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Chapter 2174 Sewer Monsters and Wraith Black Cats

Shade summoned the [Moonlight Great Sword] and followed Mr. Bernhardt forward. Since the temperature here is still frighteningly cold, the wraith should not have gone far yet. Therefore, Shade thought they would find it soon.

The other party didn't expect to go around a long circle in the sewer, and finally returned to the secret passage connecting the river and the bathhouse.

Although the suspicious two people suspected that it was a trap, they continued to follow the smell of the resentful spirit and turned into another fork in the road that they had not had time to investigate. After advancing for more than ten minutes, Mr. Bernhardt came to a place in the middle of the pipeline.

Stop in front of the wall:

"If I smell it right"

He himself spoke with an uncertain tone, after all, the resentful spirit seemed to be leading them in circles:

"The other party entered behind this wall."

Ignoring the dirty appearance of the wall, he put his hand on it, then turned to Shade and said:

"The back is empty."

"Strong Spatial Perception" also showed that the back was empty. In fact, Shade had noticed this place in the morning, but the gap between the map and the reality was a bit big, so before he saw this place, he was not sure that this was an unmarked branch.

Or something else.

"There should be a secret door."

Mr. Bernhardt said again, taking a step back to let Shade step forward, and then watched as Shade turned sideways and slammed forward, directly smashing the wall into pieces with a deafening sound. As the bricks fell to the ground,

Mr. Bernhardt also saw the long stone strips blocking the road behind the wall splintered, wooden sticks broken, and metal poles bent.

Shade just shook his arm:

"The secret door was artificially sealed from the inside. It seems we have finally found it."

Not far from the secret door lies a corpse that committed suicide. After trying to channel the spirit to no avail, we can also judge from the hand marks on the corpse that he sealed the passage from the inside. Walking along the passage inward, the remaining blood stains become more and more obvious.

It became clearer and clearer, and at the same time, Shade also recognized that this place began to overlap with the passage scene in Herman Wood's memory:

"Be careful, we really found the right place this time. But what happened to the resentful spirit? Did it lead us here on purpose?"

"Even if you lure us into a trap, you should wait until we find this place before showing up, right? Taking the initiative to let us discover the passage that has been painstakingly hidden, is this something a normal person can do?"

Mr. Bernhardt was equally puzzled. He was also ready for battle at this time. He did not take out the black and white guns he usually used. Instead, while his face was dry and wrinkled due to loss of water, his hands gradually became larger.

The shape of the claws.

This is the true appearance of a vampire. The original appearance of a handsome middle-aged nobleman is just a disguise formed by manipulating blood. Although Shade has known Mr. Bernhardt for a long time, this is the first time he has seen him like this. And seeing Shade

Looking at him curiously, Lord Vampire Seed explained:

"Sooner or later, the church will investigate here. Now that I am using the power of vampires to fight against possible dangers ahead, the church will know that vampires are also investigating the murderer. Don't see that I rarely fight in this posture. In fact,

I'm stronger this way. I didn't use it before, either because my opponent wasn't strong enough or was too strong."

The resentful spirit was still in front, attracting the two of them to move forward, and the cell-like place connected to the passage soon came into view. The light balls that were summoned flew in all directions to illuminate, and at this time, all the metal fence doors were wide open.

, as if there is no living thing here.

"Take a look separately."

Mr. Bernhardt said, turning around and bending down to enter the cell on the left, while Shade continued to walk forward, carefully looking left and right.

The silver ball of light followed him, but in the darkness where the ball of light was not illuminated, something was squirming abnormally.

When Shade was attracted by the stone under his feet and lowered his head to check, the thing crawling on the wall instantly pounced on him.

But this blow was completely missed. Before the thing could land and adjust its posture, Shade used "Raglai's Jump" to dodge, but a ray of moonlight was violently struck from behind it.

The moonlight passed through the monster's body in the darkness, and it screamed strangely and its body fell apart. Countless little bats flew in all directions, and then reunited to form the appearance of the monster itself.

Shade was very familiar with this method of using transformation to dodge attacks, so when the bat swarm appeared, he had already thrown the thunder gun in his left hand.

As soon as the gathered bats recovered into monsters, they forcefully ate Shade's thunder gun. It emitted blood mist, turned into a blood shadow, rushed towards Shade, and collided head-on with Shade. Pure strength and body

The intense collision finally allowed Shade to see clearly that the monster looked like a big bat with dragon horns but no wings.

The blood mist corroded the clothes on his body, but this time during the impact, Shade's power still had the upper hand:


After the monster was bounced away by the reaction force, it immediately turned into a ball of blood mist and fled into the distance, but Mr. Bernhardt, with his two giant claws hanging down naturally, was already waiting for it.

Lord Vampire Seed also exuded blood mist all over his body, and rushed towards the monster entangled in the blood mist. The claws of the two collided, making a metallic clang sound, and then two masses of blood mist exploded on the spot, and appeared five meters away.

The places reunited at the same time, and the two people who emerged from the blood mist once again struck each other with their claws.

The flickering blood mist chased and collided at extremely high speeds. Shade stood still, frowning as he watched the battle between Mr. Bernhardt and his opponent. Finally, in the two reunited blood mist, the monster and Bain

Mr. Hart fought again, ending with Lord Vampire Seed's right claw pressing the monster's claws to the ground, and then his left hand neatly cutting off the monster's head.

But the corpse that fell to the ground began to tremble immediately, and then every pore of the monster began to seep out blood mist. The corpse swelled, and the blood mist shone with an extremely dangerous red light, but before the corpse exploded, it was killed by Bain.

Mr. Hart penetrated the chest with his right claw and took out the heart with scales attached.

The explosion of the corpse ceased, but the head that had rolled into the shadow suddenly flew up. With an expression of hatred on his face, he tried to bite Mr. Bernhardt's neck, but was cut in half by Shade's sword.


Lord Vampire Seed, who has always been very civilized, cursed:

"This is a monster cultivated with human beings as the mother body, mixed with vampire blood and dragon blood. The self-destruction of this thing cannot be dealt with without the presence of a pure blood vampire warlock like me. This is what those people taught the church

The 'gift' left behind."

He looked very angry, but Shade could also understand. Vampires are very proud of their pure blood, and therefore despise any vampire race except themselves. The "Vampire God" who has a close relationship with Shade

"It protects all vampire races, including humanoid vampires, and humanoid vampires like Mr. Bernhardt and Mr. Ptolemy Albert usually consider themselves to be the noblest blood-sucking holders among the entire vampire race.

Those who have.

Of course, judging from the overall strength and intelligence of vampires, there is no problem with this view. Therefore, using the blood of vampires for experiments and creating such a hybrid monster will certainly offend Mr. Bernhardt

So angry.

"Although this corpse is not enough to prove that the female corpse has nothing to do with you, it at least tells the church that this matter is related to the [Dragon Feast Order]."

Shade comforted him. Mr. Bernhardt nodded and looked down at the corpse with disdain:

"Leave this thing here. Although the church is distracted by the investigation of the dock incident, it should be able to find it within a day or two."

Shade looked at his surroundings again:

"I think we can't find any clues using ordinary methods. Let's use our own special methods to look here. Of course, there is one more thing that needs to be solved before that."

He and Mr. Bernhardt turned around at the same time, and red and silver balls of light illuminated the thing standing behind them just now.

It's not a monster, but a black kitten, squatting on the ground and looking up at them. The seemingly normal cat is actually translucent, and a cold feeling constantly seeps out of its body and affects the surroundings. It just attracted the two of them.

What came here was the soul of this cat.

"A resentful spirit that has almost turned into a physical entity."

Mr. Bernhard sighed softly, raised his paws and prepared to fight again, but was stopped by Shade again.

He looked at the cat soul in front of him suspiciously. Although the cat soul in front of him was a real and powerful wraith, almost comparable to the ones he first encountered at Fort Midhill, he did not feel any resentment on the other side.

At this time, the cat continued to look up at them, with no intention of running away. The transparent tail behind it was still wagging back and forth. Facing Shade's probing eyes, the cat gave a gentle "meow~", and now it even became vigilant.

The sitting Mr. Bernhardt relaxed. The flesh and blood on his face filled up, and he changed into the appearance of a handsome middle-aged man again, and his claws also turned into hands:

"What does it say?"

He asked Xia De, who asked in surprise:

"What makes you think I know cat language?"

"Because you seem to be the kind of person who understands cats very well."


But Shade really didn't understand cat language, so he made sure that the cat had no intention of attacking them, so he tried to squat down and clapped his hands at the cat, and the cat walked over obediently. The cold and biting soul rubbed Shade's hand,

Then he picked her up.

Mr. Bernhardt on the side had an expression of "Look, I'll just say that". Shade took out the "Fish Training Ring" from his pocket again, and then realized that the cat's soul was also a cat and could not be used in his hands.

The rings speak human words.

"Hello you all."

So the black cat, which was licking its fur and soul in Shade's arms, spoke, and then ignored Shade and Mr. Bernhardt's surprise that it spoke on its own initiative:

"Aren't you looking for this place? I found it for you, and you have to help me next. Aren't all humans like this?"

PS: Additional update 3/5.

This chapter has been completed!
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