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Chapter 705 Confronting the Imperial Power

just you?

These two short words really made Liu Renzan angry to death, but Liu Renzan was also confident. With a sinister sneer on his lips, he followed Zhang Fei and the others out of the Imperial City Division in a swagger.

In fact, the Imperial City Division had long noticed the rise of the Public Prosecution and Procuratorate. After Zhang Fei joined the Procuratorate, they became even more cautious, but they did not dare to arrest people randomly for fear that the Public Procuratorate and Procuratorate would catch them.

However, they have a basis for this case, and they really didn't arrest it randomly.

In this case, of course they are not afraid of the public prosecutor. If you take me back, you will be slapping the emperor in the face!

Let's see who gets unlucky first.

But if they start a riot in the imperial city and attract civil servants to join in the fun, it will be very detrimental to them. They also know in their hearts that the scholar-bureaucrats are not on their side.

It can be seen that Liu Renzan also has some means to make the wisest judgment so quickly.

Compared with Liu Renzan's confidence, the procuratorate was actually frightened. Because they only went to investigate, Zhang Fei arrested him directly.

This is like a bow and arrow shot out, there is no way back.

You really have to put your head in your belt to investigate the case!

But, as for what?

In fact, many prosecutors don't quite understand this. They are just two soldiers. Do they deserve to fight to the death?

But they never thought about how they were not fighting a life and death struggle.


Soon, the matter spread throughout the imperial city.

Ministers and dignitaries were also shocked.

Kaifeng Prefecture and Dali Temple had never directly sent people to the Imperial City Division to arrest people before. At least they always sought the emperor's consent first.

In fact, in most cases, the emperor sends people to investigate. If there is really a crime, the emperor will deal with it according to the situation in order to calm the public anger. Anyway, try not to involve other judicial offices.

Let alone arresting people directly.

This is really arrogant.

Even the president of the court, Zhao Pin, was shocked. I only asked you to investigate the case, but I didn't ask you to arrest anyone. He was called the iron-faced censor. He was already very fierce, but he never thought

, this kid Zhang San is actually much tougher than me.

It can only be said that the blue is better than the blue.

But Wang Anshi and Sima Guang were numb!

It’s really numb!

Come again!

Needless to say, Wang Anshi made it clear that he didn't want Zhang Fei to get involved. It was really not necessary. He still had a lot of things to deal with, so Zhang Fei did the opposite for him, for fear that he would

If the participation is not deep enough, I am afraid that I will not offend the emperor.

Wang Anshi was completely speechless.

Although Sima Guang firmly supported the intervention of the Public Security Bureau and the Imperial City Department must be brought under judicial supervision, he did not say that he would let Zhang Fei come to arrest people directly. Moreover, you also arrested an official, a sixth-grade official, not a small soldier.

It really slapped the emperor hard in the face.

But the two of them thought about it and realized that this seemed to be Zhang Fei's basic operation. It was reasonable for things to develop to this point.

When the tax exemption was first imposed, Zhang Fei made everyone uneasy. He kept saying that he should keep a low profile, but if you let him take responsibility, he would definitely scare you to death, so he never kept a low profile.

There was no time when he didn't make the whole city a storm.

Just like when he was Erbi, he dressed more fashionably than anyone else, for fear that he would not be eye-catching enough.


Meng Mansion.

"I'm convinced! I'm convinced!"

Xie Jun waved his hands repeatedly, "We must never be like that kid in the future. We are really convinced this time. That kid is really desperate for his life! You can't do it, you can't do it."

In the past, Zhang Fei protected the interests of the emperor, but this time he directly attacked the imperial power, which made him feel much better. He treated the emperor like this, and it was understandable that he was a little bit worse towards himself!

Don't be familiar with him.

"If this continues, that boy will definitely die!"

Meng Qiansheng smiled and nodded. Even Bao Zheng couldn't compare with Zhang Fei, and asked again: "But it seems that the court is unusually quiet this time."

Pei Wendao: "This is mainly because the Zhengshitang has not made any comments on this matter. It involves officials, and the prime ministers are silent. Everyone is somewhat afraid. We don't know what the specific situation is at the moment."

Xie Jun said curiously: "Sima Junshi and others have always hated the Imperial City Division very much, and this is an action belonging to the public prosecutor, procuratorate, and law. How come he doesn't speak out to support it? It's really strange."

Pei Wendao: "I heard that the chief of the court, Mr. Zhao, warned them not to interfere in the law enforcement of the Public Security Bureau, so as not to cause unrest in the court again. This is just a small case, and the Public Security Bureau will handle it impartially.

Therefore, Bachelor Sima also expressed to Liu Shilang and others that they should believe that the public prosecutor, procuratorate, and law can handle these problems, and that they should concentrate on handling the affairs of Hebei and Jingdong East Road.

As for Academician Wang, it seems that he has never inquired about this matter, and he has been busy with water conservancy matters in Hebei."

Meng Qiansheng asked: "Then let's...?"

This is an excellent opportunity to target the public security organs. They have put their heads under the guillotine and cannot let it go easily!

Xie Yun showed timidity on his face: "This matter has already caused enough trouble. If we continue to fan the flames, we will only cause trouble!"

Pei Wen nodded and said: "Brother Xie is right. There is no one above here to speak. If we do something, it will be exposed soon, and maybe some people will follow our lead. That would be terrible." "

In the past, Wang Anshi and Sima Guang were fighting above, so they could unleash the fire without restraint below, but this time it was very calm above. If they wanted to stand up and raise the flames, they would become the masterminds.

They are not that stupid.

Meng Qiansheng nodded and said: "That's true. If this matter is not handled well, the family may be ruined."

Pei Wendao: "However, I think the calm above is only temporary. They must support the public security, procuratorate, and law. Now it depends on whether the officials will come forward to defend the Imperial City Division. Once the officials come forward, Bachelor Sima will definitely stand up. Wang Naturally, the bachelors will not be far behind, and there will definitely be chaos again, so we can act according to our own circumstances."

Meng Qiansheng and Xie Yun looked at each other and nodded at the same time.


Different from the past, because the starting point of this case was very high, it directly faced the imperial power, and the prime ministers remained silent, so no one dared to come forward to express anger.

Nowadays, everyone has the same idea, which is to move a small bench and watch the show.

Whose show are you watching?

Of course it’s to watch the emperor’s show.

The current pressure is entirely on the emperor. Your minions have been taken away directly from their lair. If you don't do something, your authority will be completely gone!

They all knew that the emperor would definitely take action.

However, Zhao Xu did not go as they imagined. Long Yan became furious and sent people to arrest Zhang Fei. The palace was relatively calm.

Instead, Li Zhien, the chamberlain of the Imperial City Department, took people to the procuratorate.

The officers of the Imperial City Division are all called Gou Dang Imperial City Division. There are seven in total, and one of them must be a eunuch. From this, it can be seen that the Imperial City Division is the emperor's ears, eyes and minions.

So everyone knew that Li Zhien must have been asked by Zhao Xu to go, which meant that the emperor had intervened in the matter.

The show is about to begin.



"Mr. Li, please have tea."

Zhang Fei personally placed a cup of tea on the coffee table next to Li Zhien, and still showed due respect to the eunuch.

Eunuchs definitely represent the emperor.

Li Zhien didn't even look at it, but said in a strange tone: "Don't drink this tea yet. I just want to know, is Mr. Liu still alive?"

Zhang Fei hurriedly explained: "Li Gongshi's words are serious. Our procuratorate only investigates, but it does not even have the power to use torture. There is not even a set of torture instruments in the court. Liu Gongshi's life here is very nourishing. Li Gongshi has this point." Please don’t worry.”

"What? If you are given torture tools, do you really plan to torture Mr. Liu?"

Li Zhien snorted and turned to look at Zhang Fei, "You are so audacious. You dare to go to our Imperial City Department to arrest someone, and the person you arrested is Mr. Liu. I really want to know who gave you the courage. "

Zhang Fei said: "Li Gongshi really misunderstood. It is precisely because we are timid and put ourselves in Liu Gongshi's shoes that we asked Liu Gongshi to make a trip."


Li Zhien even laughed, "Then I'd like to hear how you think about Mr. Liu's affairs?"

Zhang Fei's expression changed and he said very seriously: "Because Mr. Liu misinterpreted the imperial edict while handling official duties. The official clearly said that the Imperial City Division's marriage officer violated the law and could be dealt with by the Imperial City Division on its own without having to hand it over to Kaifeng. government, but Mr. Liu used this order to refuse to cooperate with our procuratorate’s investigation into a criminal case.

But everyone knows that our procuratorate does not have the power to make judgments. We only have the power to investigate and prosecute. If Mr. Liu is really determined to have violated the law, then we will never dare to arrest him, because according to regulations, the Imperial City Division can handle it with full authority. But the problem is that he has not yet determined that he has violated the law.

If it is said that even the Imperial City Department's marriage officers cannot investigate whether they have violated the law, it is equivalent to saying that the Imperial City Department officials can be lawless, which is obviously unreasonable.

Therefore, we quickly invited Mr. Liu to the courtyard and asked him to prove his innocence. Is there any misunderstanding in this? If we don’t investigate the forged edict or misinterpretation of the edict, we are afraid that Yushitai and Dali Temple will They won't let our procuratorate go.

Aren’t I cowardly and putting myself in Mr. Liu’s shoes?”

After hearing this explanation, Li Zhien was really confused, "What are you talking about? Who else would you arrest if it's not illegal?"

Zhang Fei explained calmly: "Although it is not illegal, there is suspicion of illegality. Once it is determined that the violation is illegal, we will immediately return the person to the Imperial City Division, which will handle it on its own."

Is that what happened? Li Zhien was sincerely amused by Zhang Fei's words, and nodded repeatedly, "Okay, okay, I've heard that your Zhang Darer pen has iron teeth and copper teeth, but it confuses right and wrong. Today I can see it."

As he said that, he waved his hand and said, "I don't want to talk nonsense to you. Let's talk about it. What do you want to do before you are willing to let him go?"

Zhang Feiyun said calmly: "Our Procuratorate just hopes that the Imperial City Division can abide by the decrees of the Imperial Court and cooperate with our Procuratorate's investigation."

Li Zhien immediately said angrily: "I wonder if you, the Public Security Bureau, the Procuratorate, and the Judiciary are idle? This case belongs to our Imperial City Division. After we finish the trial, it will be handed over to Dali Temple for judgment. If there are any questions, you guys But why are you going to discuss it with Dali Temple? Why are you involved in the investigation now?"

Zhang Fei said: "Because someone reported to the Imperial Court that you, the Imperial City Division, were abusing punishments, and you were beaten. At the same time, the Imperial Court also issued a decree, asking our procuratorate to intervene in the investigation."

Li Zhien said: "You have no right to investigate."

"We have something."

Zhang Fei said calmly: "Because we, the police, the procuratorate, and the judiciary want to defend the legitimate rights and interests of the people, and those two soldiers should also receive this kind of protection."

In the Imperial City, the Public Security Bureau is indeed difficult to control, but the people belong to the outside of the Imperial City, so of course the Public Security Bureau has the power to intervene.

Li Zhien took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and asked, "Do you have any evidence?"

Zhang Fei said: "If we have sufficient evidence, then we will go directly to arrest the person. We are currently in the investigation stage. Our procuratorate only asked to see the prisoner's current situation. We even agreed not to talk to him for the time being, so as not to hinder him. The interrogation by the Imperial City Division is just to see if they have been severely punished, and if so, we will inquire further."

When it comes to rules and laws, how can Li Zhien be better than Zhang Fei? After holding it in for a long time, he could only threaten: "Do you know the consequences of doing this?"

Zhang Fei immediately said: "This is an order issued by the imperial court. Our procuratorate is only executing the order. Even if there are consequences, it should be borne by the imperial court."

Li Zhien had never seen such a shameless person before. He was so angry that he almost couldn't breathe. "Okay, okay, just wait for me."

After saying this, he stood up and left angrily.

The cup of tea was not even touched.


After Li Zhien left the procuratorate, he went straight to the palace. When he saw Zhao Xu, he burst into tears, as if he had been greatly wronged. He also added all kinds of embarrassment to Zhang Fei's words. In short, in a word, Zhang Fei did not regard you as the emperor at all.

Keep it in mind.

"That's unreasonable!"

Zhao Xu slammed the table, which made Long Yan furious, "How dare he, a little Erbi, do this."

Pointing at Li Zhien again, "You should immediately mobilize troops from the front office to capture Zhang Fei for me. I want to see how courageous he is."

Li Zhien was not overjoyed, "I obey, my slave."

"Your Majesty, calm down."

Lan Yuanzhen stood up suddenly and said, "Your Majesty, this decree was issued by the imperial court. If Zhang San is arrested, Xianggong Zhao will also be involved."

Zhao Xu hummed, "I'm not afraid of anyone."

Lan Yuanzhen added: "Of course your Majesty does not need to be afraid of anyone, but once Mr. Zhao is implicated, Mr. Wen, and Bachelor Sima will definitely go to court to fight for them. This matter will get out of hand, and it will still be a long time ago."

From what I can see, this matter has not reached this level yet."

After hearing this, Zhao Xu couldn't help but show some hesitation and glanced at Lan Yuanzhen, "What do you think?"

Lan Yuanzhen said: "The court officials have always complained about the Imperial City Division. Even if this incident does not happen today, the same thing will definitely happen tomorrow. As far as this case is concerned, the Imperial City Division has the advantage. After all,

Those two soldiers did slander the government and made rude remarks to His Majesty.

Why don't Your Majesty use this case to combat the arrogance of those courtiers?"

Zhao Xu asked: "How to attack?"

Lan Yuanzhen said: "We will let the procuratorate intervene in the investigation. As long as the final result is that the two soldiers are guilty, then His Majesty can use this as an excuse to drag Zhang San and the others into the case and have a good trial.


After all, slandering the government, disrupting the morale of the military, and intending to rebel are not small crimes. What is the purpose of the public prosecutor and the law to stand up for them?

No matter whether His Majesty really punishes them or scares them, they will not dare to attack the Imperial City Division easily in the future."

Li Zhien couldn't help but be overjoyed and shouted: "The noble man's plan is very clever!"

They are more familiar with this kind of operation and are better at playing it.

To appeal to the rebels is also a kind of rebellion.

It can kill people directly!

Anyway, Zhang San is not a scholar-official, so it would be easier to kill him.

Zhao Xu thought for a while, then looked at Li Zhien and said, "Are you sure there are no omissions in this case?"

Li Zhien could not wait to pat his chest and promise: "Your Majesty, this slave will guarantee with his head that there is no mistake in this case. Although we have used punishment, it is also allowed to use punishment in this kind of case."

Zhao Xu nodded and thought for a moment, "Even if I want to do this, I have to talk to Mr. Zhao first and let him know the consequences of this matter, so as not to blame me for being unkind later."

Li Zhien didn't know this, because on the surface, Zhao Xu must protect the Imperial City Division, otherwise, who would be willing to be loyal to you, people's hearts will be scattered, and it will be difficult to lead the team!

Even if he needs to be punished, he has to do it himself.

However, Lan Yuanzhen was aware of it, and it was all arranged by Zhao Xu.


On the second day, Zhao Xu summoned Zhao Pin alone.

"I heard that the imperial court recently ordered the procuratorate to investigate the Imperial City Division, and also arrested Mr. Liu of the Imperial City Division." Zhao Xu asked.

Zhao Pin nodded and said: "Yes, because our Imperial Court has some evidence that the Imperial City Division abused the criminal law and beat two soldiers into submission. Therefore, I sent the procuratorate to investigate, but I didn't know that the Imperial City Division did not cooperate. Then Mr. Liu He even misinterpreted the edict in an attempt to stop the procuratorate, so he was taken away by the procuratorate."

Zhao Xu said: "I have also heard about this case. Not to mention whether the two soldiers are guilty or not, the key to such cases has always been the Imperial City Department. I also hope that the Public Security Bureau and the Imperial City Department can perform their respective duties. The water from the well does not interfere with the water from the river."

When talking about the issue of the Imperial City Division, his tone was not as gentle as usual, but rather forceful, because this was also his family matter.

Zhao Pin asked: "I dare to ask your majesty, if the marriage officer of the Imperial City Department does evil outside and kills innocent people indiscriminately, will your majesty take care of it or not?"

Zhao Xu immediately said: "If they kill innocent people indiscriminately, I will naturally deal with them in accordance with the law and will never tolerate them."

Zhao Pindao: "I absolutely believe that Your Majesty will enforce the law impartially, but the question is, how does Your Majesty know that they are killing innocent people indiscriminately and doing evil."

Zhao Xu was stunned for a moment, "Didn't you say that, my husband?"

Zhao Pindao: "It is because the old minister said it that your majesty knew it and was able to enforce the law impartially. If the old minister did not tell your majesty because he was afraid or wanted to protect himself, wouldn't your majesty have been kept in the dark?"


Zhao Xu looked a little embarrassed.

Zhao Pin immediately said sincerely: "Your Majesty, this Imperial City Secretary is your Majesty's eyes and ears, but has your Majesty ever thought about what would be the consequences if they deceive your Majesty and the ministers dare not say anything?

The reason why the veteran asked the procuratorate to investigate the case is not to deal with the Imperial City Division, but to hope that His Majesty will not be deceived by traitors. Once the veteran hears the case clearly, it will be handed over to His Majesty for disposal."

What he said is actually the meaning of the edict. The power of disposal is in the hands of the emperor, but the power of investigation must be handed over to the judicial system.

The Imperial City Secretary will not sue you, and you cannot let your left eye spy on your right eye.

Isn’t this all a mess?

Zhao Xu asked: "If things are not as what Mr. Zhao said, how should Mr. Zhao deal with himself?"

There was a hint of threat in his voice.

Zhao Pin replied: "If this is a misunderstanding, that would be for the best."

Zhao Xu looked sideways at Zhao Pin and found for the first time that this old man was quite shameless. If no evidence can be found, then just pretend that nothing happened and you will take all the benefits. He said lightly: "That's fine! Since Zhao My husband is determined to investigate, so I won’t be able to say more. I will ask the Imperial City Division to cooperate with the Public Security Bureau’s investigation.”

His tone was full of dissatisfaction.

Zhao Pin shouted: "Your Majesty is wise."

Is this called sage? This is called cowardice.

If he hadn't discussed it with Zhang Fei in advance, Zhao Xu would have been a little unbearable. You guys are really bullying others.


When Zhao Pin returned to the imperial court, Sima Guang, who had been waiting here, immediately came forward and asked, "What do the officials say?"

Zhao Pin sat down and said: "The officials have agreed to let the Imperial City Division cooperate with the procuratorate's investigation, but the officials have also hinted that if the Imperial City Division does not abuse the punishment and abuse the punishment, I may have to go back to my hometown to live in retirement."

Sima Guang immediately said: "Please don't worry, Mr. Zhao. If the officials really do this, even if I don't want to wear the official uniform, I will definitely seek justice for Mr. Zhao."

Zhao Pindao: "I have long said that this case will be left to judicial decision. How do you participate in it? This matter will only become more complicated."

Sima Guang sighed: "Of course I know this, but the Public Security Bureau is only enforcing the law impartially. Now the officials are threatening the Public Security Bureau and forcing the Public Security Bureau to convict the Imperial City Division. This is simply treating justice as child's play.

If Mr. Zhao is blamed for the just judgment of the imperial court, who will dare to serve as the president of this court in the future? If we don't stand up by then, the public prosecutor's office will be destroyed."

When Zhao Pin heard this, he couldn't help but frown, and sighed: "After all, we still can't avoid it."

He did not want to put the emperor on top and make the emperor unable to step down. This would also be very detrimental to the implementation of the public security system.

But the real situation now is that the public prosecutor and the procuratorate only intervene in the investigation based on the specific circumstances. Whether he is guilty or not can only be known after a trial. But now Zhao Xu's attitude is that if you can't be sure of guilt, you can't trial.

If we maintain this attitude, no one will dare to investigate in the future.

The Public Security Bureau cannot stand up either.

Sima Guang is right. As long as there is no evidence to prove that the public prosecutor is bending the law for personal gain, the emperor cannot retaliate against the chief judge.

Otherwise, the public security organs and law can only stop here.

This chapter has been completed!
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