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Chapter 225 Lengshuigang City

 Even though he has never tried snorkeling, his own swimming level is not very good, but because of the protection of [underwater breathing], Shade feels quite good when swimming.

The passage continued forward without widening or bifurcating, giving Shade no chance to swim around underwater. The light of the silver moon became dim in the water, and the turbid vision under the water allowed him to barely distinguish what was ahead.


The passage became narrower and narrower, and finally turned into an underwater crack in the front that could only be barely passed by one person.

Just when Shade was worried that the crack would become narrower and narrower, and he had to carry out dismantling work, a light appeared not far away.

Some excitedly swam forward quickly, and the light was the exit of the crack. After swimming out of the crack, weak sunlight shone through the water from above.

He tried his best to swim up, and in less than ten seconds, his head came out from under the water.

After canceling the spell and taking a deep breath, I felt raindrops hitting my face. The rumble of the waves shook my eardrums, and the rain and wind blew across my face.

While gasping for air, he looked to the left and right. Behind him was the towering cliff. The cold and wet passage was obviously under the water at the bottom of the cliff.

Not far in front of me, there was a black reef protruding from the sea.

"I don't know how to rock climb."

So instead of climbing a nearby mountain, I untied the rope from my waist and swam toward the black rock in the rain. After a while, I was out of the sea and stood in the rain.

Because of his thaumaturgy [time perception], Shade knew that it took about 15 minutes from the time he left the hidden wall to now.

This is because this is the first time I have walked this "road". Not only is it unfamiliar, but I also need to pay attention to the surroundings. After I become more proficient, it will be no problem to compress the time to less than 10 minutes.

"But where exactly is this place? It can't be an isolated island in the ocean, right?"

There were heavy clouds above his head, raindrops were hitting his cheeks, and strong winds were blowing his hair. The cliff behind him had steep rock walls falling straight down, and the complete appearance was almost invisible in the rain.

The fishy smell rushed straight into his nose. He squinted at the sky and saw a lonely seagull circling above his head in the rain. After a while, he left and flew to a more distant place.

Further away is the deep and terrifying ocean. Except for a few nearby rocks, the rough sea level in the distance has almost swallowed up everything. At the end of the field of vision, dark clouds are connected to the ocean, and the twisted and strange shape of the dark clouds on the ocean makes Shade

The instinctive feeling is terrible.

"Why is it raining in Tobesk and still raining here?"

Shade, who was soaked all over, endured the sticky feeling and continued to look around. In addition to the huge black reef under his feet, a series of rocks exposed out of the water were densely covered under the cliff, which seemed to have peeled off from the side of the cliff at some time in the past.

The waves rolled under his feet, creating a series of disgusting white foam, which seemed to have been hitting the rocks under his feet unchanged for thousands of years.

The sound of the water was deafening, and everything was desolate. Apart from the vast sea and rocks, there were no trees, not to mention no beaches or islands.

But just by moving a little, his sight was able to pass through the side of the towering cliff and see the scenery blocked by the cliff.

Shade's eyes widened and he held his breath——

He saw the harbor in the rain, the city standing on the seaside, and even the faintly visible huge factory chimneys in the distance. The firelight of civilization illuminated the coast, and the smell of steam was carried to the sea by the wind.


"This is a port city on the west coast of the mainland."

Only then did he extinguish the silver light on his fingertips, and look at the giant steam cargo ships docked in the harbor in the distance, at the warships flying the naval flag of the Kingdom of Delarion, and at the sea of ​​​​water spread out on the coastal plain.

Huge urban building complex.

"I'm still in Delarian. There shouldn't be such a big city in the New World, so this is a port city on the west coast of the Old World."

Feeling lucky for his luck, he opened the suitcase wrapped in canvas in the rain and took out the bag of frog legs.

After reciting an awkward mantra, he threw the crushed frog legs into the sea. Then he jumped in the rain from the slippery black reef to another nearby rock.

The view here is wider. At this moment, Xia De is completely sure that the cliff standing next to him is located on the side of the harbor city. And if you want to enter the harbor city not far away from the current position, you no longer need to enter the water.


As long as you keep moving on the rocks under these cliffs, you can land on the shoal on the seaside after turning around the side of the cliff. Walk forward along the shoal and visually inspect the distance for twenty minutes before you reach the dock where the large warship is docked.


In other words, the location where Shade emerges from the water is actually on the edge of the city. Once you become familiar with this road, it will probably only take less than half an hour from leaving the hidden wall to entering the city.

Compared to the hidden wall at home, this place is obviously safer, and it’s overly safe:

"Why can't the exit be in a basement or sewer in the city?"

This was the complaint of Shade, who was jumping up and down on the rocks in the rain.

The boots stepped into the sea water of the shoal, leaving footprints on the beach. At the same time, they also stepped on the small shells among the gravel into the sand. But as the boots were lifted, the incoming seawater smoothed the sand surface again, making it impossible to see

There are traces of human walking.

Shade landed quietly at the shoal, and then sneakily bent over and walked towards the shore. Fortunately, no one came to the beach in this rainy weather, so no one could see this caution.

This is a beach near the pier. The wind and tide left some garbage on the soft sand. As Shade walked forward in the rain, he noticed a wet newspaper lying not far away.

After quickly approaching, I picked up the newspaper and looked at it. Most of the contents of the newspaper were blurred. The only thing that could be seen was the name of the newspaper, the date, and part of the left page.

The time was yesterday, and the content was "Princess Lesia returned from Carsonlik's visit and spent a week in Coldwater Port to recuperate" (note), and the title of the newspaper was "Coldwater Port Evening News."

"The most important seaport city on the west coast of the Kingdom of Delarian, the main trade hub with the New World, Coldwater Port City?"

He looked up at the city buildings under the clouds not far away, but still couldn't figure out why he was here.

"Princess Lesia?"

He turned back to look at the abnormally large warship on the sea. It was a steam-powered ship. In addition to its extraordinary power, a warship of this size could almost be regarded as the most powerful weapon that a mortal could possess in this era.

The Royal Navy and Royal Army are indeed stationed in Coldwater Port City, but warships should not be at civilian docks, so this ship should be used to transport important people.

"Is the princess on the ship, or in the residence arranged by Coldwater Port City? Also, what's the use of me looking for Princess Lesia? She doesn't know me, and I don't want to involve her in the matter of ""


Shade hesitated for a moment in the rain and decided to take a walk around this seaport city first. Since he finally came to such a far away place, foreigners naturally want to see the customs and customs of different cities.

Because of the heavy rain outside, when Shade, who was soaked all over, broke into the Golden Rose Hotel on "Hoglunz Avenue" in the dock area of ​​Coldwater Port, no one suspected that the young man emerged from the sea.

The hotels in the dock area receive guests who come to the city by boat from all over the world all year round. Relatively speaking, Shade is not an eccentric guy.

I entered the false name of "John Watson" when registering, and spent 3 shillings (including lunch and dinner) to rent the cheapest room in the hotel. After taking a shower and changing into clean and dry clothes, I didn't rush out.

He left the hotel, but returned to the counter, and borrowed some newspapers from the past few days with the fat woman wearing knitting, and then returned to the room.

In the small room that was damp and slightly musty, after lighting up the gas lamp that seemed to have not been cleaned for decades, the first step was to check where Princess Lesia stayed.

The good news is that Miss Louisa's princess friend does not live on an inaccessible warship. The bad news is that the Princes mansion where she lives temporarily is not accessible to ordinary people at will.

It is a large mansion in the most prosperous South District of Coldwater Port City. It is part of the royal family's huge property. Most of the royal family members will choose to live there when they visit Coldwater Port.

The Coldwater Harbor Evening News devoted a large space to describing the outstanding efforts of the local police and city hall to protect the safety of the princess.

In other words, Shade had no chance to meet Princess Lesia Cavendish.

Then I looked through other parts of the newspaper to see if there were any suspicious events happening locally. But just like the newspapers in Tobesk City, all kinds of information, large and small, false and true, were displayed in different categories of newspapers.

Fishermen brought back strange-shaped stone statues when they were fishing. Men and women having a private meeting on the beach at night saw ghost ships appear on the sea, and golden islands full of treasures appeared in the outer sea... and so on.

Each city has different urban rumors. In Tobesk, most of them are related to the nightlife of big cities, while in Coldwater Harbor, most of them are related to the ocean. Wanting to find valuable clues from this information, Shade might as well hope

The person with silver eyes fell to his death while going out to buy groceries.

"But a person with Silver Eyes' status probably wouldn't go out to buy groceries by himself."

He thought to himself and spent the remaining hour in the morning reading the newspaper. He had lunch in the hotel at noon, and even took out the [pirate's blood money], but nothing happened.

So he borrowed an umbrella from the hotel in the afternoon and went out. Since he had nothing to do for the time being, he planned to deal with the affairs of his client, Mrs. Flamel. The friend who saved Mr. Flamel's will was here.

This chapter has been completed!
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