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Chapter 2511: Farewell at Yuewan

Chapter 2512 Yuewan’s Farewell

Thursday, the 14th of the Flower Month, is a sunny day.

After breakfast, Shade helped Emilia carry her two large suitcases back to Belindle Manor from the boat.

There were not many people who came to bid farewell to the elf girl. After all, little Lianna was really lovable.

The double doors of the manor house were pushed open. After Emilia and little Liana walked out together, they stopped and turned around.

Miss Sylvia stroked the little beast's head, regretting that she could not raise one. Agelina hugged Emilia with red eyes, looking like she was about to cry at any time.


On the other hand, the girl with pointed ears standing next to the little unicorn carrying [Ocarina of Time] does not look sad at all:

"Agelina, be strong, we will meet again."

She also gave Agelina a hug, and then hugged Dorothy, Sirius, Miss Swift, Fiona, Tifa, Matilda and other girls who came to see her off in turn.

Finally, it was Shade's turn. The girl who was hiding her thoughts also hugged Shade, stared at him for a few seconds, and finally just said thank you:

"Xia De, thank you for your hospitality this summer. I had a great time in Yuewan. I will continue to serve as the librarian's assistant after school starts. See you in the college."

Luvia on the side thought that there must be something fishy between these two people.

So, everyone bid farewell to the elf who spent the summer with them on this sunny Thursday morning.

When Carina and Lesia left this Monday, everyone didn't feel much. At this time, they saw the "Red Moon Witch" appearing at the gate of the manor to talk to Shade, and then took Emilia and little Lianna with her.

After disappearing into the city, most people finally realized——

The summer of 1854 was really coming to an end.

Agelina, Tifa, Luvia and many Northern maids will leave Moon Bay by train on Saturday morning. Miss Feliana and Fiona will leave tomorrow.

In addition to them, Miss Swift received a letter from Cassandra's mother-in-law, asking her to inspect the situation of Cassandra's auction houses in major cities in the western part of the Old World, so she would also take the train to leave on weekends.

Vanessa and the Golden Dawn Opera Company are not expected to leave until next month, probably in the fall.

Miss Aurora and her niece Hailey Aurora will take a boat to the New World next week to determine the status of a batch of potion materials. Naturally, they are traveling on the "Brilliant Messenger", and Miss Elisa will later communicate with these people.

The great witch of light acts together, and of course the most important thing is to maintain and upgrade the "Brilliant Messenger".

But Elisa is different from Helen and Grace who are bound by the Sikal Mountain. She can go to Tobesk to see Shad at any time.

Because Margaret still has to deal with post-disaster matters in Moon Bay, Miss Sylvia will stay in Moon Bay for the time being. Countess Bella Belindell will naturally not leave her city.

So after Agelina left, the remaining people who were about to leave also started to pack their luggage.

Although Shade said he could come to Moon Bay at any time in the future, he also wanted to take care of most of the things this time. So that morning, with the help of Megan and Audrey, he took out the countess’s right shoulder on the boat.

The one in [Source of Chaos].

The bright yellow beads were stained with blood and fell into the basin. Megan and Audrey frowned and dealt with the relics that seemed to be out of control. Shade, with the help of Matilda, cast a spell to heal the shoulder of the blonde countess.

injuries on.

Although the dragonborn bloodline did not bring her much strength advantage, it at least made her body heal faster. Peeling off the skin and taking out the orb, and then using a silver knife to scrape off the runes on the bones did not make her body heal faster.

She sheds tears or frowns.

Just when Shade used [Sunlight Healing] and Matilda put her hand on her shoulder to perform the miraculous magic - [Flesh and Blood Healing], she looked at the two sisters behind Shade:

"They won't follow you to Tobesk?"

"The original plan was to follow me, but Meghan told me this morning that Adele, ahem, I mean Miss Isabella said to let them stay in Moon Bay first and go to see her next Monday. You guys

The Speaker needs the strength of Sister Meghan to deal with some troublesome matters."

Shad said:

"But if the matter is resolved smoothly, Meghan and Audrey will go directly to Tobesk to find me."

The stubborn witch sitting on the sofa looked up at him. They were both bathing in the warm sunshine emanating from the [Night Watch]:

"I really envy them. They have gained freedom and can go anywhere, but I am still tied to Yuewan by my title."

Audrey reminded with a smile while suppressing the whispering element of the sage-level relic with Megan:

"Even if we go to the North Country, Megan and I don't have to stay at Shade's place all the time. Shade is a very busy man, and he will also entertain Miss Feliana and Miss Drago at home. We just want to see

It will be interesting to see where he lives."

The blonde countess was still a little unhappy, so she said to Shade who was standing:

"Although the spell you cast makes me feel no pain, I am still in pain now."

"Miss, do you need a potion?"

The blonde maid asked worriedly, but her mistress ignored her at all:

"Shade, comfort me."

"How to comfort?"

Looking up at him with golden eyes, Shade heard whether it was Megan or Audrey laughing behind him, so he leaned over and kissed Matilda under her gaze.

Because the departure time of the train has been set, Shade also needs to inform Dr. Schneider and Priest Augustus, who are visiting Moon Bay, of the specific departure time.

Currently, they all live in the Yuewan City Orphanage, so after having lunch that day and sending the [Source of Chaos] home again, Shade took little Mia to the orphanage.

It's just a pity that the priest and doctor are not here. The priest and the head chef of the orphanage went to the countryside to buy fresh vegetables. The orphanage consumes a lot of food, so they usually buy vegetables for three days at a time.

As for the doctor, he had nothing to do so he planned to go to the city for a walk. Shade considered that going out of the city to find someone although the location was clear was too far, and looking for someone in the city although it might be close but not knowing the location, he finally decided to go

Find a doctor.

After all, even if he couldn't find anyone, it would still be nice for him to walk around the city and take in the scenery.

However, I don’t know if it was because of some strange fate. Shade, who originally wanted to go to Herring Street first, just came to the Tatton River with the cat taking a nap, and saw a man holding his hands behind his back by the river.

Dr. Schneider, watching the ship sailing along the river:

"Doctor, good afternoon."

The weather was quite good, the afternoon sun filled the city, and even there were more people on the street than usual. Shade said hello and walked over, first telling the doctor about the train on Saturday morning, and then asked


"Why do you have time to come here to see the ships? If you want to see the scenery of Yuewan Bay, the prosperity of the city center, the trade of the commercial street, the busyness of the dock area and the scenery of the mountainous area in the north of the city, it is best."

The doctor glanced at the sleeping cat that Shade was holding and knew that Shade had nothing important to do this afternoon and could talk to him:

"The priest and I have gone to see what you mentioned in the past two days.

The scenery of Yuewan Bay is really good, we even flew into the sky at night and looked at the scenery of the Yuewan Bay coastline lit up by the light of gas lamps. I will probably never forget it in my life."

As he said that, the doctor made a gesture to continue walking along the street along the river, and Shade and the doctor walked towards the lower reaches of the Taton River:

"So, you are tired of seeing the scenery of Yuewan, so you are looking for some leisure time here? This is a good idea. Walking around in such nice weather is also good for your physical and mental health."

Shade joked, and the doctor smiled and shook his head:

"I've only been here half a week, and I certainly can't get enough of the scenery. But since I won't live here forever, and I can't see every scenery here, it's better to see more of the important things."

He pointed at the children pushing hoops on the street. Three boys were running wildly, noisily chasing the hoops. They all looked to be in their teens, and they all came from the lower city:

"You know my problem. For me, spending more time in the sun and seeing more scenery like this can make me feel normal."

Shade raised his eyebrows as he walked forward:

"Doctor, we have just solved the priest's problem, don't say you are going to lose control too."

"No, no, of course not, I'm in pretty good shape."

The blue-eyed psychiatrist shook his head hurriedly:

"I mean, compared to those houses, docks, and scenes that cannot move, the stories and scenery composed of these moving people make me feel that my life is still alive and not rotten."

He took a deep breath and looked up at the sun above his head:

"This is something warmer than the sun."

"The more you say this, the more worried I become about you."

Shade whispered, and looked up at the sun. Suddenly he heard a cat meowing. He thought it was little Mia, but when he looked down, it turned out to be a very beautiful, short, fat blue cat that came to him.

At the foot, the cat's face is very round.


The cat rubbed against Shade's leg, and almost in the next second, little Mia, who was taking a nap in Shade's arms, opened her eyes.

This cat, which never liked walking on its own, actually jumped down from Shade's arms and grabbed the blue cat at Shade's feet with the ferocious movement of "a hungry tiger pounces on food".




After several shrill screams, the "defender" Mia successfully drove away the blue cat that was twice its size. The orange-white kitten stood in front of Shade's feet, wagging its tail.

He threatened and barked at the fleeing cat:


Although the blue cat was not injured, it seemed to be frightened

This chapter has been completed!
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