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Chapter 2301 Comparison and Crow’s Nest

Tifa only met Miss Eleser for the first time when she came to ask Shade about her request for a quilt.

When two girls with pretty good figures stood together, Agelina noticed that people present seemed to be comparing which one was more "powerful".

Even the black-haired maid and the blue-eyed girl themselves were aware of the thoughts of the people around them. They all glanced at each other, but in the end, Tifa Servit, as an ordinary human, was obviously slightly better.

So before going to bed that night, Agelina took the embarrassed Emilia with her and found Tifa in the corridor who was pushing a dining cart with the maids, preparing to go to Shade's room to deliver supper. Of course, there were also

Including little Mia’s share.

"Miss Servit, can we talk alone?"

"Of course, Your Highness."

The head maid greeted softly, and then motioned for the others to go first.

After confirming that the dining car was gone, Agelina asked sheepishly:

"Well, Miss Servit, what's the secret to having a good figure?"

Emilia on the side also listened with open ears, so the gentle maid smiled and said:

"Of course, enough sleep. Your Highness, and Miss Siam Nord, it's so late, you should go to bed and rest."

Agelina was obviously not satisfied with this answer:

"Sleep enough, drink more milk, and exercise. My sister told me the same thing, but it's obviously not enough."

She shook her head in disappointment, took the embarrassed Emilia and prepared to go back to rest. Their rooms were very close. Emilia thanked Tifa politely, and ran around the corner to look for Ai

Milia's little unicorn also noticed Tifa at this time.

The gentle maid smiled softly and waved to it, so the ignorant little beast actually walked towards her and showed no intention to dodge when being touched by her.

Not only little Mia, Tifa's affinity is obviously also useful for unicorns. Agelina is envious of this ability, but according to Lesia's words:

"This probably can't be learned."

The little unicorn soon left with Emilia and Agelina. Tifa originally wanted to catch up with the food truck, but as soon as she turned the corner of the corridor, she saw someone else waiting for her.


They are also wearing black and white maid dresses, but in fact the maids in the North are dressed a little differently from the maids in the South. Although Shade calls the blonde head maid of the manor "Miss Matilda", it obviously does not count.

Shade, who was particularly familiar with the naming rules of the South, had not yet realized that "Matilda" was a given name, not a surname.

However, neither Miss Belindle nor Matilda herself corrected him, but Tifa knew that the full name of the girl waiting for her at this time was actually Matilda Elington.

"Good evening, Miss Elington."

The black-haired maid actively greeted the latter, who stood at the corner, holding her left arm with her right hand and pouting:

"Good evening. You are guests. Just let us do some chores."

Tifa tilted her head and blinked:

"We are indeed guests, but he is staying here tonight, and he will definitely marry Duke Carina in the future, so we are his maids. You use the house to demarcate the scope of your maid's duties, and I use the position of the master to delineate

Your own maid’s purview.”

The two head maids looked at each other, and the black-haired maid lowered her head slightly:

"Of course, we are guests here after all. I will pay attention to this aspect in the future. If it is not particularly necessary, we will not interfere with the maid's work."

Seeing her say this, the blond maid also lowered her head and said:

"I don't mean to blame you. You are guests. I can't let you do these things."

"I understand. Good night then, Miss Elington."

"Good night, Miss Servit."

Just when the two of them were about to walk away, Tifa suddenly said:

"Speaking of which, Earl Belindel seems to mean the same thing to Shade as my master. So in the future, if Shade becomes the male master of the Belindel family, Miss Elington, how will you view your responsibilities?


After saying that, she left, leaving only the blonde maid looking at her back in surprise. It took a long time before she turned around and continued walking towards her destination.

(Little Mia is running.)

The early morning of Wednesday started in a hazy drizzle. Mr. Armand Bernhardt, holding a black umbrella, walked alone on the streets of the northern factory area of ​​Yuewan City, and finally stopped at the "Chandler Textile Factory No. 1".

In front of the "No. 3 Factory".

The workers' "riot" last night ignited the Second Branch Factory, so it was safe and sound. Mr. Bernhardt wore a pair of black gloves and carefully looked at the sign hanging at the door before entering the factory.

There was a guard at the door who came to check, but the black gloves shook and the ordinary man fell in the rain.

The sound of rain covered up the sound of Mr. Bernhardt's footsteps, and also covered up the strange noise that followed inside the factory.

Shortly after Mr. Bernhardt entered the factory, more than twenty streams of blood mist poured into the interior of the factory. There seemed to be the roar of a giant beast, and there seemed to be the sound of explosions and heavy objects falling to the ground.

Everything was hidden in the rain, but more than ten minutes later, large groups of bats flew away from the factory again. Mr. Bernhardt held an umbrella with one hand and dragged it with the other hand, which had almost turned into a bloody man.

Baron Chandler came out of the factory.

The blood that the vampire shed left a clear trail of blood on the rain-soaked ground. At this time, the carriage had stopped at the entrance of the factory, and Shade and the coroner were waiting for him.

"You're still here."

Mr. Bernhardt said helplessly to Shade, who smiled:

"I always find something to do for myself early in the morning, but I found the wrong place and went to his house first."

With that said, Shade and Mr. Albert, who was wearing a burqa, stretched out their hands to let the mutilated "corpse" rise from the ground and enter the carriage.

"Mr. Caisheng was asking me just now about those corpses caused by heart attacks."

The coroner explained softly, and then asked:

"Looks like the operation went well."

"It's okay. There is a group of vampire monsters lurking in the factory, but obviously he didn't expect our attack to come so quickly."

Mr. Bernhard said, and then explained to Shade, who was holding the cat:

"We didn't see the cultists of [Dragon Feast Order] just now. I don't know if it's because the other party didn't respond, or if there are other reasons."

"I think Baron Chandler must know something, I'll leave it to you."

Shade said to him, and the vampire seed Lord nodded:

"Ptolemy and I took him back to the autopsy room. We have many ways to make him talk. Oh, please don't go there in the next day or two, in case you can't eat later. I will write to you before next Monday to tell you the results of the interrogation.

, there is no way there will be no gain this time.”

Shade nodded, jumped off the carriage and watched him and Mr. Albert board the seats in front of the carriage, and then drove the carriage into the early morning rain.

【You seem to have some doubts?】

"She" asked in Shade's ear. Shade nodded and put the dishonest cat in his pocket:

"It went so smoothly. This Baron Chandler was just like a smoke bomb that was deliberately thrown out."

He also turned around and left, but in another direction:

"It's time for Megan and Audrey to contact their cousin."

[Are you so sure that Nadia Foran is willing to betray the Dragon Feast Order to help you? 】

Shade smiled:

"I didn't ask her to help me, I just wanted to ask some questions. Besides, although Laplace Howard is dead, the Edwards family is still there, as are Green Lake and 'Paradise Island'.

Believe me, although I don’t know exactly what kind of influence the diviner who transcended the thirteen rings exerted on his family, the Edwardses value their family more than we think."

[Do you think of yourself as the new head of the Edwards family? 】

she asked lightly.

"Of course not, Meghan and Audrey are."

Miss Elise entered the parliament with the three great witches this morning to see Miss Isabella. Shade had nothing to do and did not want to read documents in the manor, so he took the initiative to go out to find the crow's nest that Doctor Schneider mentioned.

The black feather he gave to Shad had been burned in the brazier before Shad left the manor. In the next 12 hours, a black light beam shining in the distance will continue to mark the crow's nest for Shad.

s position.

Therefore, after being separated from the two vampires, Shade set off in a carriage. Although the carriage driver was puzzled by Shade's request to "keep heading northwest", it seemed that Shade didn't seem to be joking, so he didn't ask any more questions.

So as expected, Xia De arrived all the way to the edge of the city. After paying the fare, he continued walking towards the countryside on his legs. Fortunately, when he arrived outside the city, the rain was coming to an end, but although he didn't need to

I held an umbrella, but the dirt roads in the countryside were very muddy.

After the rain, the countryside has a unique earthy smell, but it is not particularly unpleasant. As soon as Shade left, he walked until 12:30 noon. Fortunately, he met a kind person on the way and let him and little Mia take a ride.

The empty truck carrying grain back to the city traveled a long way.

The black beam of light finally appeared on the top of Crow Mountain in the "Black Forest". Shade was too lazy to tease the naming of various areas in the Moon Bay area. In short, he had a simple meal with little Mia in the forest.

lunch, and then climbed up the low hill.

He used the [Night Watch] he carried with him to pierce the mountain, destroying the illusion arranged by Demon Feather, and then successfully found the crow's nest on the top floor of the dilapidated stone castle on the top of the mountain.

The appearance of a stone castle in such a remote forest hill is probably related to the past story, but this is not the purpose of Shade's trip. When the illusion was broken and the spiritual fluctuations caused the air to distort, a huge crow's nest made of straw and branches emerged.

, and appeared on the roof of the gray stone castle.

This chapter has been completed!
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