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Chapter 1,045 Reward for defeating the devil

After Sir Prisha walked away, from the shadows on the other side of the road, Luvia, wrapped in a brown lady's coat and a woolen scarf, emerged from the darkness:

"The angel bloodline that Shade guessed is actually true, and he can actually use this method to forcibly stimulate the power of the bloodline?"

The girl with purple eyes thought to herself, then looked up at the traces of red butterflies that had dispersed in the starry sky above her head, knowing that Shade had probably left the area:

"The devil's matter seems to be over. Dorothy should be moving out of No. 6 Saint Teresa Square soon."

Thinking of this, she felt very good. She knew that Shade had a hard time fighting the devil tonight, so she planned to go to Saint Teresa Square tomorrow to see Shade's situation.

But before walking two steps along the snowy street, he stopped again because the gray stone angel statue was parked not far ahead.

The snow fell on her shoulders but did not melt. Luvia looked at the statue not far away, pursed her lips and put her hands into her pockets. As a prophet, when she encountered danger, the first thing she thought of was not Shade.

In a "fight or flight" situation, she would usually flip a coin first to see her fate.

"Do you repent?"

But before Luvia took out the coins, overlapping echoing sounds entered her ears. She looked at the statue with a slight hesitation, and after making sure that she was the only one on this snowy street, she asked suspiciously:

"Repent for what?"

The streetlight made Luvia's shadow fall long on the snow, and another mature girl with purple eyes vaguely appeared behind her, but she was unaware of it.

[Weeping Angel] did not move forward. Instead, the stone circular base slid back along the street. The sound of stones rubbing against stones was extremely disturbing:

"You do not deserve to be exiled to the end of time, damned man, and no one can forgive your sins."

The statue of the angel disappeared on the street, and only the falling snow fell like goose feathers, and the snow became heavier and heavier.

"What's the meaning?"

Luvia was still puzzled, and even after tossing a coin, nothing came out.

The transparent and illusory figure now stretched out its arms to wrap around her neck, and the two almost identical faces were close together. There was unsolvable worry on that mature face.

On the other side, Shade was already jogging from Tobesk South District, through the University District, and back to St. Teresa Square.

The sound of opening the door first attracted little Mia who jumped downstairs. The writer took a step slowly before appearing at the corner of the stairs, but did not see Shade:

"Huh? Shade?"

Little Mia was jumping on the stone statue on the side of the foyer. The statue fit so well with the environment of the foyer that Dorothy thought it was there and subconsciously ignored the statue.

She walked out of the open door and looked towards the snow-covered square, but she saw no trace of Sha De. She was frowning and wanted to shout again when Sha De's voice came from behind her:

"I'm here."

Dorothy turned around and saw Shade transforming from the statue into a real person.

"Can you stop being so childish?"

She said angrily, turned around and closed the door, and then hugged him gently, forcing the cat that was originally in Shade's arms to jump onto her shoulders.

"The devil's matter is solved!"

Shade hugged Dorothy and said happily.

"Yes, Lecia has already told me."

Dorothy smiled, nodded her head, and kissed Shade on the side of his face:

"But what did you do tonight? She seemed worried about you."

"It's okay, I'm fine."

The two walked up the stairs together:

"Prepare me a glass of water, there are some things to do."

The teacup filled with water was placed in the empty Room 2 on the second floor. Dorothy was waiting in Room 1 for the time being. Shade sat on the floor of Room 2, holding the cat and looking at the glass of water.

They faced the window of the living room of Room 2, with moonlight shining on the floor and heavy snow falling outside:


Shade cleared his throat and told a joke about cats:

"What is the difference between little Mia and a monkey?"

He asked the cat squatting on his lap, and the cat looked at him suspiciously with wide eyes.

"The difference is that little Mia can't walk on just her two hind legs."

Mia changed her crouching position, lowering her head and staring at her little paws.

“What’s the difference between little Mia and a dog?”

Shade asked again, and then said with a smile:

"The difference is that little Mia can't bark like a dog."

The cat meowed "meow~" several times.

"So what's the difference between little Mia and me?"

Shade finally asked. The cat's tail moved up and down, looking very flexible, so Shade grabbed the cat's tail:

"The difference is that little Mia can't catch the tail."


The cat used its paws to pull away Shade's hand, and became interested in its own tail. It stared at the tail as if it were fighting a worm, and then chased the tail in a circle, provoking

Deschard laughed again.

"It's actually not funny."

There was a sound in the tea cup. Shade looked at the glass of water. The sage-level relic [Prank Boy] that once appeared on the lake in Regent's Park appeared in the reflection on the water:

"However, you did defeat the devil, I admit that. So, what gift do you need?"

The boy asked, and Shade immediately shook his head:

"I do not want anything."

"Yes, yes, I obviously want everything, but I don't say anything."

The boy said sarcastically, and the blue teardrop-shaped figure fell into the tea cup with a "snap" and lay quietly at the bottom of the liquid:

"But I'm still very happy that I didn't see those witches this time. Those crazy women are still so annoying even in the sixth era. The sacrifices of flesh and soul are just rough, gold and silver.

They have never been able to offer real money as a sacrifice!"

He looked particularly angry. Shade felt that Miss Carina and Miss Sylvia did not do it on purpose. The two great witches probably just found the corresponding steps from the records of the council.

After complaining to the witch, the malicious boy in the reflection of the tea cup looked at Shade again:

"Although I follow the footsteps of the [Secret Master] now, in the very distant past, I was also a follower of the [Innocent Creator], and I also envied the glory of that old god."


Shade raised his eyebrows, and the boy smiled:

"Since you have also received favor from that god, how about I give you some extra rewards as a reward for defeating the devil so quickly and beautifully."

As it spoke, its right hand was pointed at Shade like a pistol:


At the same time as the sound came out of his mouth, the sound of a gunshot actually appeared. Mia was startled, and Shade subconsciously dodged to the side, and then felt something brush against his cheek.

"Shadow, why are there gunshots?"

Dorothy broke in through the door connecting Room 1 and Room 2 on the wall, and saw Shade's hand pressed back on the floor to support his body. He touched his face in surprise and found that

There was an extra mark of ink on it, and when I looked at the wall behind me, I saw that there was also an extra mark of ink on the white painted wall.

What was shot just now was not a bullet at all, but just a ball of ink.

The figure of the mischievous boy in the teacup had disappeared, and the frightened cat jumped into Shade's arms. He reached out and fished out the [Wise Man's Pyroxene] from the teacup, and then stood up half-complainingly:

"He is indeed a mischievous boy."

"Go and wash your face quickly."

Dorothy smiled and said:

"You have to pray now. This ink stain can be easily washed away. I don't want to peel off your face and help you treat it."

Only the cat held by Shade tilted its head and looked at the ink mark on the wall illuminated by the faint moonlight. It was particularly familiar with that location.

The ink stains on his face were easily washed away, which made Shade breath a sigh of relief. As for the ink marks on the wall, you can brush them with paint, or hang up photo frames or oil paintings to cover them up. They are not too big.


And when Shade came out of the bathroom, he was hugged by the blonde girl.

The lights in the living room had been turned off at some point, and only the fire was still dancing in the fireplace. The blonde girl's body was so soft, she held Shade's head and pressed him against her chest:

"Oh, Lesia!"

Her Highness the Princess, who had completed the soul exchange with Dorothy at some point, had already made a bed in front of the fireplace:

"This is your reward for defeating the devil and rescuing the princess."

The firelight of the fireplace reflected the entangled shadows of the two people on the wall.

(Little Mia is running...)

Dorothy was invited to live with Shade in his home because of the threat of the devil. On the new Monday when the devil had been eliminated, Dorothy woke up with Shade in front of the fireplace and offered to move in.

Back to your apartment:

"Quill Street is very close to publishing houses and newspapers. The writers club I often go to is also there, and..."

The girl in the bra looked at Shade who was yawning angrily:

"If I don't move away, what will Lesia and Luvia think of me...Help me."

She turned around:

"Lecia, what are you so excited about last night? I fell asleep in her bedroom in the middle of the night, and I was replaced by her immediately. If she... wouldn't... Xia

De, if you continue like this, a sorceress alone won't be able to deal with you. You can't hold the [Eternal Youth Leaf] in your mouth every time, it will affect kissing..."

She said rather angrily, but actually there was a faint smile on her face with her back to Shade.

Shade couldn't make any comment on this, so he could only wave his hand to make the flames in the fireplace more vigorous. The snow that started last night was still falling, and it was getting heavier and heavier. Looking out the window in the morning, the snowflakes were like cotton.

Falling towards the ground. The Sleeping Moon has reached its ninth day. According to Tobesk's climate, the coldest period of the year is about to come.

"Speaking of which, this Wednesday afternoon, the third Red Butterfly Day is coming again."

The blonde girl pretended to mention this matter accidentally. The last Red Butterfly Day started on the 19th of the Frost Moon, the wedding on Tuesday afternoon, and ended at noon on the 20th of the Frost Moon. Calculating the time, 21 days later, it happens to be this Wednesday.



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