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Chapter 2175 The waiting cat

The cat's words really surprised Schade and Mr. Bernhardt, and its voice sounded like that of an underage girl.

Mr. Bernhardt asked Shade what was going on with his eyes, but Shade didn’t know either:

"Sorry, so you knew what we were doing here from the beginning, right?"

he asked the cat.

"This is the weirdest place around here. Aren't you looking for this place?"

The cat looked up at Shade and said.

"So, you actually have nothing to do with this place? You are not a victim here, nor are you an accomplice of this group of people?"

The cat licked its paw:

"When my body entered the sewer, you were probably not born yet, and the person next to you was probably less than 20 years old. I just know this place, and I have nothing to do with them. You are very capable people, and you should be able to help me.

, so I brought you here. Can you help me now? We will set off immediately."

Shade and the Vampire Seed Lord looked at each other again:

"Sorry, I don't know how to express it. Let's put it this way, do you know what your situation is now?"

The cat nodded:

"You know, I am dead and very powerful. I have been wandering in the sewer pipes for more than 20 years."

It said it very simply, and after finishing speaking, it lowered its head to lick its fur, and the fur also changed direction as the cat licked. This kind of detail of body hair changes is normal for ordinary cats, but for the soul, it is

Another manifestation of the materialization of powerful resentful spirits.

"How did you become like this?"

Shade asked again, and the cat in his arms became a little impatient:

"Human beings are really troublesome. I've helped you and you have to help me too. Isn't that right? If you want to ask questions, I'll tell you after you help me."

It jumped from Shade's arms to his shoulders, and then lay down very comfortably:

"Let's go now, humans are really troublesome."

Shade and Mr. Bernhardt looked at each other again. Shade nodded slightly, and Mr. Bernhardt asked the last question:

"I'm curious, why do you want us to help you instead of letting others? Isn't it possible that you have only encountered us in the sewers for so many years?"

"Because he looks very pleasing to the eye and seems like a good person."

The cat patted Shade on the shoulder, and Herr Bernhardt understood.

What the cat wants the two to help do is very simple. Although it is powerful, it cannot leave the sewer, and it wants to go to the ground to meet someone, so it needs the help of a "capable person" like Shade.

Just listening to its description, Shade and Mr. Bernhardt knew that it was bound within a certain range by its own body, so as long as the body was moved, it could realize its wish.

As for the cat's own story, it is very simple. One day about twenty years ago, it was crushed to death by a carriage on the road and then thrown into the Tatton River. The body drifted with the river and somehow ended up in the sewer.

Its soul consciousness was very vague at first, and it took many years before it acquired its current abilities.

And its body is still in the sewer, so Shade and Mr. Bernhardt temporarily sealed the secret passage and followed it away. And it took Shade and Mr. Bernhardt to find the body in the pipe.

At that time, the two saw the cat corpse with only half of its skeleton remaining covered under a few rocks.

"This is."

"I brought the stones. Don't humans always cover corpses with stones and soil? So I have to do the same."

The cat said so.

Because it was unclear who this cat was looking for and what it would do after finding that person, and considering that its essence was still a powerful wraith, Shade and Mr. Bernhardt decided to accompany it.

Go to the ground. The soul of the black cat was very happy and kept praising Shade and Mr. Bernhardt as "very good" humans.

The cat gave them a specific address, which was not far from here. It was an apartment facing the street in the north of the city. The powerful cat spirit did not feel uncomfortable even under the sun - this may be due to the fact that the sky in Yuewan City is always shrouded in

In the dark fog, after squatting on Shade's shoulder and coming to the street, people only thought it was an ordinary cat.

"No. 16, Alley of the Martyrs, that's where it is."

I found the building according to the address. It was an ordinary three-story apartment with nothing special even though it was located in the rich Yuewan Bay.

Shade stood behind with the resentful cat and asked Mr. Bernhardt to knock on the door. The person who opened the door was a fat woman wearing a headscarf. Mr. Bernhardt chatted politely with her for a while before retreating.

Said on the street:

"The Denver family moved away 12 years ago."


The black cat said with a dazed expression. Shade immediately covered its mouth and looked to the left and right. Fortunately, no one looked at it:

"You just promised us not to talk."

"Don't worry, even though so many years have passed, the current residents know where their family has moved. I think we still have to go some distance."

Mr. Bernhardt also said.

"If it's far away, you don't have to accompany me."

The cat answered with a depressed expression, but Schade and Mr. Bernhardt still wanted to stay with it.

We found the carriage at the street corner and set off again, this time heading all the way from the north of the city to the southwest of the city, and got off at "Williamt Street", which is one street away from the dock area.

This is a typical residential neighborhood for middle-class families in Yuewan City. Both sides of the street are neatly lined with single-family buildings with gardens. The lawn in front of each house is neatly trimmed. It was peaceful here on Tuesday afternoon. Xia Dehe

Mr. Bernhardt, two strangers, would probably have immediately received suspicious looks from the residents of the neighborhood if it weren't for their good clothing and temperament.

This time the target was No. 9 William Street, but unfortunately the courtyard door and the door were locked, and Shade didn't hear a heartbeat inside the house.

"No one seemed to be in the house."

Shade said, Mr. Bernhardt also looked inside:

"We found the right place. The woman just now said that the Denver family's daughter married a man named Mahat. Look, that's the last name on the house number. This family's life looks good, the house is newly painted, and the lawn must be

It was trimmed by someone. I can see the piano through the window, and the doorbell on the door is really high-end."

"I'll just wait here, you guys."

Nekomata said, and was rejected by Shade and Mr. Bernhardt:

"We will accompany you."

They simply used illusions to cover their figures, and stood in front of the door together chatting. Of course, the main thing was that Shade and Mr. Bernhardt knew who the Miss Denver the cat was looking for was.

"Of course it is my master, little angel Janet!"

When talking about this topic, the black cat's eyes lit up:

"She is the cutest child in the world, cuter than you can imagine. My mother gave birth to me in a trash can in the alley, and that winter she went to a place far away that I haven't been able to go yet.

My brothers and sisters then left separately, and little Janet found me nestling against the wall in the heavy snow, and then I had a new home."

Although its tone is cheerful, both Shade and Mr. Bernhardt know that this is a very sad story.

"Little Janet has been living with me since then, and my responsibility is to protect and accompany her as she grows up. Most human cubs are naughtier than cat cubs, so this is not an easy job, so I spent

I spent a lot of time with her. But I loved those days very much. We read together, slept together, ran on the lawn together, and waited for dinner together at the table."

This time it was definitely not an illusion, the eyes of the vengeful black cat were really shining:

"But human cubs always grow up very fast. I thought that she would always need my company and protection, and that I would always need me to play with her. But one day, while I was looking down to count the ants on the ground,

Little Janet's mother asked her what she was going to do later. Instead of playing with me, she went to the study to read. So when I looked up at her, she suddenly grew up."

The cat tried to stand up and spread its two front paws to express "grow up". Because it was in a state of invisible magic, Shade did not stop it. This is a strange metaphor for cats, and it is not like the awakening of the witch between the body and the soul.

A complete change, just a child becoming sensible.

Shade pursed his lips, feeling that his mood was inexplicably heavy. Looking again, the vampire seed Lord had a similar expression on his face:

"It turns out that this is how pet cats treat their human owners. What happens next?"

"After? Life will continue after that! Little Janet has grown up and no longer needs me to accompany her. I have more free time, and she will still want to play with me."

The black cat still said excitedly in the voice of a human girl:

"I just lay on the window sill of the house, watching her walking back and forth in front of me, waiting for her to occasionally think of me. She became taller and taller, and her hair became longer and longer, but she also grew more and more.

I have more and more troubles. But what can I do? I am just a cat."

Shade felt that his mood became even heavier. It was almost evening, and a little sunset was hanging on the horizon, and the black cat illuminated by the sunset had an inexplicable strange luster.

"But little Janet has never forgotten me, because when she was a child, she made a promise with me that I would always accompany her. So the big tree was bare and then covered with leaves, and the leaves were like beautiful butterflies.

After falling, it became bare again. One day, I had a full meal and went out to hang out as usual, and then I died."

After saying that, it "meow~". But unlike the two men who pursed their lips, the black cat did not have a sad look on its face:

"It was really amazing. I knew at that moment where my mother had gone in the winter when I was born. She never abandoned me, and she was forced to leave the one she loved just like me."

This chapter has been completed!
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