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Chapter 2123 Ancient God Dragon Scales

"Bad fortune teller."

Shade was shocked by Miss Belindel's comment. He looked around instinctively, and then felt that he was probably frightened by Miss Adele Isabella's attitude. Even if the long-haired Luvia was in the

In his own time, he plotted against everyone, and now it is impossible to act alone without Luvia:

"That fortune teller is actually very powerful. I will introduce you to him if I have a chance in the future."

He said vaguely, and had an intuition that once Luvia saw Miss Belinder, she would definitely have a crushing oppression on her. This was not a guess, it was based on his understanding of the long-haired Luvia's character and his

The conclusion drawn from Luvia’s behavior.

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it."

The witch didn't know what she was going to face.

"Without talking about this, let's get back to the topic. Therefore, the currently known conditions for the chosen ones of light can be simply summarized as: possessing two or more dragon powers."

He concluded, then added;

"Since the [Dragon Feast Cult] that has mastered the other fragments is also in Moon Bay, we can now be 100% sure that the Chosen One of Light will definitely appear in Moon Bay."

"Is such that."

The great witch of fate did not continue to pester the fortune teller. She just felt that Shade's expression just now was quite interesting.

"Then what are those dragon scales?"

Shade asked again, and the witch said lightly:

"The ancient god - the scales of the Dragon of Light."


Shade looked at her in surprise:

"Didn't you just say..."

"I didn't say that these were not the scales of the ancient god, but you don't have to be so surprised. Although it has a great name, these scales are actually just a little bit more magical. These are probably not the scales of the ancient god's body, but the scales of the god's descending possession.

Judging from family records, the ancestors of the seven glorious families of Moon Bay encountered a giant dragon together, and this scale may be the harvest of the ancestors. Now, there are only two functions left."

She raised her right index finger:

"First, try to integrate these scales with the human body. There is a high probability that anyone can have the blood of a golden dragon. In other words, there is a high probability that the user will become a dragon-born ring warlock. This is something that goes back to the beginning.

The power of the dragon is very useful to me who inherited the bloodline of Belinder, as well as those dragon-born ring warlocks with the blood of the golden dragon. The ancestors left this, it seems that they know about the ceremony of the chosen one. Of course, I don't plan to use this.

I'm very satisfied with myself."

Then he raised his right middle finger:

"Second, this is the key to unlocking the space left by the ancient god - the Holy White Auditorium. According to the council's records, the space left by the ancient god of light is related to the ancient gods."

"[Holy White Auditorium]?"

Because there are already five doors at home: [Space Labyrinth] [Dark Dungeon] [Soul Cemetery] [Secret Keeper's Palace] [Earth Furnace], [Time Corridor] [Silver Moon Library] [Inquisitor's Court]

Shade also knows how to enter, so he is extremely concerned about this kind of special space.

"To open this kind of special space, you need spiritual runes, artifacts and corresponding spells. Are the artifacts this time ancient dragon scales?"

He was thinking in his mind, and the witch nodded:

"I don't know if Vanessa has told you that although the legendary thirteen ancient gods have all passed away, they have all left their own unique spaces. [Witch Council] is one of them. Recently, it is rumored that Megan and The [Space Maze] discovered by Sister Audrey on Green Island is one of them, and the [Creation Delivery Room] found by the [Blood Spirit School] in the New World is also a similar space."

She then asked the blond maid on the side to bring the red box. In the box was the ancient golden dragon scale:

"You seem very interested in this? Don't you have the power of the red dragon? If you use this, you will meet the basic conditions of the chosen one. I don't even need divination to guess that you must be very good. It’s suitable for the power of a giant dragon, and my intuition is very accurate.”

As he spoke, he winked at Sha De, but Sha De refused:

"But why should I meet the conditions for being chosen? I'm not interested in that either."

He just doesn't want to waste the power in it. If he stays and waits until the real candidate or the later pick appears, he might be able to gain some advantage through this.

The witch then thought for a while:

"Then even if it's not to meet the conditions for being chosen, it can also give you new powers. Why not give it a try?"

"No, no, I am also very satisfied with my current situation."

Xia De tactfully excused himself, saying that he had never thought about changing his race. Moreover, he did not think that the power of the golden dragon was very suitable for him:

"Let's keep these scales for now. It's not yet certain whether the content of the Chosen Ceremony is related to dragon scales. But judging from the current situation, it is almost inevitable that something big will happen in Yuewan City. I don't know about Bernani. When will Miss Si and Sirius come to Moon Bay? We haven’t seen each other for almost a month."

"You miss them very much?"

The blonde countess asked deliberately, but did not give Shade a chance to answer:

"Don't forget to go to the Senator's Club tomorrow night for a card game. Do you need me to prepare formal attire for you? I rarely participate in such social activities with men, so you have to cooperate."

Her original intention was to ask Sha De about his figure data and prepare a set of clothes for him. Unexpectedly, Sha De nodded directly:

"I have formal wear. Lots of formal wear."

He took Miss Belindel's mention of this matter as a way to see off a guest, so he stood up and prepared to say goodbye:

"Then we'll see you tomorrow night."

"Why are you leaving in such a hurry? I haven't told you the progress of my investigation into the [Light Worshipers Training Association] yet. If they dare to hurt me, I will definitely take revenge."

She asked Shade to sit down again, and looked at the man who felt embarrassed because he had misunderstood his meaning. She felt that such a night was really interesting.

When Shade returned home, it was already half past seven in the evening. As for Miss Belinder letting him back, it was naturally because the meeting of the Witch Council was about to begin.

When Shade appeared from the living room on the first floor, he immediately realized that there was someone else at home. He went upstairs and saw the maids who were cleaning, making tea and preparing supper in the warm home illuminated by gas lights. They had just come downstairs to greet him.

Shade's cat happily jumped from his arms to the dining table, looking very expectant.

"Good evening, Tifa."

Shade smiled and said:

"When did you arrive? Where is Miss Carina?"

"Went to the Parliament for a meeting. We came here an hour ago. The lady originally wanted to invite you to dinner."

The tall maid said, winking at Shade:

"Miss, I'm a little angry, but please don't worry, I'm not angry with you."

Standing on tiptoes, she kissed the corner of Shade's lips. The other maids just pretended not to notice.

Just as Tifa said, at 9:30 in the evening, the duchess who returned from the parliament saw Shade for the first time, she stretched out her arms and hugged him and complained:

"Belindl is really too much. Forget it during the day, how can I keep you for dinner at night?"

"How do you know that I was left by her and not for other reasons?"

Shade asked curiously, hugging the lady in his arms and kissing her forehead. The duchess, who showed an angry expression just now, immediately smiled again:

"If it were anything else, you would definitely go home and feed the cat first. Can I still understand you? Even if you don't eat, you will not forget about the cat."

"It's my fault this time. Haven't you eaten dinner yet? Tifa and the others are already ready. Let's eat together after washing our hands."


The cat has been waiting for a long time.

"Will you eat with me?"

Looking at him with golden eyes, Shade somehow thought of Miss Belindel's eyes a few hours ago.


Although we have already had two dinners, we cannot avoid the third dinner.

Miss Carina's mood suddenly became better. When she sat down at the dining table, she also told Shade the content of the meeting just now. Of course, she did not forget to convey the content of Shade's request for help to Miss Benanis.

But it's so late today, and even if Sirius gets the news from Miss Bernice, he still needs time to think and prepare a solution, so Shade won't know the result until at least tomorrow.

As for the beautiful duchess, since she came here tonight, she naturally has no intention of returning to the manor outside the city. After all, the road at night is dangerous, so she can only ask the kind knight to take them in for one night. The house of Shade's family is just enough.

It is large enough for the maids to sleep downstairs, but the Duke cannot rest with the maids, so she is forced to share the same bedroom with the generous and enthusiastic owner of the house:

"Lecia said, your cat can do backflips?"

She smiled and said while wearing a nightgown. Between the nightgown and slippers was a very textured black silk fabric.

Of course, little Mia didn't perform a backflip after that. She had already been taken downstairs by Tifa.

(Iluna is praying.)

Now that he was ready to use the time key, Shade naturally would not delay it again. But his idea of ​​opening the key early on Friday morning was hindered by the red-haired lady in his arms.

As before, the Duchess was completely unaccustomed to getting up at six-thirty. Even if Shade just got up by herself and thought about waking her up again when she had breakfast at seven-thirty, the witch still reached out and pulled her back into the quilt:

"Let's sleep a little longer."

She said with her eyes closed, lying in Shade's arms and grabbing his arm, refusing to let go. Shade wasn't even sure if she was awake yet. The maids who had gotten up early and were preparing breakfast outside the door could naturally hear what was going on in the room.

The conversation made everyone laugh.

So when Shade walked out of the bedroom and entered the study to start packing the items that he was going to take to the past, it was already seven in the morning. Tifa led the maids to dress up the duchess in the bedroom, and little Mia stood at the dining table.

Looking at the table full of food, he meowed for Shade to sit down quickly.

Domestic cats are very polite, and no matter how anxious they are, they will never touch the food until Shade sits down.

This chapter has been completed!
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