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Chapter 1182 Medal and Abandoned Church

In short, Tobesk's affairs were temporarily settled, and new adventures could begin. Considering that he would not be back until very late, on Tuesday morning, Shade asked Dorothy to take care of Mia temporarily today. Of course, Miss Writer


"May the original crack protect me in the infinite space."

In the basement of his home, Shade reached out alone to touch the statue of the ancient god. As the thick white fog quickly surged around him, he entered the fog.

[Outlander, you have entered the ‘space labyrinth’. 】

[Message from the ancient god "Original Crack":]

[Existing space landmark: 5.]

After taking a look at the five dilapidated road signs on the trail, Shade raised his head and drank the potion "Oak Lucky Potion" in one gulp, and then held up the white stone crystal in the fog:

"Offer sacrifices to the labyrinth of space."

The stone turned into a wisp of white mist and disappeared into Shade's hand. At the same time, "she" prompted:

[New information has been obtained and new spatial landmarks can be searched. Please choose a direction. 】


Shade said in a very calm voice. After the words fell, the sixth road sign appeared on the path in the thick fog, still in the same dilapidated shape as if it had been ravaged by time for a hundred years.

After passing the first five street signs, Shade stretched out his hand and pressed it on the rotten wood.

[The original rift will guide you in the direction.]

The surrounding white mist slowly dispersed, like a curtain moving to both sides. Shade looked at the statue of the ancient god he touched. As he looked, the statue emitted a soft light, illuminating the dark circular space.

"Every hidden space seems to be the same size."

He murmured softly, and then looked at the other objects here except the statue.

In fact, because similar hidden spaces can be entered by possessing the "space" spirit rune, there may be things left by others before Shade reaches a certain space.

For example, he found a message left by the "Hermitage of Light" in the basement of his home, found a corpse whose identity is still unknown in the White Valley vineyard, and the island in the middle of the Pantanal Lake was an empty...

rough gray stone bookshelf.

At this time, the hidden space corresponding to the sixth road sign was not empty. There was an iron hoop box placed against the wall. The box itself was made of wood with a lid, and some rusty iron bars bound the box.

Standing up, this appearance inexplicably reminded Shade of the relic [Mimic Monster] he encountered on the [Fishbone Pirate Ship].

[No, you can be sure, this is just an ordinary box. 】

"She" reminded softly.

So Shade didn't rush to leave here to confirm which city this was, but knelt down on one knee in front of the box.

The box itself has a built-in lock. Judging from the shape of the lock, the box is probably a bit old. Fortunately, under the effect of [Door Key], the lock does not exist. Only when the lid of the box is opened,

Shade was a little worried that the ancient wooden box would disintegrate as a result.


Fortunately, it is much stronger than it looks. After opening it, I saw that half of the box was filled with books.

""Folklore Examination of Randall Valley", "Fairy Tales of the City of Spring", "The Silmarillion", "Crazy Earth" and "Hymn of Flowers".

He took out a few of the books and looked through them, and determined that seven of them were books written by ring magicians, while most of the others were religious classics from the Zhengshen Church, or ordinary books that recorded folklore or mythological stories.

Let's look at the other items in the box besides the books. They are two extremely gorgeous-looking metal medals inlaid with gemstones, an unsealed letter, and gold coins covering the bottom of the box.

Shade had seen those two medals more than once at many banquets in Tobesk during the winter, and they were among the medals hanging on the chests of the Kasenlik nobles who attended the banquet.

"let me see."

He rubbed his fingertips on the metal medals, and then noticed the medal numbers. In this way, it would be very simple to know who the original owners of these medals were.

There is no stamp or address on the unsealed letter, but there is some faded dark blue ink on the envelope, which tells Shade who this letter is for:

[To you who read this letter.]

"Letter to me."

Shade nodded and took out the letter paper. The exaggerated cursive letters used by the nobles came into view. This kind of cursive letters was quite difficult to read:

[To you who opened this letter. I don’t know your identity, and I can’t determine the identity of the next ring warlock who comes here, but if you are willing, can you read my story? 】

Shade continued to look down, and then described the story of a low-level warlock named "Thomas Granger". Mr. Granger came from a prominent local family in the Randall Valley, unexpectedly awakened his talent, and passed by a local

Under the guidance of the ring warlock, he successfully became a ring warlock.

"It seems this is indeed the Randall Valley."

It took him ten years to be promoted to the fourth ring, but he also understood that his limit was probably this. As he entered middle age, Mr. Granger focused more on his ordinary life as a heir of a noble family, until

This gentleman was tainted with a curse in an accident. The curse not only left him with only a few weeks to live, but also tainted the items he carried with him.

Other items are not important, but the two medals collected by the family cannot be left alone. That strange curse will not weaken as time passes, but will become stronger and stronger. Therefore, at the end of his life, Glen

Mr. Jie, placed these books and medals here to suppress the curse with miraculous elements.

He hoped that those who came after him could return the two medals to his family. The gold coins at the bottom of the box and the books he collected were the rewards for returning the medals.

"There is indeed no curse on the medal. It seems that his idea is correct. But why is it not written in this letter? How did he find this place?"

Shade muttered, and saw that the date written on the signature was 1780, and now it is 1854. Although the time is less than a hundred years, it was already a long time ago.

There are no traces of the curse on the items in the box, but the gold coins covering the bottom of the box, after Shade's rough identification, are the original "Randall" in the Randall Valley area before the founding of the United Kingdom of Carsonlik.

A gold coin minted by the Principality, this antique is now known as the "Randall Crown".

He counted it and found that there were a total of 51 gold coins here, all of which were in pretty good condition. Although he was not sure of the value that could be sold, Xia De believed that if they were all converted into money, they would definitely exceed his current savings.

"Thank you Mr. Granger."

He whispered, intending to send the medal back. This was not only because of the reward of these gold coins, but also because he knew nothing about the Randall Valley, and in order to find the key mentioned by "Luvia", he would at least have to

Establish certain social relationships locally.

"I hope the Granger family will not be destroyed."

The books and gold coins were kept where they were, and they were moved home when they returned, while the letters and medals were put into their pockets. Shade turned to look at the wall facing the statue. Under the light of the [Time and Space] spirit runes,

The hidden path is opened.

As before, it was dark outside, with only the slightly cold air pouring in.

"What could be out there?"

I walked out along the long and narrow hidden passage, made sure there was no one here, and then lit up the moonlight on my fingertips.

This is the corner of a dilapidated room. The space here is not very large. The surrounding walls, including the ceiling, are made of square masonry. Beside the wall on the right, there are some half-collapsed stone shelves. It looks like

This should be a storage room or something.

Although there is dust on the ground, there are no spider webs or small animals such as mice or bats. Although the air is not good, there is no rotten smell that is unique to abandoned buildings:

"Maybe there are still people living here."

The door leaving the room is on the side, and the stairs going up are blocked by collapsed shelves. It seems that this time it is still underground.

However, when Shade walked along the stone stairs to the top, he unexpectedly found that the stone door could not be pushed open.

"Feliana's Witch's Light!"

The palm of his right hand emitted a golden light, and as the arm melted and penetrated the wooden door, Shade saw that the corridor outside had collapsed, and part of the ceiling blocked the doorway.

There was no other way, Shade could only use [Moonlight Sword] and [Witch's Light] to forcibly open up a path outward. Fortunately, the collapse of the ceiling only reached the position of this door. After leaving the underground storage room,

He can still choose to go in another direction.

"It's all like this. It seems like it's uninhabited, but why don't we see any small animals?"

This is indeed an abandoned building, and the interior space of the building itself is quite large. Although there are collapsed walls and ceilings everywhere, which greatly limits Shade's comprehensive exploration, he still senses that this may be an abandoned church.

Of course, the churches of the Five Gods Church will not be abandoned easily, but the churches of the old gods who have gone far may have survived into the Sixth Age for various reasons.

It's a pity that time is also fair to churches without faith, and there are no traces left here to indicate the ownership of the church.

Relying on his knowledge of church-like buildings, Shade broke through a wall before finding the corridor leading to the front hall. Following the semi-curved corridor to the end, the sunlight made his eyes that had adapted to the darkness somewhat uncomfortable.

Shade raised his hand to cover his eyebrows, squinted his eyes, and saw the main hall of the church in the snow, illuminated by the sun.

There is a large hole above the church door on the east side of the ceiling. Winter sunlight slants in, and bits of dust swirl around the light beam. The light beam illuminates the ancient stone pulpit. This picture is extremely shocking. The traces of time and years are here.

It is clearly visible, and the pulpit in the light seems to have witnessed all the stories here.

This chapter has been completed!
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