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Chapter 1572 The Chosen One of Space

"What happened last night was not an explosion, it was the church's action to arrest members of the [Mirror Society]."

At ten o'clock on Friday morning, after sending Dorothy and Lesia away who were going to Lesia's personal tailor to customize spring dresses, Shade, who had just returned to No. 6 Saint Teresa Square, left Luvia.

I heard the news there.

The girl with purple eyes was waiting for Shade to come back at home in advance. She didn't care about the smell of two different perfumes on Shade. Instead, she congratulated Shade on his victory, helped him put the trophy in the study, and then teased him.

Miss Carina actually tolerated Lecia and Dorothy "playing games" with Shade at her place.

"I received news from Yin Luna that this bold action of the [Mirror Association] is related to the chosen one."

Luvia said.


Shade changed his clothes from the bedroom and came out, holding little Mia in his arms and sitting on the sofa, then frowned:

"Is it related to the Chosen One? Wait, is the remaining part of "" pointing to the riding competition?"

"The specific situation is not known yet. The church used channeling methods to summon the soul of the ring warlock from the [Mirror Association] who was killed last night, and then got some information. Wait a minute for Yin Luna, she will come in about half an hour.


Shade nodded and stroked Mia's back:

"It seems that my rest time is over again."

She said she would arrive in half an hour, but in fact it was already eleven o'clock when Yin Luna arrived at Saint Teresa Square.

Xia De went downstairs to open the door and welcomed Yin Luna up. The seventeen-year-old girl sat down and said without much greeting:

"The Mirror Association has obtained some fragments of the psalm, and the sixth chosen one is the chosen one in space. The information currently obtained by the church from the broken souls is: the chosen one in space is related to the participation in the 1854 Tobesk city ring.

Related to the 36 contestants in the City Riding Competition."

Luvia frowned deeply:

"What does it mean to be related? If it is related, because Shade is a contestant, even you and I can be counted among them."

"The relevant thing is that the person selected for the space may be one of the 36 contestants, or it may be their most trusted friend or closest relative."

"You are still in it."

Schade pointed out:

"I don't have any relatives, and my most trusted friends are you...or maybe it's not friends but a more personal relationship."

The purple-eyed girl had a smile on her face:

"Look what you said. Yin Luna, then the [Mirror Association] brought the [Faceless Man] here this time to..."

"The Chosen One has a strange destiny and unique means. The Mirror Association tries to let the Chosen One meet the [Faceless Man]. No matter what happens, they can obtain effective information. But unfortunately, the Chosen One probably did not arrive.

At the scene, the only Ring Warlock who had a head-on conflict with the [Faceless Man] was Shad, and Shad only used ordinary people's methods. Luvia, you have said many times that Shad cannot be the chosen one."

Yin Luna said and looked at Xia De again:

"However, the church should investigate Shade's interpersonal relationships in the near future to determine whether the chosen one is related to him. Don't worry about this, I will help you get it. But according to past experience, once there are incidents that match the fragments of the Psalm,

Happening, it represents the beginning of the epic story of the new chosen ones. Shade, we were originally planning to let you rest for the entire spring."

She said apologetically, and Shade shook his head:

"It's okay, but what is the direction of the current investigation? Should we also investigate the interpersonal relationships of all 36 contestants? The church can do this, they have sufficient manpower, but we cannot conduct a large-scale investigation."

"Let Yin Luna inquire about the news in the church first. I will communicate with Carina and then find a solution from the Prophet Association. Now that we can borrow the power of the Witch Council, many things will be more convenient. Once we have clues, I

You can use the remaining two demon gold coins to further narrow the scope of the investigation."

Luvia turned to look out the window:

"But why are there clues about the chosen one appearing in Tobesk City again? Is this city really that special?"

So far, with the exception of the Chosen Ones of Death and the Chosen Ones of Earth, the other Chosen Ones are all more or less related to Tobesk.

"The key now is to determine whether the chosen one is local. If not, I will prepare white stone crystals and items that can make me lucky in a short time and travel to other cities... I originally planned to go to other cities after this game.

, to visit Miss Gaude, now it seems that my spring travel plan can only be postponed temporarily. "

Shade said.


Mia shouted, not knowing what she wanted to express.

It was Friday, April, the fourth day of the month of sowing when Yin Luna brought the news about the fragments of the poem. On the next day, early Saturday morning, Shade received a message from Mia...

Miss Gold's letter:

"Ha, Miss Gold said that Mia's birthday is this week! I said, my guess is indeed right! Mia, how about we have a big dinner tonight?"

Because in the reply letter at the beginning of last month, Shade mentioned his plan to visit her, so in this month's letter, in addition to the usual greetings and trivia about little Mia, Miss Gauthe also mentioned Shade's visit.

She obviously thought that Shade had not set off when she received this letter, because when the letter talked about this matter, it was also based on the premise that Shade was preparing for this trip.

To put it simply, Miss Gold welcomes Shade to bring Mia to visit her, but she is currently dealing with trivial matters in the family territory. At the same time, she is recruiting helpers and adventurers who are willing to stay in that remote and desolate ancient town.

On the one hand, as the local lord family, they also need to repair the churches, sanatoriums, taverns, carriage stations, craftsmen's unions, cemeteries, blacksmith shops and other basic functional buildings for people's livelihood that were damaged by various accidents in the town last year.

In her letter, she suggested that Shade could wait until the summer a few months later to visit her again, when the town should have gradually returned to its former peace. At the same time, she also mentioned that after Shade's visit, Xiao Mia could directly

Staying by her side can be regarded as the end of this long commission of taking care of the pet cat.

"Once I go to visit her, I have to keep little Mia with her?"

Shade took the letter and glanced at the cat on the dining table, which was lowering its head and licking the goat's milk. The cat with very sensitive senses noticed Shade's gaze and raised its head to look at him with innocent eyes. The hair around its mouth was stained with white goat's milk.

The appearance is very funny.

[You wouldn’t decide not to go near Mia Gold’s town for this reason, would you? 】

"She" suddenly whispered in Shade's ear. Shade shook his head to get rid of the not very moral thoughts in his mind:

"I'm definitely going to go. No matter what I do, I have to keep Mia by my side. However, since Ms. Gothe asked me to postpone my travel plan, and the matter of the Space Chosen One happened to come up, I want to postpone it for a while before visiting her.

That’s okay too.”

Shade said to himself, folded the letter paper and put it away, and also put away the 10 pound note.

"Since Miss God is working hard to revitalize the family and the town, maybe I can express my goodwill in other ways. For example, if she is short of money, I can lend her some. Now I am relatively rich."

After experiencing the adventure in the Randall Valley, even without counting the shares in the unexploited gold mines in the Randall Valley, the savings in Shade's hands have reached five figures before he knew it. In addition, such as those in Huntington City

Boxes of gems and other wealth that Shade is not willing to easily liquidate, his average level of wealth is probably barely comparable to the lowest level of his neighbors.

Now that he had thought about what to say to Miss Gothe, he planned to write a reply to Miss Gothe immediately, so as not to wait until Yin Luna or Luvia had further news about the chosen one, and he would be busy and forget about it.

.But just as he walked to the study, he heard a knock on the door from downstairs:


Shade went downstairs and opened the door with expectation, and then discovered the two twin brothers wearing monocles, Eric Foran and Charles Foran.

Although he had not known them for a long time, Shade regarded them as his friends because of similar interests. He warmly invited the two brothers upstairs, but they only stopped in the foyer. They came to say goodbye:

"Mr. Hamilton, we are leaving Tobesk City this afternoon. We just went to Silver Cross Avenue to do errands. I thought you lived nearby, so I came over to say hello."

As the elder brother, Mr. Eric Foran said, and Mr. Charles Foran, who wore a monocle in his left eye, handed Shade a book:

"We came from Willendale and didn't bring anything good. We gave this book to you as a gift. This book is out of print. Although it's not worth much, it's still our heartfelt wish."

It was "Kasenlik Fairy Tales" written in Kasenlik language. It was an old book, but it was well preserved.

"I'm really sorry. I was supposed to give you a parting gift."

Shade said as he was about to go upstairs to look for gifts, but was stopped by two brothers in black formal suits:

"As a friend, there is no need to be so polite."

Eric Folan said with a smile, and then stretched out his hand to shake Shade's hand and say goodbye:

"We are going to Green Lake City and Michaela Blast Furnace City next. I really envy your comfortable detective life."

Shade also shook hands with the two brothers respectively:

"Will Earl Lewis, who was seriously injured, also go? Or will he return to Willendale City to recuperate? I hope my behavior at the banquet last night was not too rude."

Mr. Charles Foran shook his head:

"It's time for someone to teach the Earl some lessons. Ahem, I mean, yes, Earl Lewis still goes to the Green Lake area as originally planned. Since he is so seriously injured, he still insists on participating in the next negotiations. Let's go again.

What's the reason not to go? However, this is not a meaningless trip. We have always wanted to visit Green Lake. It is our mother's hometown."

This chapter has been completed!
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