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Chapter 2178 Sword and Light

After agreeing on a time to meet Miss Belindel tomorrow, Shade finally returned to his home in Tobesk after a tiring day.

Because Emilia is temporarily staying here, the lights are on at home. There are Luvia's shoes in the shoe cabinet in the foyer on the first floor. It seems that the purple-eyed fortune teller took Emilia with her in the afternoon.

After visiting the Prophet's Association, I came back with her.

Little Mia, who had very sensitive ears, happily ran downstairs to welcome Shade as usual. Luvia, who was talking to Emilia about life at St. Byrons College upstairs, also smiled and said to the elf girl:

"The intelligence of Shade's cat exceeds our expectations every time. Because of its intelligence, Shade has asked me to predict whether little Mia will be successful many times."


She stopped what she was saying and looked towards the stairs with Emilia. They both heard the "threatening" sound made by the cat, and then heard the "panicked" sound from Shadluo.


"What are you doing? Don't you recognize me? Wait, I didn't hug another cat. Why are you angry? But that is a ghost cat. No, can the soul also have a smell? You are

How did you smell it? I helped it find its owner, and it just wanted to thank me, and finally nuzzled me. I really just hugged it for a while, and then let it squat on my shoulder."


Luvia stood up with a smile, and when she came to the door of the living room, she happened to see Shade still playing with the cat.

She didn't mean to help Shade, but instead reminded him:

"Go and change your clothes and prepare the projection to see Miss Danister. About an hour ago, a letter from her asking to meet you came to your poem manuscript page, and I agreed for you. I think it's probably because of Yuewan's

Let’s do it.”

"I know, I'm going now. Oh, Luvia, help me control little Mia. Mia, where does your comparison and competitiveness come from? Emilia, Emilia,

Come and help me."

But Luvia stopped the elf girl:

"Who told you to always mess around with women outside? Are you finally angry with little Mia?"

It's hard to tell whether there is any other meaning behind her words.

This Tuesday night, Miss Danister made an appointment with Shad, of course, because of what happened at the pier of Yueyue Bay during the snowstorm last weekend. The projection of the deep sea evil thing appeared in the offshore of Moon Bay, and the news of the "Moonlight Dragon" that subsequently appeared.

It is impossible to hide it from the three major academies. Compared with them, the three dragons and those dragon knights found by the [Dragon Feast Order] are not so conspicuous.

When Shad appeared in the familiar central space of St. Byrons Library, the red-haired sorceress sitting on the sofa immediately let the photo on the glass coffee table fly to Shad's eyes:

"Xia De, don't say this has nothing to do with you."

Because it was taken at night, and the photographer's hands were very shaky, the scene in the black and white photo on the snowy night of Moon Bay was quite blurry, and the figure of the silver dragon was even blurry. Compared with Dorothy's portrait of Shade on Green Island,

Those photos taken, this photo has no sense of beauty at all. Even if Shade was not a witness, he almost didn't recognize the blurry thing as a glowing silver dragon.

Seeing Shade looking at the photo with an inquiring expression, Miss Danister asked him teasingly without waiting for his answer:

"So, the high-level thaumaturgy you asked me for last week was actually the dragon-changing art?"

She acquiesced that Shade was the silver dragon. Shade put down the photo and immediately denied it:

"The thaumaturgy I asked for is not this. Transformation is just an accident. And I can't easily turn into a dragon again. After all, I only have seven rings, and I don't have that much power."

He does not deny that he is the dragon.

The photo flew back to Miss Daniste's hands. She glanced at the dragon and then at Shade, as if she wanted to forcibly connect the two:

"So you still insist that anyone can be the chosen one, but you can't be the only one?"

"Yes, even though I turned into a dragon, the chosen one of light must have nothing to do with me."

Shade said with certainty, and Miss Daniste smiled and shook her head:

"Every time I see you talking about things with a serious expression, I feel very interesting. So I believe you this time, after all, it was the same several times before. I called you here just to make sure about this dragon. You

It really surprised me, I didn't know you were so proficient in transformation before."

After speaking, he looked at the dragon again:

"During the background check, I didn't find that you are a dragonborn. Can the dragon transformed by a non-dragonborn transformer be so pure? But I want to remind you that your own transformation must be gradual, from ordinary creatures to extraordinary creatures.

Transition is the normal sequence. Transforming into a dragon can be regarded as the most difficult type of transformation for people like us who have no dragon blood."

She did not explore what Shade did at that time, but asked:

"Do you need me to recommend some professors who are good at transfiguration? There are indeed several transfiguration masters in the School of Political Science and Economics and the School of Chemistry."

"It's not necessary for now, my transformation technique is different from ordinary transformation technique."

Seeing Shade's refusal, Miss Denister did not insist and turned to other topics:

"I don't care what you do in Moon Bay, but you must pay attention to safety. The unusual silver dragon appeared two days ago, and now the news has probably spread to every corner of the material world. Here in the academy

Bian is also discussing when to send people to Yuewan, but the current problem is that this time there is no very clear clue indicating that the chosen one of light must be in Yuewan."

Although a lot of things have indeed happened in Yuewan, and the appearance of the [Dragon Cult] has already made people think about it, there is indeed no definite evidence yet.

"Is there no information about this seventh elect in the psalm fragments held by the academy and the church?"

Shade then asked curiously, and Miss Danister nodded;

"After you brought me the news about Moon Bay last time, I did take the time to investigate. In fact, there are quite a few fragments about the chosen ones of 'Light', but most of them are not directional.

Content. [Justice], [Dragon] and [Light] are the three most important keywords about the chosen one. In addition, from the news shared by Zarath Academy of Literature, this time

The selection ceremony involves very complicated content and is related to a sword."


Shade immediately cheered up. The message that the black cat gave him in the evening, "The dragon is not important, what is important is justice, and the one who draws the sword will also be righteous" contained the word "sword", but what he knew so far, could be

There was never any mention of "sword".

Miss Denister said:

"Before the ancient god, the Dragon of Light, left at the beginning of the Second Era, he used his huge strength and tail bone to forge a 'Sword of Light'. The fragments in the possession of Zarath Academy of Literature show that this time the selected

The ritual is related to pulling out the sword."

Seeing that Xia De was still confused, she understood very well:

"Not only you, but also I have heard about the so-called 'Sword of Light' for the first time. You have been busy in Moon Bay these days, and I have not been idle either. You know, the Church of Dawn is actually related to the Ancient God Yaoguang."

They seem to know something, but it has not been confirmed yet. But what can be confirmed is that the 'Light Worshipers Training Society' that has appeared in the Yuewan area is also related to that ancient sect.

There's a good chance they know something too."

Now that we've talked about it, Shade also has news to share:

"The [Dragon Cult] is actually related to the ancient god of light and dragon."


Miss Denister said puzzledly:

"Isn't [Dragon Feast Order] a group composed of followers of that evil god? What does it have to do with the ancient god?"

"During my investigation in Yuewan, that is, last Sunday night, I discovered some ancient secrets: the great 'Dragon Devouring Demon' is most likely the unknown eldest son of the Ancient Dragon God."

Although this is news involving gods, even if the Thirteenth Ring Warlock hears it, there will be no problem because of the contamination of the information itself. Miss Danister was surprised. This was indeed the first time she knew about this.

, the birth and departure of the old gods have always been taboos that cannot be discovered, even if she is the thirteenth ring.

But if what Shade said was true, then she couldn't understand even more why the eldest son of the ancient god wanted to devour the dragon:

"There is still such a thing. In short, when you investigate in Yuewan, pay attention to the rumors about the sword. It is not certain whether the sword is a relic, or even whether the sword has an entity. But once the location of the sword is determined, or

The ritual of calling the sword basically determines the ceremony of the chosen one."

Shade nodded and wrote down these contents, thinking that since humans didn't know, maybe the dragons knew about the sword. Although he didn't know dragons in the sixth era, if he could see Fiona again,

Fiona might be able to provide some information.

"Also, I also found out about the light that can melt matter used by the [Light Worshipers Training Conference] you mentioned last time."

While Shade was thinking, Miss Denister said again:

"This matter really revealed a big problem."

The document bag on the table flew towards Sha De, and the bag opened automatically, displaying many documents and photos in front of Sha De:

"Where should I start? You must have heard that since hundreds of years ago, there have been rumors of human bodies spontaneously combusting in the sun."

"Yes, I have heard of it. Even the documents from older eras have mentioned one or two similar things. However, there are many weird things in the material world. The authenticity of this kind of thing is not yet known, even if it is true.

It’s also difficult to give a concrete explanation.”

Shade said while reading the information, and the librarian lady reminded:

"These are not rumors, this is a mutation of light. For reasons that are still unknown, at a very low probability, the seemingly harmless light around us will assimilate anything that touches the light into light.


This chapter has been completed!
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