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Chapter 1384 Moonlight Soul and Girl

Shade stood up, but did not walk towards Mr. Lassers. Instead, he walked towards the restored pulpit. He came under the Holy Emblem and held both sides of the platform with his hands. It was like a trial under the Holy Emblem.

To the soul under the moonlight:

"Stone Oxenfurt is the second candidate, and your daughter, Miss Sirius Lassers, is the third candidate."

He paused and then asked:

"I have told you the rules of the chosen ones and candidates. So, is there a situation where your daughter must be killed, and she must die in front of Stone Oxenfurt, in order to avoid that and the devil?

The guy who signed the contract becomes the chosen one."

"Yes, there is such a situation and it also has to do with its planning."

Mr. Lassers said, and Shade narrowed his eyes:

"That's it, that's it. I understand. So, you are actually."

He did not say anything, but stared at the soul, and all the questions he had when meeting the guardians several times were answered:

"You are even more amazing than I thought."

"Judging from your deeds, the truly remarkable thing is actually you."

Mr. Lacers said calmly, looking at Shade under the holy emblem:

"Ordinary souls cannot protect this land. We just did what we should do. Compared to the chosen one you described, you are like"

"No, I am not."

Shade took out the crimson gem and the key from his pocket:

"You know them, right?"

Mr. Lacers nodded slightly:

"I originally thought that Sirius would finally find it. That's fine. The four gems can open the cemetery, and the key can open the door deep in the cemetery. That door leads to the land of Randall Valley.

The center, the legendary heart of the earth, is right there.”

Shade didn't show a smile, he had already guessed:

“What does it take to enter that door?”

"Enough 'heavy', enough to understand the earth."

Therefore, Shade still needs to continue to strengthen his "healing aura", but he does not have to wait until the source of black mud appears before he can try it. As long as he gets the remaining three gems, he can try it at any time.

"Don't enter that door until you defeat the demon, otherwise disaster will result."

Mr. Lacers warned again.

"I understand. If I guessed correctly, you should usually be next to the Heart of the Earth, right?"

Shade asked, Mr. Lassers did not answer:

"Guardians appeared early in this era. There is no point in exploring the appearance of the first guardian. We all voluntarily guard this land. We are the same. And that cemetery was built in the fifth era.

People at that time discovered the door, so they built a cemetery as a second guard in front of the door. If possible, please do not destroy the cemetery. The owner of the tomb is also a respectable person. The first guardian is also Gran

The ancestor of the Jie family, it was because he knew the deeds of the owner of the cemetery that he entered the depths of the earth."

"The owner of the tomb, Mr. Fred Lyman, is my friend, just like Sister St. Perry of the Fifth Age."

Mr. Lassus closed his eyes:

"I see."

Shade looked at him with squinted eyes. Mr. Lassus lowered his head slightly and prayed again. Shade actually still had many questions he wanted to ask, but when he wanted to ask, he found that he had already guessed the answers to most of those questions:

"Where should I go to prepare on Tuesday? Can I inform the Zhengshen Church?"

So under the moonlight, the transparent traces of light gathered into a map. The map pointed out the location, which was quite close to the old cemetery of the Granger family:

"The church can be involved, and they can reduce our burden. If the source of this pollution is not handled well, earthquakes and petrified plagues will accelerate."

"Okay, you should also be careful. On Tuesday, I may not know the entire content of the devil's chosen ceremony, but you can prepare it first. Spring leaves, flowers, fruits, autumn flowers, stones,



So the two fell into silence again, and Shade didn't know if the other party was also thinking as much as he was. He only knew that maybe on Tuesday, he would be able to fully confirm the truth about the guardians.

Suddenly they both heard the sound coming from the church courtyard, their boots stepped on the snow in the courtyard, and they gradually approached the steps of the church.

"Then we'll see you on Tuesday."

Mr. Lacers said, but Shade stopped him:

"Don't you really want to meet her? Even if she blames you for leaving all the responsibilities to her, you should meet her. At least, praise her for the good work she has done over the years."

Mr. Lacers said nothing.

"In other words, in order to thank me for purifying this land, let's meet her."

Mr. Lacers nodded slowly:


So, the young blonde girl who came to the Church of the Forgotten on this night, after opening the door of the church, saw a familiar face standing under the beam of skylight, and saw the holy emblem in the distance, leaning forward

Shade looked at her.

Siris Grand Lassus was stunned for a moment, and the small bag in his hand fell to the ground without caring.

After a while, she quickly entered the church. Because her steps were so hurried, she unexpectedly fell under the moonlight.

She did not get up, but sat there, covering her face and sobbing quietly. Mr. Lacers looked down at her expressionlessly, and waited for a moment before speaking:

"You've done a great job over the years."

The crying sound suddenly became louder, and the soul turned its head and nodded to Shade high up, and then slowly sank to the ground.

In the empty church, only the man behind the pulpit and the crying girl were left. It was very cold here, and it was very quiet here. The edge of the moonlight illuminated the hem of Miss Lassers' skirt, but it could not illuminate the wrapped skirt.

In the body, that sad soul.

(Little Mia is running.)

"So, this is the reason why you held Miss Lathan last night and stayed at the Church of the Forgotten until one o'clock in the morning before going home, and then you were almost scratched by the family cat?"

On Saturday morning, on the first floor of the Fertile Land Hotel, Luvia held a spoon and said with a smile to Shade, who was holding Mia across from him.

"Miss Lassers was crying really hard."

Shade explained, taking a bite of buttered bread:

"For the first half hour, she hugged me and sobbed, and then started to talk about the hardships of the past years. From eleven o'clock, she began to scold her father for being irresponsible, and it was not painful for him to leave the cult to her.

Swearing is just some slang in the words."

Shade said, after being pulled by little Mia, he tore some bread and fed it to him. Dorothy didn't go to Shade's house last night, so the cat was left alone at home until one o'clock. Shade never saw Shade.

When Hidden Wall came out, he happened to see Mia lying on the basement steps with a stinky face and looking at him:

"Fortunately, Miss Benenice noticed that Miss Lassus hadn't gone back so late. She knew that Miss Lassus had gone to the church to get something, so she went directly to the church to find Miss Lassus, and then she 'saved' me.

Come out, otherwise, Miss Lassus may have to stay in the church all night. At that time, my shoulders were wet from crying."

"Is Miss Lassers just being held and crying by you?"

Luvia asked suspiciously.

Shade was a little embarrassed:

"Okay, actually she was lying in my arms. Then for some reason, I comforted her, and she suddenly kissed me. You don't know, Miss Benanis entered the church and saw us kissing in the dark, and her face changed.

Very bad. She is probably very angry with me."

"I shouldn't be angry with you."

The girl with purple eyes murmured.

Xia De said with emotion:

"In my opinion, Mr. Lassus is really irresponsible. When he disappeared, Miss Lassus was still a minor. If she hadn't met Miss Benanis later, she would have had a harder time than she is now."

"Mr. Lassers must have his reasons for doing this. I think he must have encountered something more important."

Luvia held her face and said:

"And according to your description, his mood towards Miss Lassers last night was obviously abnormal. How can a father treat his daughter like that?"

"Maybe there will be an answer on Tuesday. I'll go to Miss Benenice later and ask her to notify the church and let the church know where the big trouble will occur on Tuesday."

Shade said, and Luvia warned again:

"You will have to go there when the time comes, so let the witch warn the church not to get too close."

"I see."

Shade ate the last piece of bread and looked around again:

"What did the association say about the earthquake last night?"

"The essence of the earth is decaying."

Luvia said a terrifying sentence in a relaxed tone:

"The association has judged this before, but last night's earthquake became the final proof. The association headquarters has sent two twelve-ring diviners to assist the Church of the Sun and Earth in the survey. Currently, it is believed that frequent

The emergence of the 'Crazy Earth' phenomenon is the first stage, and the emergence of petrified plague and small-scale earthquakes is the second stage. There should be unpredictable third and fourth stages next, each stage starting with a large-scale earthquake.

Node. In the fifth stage, the crazy land spreads to the entire material world, and the material world is heading towards chaos. Years of plagues, food failures and unpredictable earthquakes will destroy the foundation of our civilization. Although this will not directly destroy the world, it has already

It’s considered a less intense doomsday.”

Shade sighed:

"The previous few times were just regional events, but this time they have escalated directly to a global one. I understand. There is a meeting this afternoon, so I won't stay in the Randall Valley for a long time. On Sunday I will visit Stone O

The captain mentioned by Senft will go to the old cemetery of the Granger family on Monday and resolve the matters mentioned by the guardians on Tuesday."

He put down his fork:

"When Iluna comes next week, the pressure will probably be less. However, it won't last too long. The Moon of Thin Stars is in the second half of the year, and early spring is already very close."


The purple-eyed girl tilted her head and looked at her lover across the table:

"It feels like many years have passed since the spring of 1853, and this winter has been really long. When I return to Tobesk, I can take off my cotton clothes. I would like to plant a few pots of flowers at No. 6 Saint Teresa Square?"

Apart from you and your cat, there are no living things in that house, not even spiders or mice. It’s too boring. Oh, you don’t need to take care of the flowers, I will water them.”

She looked at Shade with a smile, and Shade felt that she had other meanings:

"I'll water it often."

This chapter has been completed!
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