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Chapter 370 Legislative Power

 Zhang Fei had long suggested that Zhao Xu slowly shift the focus of taxation from agriculture to commerce.

Zhao Xu also agreed very much with this.

Because the reality has told Zhao Xu that there is no way to correct the existing problems with agricultural taxes. If he makes a slight move, it seems that the landslide will collapse. In addition, the current increase in commercial taxes is very rapid, and no effort will be spent to rectify the agricultural tax.

Taxation is really a thankless task, and the key point is that we still can’t do it.

When arranging business, as long as you play it well, you can use business rules to collect agricultural taxes.

The big landowners had to sell so much grain after hoarding it.

On the one hand, the legal system can promote the development of business, and at the same time, the emperor can also use the legal system to control this power.

"I see."

Zhao Xu nodded, but still frowned and said, "But my ministers may not take this into consideration when revising the laws."

Zhang Fei was slightly startled and thought to himself, Ouch! Why am I so confused? What he is most worried about now should be legislative power.

This is exactly what happened.

What made Zhao Xu most uneasy about Fu Bi's move was the legislative power.

Zhao Xu was very obsessed with the pardon order beforehand.

However, Fu Bi suggested that the world's elites should be summoned to revise the law, and that it should be done as a top priority for the country.

Maybe it needs to be standardized.

This part of the power may fall by the wayside.

Although Zhang Fei guessed that Fu Bi mainly wanted to make up for Qingli's regret, as an emperor, Zhao Xu's first consideration was of course imperial power.

Zhang Fei pondered for a while and said: "As for how to amend the regulations, actually I don't know what to do."

Zhao Xu smiled and said: "Are you being modest? I think you spoke clearly and truthfully in class!"

"I'm really not being modest."

Zhang Fei quickly shook his head, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Your Majesty has issued some pardons before, right?"

Zhao Xu nodded.

Zhang Fei said: "Have you ever been rejected?"

This is really a pot that is not open to the public. Zhao Xu said depressedly: "It is often dismissed."

Zhang Fei said humbly: "Your Majesty, can we discuss the matter?"

Zhao Xu smiled and said: "I will say it again, I still hope that you can tell me everything you know and tell me everything you know, as before. I also promise you that I will not blame you for anything you say."

He admires Wang Anshi so much, but one of the main reasons why he was influenced by Zhang Fei is that he once established a slight friendship with Zhang Fei. It can even be said that Zhang Fei is his only friend.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Zhang Fei immediately said: "Let's put it into perspective, is there really no problem with His Majesty's pardon?"

Zhao Xu nodded and said: "I don't deny this. If they can't make sense, they won't dare to reject my pardon order easily. But I also issued those pardon orders in response to existing problems."

Zhang Fei nodded and said: "Of course I know this, but what I want to say is that when it comes to legislation, wisdom is only secondary. The key lies in experience and experience. The reason why there are problems with your majesty's pardon is just because your majesty has not

I personally went to the private sector to experience it, and everything I learned came from the ministers. The same amnesty order may be very effective in the south, but it will have the opposite effect in the north, because the ministers who respond are from different places."

Zhao Xu nodded frequently and said: "It makes sense, it is true."

Zhang Fei said: "I am only in my twenties, and I lack experience and experience, so I really don't have the ability to practice." At this point, he changed the subject, "But even the best in the world may not be able to practice.

In particular, this law must be based on the legal system.”

Zhao Xu was surprised and said: "Not all the talented people in the world may be able to cultivate?"

Zhang Fei nodded and said: "As I said in class, the laws of Legalism are from top to bottom, and the laws of legalism are from bottom to top. If we just let the smartest people in the world practice the law, we will be able to

The law must be the law of Legalism, and cannot be the law of the legal system, because smart people often think about how I should manage it, instead of carefully considering what kind of disputes and entanglements there will be among the people."

Zhao Xu, who had attended three classes, was able to quickly understand what Zhang Fei meant and asked: "Then who is qualified to practice this method?"

Zhang Fei replied: "It is those judicial officials who travel to various places. They know the specific situation of the people in various places best."

Zhao Xu frowned slightly and said, "But if they have a way to solve it, these problems will not be reported to the imperial court."

"What your Majesty said is true." Zhang Fei nodded with a smile and added: "Then the problem is very simple. Geniuses like Fu Gong currently lack experience in facing the people directly, but they are full of wisdom.

On the other hand, those judicial officials at the lowest level have a deep understanding of the civil society, but they lack enough wisdom to solve these problems.

It just so happens that the lower-level officials in my government have to be replaced every three years. On the way to the replacement, I can first ask them to come to the capital and organize a legislative meeting with the prime ministers of the DPRK."

Zhao Xu was startled, "Legislative Assembly?"


Zhang Fei nodded and said: "Your Majesty, you will personally preside over it. The two parties will discuss legislation and amend the law in the form of defense. Both parties can raise questions to the other party.

By then, it will be clear at a glance whether it is an implementation problem or a lack of law, and some serious problems can be solved in time. We can even understand clearly the specific situation of the new law in various places.

The key is, this will also allow Your Majesty to know clearly what the situation of the people in various places is, so that you will not be deceived and promulgate wrong policies.

In fact, many emperors in ancient times also wanted to be a wise king, but they often received some biased information, which led to policy mistakes."

Zhao Xu nodded frequently when he heard this. Although he had only been in power for two years, he felt deeply about it.

On the same matter, the reformers and conservatives have different views, and they both say they are very reasonable. He doesn't know who to listen to.


Zhao Xu was slightly doubtful again, "These low-level officials are all afraid of the prime minister, and I'm afraid they won't dare to tell the truth!"

The implication is that the superiors and subordinates are sitting together, and it has not been agreed upon long ago, and the performance is shown to them.

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "That's why His Majesty wants to introduce a third party to raise questions to both of them, forcing them not to dare to communicate secretly."

"Third party?"

Zhao Xu asked: "Is there anyone in the world who is not afraid of the prime minister?"

Zhang Fei nodded and said, "Yes."


"It's those candidates."

Zhang Fei said: "First of all, those candidates are from various places, and they also know the situation of the people in various places. Secondly, they are all young and energetic, and they are not officials, so they don't need to be afraid of the prime ministers."

"Who said that."

Zhao Xu hummed: "Many candidates have been adopted as sons-in-law by the prime ministers before they even took the imperial examination."

Zhang Fei blinked, "Really or not?"

Zhao Xu said: "Don't you know this? Didn't Fu Bi fall in love with Yan Shu and was adopted as his son-in-law?"

"No wonder those candidates worked so hard, even if they had to live in poverty for ten years. It turned out they didn't want to work hard anymore."

Zhang Fei looked at Zhao Xu eagerly, "Your Majesty, do you think I am too old to take part in the imperial examination now?"

Zhao Xu was stunned and said: "You're not too old, but no one dares to make any plans for you."


"Aren't you already the son-in-law of the Xu family?"


Zhang Fei suddenly realized, yes! Although I didn't take part in the imperial examination, I still had a soft meal. It's a pity that the Xu family's meal was a little too bland, so I had to work hard on my own! Alas.


Zhao Xu waved his hand, "Don't even think about the imperial examination. It's just your articles and writing style that are so great!"

Zhang Fei said seriously: "Your Majesty, I think I have a big problem with the imperial examination. No matter what writing style, it is better to judge people by their appearance. Then I will definitely go to high school."

Zhao Xu chuckled and said, "That makes sense. You can talk about this issue next time in class."

"Uh, where did you just talk about?"



Zhang Fei said: "In my opinion, the candidates' primary need is not to find a son-in-law for the prime minister. Their primary goal is to pass the imperial examination. This is in the hands of Your Majesty.

If they raise issues in the Legislative Assembly, it will directly affect His Majesty's view of them, and he will definitely not show mercy even to his father-in-law.

And based on my understanding of those candidates, they have very flamboyant personalities and love to express themselves. As long as they are allowed to take the exam, they will definitely try their best to make things difficult for the prime minister and officials.

This is how you can gain fame."

Zhao Xu nodded slightly.

Zhang Fei struck again while the iron was hot: "If Your Majesty is still worried, you can even randomly select some businessmen who often go to various places to do business and come in to ask questions, but the businessmen cannot be allowed to show up. If they show up, they probably won't dare to ask questions.

You can let them hide behind the curtain and ask questions."

"This is really doable!"

Zhao Xu nodded straight after hearing this, "In fact, regardless of whether it is based on legal laws or not, it can be legislated in this way. It just so happens that the scientific examination is only once every three years, and it will not add too much burden to the finances."

This emperor's art is not like that of Lao Zhu, who grasps all the power in his hands. If he still wants to do it well, he will only tire himself to death. To be honest, it is impossible to do it at all.

The art of governing has always been about balance and checks and balances.

Even if Fu Bi and others wanted to check and balance the emperor, they wanted to seize the legislative power.


I'm going to find a group of people to keep an eye on you.

Under this legislative system, Zhao Xu does not need to hold on to the legislative power at all, because if low-level officials want to be promoted, they must get his approval. If candidates want to pass, they must also get his approval. As for businessmen, are they?

The class he wants to win over in the future.

I give you the legislative power, so you can conscientiously get things done for me.

Isn't this the method of the ancestors of the Song Dynasty, which is to prevent things and control them.

"How many ideas are you hiding?" Zhao Xu couldn't help but smile at Zhang Fei and asked.

Zhang Fei was stunned and said hurriedly: "Your Majesty Mingjian, this is what I just thought of."



Zhang Fei nodded, "To be honest with you, Your Majesty, I was inspired by my own class to think of this. Otherwise, I wouldn't have thought of using it, no, uh, just to let those candidates join in. Just because they were in the class

Make things difficult for me."

"That's true."

Zhao Xu smiled and nodded, "It seems that being narrow-minded is not necessarily a bad thing!"


Sorry! I’m posting this now. Maybe I’ve been overdoing my brain these past few days, and I’ve been stuck in the plot of the legal system. I’ve been thinking about it every day for the past half month.

I sat there all afternoon today with no ideas at all, and I seemed to have forgotten all the preparations I had made before. I only started writing after dinner.

I plan to go out now and take a foot bath (regular) to relax myself.

Don’t wait for the early morning chapter, I’ll post it tomorrow afternoon.

Sorry! Sorry!

This chapter has been completed!
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