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Chapter 2302 [Eye of Crow]

Even without looking carefully, Shade could sense the whispering elements of the relic from the pile of weeds and branches in front of him.

Somewhat excited, he put little Mia on his shoulders and stepped into the overly large crow's nest. After a simple search, he found a lot of gems and metal jewelry.

Of course there were shiny gold coins among them, but it was a pity that there were only two relic coins, and they were both poet-level [King's Eggs], which made Shad wonder whether the crow used by Fanarius looked like a female crow.

At this point, Shade had eight special coins in his hand, and the final harvest in the crow's nest was not just these.

Shade didn't want to leave this nest behind, so after rummaging through it, he lit the already flammable weed pile with fire. As abnormal black smoke billowed into the sky, the fire lasted for half an hour.

De then found a ring and three black crow feathers sharper than a knife in the ashes of the crow's nest.

Only the ring is a relic, and there is a strong demonic power left on the crow's feathers, which is obviously demonic material.

Out of caution, Shade collected the feathers and planned to give them to the doctor. Then he noticed that the cat on his shoulder seemed to be interested in the black ring.

The ring is made of black jade, and the oval ring surface resembles a crow's eye. The ring seems to have no lines, but in fact there are some imperceptible carvings. After rubbing it with his fingertips, Shade read out the meaning of the carvings.


[The reversal of blindness and light is the reflection of the essence of the soul.]

"Yeah, it's a very familiar sentence pattern. I seem to know what it is."

He thought for a moment, reached out and patted the cat on the head to comfort it, then put the ring on his finger, turned around and looked at the scenery of the black forest.

Shade's eyesight was already outstanding, and since this was a high place, and there was nothing blocking his vision in the mountains and forests after the rain, this time he actually saw the scenery of the urban area of ​​Yuewan City in the south directly, and he could see it extremely clearly.


"As expected, it's this, a clerical relic - the Eye of the Crow."

The clerical relic [Eye of the Crow], whose name sounds like a magic eye, is actually a ring. This relic is quite famous, and many marksmen have owned it, and its most outstanding effect is to give the wearer outstanding vision.

Wearing the ring and rubbing the surface of the ring will have a better effect than setting up a telescope, because the effect of the ring can even protect the eyes from the interference of ordinary fog.

In addition to giving extraordinary vision, this relic can also restore sight to blind people, or offset the "blindness" effect caused by other relics.

This reminded Shade of the [Ring of Mind] he obtained in the Green Lake area with the help of Megan and Audrey.

The function of the poet-level relic [Ring of Mood] is to enhance specific emotions and offset the wear and tear of emotions. This can resist the negative characteristic of "grinding emotions" of [The Ring of Immortality], but [Ring of Mood] itself resists the effect of the relic's characteristics.

It can also lead to blindness.

Now [Crow's Eye] just restrains the negative characteristics of [Ring of Mind], but what follows is [Crow's Eye]'s own characteristics:

"If I remember correctly, the negative effects brought about by [Crow's Eye] are mainly in two aspects.

The first is 'Crow's Curiosity', which greatly enhances the user's curiosity. This has little effect, as long as you control yourself;

The key is that this relic will bring about the "Crow's Curse", causing the user's body to gradually grow black feathers, and it is almost irreversible. This has led to the previous holders of the "Crow's Eye" only holding it for a short period of time.

Automatically gave it up."

[Foreigners, the current strength of the Primordial Fire can completely block the effects of the "Crow's Curse". 】

"That's good."

Shade nodded, and then felt the cat poking him with its tail. When he turned his head, the big amber eyes were indeed looking at him. Even if Shade didn't understand cat language or read minds, he could still read them at this moment.

its thoughts.

So Shade patted the cat's head again:

"I know you like this ring. I'll give it to you to play with when I get back."

As long as the effect of [Crow's Eye] is not triggered, there is no need to worry that little Mia will suddenly turn into a "crow cat". If it is just put on the tail, then this is just a slightly dangerous ordinary toy.


The cat meowed softly, and although Shade said he wouldn't let little Mia play with it, he himself was very interested in [Crow's Eye].

Anyway, he couldn't meet anyone else on the remote hill in the Black Forest, so he took out the silver crescent-shaped jade stone from his pocket.

He grabbed the "jade" with his left hand and raised it to the front of his body. As the "jade" glowed slightly and extended upwards and downwards, the beautiful sage-level relic - the [Star Trace] longbow appeared in Shade's hand.

He drew the bow and shot an arrow. The bow itself had the effect of enhancing vision. At this time, combined with the [Crow's Eye], Shade could even clearly see a man smoking in the window glass of a tall building in the north of the city.

This is not only about excellent eyesight, the two relics play an even better role when paired together. This is a very classic case of using relics together.

With the bright silver arrow still appearing in his hand, Shade adjusted his direction again, trying to explore the limit of his vision in this state.

However, he did not explore the limit in the end, but found that in such a aiming state, not only his eyesight improved, but his sight could even penetrate some thinner materials to see behind and inside them. For example, dirty glass has

Pools of algae floats and a canopy of sparse leaves.

In other words, he can achieve a certain degree of perspective in this state:

"So, if I can find a higher position and snipe the enemy somewhere in the city from a long distance, the enemy will not know who did it until they die. It is also wrong. High-energy and fast flying objects enter the sky above the city. The church should

There will be a reaction."

Shade continued to spin in circles while thinking:


A strange flying creature appeared in the field of vision, and it seemed not far from here.

Shade then removed the bow in his hand and looked with his own eyes, but there was nothing in the sky in that direction.

He set up the long bow again, and the thing that looked like a flying dragon appeared again, and seemed to have noticed this:

"Oh, it turns out that not only can you achieve perspective to a certain extent, but you can also see through illusions to a certain extent."

Thinking in his mind, Shade let go of the arrow held in his left hand, and then a ray of silver light cut through the blue sky after the rain, passed head-on through the mouth of the hybrid dragon beast that was sprinting towards this side, and then passed through it.

It pierced through the tail vertebra behind the body.

The dragon beast that was mixed with unknown blood maintained its posture and continued to glide in the air, and then fell into the black forest, causing a cloud of birds and smoke.

In fact, Shade, who was not good at using bow weapons, put away the [Star Trace], patted Mia's little head, and put the cat away. He jumped down from the ruined castle, and then

It turned into a group of red butterflies and flew into the forest.

A few minutes later, when the unfamiliar ring warlocks who hurriedly found the fallen dragon beast in the forest, Shade was already waiting for them beside the monster's body.

The two of them did not talk nonsense. The four-ring life ring appeared behind the stranger's body at the same time, and then two flying moonlight rings controlled the four-ring warlock.

"Is there no one left in [Dragon Feast Order]?"

Shade asked suspiciously, but did not ask him to answer.

After putting on the mind crystal ring and punching him twice, giving him a peaceful sleep, I wanted to take some of his blood and use [Echo of Blood] to track the man's whereabouts, but before Shade could do this, he was far away.

Suddenly there was a dull sound, and then the ground shook slightly, causing a few leaves to fall and float to Shade's shoulders:

"Looks like there's no need to look for it."

With a light jump, Shade turned into a swarm of butterflies and came to the branch. After returning to his human form, he rubbed the [Crow's Eye] on his hand and stood on the branch looking into the distance.

There is a small village deep in the forest in the distance, and obvious traces of the battle between ring warlocks are gradually spreading there. The battle must have just started. Judging from the traces of magical reactions, one of them seems to be the ring between the Church of Dawn and the Church of the Sun.

Warlock, the other side should be the [Dragon Eater Order] as expected.

"Is it such a coincidence that the church is taking action here?"

As a result, a group of red butterflies illuminated by the sun flew lightly over the forest sea.

Erwin Village is a very inconspicuous small village located in the black forest northwest of Yuewan City. The location of this village can only be found on the most detailed map of the Yuewan area.

The inconspicuous village naturally has its own role. For example, it is used by some inconspicuous people as a base for biological experiments and dragon beast hatching. But even the most inconspicuous people will occasionally be noticed, which is why the church took action this afternoon.


Of course, the joint actions of Dawn Church and Sun Church did not achieve a crushing victory.

But this is also expected. The church has investigated in advance that in this humble dragon beast hatching base, an important [Dragon Feast Ceremony] will be held this afternoon. Not only are some big figures in the Dragon Feast Order present, but even

The most mysterious "Dragon Feast Sacrificial Site" of the sect will appear here.

Therefore, the team sent by the church this time is not only led by Mr. Joshua Brooklyn, the thirteen-ring warlock of the local Dawn Church, "The Hand of Glory", but even the chosen one, Iluna Bayas, is also a member of the team.

Depart with safety guaranteed.

As the first large-scale operation taken by the Yuewan Diocese against the [Dragon Feast Order], Iluna could not even find a way to notify Shade before the operation started.

And when she saw with her own eyes the "Dragon Feast Sacrifice Ground" and the extremely weird "Dragon Feast Ceremony" at the original threshing floor outside the village, she had no intention of thinking about these things.


PS: Mia Seven Rings:

[The change between positive and negative is the beginning of a new life] - Metamorphosis Ring - Transform into an adult but need to speak;

[The change between stillness and silence is a display of hidden power] - Fish Training Ring - Speak but not as a cat;

[The replacement of blood and flesh is the sublimation of flesh and blood soul] - Vampire Ring - Become a vampire but suffer from thirst;

[The struggle between disease and cleanliness is the tempering of nature] - Epidemic doctor's ring - resists blood thirst but is not a punishment for short life;

[The intertwining of life and death is the answer to the meaning of life] - The Ring of Immortality - increasing life and grinding emotions;

[The blend of joy and sorrow is the inner interpretation of wisdom] - The Ring of Mind - Storing emotions leads to blindness;

[The reversal of blindness and light is the reflection of the essence of the soul] - Crow's Eye - Increases vision and grows crow feathers.

This chapter has been completed!
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