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Chapter 1181 Farewell

Dorothy knew that Shade was going to say goodbye to Luvia who was leaving the city next Monday, so she left Saint Teresa Square after breakfast. After Shade packed up, he took Mia to Luvia's rental house.

Apartment to live in.

When I arrived there, Iluna happened to be there too. It was obvious that the seventeen-year-old girl was quite unaccustomed to Luvia's departure. Her unhappy look was even more serious than Shade's.

Luvia actually didn't have much luggage to pack. Shade confirmed that she was carrying the Young Leaf with her, and Iluna gave her a Sunshine Gun Brooch. As Iluna became stronger and stronger,

The alchemical items she made became increasingly powerful.

Since there was nothing to do, Shade walked around the city with the two girls on this leisurely Sunday. In the morning, they went to the City History Museum, and at noon, they had lunch together at a club that Iluna was familiar with.

Time passed back to No. 6 Saint Teresa Square. The three of them talked about topics of interest, including Shade's time adventure this morning and Luvia's arrangements after arriving in the Randall Valley.

After dinner, Shade went to the concert with them, which made Iluna feel better. It looked like the person who was going to travel was not Luvia, but Iluna.


Tomorrow morning, Luvia will set off directly from the Prophet's Association without Shade and Iluna seeing her off, so she plans to spend the night in St. Teresa Square tonight. So Shade will leave Yiluna at eight o'clock that evening.

Luna arrived at the door of her house, intending to watch her get on the carriage before leaving.

The two of them walked together in the square, leaning against the wall. Iluna kicked the snowdrift on the roadside and looked back at the lights on the second floor of Shade's house:

"I'm really not used to Luvia leaving like this. In the past, when I encountered trouble, I could always ask her for help."

"Soothsayers can't always point the way, and we have to get used to making our own judgments about the future."

Shade said, stretched out his hand to tighten the scarf for Iluna, and then lowered his voice:

"I plan to go to Randall Valley recently, oh, not for Luvia."

Iluna looked a little shyly as Shade retracted his hand, showing an understanding expression:

"I understand. I know you are as reluctant to part with her as I am. After all, she is not as good at fighting as we are. You might as well go to Randall Valley to accompany her."

Although Luvia is not good at fighting, Luvia's "other self" was at least a genuine demigod witch.

"So Shade, remember to say goodbye to Luvia tonight. You went to the Randall Valley with her. Will anything strange happen there?"

This is inevitable. Since the special time key is in the river valley city, there is no reason why that city doesn't have something unique. Shade doesn't know what he will face this time. He even guessed that this time, "the chosen one of time"

"Whether he will appear or not. But no matter what, he must get the only time key that can go to the [past life and sixth era].

"In addition, among the three companions you met in the Fifth Age that you mentioned today, Sister Ollie Perry, a nun from the Church of the Sun and Earth, since she has a specific time and name, I can go back and look it up for you.

one time."

Iluna said softly and stopped:

"Say good-bye to Luvia tonight, and there is no need to send me off any further."

She looked into Xia De's eyes, who were very close at hand, and for some reason, she thought of the kiss in her apartment before the New Year's Eve. She blushed, looked around, stood on tiptoes slightly, and hugged Xia De.

De's neck.

This time she performed very well, at least she didn't bite Shade's lip again.

Next came another Monday. After opening his eyes in the morning, Shade turned to look at the girl lying next to him. Although this parting was very short, Shade did feel a little melancholy in his heart.

He and Luvia had breakfast together. The purple-eyed girl refused Shade and sent him back to the apartment to get his luggage, but just sent him downstairs.

Little Mia squatted at the top of the stairs and watched the two kissing goodbye in the foyer. Hugging Luvia, Shade naturally mentioned his plan:

"I've recently been thinking about ways to try to see if I can go to Randall Valley. Luvia, maybe you can see me soon."

"There's no need to do such a thing just to see me."

Luvia scolded a little bit angrily, but she looked very happy.

"I'm a little afraid of you going away now. Every time you go to other cities, you will always encounter strange troubles, such as Coldwater Port, Fort Midhill, and Huntington. No, everything is safe in Huntington.


"But the whole western part of the Old World suffered."

Shade corrected him, Luvia smiled and shook her head:

"Anyway, I hope everything is safe. Oh, before bidding farewell, Shade, please let me divine for you whether you will be able to successfully meet me in Randall City."

Shade smiled as he watched Luvia shuffle the cards, hesitated for a moment, and pulled out the third divination card from the top.


Luvia read the cards, smiled and praised:

"Your luck has always been very good. The meanings represented by the divination cards and the feast are all positive and positive. Harvest, harvest, perfection, etc., combined with different things, have different interpretations. But this is definitely

It’s not a bad sign, you should be able to see me successfully.”

"As long as it's not a sign that I'll meet the [Lord of the Blood Feast] again."

Shade said in his heart, and then kissed Luvia again:

"Then, we'll see you in Randall City. The adventure is about to begin again. Have a safe journey, Luvia."

At this moment, he seemed to feel that he had kissed two people at once.

Since it was Monday, Shade did not forget to take out this week's gift. This week's gift was a harmonica in a leather box. It looked quite expensive, but for Shade, who didn't know much about music, this thing was worth it.

The best value is actually given to others as a gift.

This week's task is to learn to sing a song, which is what Shade needs to do.

Shade has now obtained the way to Randall Valley, but he is still not in a hurry to do it. Taking advantage of the morning, he went to St. York College of Liberal Arts to look for Professor Martin's "runaway" son.

The investigation report was sent to the professor.

Although Mr. Martin Jr. may be at risk of being imprisoned due to Shade's investigation, the professor had already paid the full commission fee when Shade reported the situation on Saturday morning.

After receiving the complete investigation report this time, the old professor sighed and told Xia De that he would appoint the best lawyer to litigate the lawsuit, and hoped that Xia De could serve as a witness to help his son say a few good words:

"I hope that Miss Norma's soul can rest in peace."

In Shade's view, although someone was killed this time, it was difficult to tell whose fault it was.

After the commission was completed, without Shade asking, Dorothy's father, Professor Louisa, sent an invitation letter at noon, inviting Detective Hamilton to talk to him about those interesting detective stories.

The place where I met Professor Louisa that afternoon was the "Wind Poetry Club" in the city, which is a place where local writers and poets often gather.

Professor Louisa was a tall and thin middle-aged man with golden eyes, meticulously styled hair, and a very elegant look. Even Shade had to admit that Dorothy's father's appearance was indeed quite outstanding.

This was the professor's first meeting with Shade. Although he did not know the relationship between Shade and Dorothy, he was quite aware of the many scandals circulating in the city about the knight and the duchess.

Of course, the two of them didn't talk about this that afternoon. Professor Louisa was really just interested in Shade and chatted with him about the profession of detective. The success of Dorothy's detective novels made this literature professor read

Popular chivalry novels have developed in a different direction, so I want to know more about the detective profession.

Shade was also happy to share his knowledge with Dorothy's father, and tried his best to portray himself as honest and reliable in the story.

Because of Shade's "ulterior motives," the conversation between the two was quite speculative. That evening, Professor Louisa even invited Shade to his home to have dinner with Louisa's family. Shade also got to know Dorothy.

Akane's mother and underage brother and sister.

The professor seemed to admire Shad very much. After hearing that Shad had never actually gone to school, but was quite familiar with literature and poetry - it was actually Dorothy who had told Shad what Professor Isha liked in advance, and she was quite interested.

Ask him:

"Are you interested in an honorary degree? An honorary degree from the Department of Literature will be awarded in the spring. If you are interested, I can help run it. Of course, you are a noble yourself, so the amount of donation to the school is negotiable."

Xia De naturally agreed:

"Professor, I often hear people praise people who study literature as being gentle and elegant. Now it seems that this kind of praise is still a bit too conservative."

Professor Louisa shook her head reservedly, but the smile on her face did not diminish. In Shade's opinion, Dorothy's father was far easier to deal with than Lesia's father.

That night, Dorothy, who was supposed to be staying at home, came to No. 6, Saint Teresa Square nervously around ten o'clock, and inquired about the meeting and conversation between Shade and her father in the study after dinner this afternoon.


When she heard that Professor Louisa had a good impression of Shade, the writer happily kissed Shade. Although the girls had a tacit agreement not to mention Shade's marriage problem, Dorothy obviously wanted to let him know.

Shade got to know his family earlier.

In order to reward Shade for getting along well with his father today, and to appease Shade's melancholy and loneliness about Luvia's departure, Dorothy, who has always been a bit shy, even behaved better than usual when she spent the night at Shade's house tonight.

Be more enthusiastic and proactive.

Of course, it would be another thing if Shade opened his eyes early on Tuesday morning and discovered that the body of the blonde girl was the soul of Her Highness the Princess.

This chapter has been completed!
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