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Chapter 226 Warehouse Scheduler

 If this trip goes well and there are no follow-up matters, Shade plans to spend the rest of the day wandering around the local area, and then temporarily abandons the exploration of Coldwater Port City, focusing on returning to Tobesk to find ways to increase his strength in a short period of time.

Although Miss Danister's divination believed that Shade needed to travel far away, the divination may not necessarily be correct, and there was no need for him to waste too much time in a strange city.

As for being able to handle the trust in a distant seaport city, that's because the friend of Mrs. Le Maire's deceased distant relative, Mr. Le Maire, who entrusted the will to her, lives locally.

This is of course not a coincidence. The dead Mr. Le Maire was a sailor traveling between the New World and the Old World, and the cold water port must be the place where he stayed most often. His friend should be closely related to the identity of the crew.

In addition, the relationship is good enough that he can help preserve the will, so it is actually normal for the other party to be in Coldwater Port.

When he went out, Sha De did not forget to put on a hat to prevent anyone from recognizing him. Of course, no one in this city would have seen Sha De himself, and even if someone recognized him from the newspaper photo, as long as they did not admit that he was there,

There won't be any trouble if you cross the cold water port.

As for the destination of this trip, although Shade did not have the ability to remember photographs, he had the habit of carrying a notebook with him, and the notebook contained the information that the client said when he came to the door that day.

Mr. Le Maire's friend also lives in the dock area and seems to be a minor civil servant in the local government. When he left the hotel, he asked about the address and learned that it was only half an hour away on foot.

Shade didn't know the name of the gentleman, but Mrs. Flamel knew that he lived at No. 5, Mermaid Lane, Dockside District, Coldwater Port City. Judging from the naming method, it should be a better alley nearby.

Even in the same country, different cities have different architectural styles. The difference in architectural styles between the foggy cities in the interior and the seaports on the west coast is relatively large. Holding an umbrella and walking into an unfamiliar city, which was originally half an hour away, Xia De walked

Stop and go, it took nearly an hour to finish.

He saw children laughing and running in the rain, workers still carrying things at the docks in heavy rain, old nobles riding horse-drawn carriages on the road, and beggars huddled under the eaves of shops to take shelter from the rain.

This city is prosperous, but this city is decayed and dirty. This place is thousands of miles away from Tobesk, but Shade’s evaluation in his heart is surprisingly consistent:

"Cities playing two roles in the era of change will eventually prosper or decline in a greater change."

In order to facilitate the transportation of goods in the dock area, the drainage on the main road is pretty good, but once you get into the alley, the mud and things that Shade didn't want to guess can almost cover the uppers of your boots.

Mermaid Alley is on one side of the road. The fifth door in the alley is your destination. It is a two-story building with peeling walls and moss growing on the edge of the wall facing the street. The window next to the door has no curtains, so you can

I saw a pot of wilted flowers lying on the windowsill. It looked like they had been dead for a long time.

Out of politeness, Shade did not peek into other people's homes from the window. Instead, he walked up the steps under the eaves with an umbrella, knocked on the door gently, and waited patiently:

"I don't know how Mia is doing at Miss Louisa's place."

It is raining in Tobesk and Coldwater Port today, but relatively speaking, the rain in this seaport city is heavier. The wind blows through the city, bringing the unique smell of the ocean into the nose. People who live here all year round will probably

I'm very used to this smell.

After all, there is no year-round fog here like Tobesk.

Soon someone came to open the door. When the door was opened, he saw a tall, thin middle-aged man with a beard:

"Excuse me, is Mr. Jonathan Flamel here?"

Shade made good use of his surprise to express his emotions. He thought that Mr. Flamel's friend was also a rude sailor.

"Le Maire?"

The person who opened the door frowned, looked up and down at the young man holding the umbrella, and replied in a somewhat accented voice:

"That's my friend, sir. What do you want to see him for?"

"We had some financial disputes, and I came to him to settle the bill."

"He owes you money?"

The middle-aged man suddenly became alert and looked up and down at the strange young man.

"No, I owe him money."

Shade said, taking out the Rhodes cards from his pocket with the hand that was not holding an umbrella and shaking it:

"We met on the ship. I took their ship from Cold Water Port to the New World. There was nothing on the ship and everyone got together to play cards. I lost a sum of money to Jonathan Le Maire, but I couldn't get it out at the time, so he gave it to me.

This address said just send the money here... That was two months ago, and I had just returned to Coldwater Port from the New World."

Shade didn't know if the crew member liked playing cards, but since he was a crew member who went to sea all year round, he could never escape smoking, drinking and playing Rhodes cards. There weren't many interesting things in this era. If you wanted to have some fun at sea, there were only

That's all.

"I am an honest person, and I don't owe much."

Shade also didn't forget to explain why he was so "honest".

"How much do you owe him?"

But the middle-aged man who opened the door was still wary.

"Twelve shillings and sevenpence."

The money should be neither too much nor too little. If it is too little, there is no point in spending time to pay it back. If it is too much, it will arouse suspicion.

The middle-aged man relaxed a little. Seeing that it was still raining outside, he asked Sha De to come in and talk:

"Thank you for coming to pay back the money, but... come in first."

The middle-aged man's name is Jason Dellal, a dispatcher in charge of warehouse dispatching in the local dock area. Although it sounds like a very inconspicuous position, it is still part of the civil service establishment of Coldwater Port City, even if he has not been exposed to summer jobs in similar occupations.

Virtue, you can also understand that this is a fat mistake.

Mr. de Lal received Shade in the living room and told him the sad news of Mr. Flamel's death.

Shade, who had been well prepared, showed a "surprised" attitude very well. First he lamented the impermanence of the world. When they met a few months ago, the crew member was still in good health. After hearing that he died in a shipwreck, he pretended at the right time.

As the soul of the dead innocent person prays - praying to [Mr. Dawn].

In order to make the conversation appear more natural, Schade also inquired about the relationship between Mr. Delal and the dead Mr. Flamel.

His client, Mrs. Le Maire, did not know much information from the lawyer. She only knew that the gentleman who kept the will in Coldwater Port was a good friend of the sailor who unfortunately died in the shipwreck. When Mr. Delal introduced himself, he also

It was just speculated that he and Mr. Flamel were friends who met while playing Rhodes in a tavern, and they gradually became familiar with each other and had a friendship for several decades.

This rhetoric is very similar to Schade's rhetoric, and it seems a bit strange. But in any case, now, Schade is basically sure that Mrs. Flamel's acceptance of the inheritance is indeed true and is not a scam.

After all, even if this was a scam, the scammer would not be so bored as to prepare such a realistic trap in a distant city.

This chapter has been completed!
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