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Chapter 369 Excellent Opportunity

"Master Fu, are you too impulsive?"

After leaving the palace, Wen Yanbo spoke to Fu Bi with a puzzled expression, and then reached out to Sima Guang beside him, "Just as Jun Shi said just now, with just three lessons of Erbi, the Song Dynasty punishment was revised."

System, this."

He wanted to say that you were treating national affairs as a trivial matter, but out of respect for Fu Bi, he did not say it out loud.

But he still felt that Fu Bi was a little impulsive. Although he also knew that Fu Bi was very fascinated by Zhang Fei's legal methods, but you have lived to this age and you don't even have this calmness?

The key is that this is not like Fu Bi's character.

This surprised Wen Yanbo.

Sima Guang also glanced at Fu Bi in confusion, "What Mr. Wen said is true. Although I also agree with the concept of legal system, now we are only peeking into the corner, and we should consider it carefully."

Fu Bi said very decisively: "I think prudence should be used to consider how to amend the law, not to consider whether the legal method is feasible."

Sima Guang looked at Fu Bi doubtfully, "How do you say this?"

He vaguely felt that Fu Bi today was different from the sick Fu Bi before.

Fu Bi said: "Because the concept of legal system is to protect the legitimate rights and interests of individuals, it cannot be wrong no matter what. The most important thing is that even the officials agree, so what reason do we have to oppose it?

?If we oppose it now, how can we have the face to suggest that officials hide wealth among the people and not compete with the people in the future?"

Sima Guang and Wen Yanbo looked at each other.

It seems so.

The one who is most opposed should be the emperor. Now even the emperor supports it. If they oppose it, then many of their theories in the future will not hold water with the emperor.

If you oppose the rule of law, but at the same time support hiding wealth among the people, this will look very ridiculous.

Who are you fooling?

You are unwilling to protect the people's wealth. If you say you hide wealth from the people, isn't it just for you?

Sima Guang suddenly realized that he really couldn't object to this, but he worried: "But there are still many confusions about this concept, and it may not be feasible!"

Fu Bi said: "Actually, the difference is almost the same. Zhang San has already explained all the confusion in my mind. I will first take the students from the Imperial College to sort out this concept clearly, and then discuss with the capable ministers in the court how to revise it.


Wen Yanbo asked again: "Does Mr. Fu think that the ministers of the DPRK and China will agree?"

Fu Bi suddenly glanced at him and said, "They definitely don't trust me very much, so I can only trouble you, Kuanfu, to convince them."

Even though Fu Bi was highly respected in the court, he had a criminal record. If he suddenly stood up, others might not believe him.

Maybe your old boy and Wang Jiefu are the same.

We still remember the things you did back then.

Wen Yanbo immediately looked at Sima Guang, "Why not let Jun Shi go? After all, he has always supported Zhang San."

Fu Bi shook his head and said: "Jun Shi is responsible for the reform of the public security system and the law. If he takes over this matter again, I'm afraid he will lose more than he gains."

Sima Guang nodded repeatedly.

Wen Yanbo still had some doubts, so he supported Zhang Fei's ideas in a big way.


Fu Bi knew his worries, so he said: "The law of the law is to defend the legitimate rights and interests of individuals, not just the common people, nor just the officials, but everyone, including them naturally. Now Wang Jiefu's side is morale."

High. Moreover, Wang Jiefu was far more cunning than Shang Yang and Han Feizi. His method of equalizing losses was obviously to take advantage of those businessmen.

But he did not rely on brute force to force them to raise taxes, but let the court do the business on its own. This is why although Fan Chunren and Su Shi sued Wang Jiefu, they both believed that it would be difficult for them to win the lawsuit. The legal system can only

To provide them with protection, you can lobby them from this point of view.”

Facing the common people, they were strong, but facing Wang Anshi and Zhao Xu, they were weak.

Of course Wen Yanbo understood this and said: "Mr. Fu, if this is what you proposed, it would be easy to say. The key point is that Zhang San proposed it, and his identity is."

Fu Bi smiled bitterly and said: "The officials have already had the idea, and Wang Jiefu supports it. If I don't practice it and you don't practice it, Wang Jiefu may ask Zhang San to do it, which will make them even more miserable."

After hearing this, Wen Yanbo frowned and said, "It seems that Mr. Fu has made up his mind."

Fu Bi replied casually: "Otherwise, I would have nothing to do."

Wen Yanbo and Sima Guang looked at Fu Bi in tacit understanding.

Wen Yanbo chuckled and said, "Lian Po is old, can he still make a living?"

However, Fu Bi suddenly stood up, which caught Zhao Xu by surprise, because before Zhao Xu asked him to be the prime minister, he was reluctant to go out and always asked for sick leave, but this time he took the initiative to take on this task.

This made Zhao Xu feel a little uneasy. He also knew that this legal system also had restrictions on him, so after leaving the palace, he did not return to the palace, but quietly went to the Xu family.

I still have to talk to Zhang Fei.

"I just asked them for their opinions. Should the court take it seriously? There is only one person who supports your legal approach. Guess who it is?"

"Master Wang."

Zhang Fei replied immediately.

Zhao Xu was stunned, blinked, and said hurriedly: "Except him."

Zhang Fei pondered for a moment, "Is it Mr. Fu?"

Zhao Xu was surprised, "How did you guess that?"

Zhang Fei chuckled and said: "According to my observation, the two of them have the deepest understanding. The rest of the people are afraid that even if they agree with it, they don't dare to make a conclusion. After all, they can't even understand the reason."

Zhao Xu smiled and nodded, then asked: "Then why do you think Mr. Fu supported your legal system so decisively?"

Zhang Fei thought for a moment and said, "I guess it's to fight against the New Deal."

Zhao Xu asked: "How do you say this?"

Zhang Fei said: "Because they are all honest officials, it is unlikely that they oppose the New Deal for money."

Zhao Xu nodded slightly.

If you say that Fu Bi, Sima Guang, and Wen Yanbo opposed the New Deal for money, you wouldn't believe it even if you beat Zhao Xu to death. But with the character of Fu Bi and Sima Guang, even if you put gold in his mouth, he would spit it out.

, and thinks you are insulting him.

Zhang Fei said: "They are still worried that the New Deal will compete with the people and prevent Wang Xuexi from having too much power. The concept of the legal system is to protect individual rights and interests, which can prevent the New Deal from competing with the people and at the same time put restrictions on Wang Xueshi."

Zhao Xu thought for a while and said: "But you said before that the legal system also has restrictions on them. They should also think of this. Do you think this can be done?"

Zhang Fei had mentioned to Zhao Xu the three-legged approach before. On the one hand, the legal system could restrict Wang Anshi's Legalist approach, and at the same time, it could restrict the Confucian approach here.

Zhang Fei said: "I can't guarantee it, but if it doesn't work this time, it probably won't work in the future."

Zhao Xu hurriedly asked: "How do you say this?"

Zhang Fei said: "What they are most afraid of right now is Wang Xueshi's new policy. Although the legal system has restrictions on them, it can also protect their rights and interests.

The truth is, choose the lesser of the two evils. Moreover, the legal system can also restrict Academician Wang. For them at present, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. As long as the rich company and Academician Sima support it, I estimate that the court will

The other ministers will eventually be convinced."

In class, he deliberately mentioned that if the legalist method encounters the legal method, the legal method should come first. The purpose is to seduce conservatives.

He euphemistically told the conservatives that if they all followed the Legalist approach, it would be about who has the most power. At present, the emperor supports Wang Anshi, and you are not just right.

He believes that this is an excellent window. Once missed, it is almost impossible to reappear.

This is already the right time, place and people.

Zhao Xu asked again: "If this is the case, why does Wang Xueshi support it?"

Zhang Fei said: "Because the needs of both parties are different. Wang Xueshi has His Majesty's support. What he needs now is rationality. If the "Song Xingtong" can be revised, his reform will naturally be a matter of course."

Zhao Xu nodded slightly and said: "Although Mr. Fu supports your legal system, he also made a suggestion, which is to ask me to regard this matter as a top priority for the country and to summon the world's talents to revise the "Song Xingtong".


What prevents Wang Anshi from having too much power is to prevent him from having too much power. Didn’t Wang Anshi’s power come from him?

Fu Bi demanded that the law should be practiced to a high standard, but he actually wanted to guard against him.

Wang Anshi just asked for a direct pardon. If he really did this, it would be a further assertion of imperial power. Wang Anshi always believed that preventing things and controlling things by twists and turns would seriously hinder the development of the country.

Of course Zhao Xu also wanted to assert his imperial power.

Let them practice the law, who knows what will come out of it.

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "Don't worry, Your Majesty. Although they are responsible for revising the law, whether it can be promulgated in the end depends entirely on Your Majesty."

Zhao Xu said: "Of course I know this, but they are all top-notch geniuses in our Song Dynasty. If there are secrets hidden in the regulations, I'm afraid I won't be able to detect them."

Zhang Fei chuckled: "I guess Mr. Fu will only repair the lower part, but not the upper part."

Zhao Xu asked: "What is the lower part and the upper part?"

Zhang Fei said: "Oh, didn't I say it in class? The legal system must distinguish between the interests of the monarchy and the interests of individuals. Nine times out of ten, rich men will only focus on personal interests and will not touch them.

the top half."

Zhao Xu asked curiously: "Why are you so sure?"

Zhang Fei said hey: "Because I don't even know, how could Mr. Fu know?"

Zhao Xu was stunned for a moment, "You don't know?"

Zhang Fei said: "I really don't know. I only talked about defending personal rights and interests in class. I didn't mention the national interests and the monarch's interests much."

Zhao Xu thought about it for a moment, and it seemed that this was indeed the case. Zhang Fei only emphasized how to legislate personal rights from beginning to end, but he did not talk about the interests of the country and the interests of the monarch. Suddenly he glanced at Zhang Fei and said with a half-smile but not a smile:

"You don't know, or you don't dare to tell me?"

Zhang Fei hurriedly explained: "Everything I know has been told to Your Majesty. I believe the rich man should also be aware of this. The laws of the legal system have already restricted the monarch. If Your Majesty can agree, it will be a great service to the country."

Considering the people, if he goes further, it will simply be an extravagance.

The key point is that I don’t actually think that the rich man came out to take over this matter to restrict the monarch. On the contrary, he intended to use the legal system to make up for the regrets during the Qingli period.”

Zhao Xu asked curiously: "What does the legal system have to do with the Qingli New Deal?"

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "It has nothing to do with the law, but it has something to do with people."



Zhang Fei nodded, "Does Your Majesty think that the failure of the Qingli New Deal was because the new law was wrong?"

Zhao Xu couldn't help but suddenly realized.

Zhang Fei said: "The rich man has experienced the fiasco of Qingli. He should know very well that these people are eating away at the interests of the country and the people, but at the same time they have power. If these people are not suppressed, it will be difficult for the reform to succeed.

, This is probably one of the reasons why the rich man does not support the reform. The legal system can very well restrict these people, so if the rich man wants to do something, he will definitely do something in this aspect."

Zhao Xu said thoughtfully: "Yes! If these people are not restrained, any reform will be difficult!"

Zhang Fei added: "But I think Mr. Fu must not have thought of one thing."

Zhao Xu asked: "Which point?"

Zhang Fei said: "Who do you think will benefit most from the legal system?"

Zhao Xu thought for a while, but still had no clue. After all, how could he think so clearly about these three lessons? He couldn't help but ask: "Who?"



"Businessmen have wealth, but no power. What they fear most is that the government will encroach on their wealth. Defending personal legitimate rights and interests is the most beneficial to businessmen. Once the legal system is finally formed, our country's business will inevitably usher in a blowout moment."

Zhao Xu finally reacted, "Business tax?"


Zhang Fei nodded and said: "As I suggested to your majesty before, if you want to control agricultural taxes, the risks are too great and the benefits are too small. Once commercial taxes can support the finances, your majesty will go back and rectify agriculture, and you will have no worries.


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