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Chapter 1573 Descendants of Edwards

Shade raised his eyebrows and asked Brother Fulun:

"Your mother is also a Delarian?"

"Yes, my mother's family used to be the lords of Green Lake. But then the Edwards family declined, and our grandfather went to Carsonrick alone and started a family in Willondale. He gave birth to the child when he was in his forties.

Our mother. So, we do have a quarter of Delrayon ancestry. However, almost every resident of the two cities in the Green Lake area has ancestry from another country, so which country does Edwards’ ancestry belong to?

Yes, it’s really hard to say.”

Eric Fullan said with a smile, and then the two brothers formally said goodbye to Shade, who said goodbye to them at the door of his home.

"Among the descendants of the Edwards family, who have the same sun, moon, and stars as the Tower and Night Temple in their letters, in addition to the great witch Audrey Edwards, there is actually a ring magician? There is a ring magician in their family

Is the probability so high?"

Shade looked at their backs:

"Could it be that these Edwards, who have no connection with each other, are actually ring magicians?"

[So do you want to report to Daniste now? 】

"No, no, we still need to investigate clearly. I just need to write a reply to Miss Gothe, so I will send another letter to Margaret and Miss Sylvia, asking them to investigate Fu in Willondale City.

The affairs of the mother's family of the two Lun brothers. I don't know if their mother and grandfather are still alive...The witch Audrey Edwards should be their aunt in terms of seniority."

That afternoon was the group's study meeting as usual, and all five members of the group attended on time. But in addition to them, the professors responsible for the background investigation of correspondence students in the Tobesk area also appeared again and announced that after a week of investigation, the college

I think the backgrounds of all five members of Bill Schneider's team are fine.

This really made everyone breathe a sigh of relief, and the professors talked to everyone individually for a few minutes before leaving. When it was Shard's turn, Professor Andor from the School of Chemistry first talked to Shard [

Faceless Man], they warned Shade not to do such dangerous things in the future, but they did not say that what Shade did was wrong:

"The Church of the Righteous God has tracked the relic, and the other party's condition is very strange now. The church will ask you to provide a report on your contact with the other party through the officials of the Kingdom of Delarion. Remember to submit that report to

Academy. This is information about direct contact with the [Faceless Man], and the academy will give you rewards that are not limited to practical credits."

After talking about this, the professor mentioned "Miss Mia Gold" that Shade told them last week:

"Judging from your description, you have never met Miss Gothe, so we thought that the other party might be an illusory character such as a sage-level relic [the non-existent pen pal]. In fact, there is no such thing.

If someone writes you a letter, it's all your imagination. But after investigation, we confirmed that there is nothing wrong with Miss Gothe."

The old professor said, and Shade, who was holding Mia, was relieved. Although Miss Gothe sent him letters every month, and even sent him a set of armor as a gift last month, because of Detective Sparrow

The commission he left behind was really evil, and he always felt that there was something wrong with that lady:

"Has the college contacted that lady? I hope this will not cause her any trouble."

"Please rest assured that we have not had direct contact, but intelligence shows that the remote and decayed town on the east coast does exist. Cultural and historical data can prove this. Moreover, we have also found someone who had contact with the lady in the town.

People, these are all fine."

Now Shade felt much more relieved, but when he and the doctor went downstairs to say goodbye to the professors, he thought of a new problem:

"Is the college's investigation necessarily correct? The college still thinks that there is no problem with my background... Is their investigation of Miss Gothe really accurate?"

"She" sighed helplessly in Shade's ear, as if she was lamenting that Shade was always so suspicious of everything around him.

There was nothing new in this week's study meeting. Everyone congratulated Shade on winning the 1854 Equestrian Competition around the city. Priest Augustus even asked Shade to go to Dawn Church tomorrow. Bishop Owen invited Shade to come with him.

Go to the city welfare home to visit the children. The children will definitely be very happy with the arrival of the "Knight".

The meeting ended very early that day, and everyone dispersed at three o'clock. Although it was a date on Saturday, it was still early to meet because they met Dorothy, who was forced to exchange and was actually Lesia.

So I temporarily separated from Shade, went to the Steam Bird Newspaper Agency to pick up a sample copy of the next edition of the book, and agreed to meet Shade in the evening.

Shade was okay for the time being. After calculating the return of their bet with him at the doctor's clinic, he invited Dr. Schneider to go with him to the cemetery outside the city to visit Sparrow Hamilton. This was their visit to Lanzhou.

It was agreed upon when we were in the Del Valley, but because Shade fell seriously ill after returning home, and then encountered the competition, it has been postponed until now.

And it turns out that just as Shade said last fall, the flower has already bloomed in front of Sparrow Hamilton's grave.

Early on Sunday morning, Lesia made breakfast for Shade after getting up. Then she returned to Dorothy's soul and had breakfast with Shade in good spirits.

After breakfast, the writer lady left. Shade tidied up and went to deal with his personal affairs for the new month. At noon, he did not forget to go to the Dawn Church according to the instructions of the August priest to hold the riding competition around the city.

He accepted people's congratulations as the champion, and then went to the orphanage in Tobesk City to visit those who had no parents, together with Bishop Owen, Father Augustus and several other priests whom he was just familiar with but could not name.


Although there are funds from the city hall and the care of the Zhengshen Church, the building of the orphanage still looks a bit dilapidated. However, the children living in it seem to be healthy. Although they are wearing various patched old clothes, they are at least safe.


They were all very excited about the appearance of the "Knight". After lunch, they gathered around Shade and asked him to tell stories about knights. Except for the few books left by Detective Sparrow, the outsiders had actually not read many knights.

novels, so he could only mix and tell the stories he had heard from operas, fairy tales, etc., but the children were still very happy and invited Shade to come and play often when he had time.

When I left the orphanage and prepared to return to the church, it was almost three o'clock in the afternoon.

"how do you feel?"

It was difficult for the carriage to drive into the narrow street, so a group of people had to cross the street to board the carriage. Shade looked back at the dirty-looking yard at the end of the road:

"It really surprised me that the children used younger children's dirty diapers as steam bombs for the 'war game'; also, although the gas lights in the house were still working and not very old, they

It is best to switch to the latest model that can adjust the brightness with seven scales. Living in a dark and depressing environment will not be good for them."

Priest August nodded and was about to add something when he heard Shade say:

"In addition, I plan to donate half of the winnings from the riding competition to renovate the orphanage. I think Dawn Church should be willing to accept this donation."

"That's not a small sum. I remember the prize was 3,000 pounds."

The priest reminded.

The prize money for the Ring City Riding Competition is the same as that for the "Big City Players", but the former has more honors and basically all the nobles in the Old Continent will pay attention to this event. The latter is among the Rhodes card players.

It has a high reputation in the game, but not many people know about it outside of Rhodes players.

"It's only 1,500 pounds. I don't live on this."

Shade shook his head indifferently:

"I can't change the world now, and even if I change the world, there will always be poor people. I can only do what I can do in front of me. This is probably the duty of a human being."

Of course, Priest Augustus would never guess how much money Shade had made by relying on the doctor to bet in underground casinos.

Priest August and Bishop Owen originally planned to invite Shade to have dinner at the church, but in the morning Shade received a letter from Miss Carina, inviting him to have dinner at the manor tonight.

When the carriage carried Shade to the destination, the sunset on the horizon dyed the sky behind the manor house red. The lights started to turn on, and when Shade followed the maid along the walkway in the courtyard towards the house, the gas lamps in the windows also lit up one by one.


Shade originally thought he would meet Yin Luna, who comes to class every Sunday, but Yin Luna left at around four in the afternoon. What the witch wanted tonight was a romantic candlelight dinner for the two of them, and she even participated in the riding competition around the city for this purpose.

During this period, they said hello in advance and brought fresh cod from Baden, a famous fishing port city on the east coast of the Old World, and top-quality cod from the central plain pasture of Kasenlik and the small town of Cochem, a pastoral city.

Beef, and asked the New World exploration team that had just returned to Hong Kong to send spices produced in the New World.

If it weren't for the "Bottle of Dionysus" that Shade gave her, the red wine from the ancient wineries in Huntington City would also be indispensable. But since there is no need for red wine, the step of transporting wine is naturally saved.

When dinner started, there were only two people at the table, Shad and Carina. Mia sat obediently on the high stool next to Shad, staring with big amber eyes and waiting to be fed, while wearing a black and white maid dress.

The maids in the room were busy pushing the dining cart to deliver the dishes in an environment where the gas lights were turned off and only the cashmere candles on the golden candlesticks on the table were illuminated.

The candle smelled like a mixture of spices and cedar, which was quite pleasant.

This chapter has been completed!
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