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Chapter 1046: Ceremony of the Chosen

"Yes, do you have any special arrangements for Wednesday?"

Shade asked. When he looked up, he saw little Mia lying on the back of the sofa looking at them. Shade then remembered that he was "coerced" by Her Royal Highness the Princess to come to the warm and soft light of the fireplace last night.

So there was no time to lock Mia in the house.

"It was in the living room last night?"



Although Mia is just a cat, Shade still feels some inexplicable shame.

"Lecia doesn't have any special arrangements. She said she would decide when the time comes. If there is nothing else, she can spend the whole day coming to St. Teresa Square for a three-person date."

When talking about this topic, Dorothy still blushed a little, but she was also looking forward to the day when the three of them would meet:

"In late winter, when the weather is so cold, there is nowhere else to go."

"Yes, then I will free up Wednesday afternoon and Thursday."

Shade nodded, and the girl's smooth legs were exposed under the quilt in front of the fireplace. Seeing Shade's gaze, the blonde girl pushed him rather angrily, and then carefully retracted her legs:

"How could Lesia think of making a bed in front of the fireplace...I'll make breakfast for you before leaving. Although the landlady must have helped me clean the apartment on time, I still have to meet with Carson today.

Grammar Press, discussing the royalties issue for the second edition of "Hamilton's Detective Stories" in South China."

She gently kissed the side of Shade's face:

"See you on Wednesday then."

As expected, Dorothy left after breakfast, but she only took away her books, notebooks and some clothes. The remaining small part of clothes was left with Shad. After all, Shad had no shortage of clothes stored here.


Dorothy left in the snow at 8:30 in the morning, and Luvia knocked on the door of Shade's house at 8:50. Girls with keys would still knock on the door if it was not necessary.


"weird smell."

After following Shade to the room on the second floor, the purple-eyed girl twitched her nose a few times and looked around but did not see Dorothy:

"It seems that your 'farewell' last night was not in the bedroom, but here."

She walked to the window with a smile and opened the window a crack:

"Now that Dorothy has left, knight, I will come to slay you tonight. I paid the deposit a week ago, so you won't regret it, right?"

Iluna arrived ten minutes later than Luvia, arriving at No. 6 Saint Teresa Square around nine o'clock. Luvia went downstairs and opened the door for her. When she reached the second floor, the seventeen-year-old girl was still muttering.

What should I do if I open the window on a snowy day?

At this time, Shade was sitting on the sofa, looking at the "God's Gift Box" in front of him. He said hello to Iluna, who seemed to be in a good mood, and then put his hand into the box.

The two girls and the cat both looked at Shade's hand. Shade touched around the bottom of the box before touching the small item:


This is the first reaction.


This is the second reaction.

What followed was ecstasy. After the [Master Key], he finally got the second relic from the [God's Gift Box]. Since getting this sage-level relic in midsummer, he has received a weekly gift.

Finally gave Shade another surprise:

"It's a special coin!"

He smiled and said to the two girls, and after taking out the coin, he found that the sky blue coin looked very familiar:

"Coin of Wisdom?"

Before that, Shade had the [Coin of Wisdom] and the [Cat and Dog Coin] in his hand. Earlier, in the game [Dice Stories], the Truth Society and the cultists also used this kind of coins.

Come "cheat".

"Looks like you're lucky again."

Luvia took the coin and checked whether the "copied" coin could be used in her special divination, and the answer was of course yes.

Iluna asked curiously:

"So what's the mission for this week?"


Shade pulled the cat out of the box, and the latter was quite dissatisfied:

"It's not difficult to keep track of your income and expenses for at least three consecutive days."

The three people gathered at Shade's house today to meet, naturally for the matter of the Chosen One. At present, they have confirmed the identity of the fourth Chosen One, the Chosen One of [Knowledge and Wisdom], who is from Kasenlik

Sir Lykins Prisha, and regarding the special features of that Sir, Shade and Luvia have already come to quite complete conclusions.

"His talent as the chosen one, which is that he can use books to turn into spiritual runes, is really amazing. However, the bloodline of the angels is what we should pay attention to. After all, no matter how special the first few chosen ones are, their specialness

It just comes from the Ring Warlock talent itself."

Luvia pointed this out:

"Even if Ivan Darkness lived in symbiosis with the devil, he was able to do so because of the talent of [Darkness]. But the ancient power that Sir Prisha inherited from his family seems to have nothing to do with his chosen talent.

Related, what makes him special is these two things.”

"At least so far, apart from what Luvia saw last night, we haven't found out how the power of Cherubim can help him."

Shade frowned slightly and said, while Iluna was a little confused:

"Then turning books into spiritual runes, is it the talent of the chosen one or the blood of angels?"

"Talent of the Chosen."

Luvia replied:

"If he has the blood of an angel, then the devil will never dare to approach him. At least for now, the ancient power in his blood has not awakened. Using [Wise Pyroxene] to forcefully use words of sublimation that do not belong to him can only use part of the power.


"Actually, we have said so much, but we haven't decided yet how to treat this chosen one."

Shade pointed this out and put the two pieces of pyroxene he owned on the table:

"Now Sir Lykins Prisha has three pyroxenes in his hand. Iluna and I have three together, which makes six pieces. If we are willing to give these pyroxenes to Sir Prisha, he will now

It’s completely possible to hold the Chosen One Ceremony.”

"Yes, but of course we can't do that. Shade learned something from the devil, and I have a very strange feeling about this man...this man."

Luvia shook her head:

"Besides, don't you also suspect that there is something wrong with him?"

"Yes, but we also need to know that there is no absolute good or bad person. I still need to find time to talk to him carefully."

Shade nodded and admitted, and Luvia looked at Iluna:

"You still need to learn more about the situation at the Truth Society from the church. Now it's getting closer and closer to the ceremony for the chosen ones of knowledge and wisdom. I don't believe they are doing nothing."

After speaking, he asked Xiang Xia De:

"We must not forget to pay attention to the 'Secret Keeper' bard you mentioned. It is best for us to master five pyroxenes ourselves. This way, we will be safer no matter what situation we face."

"But this test is really unpredictable. How to get the moon?"

Iluna asked doubtfully, and Luvia thought for a while:

"It should be a reference, maybe some kind of ancient relic. Because it points to the yellow moon, it cannot be Shade's [Silver Moon]; the secret keeper asked us to find the possibility of living things

It's very small, so it probably doesn't refer to special talents or core spirit runes. I think it means that there is an item hidden in this city that can directly represent this yellow moon."

"Oh, if there really is such a relic, I think it would be either agnostic level (level 0) or angel level (level 1)."

Iluna sighed in a low voice and promised to get information from the church as soon as possible, and Luvia would also get information about the relics from the Prophet Association. Although the coins in the hands of the three people can directly get the answer, after all, the ceremony of the chosen one

It's getting closer and closer, and obtaining new pyroxene is not the most important task, so those coins remain in Shade's hands for the time being, waiting to play a greater role.

Throughout the morning, Shade talked with Luvia and Iluna at home, preparing for the upcoming Chosen Ceremony. The full picture of the Chosen Ceremony is still unclear. To be safe, Luvia consumed

That [Cat and Dog Coin] performs divination.

Since it has been known in advance that "five wise man's pyroxenes are needed" and "the location is the island in the middle of the lake", one coin is enough to divine the remaining ritual conditions:

"On the island in the center of the lake, using the five wise men's pyroxene as a medium, we need to learn the unique secrets about the world. Because we know more details in advance, my divination shows that this time the chosen one will be held

The location of the ceremony seems...not Tobesk?"

Luvia said to the two of them.

"I think I can probably guess where exactly it is. Tobesk can't always be so unlucky. I guess it's somewhere further south, but I need evidence."

Shade said, and Iluna concluded:

"The ceremony of the chosen one also requires oneself to understand the meaning of identity, that is, a deep understanding of [wisdom and knowledge], and an artifact with the power of the ancient gods."

She glanced at Shade:

"[Aiken'Aura's Arrow of Knowledge] meets the conditions."

"So, except for the insufficient quantity of wise man's pyroxene, we actually have enough conditions now to allow the chosen ones to complete the ceremony."

Shade said that he knew a lot about the "secrets of the world", such as the current Sixth Age, which is not the real meaning, and the fact that the power of the old gods was inherited from the ancient gods.

"Don't forget, the ceremony itself will allow all nearby mortals to receive a wisdom enlightenment. The Truth Society is most likely here for this, and we cannot relax."

Luvia squinted her eyes slightly and looked at the last two coins on the table:

"This time it was a little too smooth, which gave me an ominous premonition... While Shade is contacting the selected candidates, I will look for the second and third picks. Iluna

, over there at the church..."

"The church is currently negotiating with the Apna Library. I have already reported what Shade said about the library hiding information."

The seventeen-year-old girl said:

"The church believes that there is a high probability that the ceremony of the chosen ones will begin before the end of this year. This is the prophecy in the psalms - wisdom will come before the end of the year."

Iluna took half a day off today and had to return to Blackstone Security Company in the afternoon. So at 11 o'clock at noon, Shade went out early to order a meal at the restaurant on Silver Cross Avenue, and braved the snow to arrive at the restaurant at 11:30.

The waiters brought lunch for the three of them.

Of course, the cost of eating like this is quite high, especially the cost of delivery on snowy days. But the three of them haven't been together for a long time, and Shade doesn't care about this kind of expense.

Although he is short of money now, if he only meets daily expenses, he is still a rich man. In addition to his savings, he also has the 1,000 pounds that Princess Margaret promised to the "Grey Eagle" at Fort Midhill in the autumn.

Didn't go to collect it.

Shade planned to get it after the princess returned to Kasenlik to prevent himself from being involved in the Gray Eagle mission again. Last week's attack and explosion on the princess caused MI6 to still be looking for the person who sent him there.

The man with the note, Shade can't take any more risks.

After finishing lunch together, Iluna returned to the Blackstone Security Company, and Luvia returned to the Prophet's Association. Shade put away the dinner plate and notified the restaurant to pick it up. After that, he left the cat at home, who usually took a nap, and he was alone in the

We took a carriage in the snow to Dr. Schneider's clinic.

Iluna and Luvia walked the same road when they left Saint Teresa Square, walking in the snow. The young chosen one looked back at the direction of Shade's house, and finally asked the question she had been holding back all morning:

"Louvia, do you know the relationship between Shade and Princess Lesia Cavendish? I was in the concert hall last night...the relationship between that princess and Shade..."

The girl with purple eyes raised her eyebrows:

"I know, she is Shade's lover."


Iluna looked at Luvia in surprise. She knew that the relationship between Shade and Luvia was very unusual, so she couldn't believe that Luvia knew about Shade and the princess.

"Where do you think Shade's information comes from? In addition to the duchess, he sometimes needs the help of other secular forces. The princess is a student of Zarath Academy of Literature. Not only can it facilitate his activities in various places,

It’s also a good source of intelligence.”

Luvia looked at her, and the lady's short boots left clear footprints on the snow:

"The road to pursue the Thirteen Chosen Ones is difficult, and the price Shade paid is beyond your imagination."

The seventeen-year-old girl pursed her lips:

"Yes, among the three of us, he has given the most...his lover...that's right, only a person with the status of a princess is worthy of him."

This sentence immediately made Luvia unhappy. The female diviner said to the immature girl with a cold face:

"Oh, Iluna, don't think so. Lesia Cavendish is just a lover."

This sentence made Iluna happy. She took two steps forward quickly, then turned around and looked at Luvia:

"Shad, you, and I, we will definitely get to the end, right?"

Luvia smiled and nodded:

"Yes, this is what we agreed on."

Miss Chosen smiled, and her steps immediately became much more brisk. Her worries about the relationship between Shade and Lesia were completely dissipated because of these words:

"It's just a lover. A handsome gentleman of Shade's age, status, property, and ability... She is just a princess, and I am the chosen one. Since Luvia, who has a better relationship with Shade, has no objection,

Shade and I..."

His face was slightly red, he said this in his heart.

But Luvia felt a little sad inexplicably in her heart, not because of Shade's chaotic lover relationship, but because of the words "until the end".

She didn't understand, didn't understand where this sadness came from. She stopped, amidst the hustle and bustle of the Steam City, and looked up at the sky shrouded in gray mist and falling snow.

In the long past, it seemed that countless people had said such sentences to her.


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