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Chapter 706 Its all for you

The reason why Zhao Xu wanted to meet Zhao Pin first was actually to let Zhao Pin stand in front of Zhang Fei and make Zhao Pin the leader.

First of all, Zhao Pin was the prime minister. The prime minister came forward to express his protest. It was reasonable for the monarch and his ministers to make a small compromise. The emperor also had to lose face. It was impossible for the emperor to compromise to a small prosecution.

Secondly, it also prevents him from directly breaking up with Zhang Fei's superficial relationship, so the blame still has to be placed on Zhao Pin.

After discussing with Zhao Pin, Zhao Xu took the initiative to give in and allowed the public prosecutor to intervene in the investigation.

After Zhao Xu issued the order, Li Zhien immediately went to the Procuratorate and expressed that the Imperial City Division was willing to cooperate with the Procuratorate's investigation of the case.

The Procuratorate also immediately stated that the previous edict was just a misunderstanding. After all, the Public Procuratorate and Procuratorate had just been established not long ago, and it was the first time they were dealing with the Imperial City Division. Both parties were unfamiliar with it, so Liu Renzan was immediately released.

This surprised many courtiers, and the reason why they were surprised was not that the procuratorate released people, that was all expected. They were surprised that the emperor gave in so quickly.

In the past, many prime ministers also reported that the Imperial City Secretary was bending the law for personal gain, but successive emperors only gave them a few insignificant lessons. How could Zhao Pin have such great dignity?

Even Wang Anshi, who was working hard, was a little surprised by this. Although he didn't want to get involved, he still hoped that this matter would not come to the imperial court. No matter from which aspect, it would be detrimental to him, and he really hoped to be able to control it. Speech, because currently, speech is in the hands of conservative scholar-officials, who all believe in tradition.

The key reason why the two soldiers were arrested was because they talked about Hebei River Defense.

So Wang Anshi called Deng Wan to ask, "Have the officials reached an agreement with Mr. Zhao?"

Deng Wan said in a low voice: "On the surface it seems like this, but I also got some information from my subordinates, so it may not be the case."

Wang Anshi asked again: "What is that?"

Deng Wan said: "It is said that the officials did summon Mr. Zhao alone before, and Mr. Zhao said that the Imperial City Division must have abused the punishment and beat him into submission, so the officials agreed to the procuratorate's intervention. But if the result of the trial is not the case, this Mr. Zhao is not guaranteed his official position!"

Wang Anshi was shocked and said: "Is it so serious?"

He didn't expect such a big bet, after all Zhao Pin was the prime minister.

But in fact, this is not the case. This is all news released by the Imperial City Division. Otherwise, where would the Imperial City Division’s face be?

Deng Wan said: "Does Wang Xianggong think this matter is not serious? The imperial court directly ordered the procuratorate to go directly to the Imperial City Department to arrest people. In the future, will they listen to the imperial court or the officials?"

Wang Anshi was silent for a while and couldn't help but shake his head and sigh. Now he is very unfavorable about the prospects of the public security, procuratorate and law. He is really too radical. But it seems that they have no way out. He also told Deng Wan: "Don't get involved in this matter." .”

Deng Wan hurriedly said: "Xiaoguan knows it. Let alone Xiaguan, no one else dares to get involved. Even Wen Gong and the others didn't say anything."

Wang Anshi said with a smile: "If they don't say it, it's not yet time. After the results come out, you can see if they are making trouble. That's why I asked you not to mess around, so as not to be caught by them. Will there be any trouble then?"

You deserve it."


Political Hall.

"Jun Shi, what is going on? I heard that Zhao Yuedao used his official position as a guarantee to let the procuratorate investigate the case?" Fu Bi asked slightly anxiously.

Sima Guang said: "Xianggong Zhao has discussed this matter with me, but it is not as the outside world said. He did not use his official position as a guarantee. This imperial court pays attention to evidence. It is impossible for the chief judge to make a decision during the investigation. In fact,

Mr. Zhao only suggested to the officials that the procuratorate should intervene in the investigation to prevent the Imperial City Division from doing anything wrong."

Wen Yanbo said: "So what is said outside is just rumors?"

"...That's not the case either."

Sima Guang sighed: "The officials are very dissatisfied with this. In the conversation with Mr. Zhao, there was indeed a hint of threat. If the evidence is not found in the end and the prosecution is failed, or the case is lost, it may be very troublesome."

Fu Bi shook his head and sighed: "It shouldn't be like this. The imperial court issued this order to seek judicial fairness. This is also the responsibility of the public prosecutor and the law. So as long as a fair judgment can be made, it is reasonable. How can the result be so?"

Let’s talk about success or failure, this is not what the judiciary wants!”

Sima Guang shook his head and said: "There is nothing we can do about this. The opposite side is the Imperial City Department!"

Wen Yanbo said: "In this case, can the procuratorate be confident?"

"I don't know much about that either."

Sima Guang shook his head, "According to the information we know so far, the soldiers there did say something dissatisfied with the government, but they had no intention of rebelling. As for slandering the government, this...it's hard to say! And the imperial city over there

The Secretary also used torture on them to force them to confess."

Fu Bi frowned and said: "The Imperial City Division is allowed to use punishment, and they did say this. How does this prove that the punishment was abused and the punishment was used."

Wen Yanbo nodded and said, "Yes! How to prove this?"

Sima Guang frowned and said: "I am also thinking about this issue. In the past, to prove that subjugation is successful, it must be proved that the other party is completely innocent. If not, the punishment must be used appropriately. Therefore, if you want to convict the Imperial City Secretary, you must prove that

The two soldiers are completely innocent."

Wen Yanbo said: "This is even more difficult. After all, what words they said, how to judge whether they were intentional or unintentional? Even if it proves that they are innocent, using punishment on them based on those words alone is just a matter of love."

There are excusable reasons, how can we win this lawsuit?"

Sima Guang glanced at Fu Bi and saw that he also frowned and said nothing, "This can only be done by Zhang San. At present, only he can do it. It seems that they have sent people to the Imperial City Division to investigate the matter today."

They all had some regrets in their hearts. It seemed very detrimental to them to let the matter develop in this direction.

They all know that under the influence of this kind of propaganda, once the procuratorate loses the case and Zhao Pin is implicated, it would be really fanciful to want to restrict the Imperial City Division again in the future.

Everyone is even more afraid to investigate the Imperial City Division.


at dusk.


"Prosecutor Zhang is back. Huh? Where are Qi Ji and the others?"

Wang Gong, who was sitting in the hospital reviewing materials, suddenly saw Zhang Fei walking in alone, and couldn't help but feel curious.

Zhang Fei was stunned for a moment and looked around, "Isn't Inspector Qi back yet?"

Wang Gong asked back: "Didn't you go to the Imperial City Department?"


Zhang Fei shook his head, "I just came from home. Inspector Qi should be back soon."

"Why didn't you go?"

"I am afraid!"


When Wang Gong heard this answer, he almost bit his tongue. You went to the Imperial City Department before and arrested people on official business. You were the first person since the founding of the People's Republic of China. You are still afraid. You can't help but ask: "What are you afraid of?"


Zhang Fei said: "Aren't they going to see the two soldiers?"

Wang Gong nodded.

Zhang Fei said: "Those two soldiers must have been tortured into human form. I am most afraid of seeing such a scene."

Wang Gong was stunned for a moment, then he laughed out loud and said: "Sorry! I really can't see that Prosecutor Zhang still has this side."

Zhang Fei asked with a smile: "What? Do I look cruel?"

"No no no!"

Wang Gong added: "It's just... I'm just used to seeing prosecutor Zhang killing everyone in court, so...!"

Zhang Fei shrugged slightly and said: "Convicting a prisoner to death and witnessing the execution of a prisoner are not the same thing."

When he was in Dengzhou Prison, he couldn't bear to watch others being tortured, even if they were playing with a wooden board. He couldn't stand those scenes on TV and would have nightmares.

"That's true."

Wang Gong nodded and asked: "Actually, we have a rough understanding of the situation over there. How should our procuratorate deal with it?"

Zhang Fei said: "If the other party is just talking nonsense after being drunk and has no other intentions, and is willing to plead guilty only after being tortured by the Imperial City Division, he will have to sue the Imperial City Division for abusing the punishment and subduing the punishment."

Wang Gong frowned and said, "But how to prove that he was talking nonsense while drunk and had no other intentions? I'm afraid only the two soldiers themselves know this."

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "Then we have to conduct careful investigation to find out. He can't whiten the black things, and he can't blacken the white things."

Wang Gong didn't understand.

He thought that the investigation was almost complete. That was the case anyway. How could he prove that the Imperial City Division had succeeded in defeating the enemy?

He had been investigating relevant cases before, and the cases where they were beaten into submission were all ordinary people who had been wronged and brought the matter to the court. Only when the prime minister stood up to accuse the officials could they be convicted of this crime.

That is to say, under normal circumstances, it is difficult to convict officials of this crime.

The reason is very simple, that is, torture is used very frequently to extract confessions. After all, the current investigation technology is limited. When the other party refuses to admit guilt, torture is the most direct and effective method. This has indeed helped the government to detect many cases, so it is inevitable to beat someone into submission.

Everything has two sides. How to grasp this degree is actually very difficult. Even Bao Zheng often used torture.


It wasn't until the second watch that Qi Ji dragged his exhausted body back to the procuratorate. Of course, Xu Zun and Zhang Fei were not off work and had been waiting in the court.

"How are those two soldiers doing?"

Xu Zun asked first.

Qi Ji said with lingering fear: "Those who were tortured only had one breath left. According to their confessions, it should be that after our intervention by the Public Security Bureau, the Imperial City Department treated them a little better and gave them enough food. At present,

We have transferred them to the police station and have specialized personnel watching them."

Xu Zun asked: "Then did you ask them for confessions?"

Qi Ji nodded, "Actually, it was pretty much the same as our prediction. They just felt it after hearing about the hearing, and drank some wine, so they complained a few times. Who would have thought that this unforeseen disaster would happen.

I almost died in there."

With that, he handed the confessions of the two to Xu Zun, and added: "This is just a rough idea. Because the two of them are physically and mentally exhausted at this time, they cannot ask very detailed questions. We will go in more detail after they have rested."

Ask again."

After receiving the confession, Xu Zun said: "In addition, as usual, we also have to ask their relatives, their friends in the military camp, their superiors, etc."

Qi Ji asked: "Is that all?"

Zhang Fei smiled and asked: "Inspector Qi, do you have any suggestions?"

Qi Ji said depressedly: "I don't have any suggestions. If I just ask as usual, can... can I win this lawsuit?"

Zhang Fei asked: "Inspector Qi thinks they are subduing the enemy."

"It must be."

Qi Ji said: "But...but how to prove this?"

Zhang Fei smiled profoundly and said: "The sky net is vast and sparse, but they always have flaws."


That evening, the procuratorate and the police station set up a joint team to begin investigating and asking for confessions from people related to the case.

Naturally, the Imperial City Secretary over there would not sit still and wait for death, let alone underestimate Zhang Fei's ability to litigate, so he thought that he should also ask Erbi to protect his rights and interests.

Li's Bookstore.

"You already have a very clear understanding of this case. If it really goes to the imperial court, are you confident that you can win this case?"

Liu Renzan asked Li Guozhong.

Li Guozhong said: "If the other party really wants to sue the Imperial City Secretary for beating him up and abusing the punishment, I think it will be very difficult, but with Prosecutor Zhang here, I can't say that."

Liu Ren praised: "It must be Prosecutor Zhang on the opposite side."

Li Guozhong said: "Then I can only promise to do my best and not hide Mr. Liu's affairs. We rarely win cases in the hands of Prosecutor Zhang."

Liu Renzan asked: "Then how do you think he will fight this lawsuit?"

This is actually a hint to Li Guozhong that our Imperial City Division can provide you with additional help.

Li Guozhong was as honest as a mirror, but he frowned and looked at Li Lei again.

Li Lei also shook his head and took the initiative to praise Liu Ren: "Mr. Liu, if the other party is not Prosecutor Zhang, I can guarantee that we will win this case, because when the other party is obviously wrong, it is difficult to judge whether the criminal law is abused or abused, so we also

I don’t know how this lawsuit can be fought.”

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Li Guozhong suddenly asked: "I wonder if the Imperial City Division knows who the procuratorate is investigating?"

Liu Ren praised: "We must be keeping an eye on this matter, but the procuratorate just asked people related to the two soldiers as usual, such as their relatives, acquaintances in the military camp, and their superiors."

Li Guozhong said: "At most, this can only prove that the two soldiers have not disturbed the morale of the army and intend to rebel. But who can guarantee that they have no such intention, and the charge of slandering the government is definitely confirmed."

After chatting for a while, they could clearly feel that Li Guozhong and the others were very confident in the case, but they just had no confidence in Zhang Fei.

There was nothing that could be done about it. Zhang Fei had almost a complete victory record in his lawsuits. Li Guozhong and the others had never won before. However, in the entire capital, Li Guozhong was the only one who could fight Zhang Fei, and there was no one else in the Imperial City Division to choose from.

Of course, at present, it is still in the investigation stage, and the procuratorate has not said that it will definitely prosecute. Liu Renzan came to Li Guozhong just to prepare for a rainy day.

After Liu Renzan left, Li Lei clenched his fists and said, "I really hope this case can go to court."

Li Guozhong asked: "Why?"

Li Lei said: "Because this case is very beneficial to us, I also hope to defeat Prosecutor Zhang once."

Hearing this, Li Guozhong immediately warned: "Don't have such a winning mentality towards Prosecutor Zhang. Even if you lose, it is natural. Don't feel depressed about it."

Li Lei asked: "Why?"

Li Guozhong said: "Because all of this was created by him, and we all learned the skills in litigation from him. But who knows how many skills he has hidden. It is not shameful to lose to him. We just

Please do your best.”


After several days of investigation, the procuratorate finally obtained a complete confession. However, in the eyes of Qi Ji, Wang Gong and others, this confession was all expected and contained no surprises.

However, Zhang Fei confirmed that this was enough to file a lawsuit with the imperial court.

Do we see something different?

"Prosecutor Zhang, are you going to search for evidence in private without telling us?" Qi Ji asked.

In the last rebellion case, Zhang Fei had some confidential evidence in his hands, which caused Qi Ji and Wang Gong to have no sense of involvement, and they must be dissatisfied with it.

We are a team and you hid this from us.


Zhang Fei smiled and said: "The existing evidence alone is enough to prosecute the Imperial City Division, and there is even more left."


Imperial Court.

"Oh, Deputy Ambassador Cheng?"

When Zhang Fei came to the imperial court with the indictment, he met Cheng Yi as soon as he entered the door.

"Prosecutor Zhang. Be polite."

"Be polite! Be polite!"

Zhang Fei asked curiously: "I heard that Deputy Ambassador Cheng has been appointed as the president of the Daming Prefecture. Why...!"

Cheng Yi explained: "Since I am not familiar with the system of public security, procuratorate, and law, Bachelor Sima arranged for me to come to the imperial court to study."

"I see." Zhang Fei smiled and nodded, thinking to himself, Sima Guang really doesn't have to be in a hurry when doing things!

Over there, Lu Huiqing has already set off.

Cheng Yi looked ashamed again, "Actually, this can be considered a temporary fix. I heard that Prosecutor Zhang is the founder of the legal system. It would be great if we can get advice from Prosecutor Zhang."

After saying that, he bowed his hands sincerely.

"Don't dare! Don't dare!"

Zhang Fei said hurriedly: "With deputy envoy Cheng's talent and wisdom, I believe he will be able to master it soon."

What kind of person is Cheng Yi? He is a famous philosopher in history, but he really doesn't dare to try his best.

Cheng Yi pondered for a moment and said with a smile: "Originally I thought so too, but after the last hearing, I realized that there are people outside the world, and there is a world outside the world. I hope Prosecutor Zhang can give me some advice."

After saying that, he bowed again.

I couldn't tell that Cheng Yi was quite humorous. Zhang Fei thought for a moment and suddenly asked: "Does Deputy Ambassador Cheng think Cheng Dujian's behavior in Hebei is guilty?"

After Cheng Yi thought carefully, he nodded and said, "I think Cheng Du is guilty."

"Actually, I think so too."

Zhang Fei smiled and nodded, "But the reason why I don't sue Cheng Dujian is not because he is an eunuch next to the official family, but because of the rule of law."

Cheng Yi said: "How do you say this?"

Zhang Fei said: “Because the concept of the legal system is to defend the legitimate rights and interests of individuals, the starting point is protection, while the previous judicial system was based on promoting good and punishing evil. This is the most common problem encountered in law enforcement by public prosecutors and law enforcement.

Take the Cheng Dujian case as an example. In fact, according to the evidence, the accusations against him were almost all correct and did not slander him.

But due to the lack of systems and laws, he may be allowed to do this, so the legal system must provide him with protection, and this is the real reason why we do not prosecute him."

Cheng Yi thought for a while and asked: "But is this correct?"

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "Coming back to Deputy Ambassador Cheng's accusation, suppose that among the 800 sailors, some of them really want to rebel. Does Deputy Ambassador Cheng think he is guilty?"

Cheng Yi frowned slightly.

Zhang Fei didn't wait for his answer, then said: "Even if Deputy Cheng thinks that he is guilty, the legal system will not think so, because Deputy Cheng is allowed to do so.

Therefore, we are not protecting Cheng Dujian, but protecting no one from being wronged. But if you can't protect Cheng Dujian, you can't protect anyone.

And this is the biggest difference between the legal system and the old justice. The former is protection, while the latter is punishment. Many officials who are familiar with the law cannot turn around at this point."

Cheng Yi couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

At this moment, a clerk came over and said, "Prosecutor Zhang, the chief judge is waiting in the front hall."

Zhang Fei immediately said to Cheng Yi: "Deputy Ambassador Cheng, I have something to discuss with the president of the court, so I'll excuse you now."

Cheng Yi hurriedly said: "Prosecutor Zhang, please. Oh, thank you very much for your advice, Prosecutor Zhang. Cheng has benefited a lot."

"Where! Where!"

Zhang Fei nodded and followed the clerk away.

Arriving at the front hall, Zhang Fei formally mentioned the indictment to Zhao Pin.

Zhao Pin finished reading and asked, "What are the chances of Prosecutor Zhang winning this?"

Zhang Fei said: "At least 80%."


Zhao Pindao: "But the outside world is not optimistic about your procuratorate."

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "That's really the best thing. I just like not to be favored by others, because that way I can make people shine."

The stern Zhao Pin was so amused that he burst into laughter.

Zhang Fei suddenly asked: "By the way, I heard that this lawsuit is also related to the president of the court...!"

"It's all rumors."

Zhao Pindao: "How is it possible to bet on justice? It's all nonsense. You don't need to pay attention to it."

Zhang Fei said hurriedly: "I just asked in passing to express my concern. Our procuratorate still makes a judgment based on the evidence."



Before Zhang Feizheng filed the appeal, many officials believed that the procuratorate would not initiate a lawsuit in the end, because during the investigation, the procuratorate only asked questions as usual and did not take any unnecessary actions.

The key point is that many of Zhang Fei's previous lawsuits were against the emperor. In everyone's eyes, that hearing was to protect the emperor's interests.

Therefore, when the procuratorate formally filed a lawsuit against Huangcheng Si, and directly accused Huangcheng Si of abusing the criminal law and subduing the crime without leaving any room for maneuver, it still surprised many people.

This is really about confronting the imperial power head-on.

It's so exciting.

Especially the officials, they are looking forward to the results.

The imperial court was also very knowledgeable and knew that everyone was paying close attention to this lawsuit, so it arranged the trial date on the official's rest day.

And it's completely public.

In fact, Wen Yanbo and others hinted to Zhao Pin that it would be better not to make such cases public.

But Zhao Pin insisted on this.


Today is the court opening day, and Zhang Fei did not choose the finale. After all, he is the prosecutor now and has to accommodate his team, so he came to the imperial court early to prepare.

Wang Anshi, who took time out of his busy schedule to come here, saw that this boy had come so early, and his resentment immediately surged up in his heart, telling you not to get involved, you are still playing so big, and you don't take me seriously at all. , so he came over and called Zhang Fei aside.

"I knew your kid wouldn't listen!"

Wang Anshi said very unhappy.

Zhang Fei said in a low voice: "To be honest with Mr. Wang, I was unwilling to litigate before because of Mr. Wang. Now I am filing an appeal because of Mr. Wang."

"Don't talk nonsense."

Wang Anshi stared, "I didn't ask you to file a lawsuit. What you said is really shameless."


Zhang Fei said seriously: "After careful consideration, I believe that fighting this lawsuit will be of great help to Bachelor Wang."

Wang Anshi saw that what he said was serious and said, "Tell me first and see what good it will do to me."

Zhang Fei said: "Xueshi Wang wants to reform, but if he doesn't point out the shortcomings of the old system, then Wang Xueshi's reform will be useless. For example, what about the Xiangbing system?"

"Xingbing system?"


Zhang Fei said: "I will attack the Xiangbing system in court and force the court to rectify it. At this time, Academician Wang will go to the court again and propose a reform plan. In this way, Xiangbing can be included in the bag. Now he is advocating the exemption law.

, it has become more and more difficult to recruit corvees again, so the power of Xiang soldiers is crucial to Wang Xueshi's farmland water conservancy law!"

Wang Anshi's eyes flashed sharply when he heard this, and he said, "How can this soldier be changed?"

Zhang Fei immediately divided the Xiang soldiers to professionalize them and informed Wang Anshi.

Wang Anshi was overjoyed after hearing this, because this plan is very consistent with their reform concept. The key is that the Xiang soldiers are now controlled in the hands of the three yamen. If they are separated and belong to administrative units, it will really be a great benefit to his New Deal.

Help! He couldn't help but said: "This is a wonderful strategy!"

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "So, I am doing this all for Scholar Wang."

Wang Anshi glanced at him suspiciously, "Really? You didn't think about Mr. Sima?"

Zhang Fei said sarcastically: "Second is Bachelor Sima."

This chapter has been completed!
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