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Chapter 1383 Sigh

"Why didn't I know about this?"

Prince William's voice suddenly became low, and Earl Granger pursed his lips and said nothing. Shade knew the answer, because Prince William was busy with business with Oxenfurt some time ago and had no time to care about these things.

"Also, Margaret wants to take the money herself? I know that the business behind her back is definitely not a small amount."

The prince began to pace in front of the window again. Looking at his side face, Shade could tell how anxious he was at this time:

"This is not okay. If she really wants to pay, then I can't pretend that I don't know. All the cash in my hand is invested. But if I can't get out a single copper, what will my father think of me?


As he spoke, the pacing prince looked at Earl Granger with sharp eyes. The Earl showed an expression of sudden realization and said softly:

"His Majesty's reply has not arrived yet. Maybe Your Majesty can resolve this matter from Willendale. After all, the kingdom's treasury is still very abundant. But if you really need to advance a sum of money in advance, why not do this, Your Highness?

Let me lend it to you. I know you came to this place with only a few clothes, and you must have forgotten to bring your checkbook."

Prince William stopped again and turned his back to the window again, with admiration and sigh in his tone:

"Then I'm sorry, Earl. You are truly the most loyal person to the royal family."

Shade admired Earl Granger's self-restraint, because the Earl was still able to put on a quite natural and reserved smile on his face after being praised:

"You are so honored."

Shade thought this conversation would end like this, but unexpectedly Prince William said again:

"Count, since you still have some cash in your hand, have you ever considered investing? You know, keeping gold in your hand without spending it is no different from scrap copper and scrap metal. It just so happens that I have some in my hand now.

A very good project. Although the specifics cannot be said yet, related to the gold mine that has been circulating in the city recently is that we discovered a large precious metal mine offshore."

Earl Granger blinked:

"Precious metal mines. In fact, the family business has not been very prosperous in recent years. As you know, the trade war launched by the Delarian people against us has caused heavy losses to small businessmen like me."

Prince William's tone contained some bewildering meaning:

"It doesn't take much. You only need to pay 10,000 kronor. The rate of return is definitely higher than you think. You don't need to give me a reply now. I will visit you in a few days and I can give you some information."

"Of course that would be great."

Although the earl concealed it very well, Shade still saw that he was relieved. Ten thousand crowns is about twelve or thirty thousand gold pounds. Although a rich and powerful noble like Lord Granger probably also takes

Although this amount of money was lost, no one would lose so much easily without feeling distressed.

Earl Granger was not interested in Prince William's business at all, probably not because he saw through the scam immediately, but simply because the conversation just now made him feel that the prince was not a reliable person.

Although the conversation in the room was still going on, it should have come to an end. After watching this "burlesque", Shade moved his body carefully, preparing to return to the indoor corridor to wait for the count, but just as he moved, his ears caught the sound of the ground.


Turning his head and looking down, he saw a strange man standing in front of the door of the manor house. He looked up at him in surprise. Shade was sure that the tall and thin man saw him directly instead of looking at the glass:

"Hey! People above, what are you doing?"

the man on the ground asked.

【Twelve rings.】

A voice whispered in my ear.

Shade smiled, then transformed into a swarm of red butterflies and flew towards the top of the building:

"What bad luck."

The twelve-ring warlock who can appear here must be an official member of the church. If he is caught up by the other party, he will be in trouble this time.

"Raglai's Leap!"

After dropping the extract of weathervane bluegrass on the tip of his tongue, Shade jumped directly from the roof of the building, took a step forward in the air, and entered the room through the window of the corridor on the third floor.

But it was not safe to enter the room, so he hurriedly returned to the first floor along the stairs. Worried that Margaret would be harmed, Shade did not go to find the princess, but blended into the crowd.

He picked up a wine glass casually, then stood at the window where he was talking to Mr. Enriquez and looked out, relaxing his body and pretending to be very leisurely. Shade let out a sigh of relief, feeling quite annoyed at his carelessness.

Although he could not have predicted that the twelve-ring warlock would appear just when he was eavesdropping, he should have thought about this possibility.

"It seems that my mentality is not right recently, so I still need to be extremely careful and cautious."

After waiting for a while, no one came to find him, so Shade relaxed a little. He took a sip from the wine glass he was holding and found that it was champagne. He put the glass on the window sill and was about to turn around and look around.

, only to find that in the still cup, ripples appeared on the liquid surface.



A slight shaking sensation appeared, and then the crystal chandelier above made a terrifying sound. The originally bustling banquet hall was filled with silence as if it had been sprinkled with a mute spell. Everyone looked up to look at the shaking sound.

There was a creaking crystal chandelier. After someone shouted, "Get outside quickly," the guests quickly gathered towards the entrance of the mansion.

On the night of Friday, the 21st day of the Moon, a small earthquake with its epicenter in the center of Randall Valley City came unexpectedly and quietly.

A sudden earthquake interrupted the rhythm of the banquet. Although the scale of this earthquake was far less than the one half a month ago when Shade realized that there was divinity in Randall Valley, the banquet was still interrupted and ended hastily.

Shade did not stay here for long. He said hello to Margaret thoughtfully and left. Her Royal Highness the Princess felt extremely sorry for inviting Shade but not entertaining him well at all, and watched him leave from the window.

At that time, the feeling of guilt in my heart was quite strong.

Shade did not take the carriage, but walked down the street and returned to the Fertile Land Hotel in the city center. He originally planned to talk to Luvia about the earthquake. After all, this earthquake appeared directly in the city.

However, as soon as they walked into the bright and warm hotel, they saw Luvia and another lady sitting at the table by the wall. They were listening to the bard playing the lyre.

They played and sang heroic stories while chatting softly, and Shade turned around and left directly from the door.

Because the person talking to Luvia was actually Miss Danister, the librarian at St. Byrons. Miss Danister had asked Shade on Wednesday morning if she wanted to give Luvia from Randall Valley

I didn't expect that she actually came directly.

So Shade, who had nothing to do, went back to the street alone, and while thinking about things, he came to the Church of the Forgotten on Cherry Leaf Street.

After entering the invisible church through a special method, I found that the church was also empty.

Shade did not choose to go home immediately. Instead, he stepped on the red carpet that had been laid out and came to the front row of seats in the front hall. He picked up the photo of the Watson family and put it aside, then sat down on Russell.

Next to the stone statue of Mr. Si.

He moved his center back slightly, letting himself lean on the back of the stone chair, and then looked at the holy emblem that had been hung up together with the stone statue.

It took a long time before the sound of sighs could be heard in the empty church. The church was quite dark, with only the moonlight shining in through the holes in the roof.

Shade didn't move for a long time, thinking about his recent actions in the Randall Valley, the ancient family lineage, the evil spirits from the third era, and the epics of the chosen ones from the sixth era.

Suddenly inspiration flashed, he turned around and looked behind him, and then he saw Mr. Lassus' transparent soul, standing under the moonlight, lowering his head and praying respectfully to the holy symbol hanging on the wall.

Shade did not get up, but turned around and put his hands on the back of the chair:

"I thought the next time I saw you would be after I got rid of the devil."

The devout soul did not answer Shade, but opened his eyes only after the prayer was completed. The moonlight penetrated the transparent figure, but did not leave a shadow due to the characteristics of the spiritual body.

Willon Lassus looked at the young man sitting next to his body:

"The original plan was like this, but now we have to come to see you in advance."

"Is it related to tonight's earthquake?"

"Yes, the petrified plague in the city and this earthquake are both signs. The madness of the earth is accelerating to spread to more lands. Next Tuesday, there will be an area of ​​black mud emerging locally that connects to the roots of the earth. We need

Your help."

Shade looked at him:

"If you need my help, you should at least give me a certain amount of trust. Even now, you still refuse to tell me the truth about you?"

Mr. Lacers was silent for a moment:

"We must be wary of that demon. Our secrets cannot be told to anyone until the demon leaves the area."

Shade sighed slightly:

"Do you really know "" and the Chosen One?"

"I've heard of it, but I don't know."

The soul answered calmly, so Shade told him about the great prophecies of the Witch Emperors, the thirteen chosen ones, and what happened since last summer in the silent old church:

"The guardian is the fifth chosen one, the chosen one of the earth. However, the chosen one is an individual and cannot be a group, so I haven't fully understood your affairs yet but I have already made a guess."

"If we become the chosen ones, we can completely clean up the pollution on the earth. We are willing to do this and become your companions."

Mr. Lacers said that he behaved quite rationally, even a little abnormally.

"It's not that simple. If rituals, cultists, demons, and the chosen ones appear so easily, then what kind of epic is it in the Sixth Age?"

This chapter has been completed!
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