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Chapter 1840 Kiss and Golden Apple

"Butterfly? The old god-the God of Butterflies [Thousand-Eyed Phantom Butterfly], is related to the power of the earth and nature, not space. But the holy symbol of the old gods-the Twin Gods is also a butterfly. You are saying that the church is suspicious of this

Might the chosen one be related to the old god?"

Shade asked, and Iluna nodded:

"We all know that sisters Grace and Helen must be involved this time."

"I know I'll be ready."

Iluna suddenly asked again:

"Speaking of which, is Sister Devlin here with Mother-in-law Cassandra? I have some personal matters that I want to talk to her about."

"Come with your mother-in-law, but Sister Devlin still has an official status. In order to contact the church, the [Spiritual Cultivation Group] she leads should not appear with Mother-in-law Cassandra, but you can see her on the weekends.


The two of them walked down the stairs together. Iluna looked back and forth to make sure there was no one, so she asked again:

"One more question, Shade, do you know what can represent 'time and space'?"

Shade thought this was a strange question:

"You mean the power that symbolizes time and space? Are you looking for gods?"

"Most likely not."

Iluna shook her head:

"It may be an unknown relic, or it may be something else."

Shade thought about it carefully:

"I don't know much about unknowable relics, but if it's not a relic, I can think of one - the World Tree."

He explained as he and Iluna went downstairs:

"You see, the World Tree itself has the meaning of supporting the world, which represents space; and the World Tree is said to be the father of the tree, which is time."

"The World Tree seems to have withered away at the end of the First Era and the beginning of the Second Era. What the elves who believe in the ancient god now plant are only saplings transplanted from the branches that fell before the World Tree died.

, completely devoid of the power of a real tree.”

Iluna shook her head, and Shade came up with another idea:

"Then we can only go see the shadow of the tree father. This ancient god of time is the most special one among all the ancient gods. Although he has left, he uses his torso to connect all time and space. Therefore,

Only then did we have the Time Key. Therefore, unlike other departed ancient gods, the power of the Tree Father affects our world more clearly. After completing the task of the Time Key or violating time travel, it is possible to see that

What do you want to ask about the shadow that connects heaven and earth? Let me ask it for you. It just so happens that the key in my hand is about to be completed."

But Iluna refused. She already had an idea. Just like she wanted to see the "Lady of the Lake" in "What If Game", she only needed to know the method without actually doing it. Now that she has found the method

, then you only need to verify the rationality of the method.

"However, there are actually other ways. Since you are the guardian of time and space, you can probably find the person who comes to arrest you if you violate the rules of time and space."

Shade smiled and said again, this was a joke, but Iluna thought it made sense. Anyway, it was in the game, and the seventeen-year-old girl was quite good at using the rules:

"The time key is easy to find, but whether it is a legal time travel or an illegal time travel, I need the [Time] Spirit Rune. As for violating the rules of time and space, the [Time of Retrospection] mentioned by Shade is in the Church of Dawn. Even if there is no Shade in the Sixth Era

, but since Tobesk still exists in the game, it means that this relic that reset the Tobesk area, which Shade revealed and was not allowed to mention to Luvia, is still contained."

She thought in her mind, and then asked the last question:

"Xia De, there is something else I want to ask you. If, I mean if, if I encounter a relic related to storytelling, every time I tell a story, I will take the adventure based on reality. It's just a story.

The world there is completely different from now. There are dangers everywhere. Even if you open a familiar door, you may die. So do you have any good suggestions?"

This kind of sentence starting with "if" usually means it is true. Shade was a little worried, but looking at Iluna's expression, he was very relaxed:

"According to your statement, wouldn't it be possible to encounter danger at the beginning of the story?"

"No, no, when the story begins, the story scene is exactly the same as my situation in reality. It's just that after I started taking action,"

The girl with long brown hair was startled, and then suddenly realized that the first time was on a mission to search the warehouse, and the second time was just after getting off the train, but the game was exactly the same as reality. This was definitely not a coincidence. The "what if" game started

, is a part of reality, not a time and space that has disappeared in the past:

"I see!"

Because she was so excited, she couldn't even control her voice:

"This idea is so right! Detective, it is indeed right to ask you for help!"

She kissed Shade on the side of his face who was standing on the steps below her. After the kiss, she realized what she had done. Her face suddenly turned red, and she stammered to thank Shade and made an appointment.

The secret code when they met for the first time, and then they left while laughing and covering their faces.

Shade felt that Iluna was very strange today.

【Girls’ feelings are always like this.】

"Well, that's not what you usually say."

When I turned around to go upstairs to meet the witches, I saw that the person behind the counter was Ms. Helena Green. The latter had just seen Iluna's behavior after kissing Shad at the stairs, and now she had a look on her face.

It’s great to be young” expression.

Shade thought for a moment, then walked to the counter, lowered his voice and asked:

"Ms. Green, did you see the girl who came downstairs with me just now? According to your opinion, if you want to give such a girl a birthday gift, what would be a better gift?"

Iluna's birthday was getting closer, and he planned to ask others for their opinions. Although he gave Agelina a gift such as a broken-arm stone statue for her birthday, he could not make another copy of the stone statue.

The female shopkeeper behind the counter laughed, feeling that the man her aunt was looking for was really interesting:

"What a strange question. In my opinion, she will be very happy with whatever you give her."

She could see what Iluna was thinking. She had been helping her father take care of the hotel since she was a teenager. Helena Green had seen too many stories and too many people. In fact, everyone could see it except Iluna herself.

out of her mind.

"Everything is fine?"

"However, if you can use that gift to highlight her uniqueness, she will probably be happier. Be thoughtful and show your good impression of her. Although some girls are more concerned about the price of the gift, but according to

I think the brown-haired girl just now should pay more attention to the meaning of the gift."

Although she felt sorry for her aunts, the female shopkeeper still thought she should help the shy girl just now. This reminded her of her youth.

Shade suddenly realized again:

"Unique? Good impression. What do you think of the golden apple? It's the one in the story."

"Yes, yes, the apple itself has a very good symbolic meaning. I didn't tell you anything."

The female shopkeeper raised her eyebrows, hoping very much that Megan and Audrey would never know that this was her idea.

When Shade returned upstairs, the witches had already made preliminary plans for the "Green Lake Hotel Renovation Plan." According to the ritual arranged by Megan and Audrey in the early stage, they had to reinforce the entire building and then separate.

Deal with the doors, windows and walls, and use the witch's secret skills to arrange the core of the ritual in the basement, where Shade appears every time, so that at the last moment, high-level warlocks can rely on this building and the thirteenth ring or even stronger

The enemy is in a stalemate.

This plan is mainly carried out by Miss Carina and Megan Audrey who are active on the north shore of Green Lake, but Miss Sylvia and Miss Benanith will also send people to help.

"So, can't you make a stable space door between the City of Glass and Green Lake City?"

When Shade came back from downstairs, the big witches had already talked about this topic, and Miss Carina also asked Miss Sylvia:

"Otherwise, every interaction will be troublesome."

"Carina, do you think it's still the fifth era? What's more, with the chaotic space state in the Green Lake area, which lunatic would dare to build a space door? This is almost equivalent to flying by detonating a weapons warehouse."

Miss Sylvia, who is preparing to hold a ceremony to be promoted to the eleventh level in the near future, points to herself:

"If I didn't have some talent, I wouldn't even be able to teleport between two cities over long distances. And even so, teleportation can't be possible at any time."

"Why do I feel like you are praising yourself?"

Audrey asked, holding a porcelain teacup. Miss Sylvia was quite proud:

"What's wrong with praising yourself? Besides, I'm already very powerful."

Seeing that Shade was back, she said again:

"Xia De, Margaret is watching a play tonight at the Glass Bottle Opera House in the City of Glass. It is a performance by the Golden Dawn Opera Company. She invites you to go with her. This time, she is ostensibly inviting Austria to watch the play.

Del Rey's, Margaret wanted to create the impression that she was associated with Paradise Island Pharmaceuticals."

"I just accepted the invitation."

Audrey said, and Shade nodded:

"Okay. There's nothing much to do today anyway."

Shade was not lying when he said nothing happened today. As for how to get the half of the skull, he had no clue at all now, so he simply waited until Priest Augustus arrived tomorrow.

He had been in Green Lake City during the day. After lunch, he walked around the city again, chatted a few words with the people who were left behind in the parade, and looked at the recently released new products in the local prophet association.

Playing cards, bought some local souvenirs in a local store, and even met Miss Carina's maids working on a piece of parchment in the china shop in the afternoon.

But overall, not much interesting happened on this day.

But in the evening, after Tobesk and Dorothy had dinner, Shade, who asked Goldilocks to take care of little Mia, happened to meet the doctor who had returned from the hospital when he came to the front door of the hotel:

"This city is really dangerous."

The doctor shook his head and said:

"I was supposed to come back at noon, but as I was walking, I found myself trapped in an alley that loops forever."

"This is really dangerous. How did you escape?"

If there is no space power, even high-level warlocks will find it very difficult to face this kind of space confusion.

"I opened the maze to reshape the space, and then I encountered the relic that was about to come and cover the alley. Fortunately, I took the bottle with me when I went out, otherwise I would really be in trouble."

This made Shade doubt whether it was the right choice to keep the doctor in Green Lake.

PS: This chapter is updated normally.

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