instructions?"

"No, no!"

Wang Anshi shook his head repeatedly and said, "You can't do this!"

Lu Huiqing asked: "What did my teacher say?"

Wang Anshi said: "I have promised before that if the people do not increase taxes and the state uses rations, the new law will not get the support of the landlords. If there is no public support, it will not be successful."

Lu Huiqing immediately said: "But this matter has benefited many people. They do not have to bear the taxes that do not belong to their own land in vain. In comparison, the taxes borne by the tenant farmers are not worth mentioning at all. Besides, they

This is also tax evasion, and it is natural for them to pay taxes."

Wang Anshi sighed: "That's true, but if we go to call for tax payments, we will be on the opposite side of the people. This is absolutely unacceptable."

Having said this, he shook his head and sighed: "It's my fault too, for being so impatient that I ignored this."

Lu Huiqing said: "But if orders are changed overnight, there will be endless troubles."

"I also know that taxes must be collected."

Wang Anshi nodded and said: "But don't go and collect the taxes first. You should first take people with the Kaifeng Mansion to conduct a comprehensive survey to find out the current plight of the tenant farmers. Is this instigated by someone behind or are they really living a poor life?"

Difficult, we have to find a way to calculate this money on those landowners."

After being provoked by Sima Guang, he calmed down. The idea of ​​his new law was to reduce the burden on the people, while increasing the tax revenue of the wealthy gentry and landlords to fill the national treasury.

Tax transfer is something he must prevent. If he forces people to pay taxes in order to seek his own authority, this is tantamount to putting the cart before the horse.

It is absolutely necessary. His new law must win the support of public opinion.

He must not let this happen.

As for Shenzong Zhao Xu, although he firmly supports Wang Anshi on the surface, he now has another choice.

There are three people sitting at this card table.

That night, Zhao Xu quietly ordered someone to summon Zhang Fei into the palace.

Zhao Xu asked directly: "What do you think about this matter?"

Zhang Fei replied: "I think if this matter is not resolved, Your Majesty will always be trapped here."

Zhao Xu nodded and said: "You are right. This is what I am worried about. As long as I make a little move, they can threaten me. In the end, I can only follow the light corvee and low tax. But the imperial court's light corvee

What’s the point of having a small amount of money, but the landlords are getting worse and worse? I will never do that.”

Why he supports Wang Anshi and not Sima Guang is also an important reason. The imperial court is light on corvee and low on taxes, and the national tax revenue will definitely decrease, which will give the landlords more space to squeeze, which will make the landlords richer and the court more

Poverty and wealth are linked to power.

Without money, even the army cannot be mobilized.

With that said, he looked at Zhang Fei again and said, "Can you solve it?"

Zhang Fei pondered for a while and replied: "Recently I have read through all the laws related to tenant farmers, but without exception, they are all beneficial to the landlords. If you want to fight, you can only break the contract if it is white. However, the court has already stated in advance that as long as you make up for it,

Pay the deed tax and let bygones be bygones."

From a legal point of view, the government and the landlords are one and the same. For example, in the Xingtong of the Song Dynasty, it is clearly stated that if the tenant farmers do not pay taxes, the government will step in to collect the taxes on their behalf.

After Zhao Xu heard this, he couldn't help but frown.

Zhang Fei glanced at Zhao Xu and thought to himself, if I can't help him solve this problem, I'm afraid I won't be qualified to sit on this card table in the future.

Zhao Xu came to him to prove that he was still sitting at the card table and could be relied upon.

But if he couldn't share his worries with Zhao Xu, Zhao Xu would naturally gradually alienate him.

He thought for a while and then said: "Your Majesty, I have two strategies. One strategy can solve the immediate problem, and the other can solve the long-term problem. I wonder which strategy your Majesty would like to hear first?"

Zhao Xu was immediately overjoyed and pondered for a moment, "Listen to Jin You first."

Zhang Fei said: "The key to your Majesty's concern now is that they control the power of public opinion. In fact, many tenant farmers have always been exploited by landlords, but there has never been such a commotion. But now that the court takes action and collects taxes in accordance with the law,

Public opinion is like a torrent. If Your Majesty cannot control the power of public opinion, it will be difficult to reverse the current situation."

Zhao Xu nodded repeatedly when he heard this, and said: "But I only have one mouth, so how can I defeat them?"

Zhang Fei said: "I have a plan that can help your majesty regain the power of public opinion. At least we can draw a tie with them."

Zhao Xu hurriedly said: "Speak quickly."

Zhang Fei said: "Just print and distribute tabloids."

"Publish tabloids?"


Zhang Fei said: "Has your Majesty ever heard of movable type printing?"

Zhao Xu thought for a while and then said: "I've heard of it."

Zhang Fei said: "My genuine bookstore has been studying this technology recently, and now it has matured, and this technology can print articles quickly."

When Zhao Xu heard this, he waved his hands and said: "It's of no use. Public opinion must be reasonable. Even if you print the article on paper, they can still completely refute you."

You must know that he is the number one civil servant in the world. If you compete with them in writing articles, you are crazy.

It would be better to file a lawsuit.

Zhang Fei said: "So this requires a dangerous move, specifically writing about some topics that they dare not debate."

Zhao Xu asked: "For example?"

"For example, scholar-bureaucrats are useless."

"What do you mean by this?"

Zhao Xu looked at Zhang Fei doubtfully.

"Ahem, what I mean is that it is useless to write about scholar-bureaucrats. They are selfish and are thieves of the country. We cannot rely on scholar-bureaucrats."


Zhao Xu broke into a cold sweat when he heard this, "If you write like this, can they let you go?"

Zhang Fei said: "I didn't say I would send it!"

Zhao Xu asked: "Then who will send it?"

"Who would dare to say this except you, Your Majesty?"

"Am I here to send you a message?"

Zhao Xu couldn't help but blush, "Aren't you harming me?"

Zhang Fei said: "How dare you, a commoner? What I mean is that you have to do this secretly and not let them find out. Only you, Your Majesty, have the ability to do it. I can only provide some techniques and ideas."

Zhao Xu immediately glared at him.

If he is caught, he will be doomed. He will offend the world's literati and may even lose his seat on the throne.

However, it is quite satisfying to scold those scholar-bureaucrats.

After thinking about it, Zhao Xu came up with a clever plan, "How about this, I will give you people and money, but you still have to do it."


(End of chapter)

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