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Chapter 1872 Top of the Bell Tower

 The world was spinning, as if the tower itself was shaking violently. Holding on to the wall, the familiar voices in my ears disappeared one after another, and those familiar figures no longer appeared in the oil paintings on the wall. It seemed that for many, many years,

It seemed like just a few minutes. Shade, who was holding on to the wall and moving forward, finally saw the light of fire appearing above the rotating stone steps. He knew that he had finally arrived.

Shade no longer wanted to think about whether those tortures were what he was thinking, or whether there was really something simulating their voices. If he had encountered this kind of problem a few weeks ago, he would have really suffered a loss here.

But he already understands his thoughts, and he also admits his despicability and greed. Since he has done wrong things, he will use his whole life to make up for them, just like what he promised to Lesia in the hotel yesterday afternoon.

That way.

Even if he was holding on to the wall, his body could hardly walk. He tried hard to walk the last few steps, but at this moment, he felt someone gently tugging on his clothes behind him. Just a slight tug,

But it seems that the power is of great weight.

The man behind asked:

"This time, are you really determined to never be confused or regretful again, and to give happiness to everyone?"

That was Luvia's voice, but if you listened carefully, it was clearly not the voice of one person. It was countless familiar voices superimposed together, and then he asked this question. He could think of many familiar faces,

He can think of the many stories he has experienced with them so far:

"I am your loyal knight."

He answered in a low voice.

"Then, keep your word."

The force pulling at the back of his clothes disappeared. Shade looked back and could only see the dark stairs shrouded in black mist. There was no one there anymore. Shade knew that those people had been replaced by him.

I took it back into my heart.

【Outlander, your soul has become stronger.】

[Your resistance to illusions is greatly enhanced.]

He stared blankly behind him, then pursed his lips and continued to climb upwards. His body felt lighter with every step he took. When Shade reached the end of the steps and the top of the tower, he even felt that he had fully recovered.


Not only did it return to normal, the soul-freezing coldness that was everywhere in the camp completely disappeared, and the black mist that became thinner due to the appearance of the fire on the top floor could no longer obstruct his sight.

Because his body recovered so quickly, when he stepped over the last step to the ground, he even felt that his feet were as light as if they were equipped with springs. There was no visible damage to his body and soul, and he was even more awake than after a good night's sleep.

Afterwards, it was even more comfortable to hold Mia in the window and watch the morning sun.

Although Shade himself felt very good, his appearance really shocked Miss Higgins.

This tower of unknown height is a bell tower, but it is not a bell tower with complex mechanical devices like Tobesk, but an old-fashioned bell tower with only one copper bell.

The area on the top floor is not very large. The copper bell rolled aside. There are huge windows on the surrounding walls that are slightly tilted inward from bottom to top to facilitate the spread of the bell's sound.

The huge copper bell rolled down beside the wall, and in the center of the top floor where the bell was originally, there was a blazing bonfire. The flames were clearly the same as the flames outside the Black Mist Camp.

Miss Higgins stood by the bonfire, the tired Mrs. Miles sat by the fire, and there was a dark shadow in the corner that was difficult to spot.

The witch was frightened by Shade, not because of his sudden appearance, but because of the tragic situation on his body at this moment:

"What's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

Although Shade's body and soul seemed to have experienced an illusion and were not damaged at all, the mud and his own blood stained on his clothes and skin would not disappear by themselves.

Because his head had just returned to normal, he had not yet realized how miserable he looked. Only when he saw Miss Higgins approaching with concern did he finally realize that something was wrong.

He lowered his head and looked at his chest, and then looked at the marks on his arms and sleeves by the firelight, knowing in his heart that this suit of clothes was ruined.

"It's okay, but please let me rest."

Although he recovered from his injuries, he was really tired. Under Miss Higgins' worried eyes, he came to the fire and sat with Mrs. Myers. It was difficult for Miss Higgins' spirit to recover here, so

She did not treat Shade herself, but selected a bottle from the few potions left with her and handed it to Shade:

"It's soothing, you need this."

Shade thanked him softly, and after drinking the mint-flavored potion, he felt much better.

At this time, the black scale was standing by the fire. Miss Higgins and Mrs. Miles took a small bag with them when they went deep into the camp, which contained things that might be used.

Without asking the witch, Shade talked about his previous experience. From winning the bet against the devil and liberating the boy's soul, to the strange projects he encountered in the camp, to the crisis at the lighthouse, of course, he didn't.

It's too embarrassing to elaborate on what he heard and saw. Although he saw it clearly, there was no need to tell others.

"That's it"

Miss Higgins was a little embarrassed and pointed to the bonfire:

"The devil outside the camp didn't lie. We did come here according to its guidance. There is a way for us to leave the camp in this tower, but we haven't found it yet. When Mrs. Miles came here

, was almost dying, and the torches in our hands were about to go out, and there were no bonfires here."

Shade, who understood, looked at the dark figure standing in the corner:

"What did you deal with it?

"The black figure inside the tower is quite unusual. You will never guess what kind of products it has in its hands, but you can go and see for yourself in a while. They sell bonfires that can be laid on the top of the tower. I think Mrs. Miles was really

If it was no longer possible, he made his own decision to trade. However, most of the special commodities sold by this dark shadow could not even be completely traded with coins. The price of this bonfire was five coins, plus a complete pair.

An inner test.”

Miss Higgins pursed her lips and showed an apologetic expression. Mrs. Miles on the side said for her:

"She thought that once she left the light of the bonfire, she would encounter a test, and she was so scared that she didn't dare to move here. Not long ago, she noticed that the number of coins on her body was missing by two, and she knew that you were coming, so she wanted to wait for you.

Come here and discuss how to deal with that test. I just didn’t expect it.”

"I didn't expect that even though it was me who paid for it, the test fell on you."

This witch with brown hair similar to Audrey and Megan formally bowed and apologized to Shade:

"I'm so sorry, so sorry. I really didn't know this would happen. When we leave, I will give you one-tenth, no, one-fifth of my future mithril veins. Please forgive me."

But Shade understood that this unreasonable disaster was definitely not caused by the witch in front of him. The rules of the camp are who buys things and who pays. Miss Higgins' test fell on him, which can only mean that "someone" is "joking" with him:

"It's okay, I don't want your mithril mine. However, if you can take this away, it will be mine."

Shade said, and then pointed to the small black scale. Who is kidding him, you will know in a moment. As for the black scale, it came from everyone's first transaction. Although it is just an ordinary item, it is very popular in the camp.


"Okay, okay, no problem."

Miss Higgins agreed immediately, Mrs. Myers on the side also breathed a sigh of relief, and everyone was quite happy.

As for the current situation, the relic that can summon the soul just by writing down the last memories - [Golden Memories] was brought here, so they only need to find a way to leave here, and their adventure is

it's over.

Now that Shade appears again, Miss Higgins suddenly feels that at least half of the problem has been solved:

"You'll help us, right?"

Although she was a little embarrassed, she still asked.

Shade nodded:

"You definitely can't leave here by ordinary methods, but I know there is a being who can definitely send you away safely. However, we will discuss leaving after Mrs. Miles's final story ends and the soul that has not returned home for a long time appears.

Let’s do it.”

Miss Higgins smiled and nodded, but before the old man's last memory began, Shade first went to the dark shadow in the corner to find out what the other party could sell.

But the black figure remained motionless in front of Sha De, who was approaching. Even when he picked up the scale, there was no reaction.

The young witch was confused about this, and Mrs. Miles didn't know what happened. But Shade understood:

"None of this matters anymore, Mrs. Miles. Please start the story."

The old woman took out her notebook and ink mixed with blood and gold powder. Miss Higgins also came to the bonfire and sat down, and asked curiously:

"Madam, I remember you said that you and your lover, Mr. Richard Knight Jackman, separated at the intersection of the path in front of the village. So is the last memory about the separation?


The old Mrs. Miles shook her head, with a smile on her face that was flushed by the firelight:

"It wasn't just me and him when we were parting, there were other people who were saying goodbye. When he received the order from the lord to recruit and decided to participate in a distant battle as a knight, he told me his decision alone, and told me alone

Say goodbye."

"Where is that?"

The young witch asked again. Although she had never felt love before, she was really curious about it.

"That was a long time ago, but I remember it very clearly. It was also in the bell tower, yes, just like it is now. There are many people in our village, and the bell tower in the village has been there since I was born. The bell tower is in the village

The highest position. When I was a child, I often played in the clock tower with my friends."

This chapter has been completed!
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