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Chapter 1871 The Sharp Knife of Words

 Although only 14 minutes of the fifty-minute adventure had passed at this time, the light of the torch no longer allowed him to waste time. So Shade quickly followed the fireball in the black mist to the foot of the tower, only to see someone guarding the door.

A black shadow blocked his path and the fireball's path.

The shadow stretched out his right hand to Shade, and raised two fingers on his left hand.

"It takes two coins to get in?"

The shadow nodded.

Shade took a deep breath:

"Really, the coins earned at the Black Mist Camp will be spent here, and you won't let me take any of them out, right?"

Although he said this, he still handed over the last two coins he had left. The black shadow gave way to the door and took the initiative to push the door open for Shade. The fireball flew in first, followed by Shade.

The tower is also filled with black mist. The internal area of ​​this dilapidated tall tower is not large. It is not the kind of tower that Mr. Edmund of Coldwater Port lives in that can allow people to live in it. In theory, the area should be the largest

On the first floor of the tower, the stairs alone take up a quarter of the ground area.

The stairs are also made of stone, but it still feels quite dangerous to step on them. The spiral stairs lead to the higher floors of the tower, and when Shade stepped on the first step, the torch in his hand finally went out.

The momentary chill even caused Shade to stop his movements completely. The black mist that was originally repelled by the light instantly engulfed him, and then dissipated due to the silver light on the surface of his body.

"Oh, it's so cold~"

Shade stretched out his hand to hold on to the wall to prevent himself from falling. The numbness of his soul made his body stiffer. The breath exhaled from his mouth actually condensed into ice crystals in the air, and the negative emotions that had just appeared due to the two games were different from those of him.

The idea becomes more obvious at this moment.

“Amplify the power of negative emotions?”

He gasped for breath, adjusted himself, then held on to the wall and continued upward with difficulty:

"If it's just this kind of trouble, the most it will do is make me move slower. It'll be fine, it'll be fine."

The staggering footsteps made a heavy sound every time he stepped on the ground. Even though the light of the silver moon on his body was very stable, Shade gradually felt that his vision became blurry.

The two sides of the stairs are not without decoration. Although there are no windows, blank picture frames will appear on the walls at regular intervals. As Shade swayed and climbed up, half leaning on the curved wall, those empty frames

In the frame of the object, portraits of people also appear.

"What exactly do you think of us on the other side of time and space?"

A familiar voice came, and Shade, who was dizzy, saw a familiar figure appear in the picture frame on the wall beside him.

Chloe, with her long silver hair, stood in front of the snow-capped mountains and asked Shade in the frame. Her unfettered silver hair swayed in the wind, and on her delicate face, her eyes seemed to be looking directly into Shade's soul:

"It was just the first time we met in the Silver Mountains. When I met you, I missed you forever. Do you know that you were waiting for me, but it was only a few weeks or a few months. I was looking for you, I was waiting for you, but I exhausted all my time.


In just a few words, Shade, who was already a little worried, really felt angina pectoris. It was obvious that after having [Heart of Stone], his heart would not have any problems again. But when he heard "Clo

He still felt the pain in his heart hurting his soul when he heard her inquiry without asking too much, just explaining the facts.

In a trance, on the night of the Battle of Randall Valley, the appearance of Heila wearing a black veil who was waiting for him in Oxenfurt Manor appeared in front of him again. Probably, at that time, the person with the real "stone"

A woman with a "heart" also has this feeling hidden under her plain expression.

"I will definitely go to see you and find you, even if it takes a hundred years or a thousand years."

The fireball was leading the way, but the darkness was still deep. The staggering Shade continued to climb up, clutching his chest. His breathing was completely disordered, which represented the loss of control over his body.

And what awaits him in the next painting is someone he can never forget.

In a flower room filled with flowers of all colors, the witches sit on the left and right sides of the table. The witch on the left has light yellow hair tied up, wearing a green dress, and has yellow and silver hanging hair from her pointed ears.

The pendant of the crescent moon. The witch on the right has long golden hair tied up and hanging down from her left shoulder. She is wearing a gorgeous purple dress, as gorgeous as a violet.

Miss Olanode and Miss Feliana looked at Shade in the oil painting, who was stumbling and holding on to the wall, unable to even straighten up:

"What exactly are we to you?"

The oil painting was yellowed and even had traces of moth damage, but this did not prevent the sound from reaching Shade's ears clearly:

"You in the Forest of Thousand Trees, in order to defeat the master of the Blood Feast, had to ask us for help and call us your teachers. But when you saw us at that time, in the dark corner of your heart, in the end,

What do you think of us?"

Shade's vision was blurry, leaving only the fireball and the faint light and shadow. He did not continue to move forward, but leaned against the wall with difficulty and stretched out his hand, wanting to touch the lady in the picture.

"You call yourself a teacher, but you have always only used our help. When you stand in St. Byrons a thousand years later, will you still remember what you said? Shade Hamilton, what on earth do you think of us?


He held on to the wall and tried to move forward. His legs seemed to weigh a thousand pounds. After falling suddenly, he tried to get up again, but his body had lost the strength to do so.

Only a few minutes have passed since stepping onto the first step, but the outsider feels that he can no longer walk.

He missed the purple-eyed girl, the writer and the princess, Carina, and the cat.

Every part of his body asked him to stop and rest, and the severe pain in his heart also made him think about turning around and leaving, no longer suffering from these tortures. But in the end, he lay down on the steps and stretched out his hand to higher places.

, and continued to climb forward with difficulty:

"Although I feel guilty in my heart, I will never be sorry to them. I won't, and I won't owe them anything."

Even the thoughts in my heart were interrupted due to fatigue. Unable to stand up, I crawled and continued to move forward. The originally strong body was scratched with blood in just a moment. The pain could not make my consciousness clearer, but it continued to come in the darkness.

A familiar voice.

At this time, he could no longer stand up and look at the scene in the oil painting. But he knew that it was the witch of the fifth era, the witch emperor Miss Violet, and her niece, Sirkses High School of Medicine at the end of the era.

The voice of the principal of the college, Miss Schultz Theresa:

"Do you really have feelings for us?"

The sound came from above, as if the two ladies were standing on one side of Shade, looking at him with disgust, and he could reach out and touch their high heels:

"You and we only met for a moment. What makes you think that the witches will fall in love with you at first sight, and what makes you think that we will remember you forever?"

The third sound disappeared just like the previous two. Shade knew that he was about to die. Every time he moved his body, he felt as if he was powerless when facing a strong enemy again after fighting with all his strength. At this moment, he was lying on the steps, even drumming.

It is difficult to breathe continuously even from the lungs.

The voices in my ears disappeared, but the voices in my heart kept appearing one after another.

Some people are asking, how many parts of Sha De's heart can be divided into; some are grieving, which of Sha De's words are true and which are lies; some are crying, not saying a word, but it seems that they have said everything; some are crying

Angry, they wondered what kind of courage and courage Shade had to deal with so many girls without any remorse or guilt.

"When you meet those brand new girls, when you communicate with them for the first time, do you really not feel heartbroken?"

It was as if someone had stabbed a sharp knife directly into his heart, and as if countless hands had grabbed Shade's body and tore his flesh off piece by piece. There were no curses in those voices, they were just using questions one by one to constantly wear down Shade.



He could no longer speak a word, and his physical condition had deteriorated more seriously than he imagined. The amplified emotions in his soul made his already unsustainable body completely out of control.


The vomited black blood merged with the dust on the stone steps, and the body, still relying on its instinct to move upward, finally stopped completely.


In my heart, I seemed to see myself when I first came to this world. I saw myself leaning against the door panel of Saint Teresa Square when I went out for the first time. I was panicked and even frightened because of the reality of all this.

Shade saw the past and also knew what he had done since then until now.

He breathed hard, adjusted his thoughts, and said what he wanted to say most in his heart at this moment of death. Of course he knew what he had done, and of course he knew what he had chosen.

Although he felt guilty, he never regretted it. Although he knew what he did was wrong, he vowed that he would not let anyone be sad because of him.

The violent vibration of the soul caused the change of the life ring. The four-color spiritual light of gold, silver, brass and black iron gradually lit up the dark tower stairs. The spiritual rune symbolizing [Mortal Sin] was more powerful than all other spiritual runes.

The light must be brighter.

Shade's lips trembled as he said those words:

"I just want it all! No matter who I provoke, I will bear all the responsibilities. I must go to the end!"

The power bursting out from his soul miraculously allowed Shade to support his body with his arms again, and then stood up little by little against the wall.

He moved forward step by step, with his eyes almost completely blind and holding his last breath in his chest, he continued to climb in pursuit of the fireball ahead.


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