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Chapter 2122 Identity of the Chosen One

Seeing Shade coming, the blond lady on the sofa greeted him lazily.

"You look tired?"

"Yes, the city council cannot do without the Belindel family. We have rights and we also have obligations. Do you want to stay for dinner?"


The look she was looking at him at this moment was really indescribable. Shade wanted to say that he had just eaten, but somehow he nodded:

"Okay, thank you for the invitation."

So twenty minutes later, Shade met Mrs. Belindel, the witch's mother, and Miss Belindel's two sisters and a cousin who also lived here in the restaurant of Belindel Manor.

According to Miss Belindel, none of them knew her identity as a witch. As for their daughter/sister's dislike of contact with men, they all believed that this was because Bella Belindel actually had a unique hobby of liking beautiful girls.

Therefore, when a strange man appeared at the dinner table tonight and was allowed to sit on the right hand side of the countess, the Belindel family showed complete surprise.

When introducing Shade to her family, Miss Belindel no longer called Shade a "cousin", but called Shade a "business partner":

"Her Royal Highness Princess Margaret has chosen us as business partners in Yuewan. Yes, those are the products I took out a few days ago. This gentleman is the liaison officer sent by Her Royal Highness. He should be there in the near future.

Frequent visits to this house."

From Miss Belindell's point of view, Miss Sylvia also knows about the "man", so there is no problem in assigning this identity to "John Watson", and she can even find a reasonable person for Shade to appear here.


She only blushed a little when she mentioned Miss Sylvia's "goods". She glanced at Shade quietly and found that there was nothing unusual about Shade, because he was talking to old Mrs. Belindel.

"Young man, are you from Willondale? Do you rent a house or own your own house? Do you have any relatives at home? Oh, you look really young, a few years younger than Bella."

"Oh! Mother!"

Even witches can be shy.

It wasn't until Shade had finished his second dinner that he had the opportunity to ask about Miss Belindel's condition in the study.

The curtains were tightly closed, and the gas lamps on the walls were adjusted to the darkest mode. Only the floor-standing gas lamp behind the sofa and the gas table lamp on the elegant desk in the distance were shining with a very bright, warm yellow light. After dinner, in this environment

Sitting down and chatting, the atmosphere is quite good.

"I feel pretty good."

The countess sat on the long sofa, and Shade sat on the short sofa on the east side. She pressed her right shoulder, and then moved slightly:

"I have taken the potion you gave me on time, and I have not dreamed of anything strange in the past two days. On the contrary, the existence of this relic makes me feel that my spirit is recovering quickly. And after night falls, I feel that I

My spiritual perception is sharper than before."

She opened the palm of her right hand, and a yellow ball of light emerged in her palm. That ambiguous and dim light was clearly the light of the moon, and before that, Miss Belindel did not have the talent of the moon:

"I can now understand why the [Truth Society] wants to study ways to integrate relics with the human body. This way of gaining power is far simpler than the normal learning of ring magicians."

"Don't think like this. If you didn't still have those alien light sources in your body that are constantly fighting against the power of the relic, I would never have taken out the relic."

Shade said hurriedly, and the witch naturally knew what he meant:

"Don't worry, I won't lose my mind for the sake of strength."

As he spoke, he pressed his shoulder again:

"This power comes easily, but you have to pay a price after all. I am a fortune teller, and I know better than anyone that getting it requires paying a price, and fate is always fair."

As he spoke, he sighed and sat on the sofa with a rather sad expression:

"How's it going? Is there any new progress in the investigation?"

"Yes, I had a great harvest following Freeman Hawthorne."

Shade briefly talked about what happened on the ship last night, and mentioned the dragon egg fossil:

"Although his memory has been erased, I have contacted Siris in Willendale, I mean Miss Lassers. She is an expert in memory manipulation, so there should be no problem with this."

The countess nodded, but she had no objection to this:

"But what does Hawthorne need the dragon egg fossil for? You have met the ring warlock that the Hawthorne family is in contact with. You should know that although the other party has fancy methods, he actually has no ability."

Shade remembered that the man was good at using hats to perform various magic tricks.

"Before you came to Moon Bay, I investigated the ring warlock when we were fighting for the relic [The Only Existence]. He was not a member of the [Dragon Cult] and had nothing to do with the cultists. So, is he just

The Hawthorne family’s cover-up? Matilda~”

The blond maid brought the crystal ball. The witch whispered a spell, brushed the surface of the crystal ball with her right hand and stared at the white mist swirling in it, frowning slightly:

"Interesting, it was either hidden very well, or Hawthorne did not directly contact the [Dragon Feast Order], but the cultists indirectly used them through other means. They originally planned to go directly if they could get evidence.

The church is reporting them."

She picked up the hair beside her ear and looked at Shade again:

"In this case, you can continue to investigate along this line. But I am not idle here. After retrieving the golden dragon scale and the fragment of the poem, I made a separate report to the Speaker. Mr. Speaker

I compared the new fragment with other fragments in the council's collection, and found the sentences that connect it to each other. None of the other witches know about this, and there will be a meeting tonight to explain it."

"Excuse me, what is the specific content?"

Shade asked immediately. The witch smiled and narrowed her eyes. The fat-red birthmark between her eyebrows looked even more charming under the gas light:

"The sentence we got is: Dragon with broken shell, seven-color dragon scales. The completed content is roughly that after the ancient god - [Dragon of Glory] left, his former scales still exist in the material world."

"So, we need to collect seven colorful dragon scales and transform ourselves into a dragon. This is the ceremony of the chosen one?"

Shade guessed, and the witch who just paused deliberately to give Shade a chance to interrupt continued to say with a smile:

"I knew you would think so. Of course it won't be so simple and straightforward. But before I tell you the answer, I want to mention an ancient legend. The ancient god - [Dragon of Glory] is the legendary first dragon. Everything after that

The dragons are all His dependents, created from His scales and flesh."

"The thirteen ancient gods were originally the original gods. The birth of the dragon cannot be earlier than the gods, so this legend should be fact."

Shade agreed, and the witch continued:

"Since the giant dragons are created from the scales and flesh of the ancient god, does it mean that for the giant dragons, obtaining the scales and flesh of the original dragon can make them closer to the appearance of the ancient god?"

Shade thought:

"It makes sense. It sounds like some sort of 'bloodline purification ritual'."

He remembered that the eggshell book obtained in the "Eternal Night City" recorded a similar dragon blood purification ceremony. However, Shade was anxious to wake up Fiona at the time, so he did not read it carefully. Later, the eggshell book should be reprinted

It returned to Fiona's hands, but St. Byrons of the Sixth Age did not have the whereabouts of this book.

"Okay, the basic information has been completed, let's get back to the topic. Unfortunately, the fragment of the poem does not correspond to the information about the ceremony of the chosen one, at least not entirely. It corresponds to the identity of the chosen one: the newborn dragon

, refers to dragons younger than 300 years old, or short-lived humans related to dragons. The Speaker believes that this range is quite broad, not only dragonborn, but also anyone with dragon-related powers."

"All members of the Dragon Feast Order meet the conditions."

Shade thought again of the ring warlock with black dragon scale marks on his face who had fought against him.

Miss Belindel nodded and continued:

"The seven-color dragon scales, according to the context, refer to the need to possess more than one kind of dragon power. The ancient god-Yuangguang Dragon represents pure white light. The white light splits and combines many other colors to form different colors.

Dragons, such as red dragons, black dragons, silver dragons, brass dragons, star dragons, etc. Therefore, dragons of different races have different talents and powers.

The phrase "Seven-Colored Dragon Scales" actually means that the chosen one this time must have the ability to accommodate and use the power of dragons of different races, instead of being able to only use the power of one kind of dragon. Seven-Colored refers to a general term, meaning

It’s numerous.”

Today's development of physics has already made people aware of the concept of spectrum.

"Accommodating the power of dragons of different races, so that different colors can be integrated and closer to the original light? Indeed, so the fragments we got are indeed rich in content. Must the power of many dragons be integrated, or is it as long as there is this potential?

, but you don’t have to actually fuse the dragon?”

Shade asked curiously, but this time Miss Belindel shook her head slightly:

"I'm not sure about this. I think it involves the content of the ceremony of the chosen ones. There is no such fragment in the parliament."

After saying that, he asked Xia De curiously:

"So, you who have a special destiny, do you have the power of a dragon?"

"Yes, but there is only one kind of 'red dragon power' that can enhance my physical strength, etc. You don't think I might be the chosen one, do you?"

Only then did Shade react, and the witch nodded naturally:

"Of course I doubt it. After all, special destiny does not appear casually. And the dragon glove of yours is obviously not something that ordinary dragonborn girls can give. I have heard others say that the chosen ones have many

A unique talent. I think your strength and charm may be a unique talent."

"But I can't be the chosen one."


The witch blinked:

"How did you arrive at this conclusion?"

"Someone has divined for me. Anyone can be the chosen one, but I cannot."

Shade told the truth, but Miss Belindel covered her mouth and chuckled:

"What a strange statement this is. You weren't deceived by a bad fortune teller, were you? Okay, okay, don't be so nervous. I just put forward an opinion. It's really hard to tell whether you are true or not. But when it comes to divination

, I would really like to meet the fortune teller who divined for you and refute her absurd conclusion face to face. All extraordinary beings in this world may be the chosen ones. Does that person have any prejudice against you?"

This chapter has been completed!
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