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Chapter 2129 Farewell

Even in the fifth era, rainbow birds are quite rare. To put it bluntly, even in the private zoos of the Witch Emperors, rainbow birds are definitely the most precious pets.

"Isn't Professor Evans's family background too powerful?"

At this moment, the young girl of Phantom was holding the feather in her hand and looking at the flying bird with an expression that wanted to cry. Shade also saw that she probably accidentally let the rainbow bird fly out of the cage:

"Are all the regrets of the witches when they were young so interesting and heartwarming? Miss Teresa is thinking about the pinball game she failed to win, Miss Maxim wants a fairy tale book, and Professor Evans accidentally released

Xiaoniao. How did those witch emperors cultivate their extravagant and lewd characters?"

In other words, this time Shade wanted to catch the flying bird, but he couldn't fly normally here, and he didn't dare to leave the floating board easily. So he tried to raise his hand to the sky and throw two moonlight rings.

, the moonlight was compressed by the dark sea, so even the flight speed slowed down a lot.

The nimble bird in the sky escaped the halo and chirped above Sha De's head. Even if Sha De didn't understand bird language, he could tell that he seemed to be laughed at. Then the Sin Chain also flew high into the sky, this time it was pitch black.

The chain successfully touched the bird, but the chain was immediately broken free by the rainbow bird.

On the one hand, this shows that although the opponent looks petite, he is definitely powerful. On the other hand, it also shows that the young bird can even be said to be without any sin.

"This is going to be troublesome."

Just asking the ladies about their memories of the night on the ship consumed too much time. At this time, there was less than five minutes left before the thirty-minute adventure ended. Without being able to fly high into the sky, I wanted to catch one.

The bird is quite difficult. The best way is of course to use a suitable bait to let it fly down on its own. Although Shade knows that the "rainbow bird" likes wheat that has been exposed to the scorching sun the most, the problem is that although he carries a lot of things with him

, but really doesn’t have this:

"Are we going back to prepare wheat this time?"

While he was thinking about it, the chirping of birds disturbed another existence. The cat, which had been hiding comfortably on Shade's chest, poked its head out from between the buttons again.

Shade was not unfamiliar with cats with "ferocious looks" on their faces. Whenever the pigeons waiting to be fed on St. Teresa's Square flew to the window sill outside the living room on the second floor while little Mia was taking a nap in the sun, they were caught.

Cats that block the sun will always show this expression and scare away the pigeons by slapping the glass.

This time, although there was no glass in front of it, the cat still seemed to mistake the birds in the sky for those pigeons. After all, there was not much difference except for the color. They were all small flying objects with two wings and two claws. It immediately said "Meow~"

The cry threatened the sky, and the bird that was flying around just now actually seemed to be frightened and fell straight from the sky.

It seemed to be frightened and fainted, but after landing on the floating board, it struggled and squirmed a few times. After being picked up by ten-year-old Professor Evans, it huddled like a quail in the little girl's arms and refused to move.


"Sir, your cat is so powerful! Even more powerful than my bird."

The little girl happily said to Shade. Shade looked down at the cat on his chest suspiciously, and the satisfied little Mia retracted into his arms again. Of course, the cat's behavior at the moment was abnormal, but now

This was not the time to dwell on this, so Xia De responded with a smile:

"It's always like this. You should watch your pets carefully in the future and never let them run away again."

"Yes, I understand! Thank you, sir. Next, remember to swing the rod over there, I'll be waiting for you underwater!"

She hugged the bird and disappeared in front of Shade. Shade looked up at the god:

"What do you think of my cat?"

After asking, he added in his mind:

"You don't have to remind me, I know that's Miss Gold's cat."

"She" smiled softly in my ear.

The smile on the child-like god’s face remains unchanged:

"That's a really warm cat. It suits you very well."


Originally, he didn't expect to be able to ask the answer from the gods. Seeing that there was still some time left, Shade swung another rod in the direction pointed out by the girl just now. This was the second rod used for fishing with the "ring", so the force was

It was even bigger than before, even very close to the time when Miss Maxim was caught fishing.

There was no way to use force on the slippery floating board, and Miss Theresa was not by his side, so Shade could only struggle with the things in the water by himself. Little Mia couldn't help this time, because it was really just a kitten.

The two sides were in a stalemate, and Shade even kept sliding towards the edge of the floating board because the soles of his feet slipped.

“Fishing doesn’t just require strength.”

God then gave instructions from the side, and some golden light shone on Sha De's body.

"Even mortals know how to use force to fight, and how to defeat power through skills. Try to understand the power that is in a stalemate with you, and use the other party's power to fight back the other party's power."

What the gods said was definitely not the so-called force-generating technique. The simple truth reached Shade's ears, and he suddenly understood how to use the fishing rod in his hand to borrow force. Although this did not form any miraculous skills, it

Shade felt that he would have no problem fishing for whales in the future.

So the rod was finally successfully pulled up, and the item caught this time was an empty goblet. After the god caressed it, Professor Evans, who was seventeen or eighteen years old, appeared from the dim light. She

Sure enough, I asked Shade that question:

"Do you have Black Flame Icewine?"

This was the most difficult "wish" that Professor Evans left in Shade's notebook before he left last time. Shade breathed a sigh of relief and took out the bottle of wine that Miss Danister helped prepare, and put

After the wine was poured into the glass in the hands of the phantom girl, she pointed in a more accurate direction and disappeared.

"Continue next time, God."

Seeing that time was really running out, Shade did not continue trying, but returned the fishing rod to God. God took back the fishing rod, turned to look at the four ladies beside the campfire with Shade:

"Miss Malone is not the only important person. The fact that they can appear here also represents their own wishes and desires. Even if you guess the truth here, don't just focus on the most important person. After all, every child

Your dreams and wishes are all treasures to me."

"I see."

He respectfully said goodbye to the gods, and then walked towards the campfire. At this time, Miss Maxim's soul, which was imprisoned in the false body, had successfully returned to the real body. But suddenly he remembered that he had died and had to adapt to life again.

The discomfort caused by her body made her lean against Miss Teresa instead, her face so pale that she could hardly speak.

The other two "coma" ladies had also woken up at this moment, and when Miss Theresa saw Shade coming, she understood that he was leaving again.

"Miss Malone, did you remember anything? What regrets and wishes do you have?"

He asked the "ordinary girl" again, who pursed her lips:

"Wish. I. Have no wish."

"Don't even want to see her again?"

Shade asked. The black-haired girl looked up at Shade, then covered her chest:

"It's really strange. I should be worried about her, but now, I feel like she is clearly beside me."

Miss Teresa immediately looked around, as if she was worried that some entity like a wraith might suddenly appear. Then she looked at the campfire and the floating board under her, wondering if these two strange objects were the blue-eyed one.

The girl became.

Shade naturally didn't know Miss Teresa's strange thoughts. He just verified his thoughts again and made preliminary guesses about Miss Malone's regrets and wishes.

He originally thought that he would be asked to go to Moon Bay in 1854 of the Sixth Era to find Miss Elise for final confirmation. Unexpectedly, Miss Malone, who was in a daze, actually spoke:

"I want to live, I want to be free, I want who I really am."

"I understand, I will fulfill your wish."

Shade breathed a sigh of relief, and now only the simplest task of investigating the sinking of the "Brilliant Messenger" was left. But he was almost certain that even if he did nothing, he would still be able to find a way to solve the problem between Professor Evans and Professor Evans.

The most critical clue was found in the memory of "Miss Malone".

White mist had already appeared around Shade at this time, and the thirty-minute adventure had come to an end. He patted his chest gently, turning the cat curled up there into a toy, and then looked at Special who was watching him.

Miss Lesa:

"Then we'll see you next time."

"Yes, see you next time."

The blonde girl sat there supporting the maid and said, the firelight reflected her face red, but could not completely illuminate her heart. She looked up at Shade who was standing by the fire, controlling herself not to show too much loss:

"After you leave, leave the affairs here to me. I will protect everyone, and I will continue to let everyone recall those forgotten clues."

I don’t know whether it was because she had a companion or she had gained some growth. At this time, Schultz Theresa no longer showed the fear and nervousness she had when Shade first appeared. Of course, Shade could still see the uneasiness in her eyes.

So he hesitated, and at the last moment before leaving, he gently kissed her forehead:

"See you next time, Miss Theresa."

Then he completely disappeared into this lightless sea.

The sea water slapped against the floating board, and Shade's disappearance meant that the only light source here was the campfire. The figure of God was also hidden in the darkness, but He was indeed still there holding the fishing rod and fishing. The young witch touched it

There was a rather dissatisfied look on his forehead and golden eyes:

"Really, I thought I was going to kiss you"

She touched her lips, pursed her lips, and thought about how to make effective use of the last half hour.

This chapter has been completed!
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