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Chapter 2274 Elf and Mermaid

In fact, at this moment, Sha De's body temperature was only about 60 degrees in response to the environment. Sha De shouldn't have such a big reaction if he tolerated this kind of temperature, and the unbearable heat was obviously the strange sea of ​​sand itself.

The power of is at work.

The tree father would never put Shade in a safe place from the beginning. When he thought of "desert", he would immediately think of "giant worm", but Shade didn't feel anything like the vibration of the sand surface. Only later did he know what happened.

He felt that the high temperature and the sunshine that seemed to melt him were the danger at this time, and he could no longer stay where he was.

There were no signs around at all, and the undulating sand dunes stretched to the horizon without any change. Shade then ran in the direction in front of him, but he did not feel the wind taking away the heat from his body while running.

Fortunately, the tree father would never place him far away from the mission site. When Shade stumbled down from the top of a sand dune, a building finally appeared in the distance, and several people in the building discovered him.

One of them waved to him desperately.

Four strangers were inside a square gray stone building standing not far away. It looked like a dilapidated temple, even more dilapidated than the original [Church of the Forgotten] because half of the main body of the building had collapsed.


The entire building has only one floor, so Xia De didn't see it from a distance just now.

The person who was waving to him at the door was a young girl with blue hair. Behind her stood an older woman. The window on the left was a woman with light brown skin and black hair, who was dressed quite coolly.

, in the right window is a tall woman with gray hair.

The blue-haired girl at the door waved her hand and subconsciously wanted to step out of the door, but as soon as she touched the sunlight, she shrank back into the house in pain. This reaction was even greater than Shade's.

Due to the lack of reference objects in the desert, seemingly close distances may be far apart. However, this bright desert does not prohibit spatial movement, so after discovering the destination, Shade gasped and used "Lager" one after another.

"Lai's Leap" and "Red Butterfly Incarnation" accelerated their speed, and finally stumbled into the ruined temple before being roasted.

He almost threw himself at the door and fell into the building. When the shadow of the building blocked the sun, Shade, who was lying on the ground feeling the coolness, almost groaned.

At this moment, even outsiders' memories of summer in their hometown are brought back. Now that I think about it, it was really a long time ago.

"Are you OK?"

A very pleasant voice came to his ears, but it was not in any language that Shade was familiar with. The time at this time was the middle of the fifth era. Although Shade could understand their words because of his "language proficiency", he could not

Speak their language.

He waited for a while before getting up from the slightly cold stone tile floor. He placed one hand on the slightly dusty floor and looked at his four companions this time.

The details he captured when he looked here in the desert just now were correct. The four companions this time were indeed women.

Among them, the one who was half-crouching next to Shade and asking if he was okay was the blue-haired girl who just called him over. Her blue hair has a slight natural curvature, and the lines in her ears and blue eyes are different from those of normal people.


This is a witch, probably around the ninth level. She is looking at Shade's wrist eagerly at this moment, and Shade certainly knows what she is thinking.

"Not human?"

"Sorry, what did you say?"

The blue-haired girl asked curiously and warily, obviously not understanding what Shade said. The lady with light brown skin, dressed coolly, like a dancer, also came to Shade's side with a smile.

, bent down and stretched out his fingers to lightly tap Shade’s eyebrows:

"This gentleman is probably talking nonsense because he is too hot. Are you feeling better now? Can you speak?"

[Outlander, you have accepted the blessing. Before leaving the "Golden Sand Sea", what you said can be understood by anyone. 】

Shade glanced at the light brown-skinned lady in surprise, but the latter had already retreated behind the blue-haired girl.

"Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"I understand now."

The blue-haired girl said, and then grabbed Shade's wrist rudely:

"Are you a man? This desert is really interesting, anything can happen. Oh! No reaction, you are indeed not a man."

She looked at her palms with a smile, and Shade took this opportunity to stand up:

"Sorry, I am indeed a male. And thank you for letting me come here to avoid the light."

He expressed his gratitude, and the other two people came over. Three of the four ladies were witches. The one who was not a witch was a lady with gray hair and a height of over 1.9 meters.

Although this dilapidated desert temple can be protected from light, it is still hot here. The ordinary lady took off most of her equipment, but Shade could still see a set of clothes placed where she just stood.

Full body knight armor.

Looking around again, this is the interior of the desert temple. The semi-collapsed temple is not very large from the inside. Only the entrance of the temple is relatively complete, and even the sand and dust can only invade the entrance.

Just spread it lightly on the masonry floor.

The door of the temple has long since disappeared, and rows of long seats with severe weather erosion extend towards the interior of the temple in the shade, and are soon illuminated by the sunlight coming in from the disappeared ceiling.

Judging from the position of the door, the upper left area of ​​this small temple has completely collapsed and has become part of the desert. However, the collapsed building materials filled the gap and therefore did not make the building particularly transparent.

Located at the innermost part of the temple, the wall where the Holy Emblem is placed is empty. Only the sunlight shining in from the break in the ceiling makes that wall seem to be reflecting light.

Old and broken, compared to the [Church of the Forgotten] located in the urban area of ​​Randall Valley, this church is truly forgotten.

Of course, now is not the time to observe and explore this place. Shade still needs to deal with the relationship with his companions first.

"You said you are a man?"

The blue-haired girl also stood up and looked at Shade:

"I saw you used extraordinary power just now."

"Well, this"

Shade wanted to make any excuse, but the last of the four, the old woman on crutches, smiled and spoke.

She is not human like the blue-haired girl, but her race is definitely different from that of the blue-haired girl.

Even at her old age, Shade could see the elf race represented by her pointed ears and skin color. This old woman was the shortest of the four, and considering the long lifespan of elves, the elf mother-in-law

He is definitely older than any mortal Shade has ever seen.

"Leah, don't be so rude. I feel that he has the blessing of the tree father on him."

The old elf woman raised the crutch in her hand and pointed the bottom at Shade. Shade was stunned for a moment before grabbing the crutch. Some strange gray breath floated out from the wood connecting the two of them, and the old elf smiled with certainty.


"This is the person chosen by the Tree Father. There is no need to explore his origins. He is here to help us."

After saying that, he took back his crutch, lowered his head slightly and said to Shade:

"Hello, I am Yadlin Siam Nord, an elf from the Moon Creek clan. I am here to find the heart of the oasis for the witch academy St. Byrons in the far north, in exchange for the powerful witch academy protecting our clan.


She spoke the ancient Elvish language, and while speaking, she put her left hand between her eyebrows, and showed a very high level of courtesy to Shade. Shade stretched out his hand to support her, and did not let the elf mother-in-law bow to her. From "

Judging from the surname "Siam Nord", she is probably Emilia's ancestor.

The elves currently living in St. Byrons are certainly not those who have followed Miss Feliana since the beginning of the academy. Even the first librarian, Olan, the witch of the yellow moon, has one-eighth elven blood.

Miss Nord is just a clan of longleaf elves. And the longleaf elves worship the [Silver Moon Sage], which has nothing to do with the elves who believe in the Tree Father.

Therefore, there should indeed be a story about when Emilia's clan first joined St. Byrons.

"Hello, Granny Siam, I am indeed here because of that ancient god. I am Shade Hamilton."

Shade also introduced himself, then bowed slightly and said in ancient Elvish language:

"May the World Tree protect us in infinite time."

The elf mother-in-law avoided his bow and repeated this sentence very seriously, and then motioned to other people in the team to introduce themselves:

"I'm here to guarantee that he is trustworthy."

In this four-person team, this old elf is obviously the most respected one. She is a genuine thirteenth-level witch, stronger than the other three on the surface. And seeing her, she has already accepted Shad

, although the other three ladies are still confused about Sha De's identity, at least they are not too vigilant.

The blue-haired girl smiled and pointed at herself:

"Although I am still in distress and waiting to die, I have encountered more and more interesting things when I went ashore this time. Since Granny Siam Nord said that I can believe you, then I believe you too.

I am Leah Sandel, a mermaid from the outer sea. I also came here to find the Heart of the Oasis as a birthday gift for my father, but obviously I misjudged the danger. You didn't look at my legs for the first time.

, I am very satisfied.”

"I know some knowledge about mermaids. The fairy tale "Mermaid Princess" describes that mermaids need to cast spells to gain legs when they land, which is incorrect. Although this is rarely done, I know that you can switch your own forms."

Shade replied, Miss Sandel blinked and asked curiously:

"What is the fairy tale you are talking about? If you have time later, can you tell me?"

PS: Shade wasn't stupid, he saw it.

This chapter has been completed!
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