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Chapter 2275 People trapped in the sand sea

"You don't know that fairy tale? Okay, I will be happy to share this story when I have time later."

After Shade nodded, the lady with light brown skin who looked more and more like a dancer unique to desert areas also smiled and said:

"Hello, Mr. Hamilton, who has come from afar. Please call me 'Ms. Meister'. I am also here to find the Heart of the Oasis. My tribe needs this. It is rumored that it can make any barren land

A treasure that will always maintain vitality to maintain the oasis that is about to decline."

The fabric on her body is indeed very little, and on the surface, she is an eleventh-level witch.

Finally, there is the ordinary female knight. Although her face is not as beautiful as the three witches, she is still pretty among ordinary people. Although her hair is gray, judging from her face, she should be thirty years old.

up and down.

"Hello, I am Shelly Knight from the Principality of Vlad in the Eastern Continent. Our country was cursed by the devil. The queen asked the witch for help, and the witch gave Her Majesty the way to find the 'Heart of the Oasis'. A total of 45

Of the team of people, I am the only one left here."

She performed a standard knightly etiquette to Shade, and Shade, who also had the status of "knight", was not very skilled in returning the gift to her:

"Miss Knight, you are so brave."

At this point, the basic situation of the companions this time is considered complete. So Granny Siam Nod asked everyone to sit down on the chairs and talk, not to stand there all the time:

"Mr. Hamilton, do you need food and water? We still have some here and can share them with you. It's okay to be hungry in this desert, but you must not be short of water. Even if you are not thirsty, you cannot be short of water. Lack of water

It will lead to further confusion of memory and loss of control of the ether, until finally the human body turns into a pile of sand or melts into the light."

The other three people actually had no objection at all to the old elf allocating everyone's supplies to an outsider named Shade. As expected, the old elf had taken over the leadership of the team.

And when she mentioned the consequences of not drinking water, except for the brown-skinned Miss Meister and the mermaid Miss Sandel, the old elf herself and Miss Knight all showed complicated expressions, and it was obvious that more than one person was in front of them.

Died like this.

"It's okay, don't pay attention to me, I also have a lot of supplies here."

As he spoke, Shade took the toys from his pocket and turned them into real objects one by one. The most supplies Shade carried were food and water. Although he didn't need them in most cases, but in time exploration,

Ancient witches and ordinary people often need it.

Seeing that Shade was also willing to share, the four ladies had a better impression of him. So while everyone was packing the supplies, Shade asked them how they got here.

The blue-haired mermaid Miss Sandel introduced the situation to him:

"The four of us didn't come here together. After unexpectedly successfully arriving in this desert, I appeared in a cave, but probably because of my race, I couldn't be exposed to the sunlight here. I would faint if exposed for more than half a minute.


"I can't even do it for ten seconds."

The female knight said from the side, moving the water bottle to the corner, and then covering it with a piece of canvas. They originally had an old water tank and several kettles, which were filled with yellow liquid. Mud water mixed with sand, in this dilapidated temple

There seems to be a water source, but the water quality is obviously not good.

"I can walk for five minutes, but as I get older, if I have to stay here in the sun for so long, I will probably have to go see the tree father."

The old elf said the same thing. As for Miss Meister, she thought she could walk outside for three or four minutes in the current sunlight. Of course, this was all without protection.

From this point of view, Shade, who thought he could persist for ten minutes, was indeed extraordinary. Of course, this was because of his extremely strong physical quality, but it was also because Shade was very adaptable to the power of the "sun".

"After I woke up, I stayed in the water-seeking cave in the rock crevice for a long, long time. It was so long that I lost track of time."

The mermaid girl shook her head violently, as if to drive away invisible flies:

"Until one day, I knew I couldn't stay there any longer. Otherwise, even if my body was still alive, my soul would dry up.

So when day turned to night in the desert, I rushed out of the cave, collapsed in the cold night, and was saved by my mother-in-law when I woke up."

Siam Nord’s mother-in-law explained from the side:

"It is not always daytime here. Because of the confusion of time, we cannot know the specific day and night transition rules. But before the night actually comes and recedes, there will be a special period of time when the temperature returns to normal. These two time periods are the only

The chance of normal movement in the desert, the heat of the day and the cold of the night, would destroy our lives."

The gray-haired knight lady also said:

"The cold at night is easier to bear than the heat during the day. After all my companions died, I set out alone one night and walked for twenty minutes before collapsing. Miss Meister rescued me and took me to meet Siam

Granny De and Miss Sandel."

After a pause, he added:

"Time cannot be distinguished, but at least from a somatosensory perspective, the length of night is much shorter than that of day. The day is almost eternal, and the night is just a blink. At dusk and dawn, even an ordinary person like me can move in the desert for a long time.


"So have you stayed here long?"

Shade asked again and distributed the jam bread to the four people. Miss Sandel took a bite of the bread and looked like she was about to cry.

"I see there seems to be a water source here, and it can also be protected from light."

Grandma Siam Nord was the last one to take the bread from Sha De:

"We have stayed in this dilapidated temple for a long, long time. In my opinion, it is longer than the rest of the time each of us has spent in this desert combined."

"Why not leave and continue to search for the Heart of the Oasis?"

Shade asked curiously, and Miss Meister answered with a smile. She always had this relaxed expression:

“Because we can’t determine where the next building or crypt to stay is.

We gathered in this old temple due to various coincidences, but if we go out at dusk, night or dawn next, because we don’t know when daylight will come again, we can’t be sure whether we can return here.”

"We can only explore outside for a short time when it is dusk, and then seize the time to come back before the end of the night. We cannot go out at dawn because it is daytime after the short dawn. So far, we have gone out."

There was a little confusion in the eyes of the Siamese mother-in-law, so she looked at the blue-haired mermaid, and Miss Sandel took out a notepad:

"It has been 13 times, but I have never found a building that can be used temporarily. Although some sheltered places have been found, they either have no water source or have other shortcomings. The walls of this temple will seep intermittently, and the space will be damaged.

Not small, relatively speaking the most comfortable, so we can survive."

To put it simply, the four of them are completely trapped here. Although they can live here for a long time in the short term, they will get lost in this sea of ​​sand sooner or later.

"So do you know how to get out of this desert?"

Xia De asked again, and the four of them shook their heads:

"Perhaps you can find out if you find the Heart of the Oasis. There is no record of how to leave here in the data. Each of us came here with the determination to die."

Shade nodded in surprise. In this way, the purpose of coming here that the mermaid said seems to be somewhat

"Fortunately, the sun god protected us."

The words of the female knight Miss Knight interrupted Shade's thoughts, and Shade was stunned:

"Sun God? Wait, you are saying that the building we are in now is the temple of the ancient Sun God - [Supreme Sunbinder]?"

He stood up suddenly from the bench and looked around in surprise. Granny Siam who was eating bread nodded:

"There are still some remaining murals on the wall. This is the story of the ancient sun god. Although there is no longer a holy emblem here, the pattern of the altar under the wall where the holy emblem is hung does belong only to the oldest god.

The sun god."

The altar described by the old elf was placed crookedly under the wall, with one third in the sun and two thirds in the shadow. The ladies were eating, and Shade walked forward alone to check.

The black stone platform was not big, and looked like it was carved from a whole boulder. Shade didn't actually understand the pattern of the ancient sun god. He just looked at it curiously, and then pressed his hand on it.

The stone platform lies on the surface in shadow.

A warm feeling came from the palm of my hand, but nothing else happened, not even the elements were felt.

After hesitating for a moment, Shade stretched his hand into the blazing sunlight, and then pressed it on the surface of the stone platform under the sun.

For a moment, he almost thought his hand was going to be roasted. At the same time as a pain like a needle prick came, "she" whispered in his ear:

【Outlander, you have experienced a miracle.】

The lines on the outside of the altar emitted a faint light that was almost invisible to the naked eye. A little spirit poured into Shade's body to replenish his small loss, and then "she" continued:

[Outlander, your thaumaturgy "Praise the Sun" has been enhanced. 】

The thaumaturgy of "Praise the Sun" comes from the [Pride] spiritual rune. The effect is that if you praise the sun under the sun once a day, your own physical strength and spiritual recovery speed will be slightly enhanced, and at the same time, the power related to the sun will also be enhanced.

Feeling the enhanced effect of thaumaturgy, Shade had a sudden thought:

"If I climb on top of this altar, do you think it's considered blasphemy?"

【It should not be counted.】

"She" said softly, and the ladies who were eating bread saw Shade transformed into a group of butterflies, and then returned to human form on the altar.

This chapter has been completed!
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