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Chapter 216 Moral Kidnapping

 So panicked!

The two people who conspired were all panicked at this time.

Damn, you're playing a little too hard.

If something goes wrong, no one can bear the responsibility.

But it seems quite exciting.

Young people just like excitement.

Zhang Fei said with tears in his eyes: "Your Majesty, if we are caught, the common people will be doomed!"

The implication is that you are the emperor, and if you are caught, they can't do anything to you.

But Zhao Xu thought that since I am the emperor, I cannot bear the blame. This would be bad, so he retorted seriously: "I can protect you, can you protect me?"


Zhang Fei rolled his eyes and said, "Your Majesty has misunderstood. What I meant is that if it is printed in the palace, it will be foolproof."

No one dares to check inside the palace!

Zhao Xu glared at him fiercely, "You"

As soon as the words came out, he seemed to realize that his voice was a bit high. He glanced around guiltily and whispered: "Are you crazy? I want to put aside the idea of ​​printing and distributing tabloids in the palace. It's your idea."

Of course you have to do it, that’s it.”

Please! I have a legitimate profession, and I originally planned to be a serious media tycoon. This tabloid is just helping you with your ideas and doing my shit. Zhang Fei suddenly thought of quitting and said: "Your Majesty, how about we do this again?

Think about it."

Zhao Xu hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, "Don't think about it, just do it."

In fact, he had a lot of dissatisfaction with the scholar-bureaucrats in his heart. He wanted to scold the scholar-bureaucrats for a long time, but he didn't have the guts. The key was to quarrel with each other, which would not be good for anyone. Zhang Fei's strategy touched him unintentionally. Even if the problem could not be solved, there would be a problem.

It’s okay to express the bad anger in your heart!

Before Zhang Fei could refuse, Zhao Xu asked again: "What can we do to resolve our long-term worries?"

Zhang Fei glanced at Zhao Xu depressedly, knowing that he must have taken the blame. He couldn't help sighing to himself, I really brought it upon myself! He replied: "If those tenant farmers really want to appeal, the common people can also do so.

Yes, but the key point is that the tenant farmers dare not file a lawsuit because if they file a lawsuit, they may even lose their livelihood."

Zhao Xu nodded slightly.

Zhang Fei said: "According to the laws of our dynasty, cultivating land is permanent property and the land belongs to the landlord. This cannot be changed. If the livelihood of the tenant farmers cannot be guaranteed, they will always be restricted by them."

Zhao Xu asked: "How can we ensure the livelihood of tenant farmers?"

Zhang Fei said: "We can only rely on business, encourage business development, and create more livelihoods. Only in this way can we weaken the restriction of the landlords on the court."

This issue of means of production must rely on economic principles, and the law cannot solve this problem.

Let’s talk about the matter, landlords are human beings too, and human nature is selfish. If you can earn more, why not earn more, and if you can bear less risks, why not bear less risks?

If everyone were like Xu Zhiqian, there would be no landlords.

Zhao Xu shook his head when he heard this and hummed: "Compared to the landlords, those wealthy businessmen are even more generous and cannot be trusted."

The landlords are already giving people a lot of headaches, and all the wealthy businessmen are coming out. Isn't this asking for trouble?

Zhang Fei said: "Having said that, our government's control over business is far better than the control over agriculture. At the same time, the risks that business brings to the country are far less than agriculture. It is much simpler to start from the business side."

Due to the private ownership of land, the land controlled by the state in the Song Dynasty was only one-tenth of the country's land, and the rest was in the hands of the landlords, powerful men, military officers and other ruling classes.

None of them are easy to mess with.

Land reform is really more difficult than reaching the sky.

On the contrary, the control over business was extremely strict, because the Song Dynasty had a strong prohibition system, and basically all commodities were state-owned.

This resulted in the future taxation ratio of the Song Dynasty, commercial tax accounting for 70%, while agricultural tax accounting for only 30%, which was the only example in the entire feudal society.

Zhao Xu thought it made sense and asked: "In your opinion, how should we start from the business side?"


Zhang Fei immediately replied: "Only by passing laws can we ensure that business development is encouraged while firmly controlling those businessmen."

He must still follow the legal route, but in reforming agriculture, there is too much resistance, there are too many privileged classes, and the court lacks control in this regard. In Zhang Fei's view, it is difficult to move forward.

Business is different.

Salt, iron, wine, etc. are all in the hands of the imperial court. The imperial court is the boss. There is a lot of room for legislation and a lot of room for improvement.

If the imperial court passed legislation to improve commerce and make adjustments to agriculture, it would be hard for anyone to say much.

This is also a question that Zhang Fei has been thinking about recently. Where should the legal system go first to gain the greatest benefits? If there are no benefits, there is no reason to promote the construction of the legal system.

Zhao Xu nodded thoughtfully.

Zhang Fei added: "This time, your Majesty must learn from the imperial court's wrong decision on agriculture and not grant too many privileges. It is best not to grant any privileges at all, and everything must be done in accordance with laws and regulations.

At the same time, it is also necessary to avoid the phenomenon of tenant farmers in business. In terms of labor employment, the court should legislate to properly ensure the interests of laborers, instead of only considering the interests of landlords like tenant farmers. This can also limit the growth of businessmen's power.

When business expanded and manpower was urgently needed, the imperial court turned around and reorganized agriculture. Then, if this situation happened again, the tenant farmers would dare to sue the landlords, and they could still find a living even if they did not cultivate the land."

Hearing this, Zhao Xu said doubtfully: "But agriculture is the foundation of the country. If everyone does not grow food, it may cause a crisis."

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "Your Majesty, don't worry about this. The landlords are also looking for money. No one wants to break up. This has the conditions for negotiation. It will not be like today, where the landlords are tyrannical and the court is helpless."


Zhao Xu nodded and said, "In other words, agriculture will not be rectified for the time being?"

Zhang Fei said: "In my opinion, it can't be rectified for the time being."

Zhao Xu frowned and said, "But now when it comes to the issue of tenant farmers, the arrow is on the string and we have to shoot."

Zhang Fei said: "Didn't I say before that we can use the method of publishing tabloids to morally kidnap those scholar-bureaucrats and ask them to take the initiative to quell this incident. We will make do with it for the time being and wait until the time is right to rectify it."

"Moral kidnapping?"

Zhao Xu chuckled and said, "What you said is quite interesting."

Zhang Fei said hey: "I am also imitating them. Don't they always treat His Majesty like this?"

Zhao Xu was stunned and suddenly realized that I was the victim. He nodded and said: "Just use this trick, and we will kidnap them morally."

He immediately showed a keen interest in the tabloid.

Pulling Zhang Fei along, they began to plot how to handle this matter.

This incident has a strong sense of revenge, but the risk factor is also extremely high. Once discovered, Zhao Xu will definitely abandon his car to save his commander. It is impossible for him to admit that he did it. This will really affect his dominance.

In the process of plotting, he tried every means to ensure that the matter would not be traced to him and that it would be completely ignored.

Zhang Fei has a clear mind, and this matter must be done well. Otherwise, he is not sure whether Zhao Xu can protect him from death. He has repeatedly emphasized this safety factor.

People must be reliable, and places must be hidden.

And it can’t just be in one place, it has to be shot in a different place.

The capital city was the center of power for the scholar-bureaucrats, and it was difficult to hide.

The next morning.

Bianjing Law Firm.


"Did you commit thief last night?"

Sima Guang looked at Zhang Fei who was yawning profusely and couldn't help asking.


Zhang Fei blinked hard, "I forgot to take a rest while reading."

He didn't rest at all. Last night he talked with Zhao Xu about dawn.

Of course, Sima Guang did not expect that Zhang Fei had colluded with the emperor. He stroked his beard and said, "You are looking at Song Xingtong, right?"

Zhang Fei was stunned for a moment: "Why did Grand Scholar Sima say that?"

Sima Guang chuckled: "Wang Jiefu must have asked you for help to see if he can sue those landlords."

Zhang Fei smiled and did not deny it.

On this matter, he and Wang Anshi were on a united front.

Sima Guang asked: "Then do you think of a way?"

Zhang Fei shook his head and sighed: "It's not impossible to sue. I've seen some contracts and they all have serious problems. But after suing, where will the tenant farmers go to make a living?"

"Look! Look!"

Sima Guang waggled his finger, "You can figure this problem out, but Wang Jiefu is just stubborn and does everything regardless of the consequences. He is not as good as you."

Zhang Fei said hurriedly: "I don't dare to take this seriously, besides, it was not initiated by Academician Wang."

Sima Guang glanced at him and said, "Yes! I almost forgot that you were also involved."

Zhang Fei smiled and did not answer this question.

Sima Guang said again: "Since you can't help with this matter, then take care of the legal aid matter and take care of your people. Don't let anyone know, otherwise, I won't be able to spare you."

He came here today just for this matter. The government had already made arrangements and was waiting for the firm to send someone there. Moreover, he was more cautious and only provided legal assistance at the Si Lu Division for the time being.

The lowest courts, the left and right courts, only deal with minor disputes, and legal aid is of little significance.

As for criminal cases, he believed that evidence should come first. If anyone was dissatisfied, they could continue to appeal and then rely on Erbi to litigate. After much thought, it was most appropriate to try it in the Department of Records.

Zhang Fei said hurriedly: "Master Sima, please rest assured that I have been preparing for this matter and there will be no mistakes."

Sima Guang nodded slightly and suddenly asked: "If this tenant farmer is serious about his matter, can't he take it to court?"

Zhang Fei was stunned for a moment and looked at Sima Guang in surprise.

Sima Guang whispered: "Can you help those tenant farmers and sue the court?"

Zhang Fei looked at Sima Guang in shock.

Want me to sue the court?

Sima Guang looked contemptuous, "What kind of expression are you looking at? It's not like you've never done this before. Didn't you help the historian sue the court?"

In turn, Zhang Fei had never thought about suing the court. He thought carefully for a while and said, "Do you mean, Grand Master Sima, to let me appeal to help those tenant farmers exempt themselves from taxes?"

Sima Guang nodded and said: "In this way, we can ensure that the court will exempt those tenant farmers from paying taxes on the premise of collecting taxes in accordance with the law."

Zhang Fei thought for a long time, shook his head and said, "That's not right."

Sima Guang asked: "What's wrong?"

Zhang Fei said: "Master Sima, this land does not belong to the tenant farmers, but to the landlord. The court does not collect taxes based on this person, but on the land. If I go to court on behalf of the tenant farmers, there is no reason to exempt the land tax."

Yes, unless I am representing the landlords, but this tax collection is based on their tax evasion. If I want to win this lawsuit, I must first deny that this is tax evasion, but this is what I have given."

"That's true, this matter started because of you." Sima Guang nodded slightly.

Zhang Fei smiled bitterly and said: "Actually, it is very reasonable for the imperial court to let things go by the wayside and just let them pay this year's taxes."

Sima Guang sighed: "So if you want the country to be stable, you still have to do light corvee and low taxes!"

Zhang Fei said: "The imperial court cannot solve the problem of tenant farmers by levying light taxes and paying little taxes. Only light rents and little taxes can solve the problem."

Sima Guang said: "If the court does not set an example, how can it ask others to do so?"

Zhang Fei pursed his lips tightly and remained silent.

Sima Guang glanced at him: "If you have something to say, just say it. There's no need to pretend here."

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "I just think that it is of little use for the court to set an example on the issue of renting. After all, not every minister is as honest and simple as Sima's bachelor, and does not own any land at home."

Sima Guang was immediately speechless.

Which family has the most tenants, isn't it those relatives of the emperor and high officials of the imperial court?

People like Shi Tingjun and Geng Ming who struggle to buy property can support many tenant farmers.

To lead by example, it is better for the scholar-bureaucrats to lead by example first.

This can only rely on moral kidnapping.

Because the law is completely biased towards them, and the legislative power is controlled by them, you must know that Wang Anshi also belongs to the scholar-bureaucrat class.

They have the king bomb plus four 2s in their hands. They have only one chance to win, and that is to get the upper hand, then make four flies, and finish them all in one go, without giving them a chance.

This chapter has been completed!
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