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Chapter 2128 The purpose of the mission and the professor’s dream

"The maid with black curly hair is Monica. She is the one with the longest legs among the royal maids and is also the best at divination. I remember she has a strange relic in her hand - [Divination Card of Different Paintings]. It's of 'Special Painting'

The meaning is an unusual card surface. The relic itself is a divination card with the holy symbol pattern of the ancient god Mr. Huan. Once this card is added to the divination deck, the number of cards remains 108, but there are

Probability draws card faces that do not belong to the regular divination card series to show a clearer destiny."

Miss Teresa explained to Shade on the side, but Shade was not unaware of this relic. Because in 1854 of the Sixth Era, the owner of the "Odd Painting Divination Card" was the great witch of fate, Bella Bey.

Miss Lindell.

"Huh? What kind of card is this?"

The phantom Miss Maxim was puzzled, but the owner of the divination cards, her friend the maid Monica, smiled and asked:

"Isn't this the card you drew yourself? This is your destiny. You should try to interpret it yourself. Vayne, what do you think this means?"

Looking at the scene of the dragon entwining the ship, Miss Phantom Maxim pursed her lips. Then she turned to look at Shade and Miss Theresa, who also understood:

"In the real past, Vayne did not interpret the meaning of this divination card. After the shipwreck, she realized that maybe the card informed her of the disaster of the trip from the beginning, so she feels regretful now.

It’s a pity that I didn’t realize the danger at the time.”

"Yes, and this is also a reminder to us. It's really interesting. Because of my time, I thought that the sinking of the Radiant Messenger in the fifth era was related to dragons, but I have never been able to find evidence. Now it seems that the ship

The problem does involve dragons, but the clues you mentioned just now don’t seem to mention dragons at all.”

Shade glanced at Ming. The child-like god was still looking at them with a smile.

"Could it be said that the things stolen from the first-class cabin on the night of the shipwreck were related to dragons?"

Miss Teresa used her imagination:

"For example, it was a dragon egg. The dragon that stole the egg destroyed the Radiant Messenger in a rage, but neither we nor Professor Evans heard the dragon's roar."

The child-like god’s smile became brighter and brighter:

"A little reminder for you, this guess is partially accurate."


Miss Teresa was surprised. After looking up at God, she suddenly covered her eyes and lowered her head in pain. Shade took a slight breath and reached out to touch the head of little Mia on his chest. He already felt something in his heart.

Made a guess.

Of course, let’s deal with fishing first:

"The meaning of that strange painting divination card is: a ship that has an entanglement with a dragon will encounter disaster."

"Isn't it 'the reason why the ship was damaged was because of the dragon'?"

Miss Teresa asked with tears in her eyes. Shade shook his head:

"Look, there are no cracks in the ship entangled with the dragon on the card. It's not like the dragon destroyed the ship, it's more like the dragon and the ship are entangled together."

Frowning, she turned to look at the ordinary girl, Miss Malone, who was "sleeping" with her head lowered next to the campfire in the center of the floating board. She thought that the Miss Elisa she saw had black hair and blue eyes, and the one she described

A "sweetheart" has blond hair and blue eyes, plus she is

So Shade turned to look at the god again, thought for a while and then asked softly:

"You are also a god who protects children, right?"

"Of course, don't mortals call me the "Creator of Innocence" and the "Fairy Tale Poet"?

In this way, Shade completely understood, but it seems that this matter cannot be solved this time, and it seems that it will have to wait until the third time.

The phantom Miss Maxim on the other side got the answer and nodded with satisfaction:

"Yes, it must be like this. The dragon is entangled with the ship. So where will the dragon appear on the ship? I don't know if it is a dragon-born witch, or a pure-blood dragon that can transform into a human."

After speaking, he encouraged:

"Try again, you are just out of luck."

"Do you understand it?"

Her phantom disappeared, and Shade asked Miss Theresa again. The latter's eyes had returned to normal, and she blinked blankly after hearing the question:

"What? Oh, she means that our fishing is going to have results."

"No, that's not what I asked. But it doesn't matter, don't worry, let's continue."

The fishhook was thrown into the water for the fourth time, and the force fed back from the water dozens of seconds later almost pulled Shade directly into the water.

For the same person, as the number of fishing increases, the resistance in the water will become stronger and stronger. This time, the force at the other end of the fishing line is obviously greater than any time so far.

Even if Shade activated the "Red Dragon Power", because it was difficult to borrow strength on the wet metal floating board, he staggered and almost fell into the water. Fortunately, there was Miss Theresa, a young witch, beside him.

She hugged Shade from behind, grabbed his hands with both hands, and fought with him against the power at the other end of the fishing line.

Although it may be inappropriate to say this now, Shade did feel the back. Agelina always lamented that her figure was not as good as that of her sister and aunt. If she became a witch's apprentice, she would probably be able to grow.

Little Mia felt very uncomfortable staying on Shade's chest when he was using his hands hard, so while wrestling on both sides of the fishing rod, she also meowed as if to cheer for Shade. Amidst the meowing, Xia

De and Miss Teresa gradually gained the upper hand, and finally won the victory with difficulty.

As the fishing line was retracted little by little, what was dragged next to the floating board this time was the body of the black-haired maid who was soaked all over. Her face was pale, but her chest was still breathing up and down; her body was cold.

, but death still couldn't take her away.

Shade clearly felt that the girl behind him breathed a sigh of relief. No matter what the situation of others was, Miss Wayne Maxim's body was "fished", which at least proved that her memory had not been tampered with and that the maid lady was really alive.


So the two of them fished the maid out of the water together. Shade asked Miss Teresa to carry the body back to the campfire, and he asked for the ring given by Professor Evans from the god:

"Time is running out this time."

He said:

"The next time I come here will be the last time. I can't leave too many tasks for the last time. I will try my best to finish fishing for Professor Evans before leaving. I will leave it to you to appease Miss Maxim. You must not

No problem, I will still say hello to you even if I leave."

The young blonde girl heard the trust in these words. She nodded solemnly, overcame the fear in her heart, and returned to the campfire in the center of the floating board, half-kneeling and half-climbing with the maid in her arms.

Shade then touched the furry little cat's head on his chest again, and then pressed it back into his clothes. He picked up the fishhook and planned to pass it through the ring and tie it up, then the god spoke again:

"Looking at your expression just now, it seems that you already have your own guess?"

"Yes, but just like before, there is no evidence. I plan to put Miss Malone last. I have roughly guessed her identity. Her memory may reveal some unusual information related to the sinking of the ship.


The child-like god looked at him:

"Then do you understand what the so-called wish is?"

"To make up for the regrets of the past, present and future. Greedy desires will bring disaster to oneself, while prudent and humble desires will be blessed. Although I have not been able to understand your specific teachings, the general meaning should be this."

Shade said, after tugging on the ring to confirm that it was firmly tied, he was ready to swing:

"Of course, I don't think the reason for your appearance here is to teach me the meaning of my wish."

"Then for what?"

The child-like god asked with a smile. He was sitting on the edge of the floating board. He was still very clear in the darkness. Xia De suddenly understood that this strange floating board and the fire did not actually have any power.

People can survive here only because God is here.

At this time, the fishhook had been thrown by Xia Deyuan towards the undulating dark sea surface, and the force of the feedback had also appeared:

"Although there is no evidence, you were trying to save a child, right? She didn't want to die, and she got your response, so you came to me."

In the smile of the god, the fishhook with the ring has already caught the first item.

This time it was not a strange item like a severed hand, nor was it an item like a paper that fit Professor Evans' identity. What was penetrated by the fishhook was a rather beautiful colorful feather.

"This child's dream about his childhood is very interesting."

God commented, and with a slight flick of the light, a short girl with a ponytail appeared in front of Shade. Professor Evans, who looked only ten years old, had no trace of his current face.

Similar. At this time, her phantom also held a colorful feather in its hand and was looking up.

In fact, since Shade came here, he has been resisting looking at the sky, because just looking at the dark and lightless sky can cause unreasonable fear. But this time he had to look up, and then he saw the sky with colorful feathers.

Phantom birds are flying above the floating board.

"This is...a young rainbow bird?"

Shade's eyes widened. This strange creature is an extremely rare bird. It is rare in the sixth era, much higher than dragons and unicorns. Compared with rainbow birds, vampires and other alien species are simply

Like stones everywhere. The rainbow bird is not only named because of the color of its coat, but also because this bird is really born in the midst of a rainbow.

After a maturation period of about 130 years, the adult rainbow bird is quite huge, but when it spreads its wings, it will definitely bring sunny days and rainbows, and can bring luck to people who see it. Therefore, the rainbow bird's

Feathers are the best material for making "blessing" and "lucky" hanging ornaments, and Shade also read their information carefully when looking for items that bring luck.

This chapter has been completed!
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