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Chapter 2512 If you give me a ray of light (end of this volume)

Chapter 2513 If you give me a ray of light (end of this volume)

"This cat has bright fur and a very docile personality. It doesn't look like a wild cat but a lost pet cat."

Xia De said suddenly, and then explained to the doctor who looked at him in surprise:

"The most common commission I handle is to find lost pet cats, and I am very familiar with this."

With that said, Shade waved to the blue cat who, although scared away by little Mia, still turned around every step of the way:

"Do you remember where you got lost?"

Then the doctor was even more surprised to find that the blue round-faced cat actually turned around and looked at Shade, and then heard the sound of "meow~meow~" from little Mia who was picked up by Shade again.

Walked back.

Afterwards, Shade and the doctor spent a lot of effort and found the middle-aged woman who had lost the cat further south on the street along the river. However, she did not look very kind, or perhaps she was worried that Shade and Dr. Schneider would attack her.

She asked for a favor fee, so after picking up the cat she called "Little Harry", she thanked her in a low voice and left quickly.

Shade was sure that he had found the wrong cat owner, and he didn't care much about the cat owner's attitude:

"Although her attitude was not very good, at least she said thank you."

"Yeah, it's good to be polite."

The doctor said, teasing Shade:

"Do you often do good deeds when you walk down the street?"

"Don't think of me as a kind person, I just have time now."

The two of them looked at the Yuewan Bridge, which was very close at hand, and the doctor sighed again:

"I noticed this bridge when I first arrived in the local area. It is a double-decker tower bridge. There is no such building even in Tobesk. I think it will be very grand when it is built."

"The river flowing through Tobesk is not as wide as the Taton River, so there is no need to build such a bridge."

"Detective, do you want to go up with me and take a look? Although there are workers, it should be okay to cover it up with illusions."

Now that the clouds and fog have dispersed, workers have returned to continue construction on the unfinished Yuewan Bridge.

Looking around, the huge bridge frame stands on the river, surrounded by scaffolding, like a metal forest.

Today, the bridge has not yet been closed, and construction on the east and west sides is going on at the same time. Between the dense scaffolding, there is only a safety rope to ensure the safety of the workers as they carry out their work hundreds of meters above the river.

Romantic people would probably describe this scene with sentences such as "They are dancing among the steel", but the doctor standing on the bridge looking up asked:

"What a big project. This will become a new landmark building in Moon Bay, and will even appear on stamps and postcards. Detective, are the wages of these workers high?"

"It's not particularly high. It is said that some of these workers have been owed wages for several months. The foreman said they would not be paid until they were completed to prevent them from quitting work halfway through. If it hadn't been for the heavy fog in Yuewan some time ago,

Maybe we'll see a strike now."

The two stepped onto the bridge deck which was under construction. The construction of the bridge head had actually been completed, but because construction materials had to be transported, there was a thick layer of dust on the ground.

As expected, no one paid attention to the two of them, so the two of them walked onto the elevator connecting the upper and lower bridge decks as if no one else was watching. The doctor marveled at this great project:

"But I heard from locals that the Yuewan City Hall has invested a lot of money in the Yuewan Bridge."

The elevator rumbled and took the two people upward. This steam engine-powered elevator was not as effective as the "occult elevators" like the ones in Count Darmanin's mansion and the mountain top sacrificial site:

"Doctor, it's not that a lot of money has been invested, but a considerable amount of money has been invested."

Shade corrected, stretched out his palm and made a number:

"The bridge has not yet been fully completed, and due to various reasons, the figures speculated in the newspapers are not very accurate. But when the bridge is finally completed, the total cost will not be lower than this figure."

The two men spoke in Delarian, so Dr. Schneider also knew that Shade was gesturing for gold pounds and not for Kassenrik's krona:

"1.4 million gold pounds?"

The doctor said in surprise, while Xia De looked at the distant scenery of Yuewan City that became clearer during the ascent:

"You know I have special information channels, so this number should be relatively accurate. Of course, this is the total cost, which includes corruption and misappropriation. In fact, the real cost should not be that much."

After saying that, he laughed again:

"Of course, for such a large project, corruption is one of the costs that everyone understands. After all, no one expects it, and no one will quietly lend a hand in this kind of project."

"Tsk tsk, 1.4 million gold pounds, I haven't even imagined this figure. Most of the real estate in Saint Teresa Square can be equivalent to the cost of this Tower Bridge."

The doctor marveled at this:

"I only heard that the local vampires are quite powerful, and it seems that other 'vampires' are equally powerful. 1.4 million, but considering the role and significance of the Yuewan Bridge, this money is actually well spent."

After a clang~, the elevator took the two people to the upper bridge deck. Because the construction progress of the upper bridge deck was slower, various engineering materials such as steel pipes, buckles, ropes, hanging baskets, etc. were placed on the bridge deck.

The densely packed scaffolding on both sides cast shadows like spider webs on the bridge.

Even a few hundred meters above the ground, it is not quiet. Not to mention the bustling banks of the Tatton River, even the sound of workers during construction is noisy enough.

But Shade and Doctor Schneider didn't hate such sounds. Compared with the whispers of those evil things, or the whispers of unexplainable existence, the sounds at this time were really soothing.

The sun is shining brightly, and citizens' lives are recovering from that catastrophe. Time will erase everything, and the stable days after the thrilling war are even more cherished.

"I heard"

Shade and the doctor walked around the workers squatting on the bridge to bundle steel parts. The latter was stooped and had black oil stains everywhere on his clothes. The oil used to maintain steel products has a strong smell.

"Yuewan City is planning to celebrate Yuewan's escape from this disaster with the completion of the Yuewan Bridge in the second half of the year. But that will happen this winter, and the city will be very different by then."

"Winter, another year has passed in the blink of an eye. I don't know if I'm getting older, but I always feel like time is passing faster and faster lately."

The doctor said with a smile, and Shade raised his feet to cross the rope on the bridge:

"You are in your prime now, the priest is in his old age."

Although the construction progress of the upper bridge deck is not as good as that of the lower deck, the extension distance of the upper bridge deck to the center of the river is almost the same as that of the lower deck. The two people soon arrived at the end of the bridge deck, standing on this high point and looking at the clear sky from a broad perspective.

City of wealth.

Although the height here is not as high as Belindle Big Ben, it is still high enough to overlook Little Half Moon Bay. The weather is very good, and the summer breeze blowing here makes people feel relaxed and happy. The temperature this summer is low, even the afternoon sun is not

Very vicious and dazzling.

They stood here and looked at the scenery together, and no one spoke immediately. Although the outsiders had been to this bridge several times, this was the first time they just stood here and looked at the scenery like this.

Under the bridge is a rushing river and passing cargo ships. In front of it is a dense but different urban building complex, three-story apartments, two-story shops facing the street, a grand bank at the corner of the street, or a block of residential buildings.

Temporary vendors at the alley.

Citizens walked through the street like ants. The more conspicuous carriage turned into another road at the corner and stopped towards the street to avoid the private carriage with the noble family crest coming from the other side.

The warm wind blows on the cheeks. Although the outsiders have been here for more than two months, they have never felt the vitality of this city so clearly.

Probably, he had been walking too fast before.

"City of Fortune"

He heard the doctor beside him sighing like this, so he asked:

"Doctor, do you want to hear my story? I have done a lot of great things locally in the past few months."

"Then let's talk about it. I guess most of the things in this city in the past two months have to do with you."

Although the position where they are standing is the farthest point of the bridge deck, two steel plates that are not in contact with each other and are not very wide extend forward from here.

Shade and the doctor continued to move forward. To ordinary people, this kind of behavior, which was like walking on a single-plank bridge at a height of 100 meters, might only be done by circus acrobats, but it was nothing to Shade and the doctor.

A heavy cable was tied under the steel plate. The two of them stopped at the end of the steel plate protruding from the bridge deck. The doctor held his hands on his chest and continued to look at the city. Shade sat down directly, letting his feet hang in the air and looking to the right.

Side of the dock area.

"The story begins when I came to Yuewan to look for a relic. Then I met old friends I hadn't seen for a long time, and also made new friends."

He omitted some sensitive events and did not disclose specific information about Mr. Albert and Mr. Bernhardt. It took him half an hour to briefly tell the story of 1854, which Mr. Bernhardt called the "Legend of Moon Bay."

Summer story.

The doctor stood on the edge of the steel plate and listened carefully. It was not until Shade finished speaking and sighed that he made his own comment:

"So, real stories are sometimes more exciting than those chivalry novels. Detective, most people in this city don't know you, but you did save most people in this city.

Dealing among the seven major families, mediating the conflicts between vampires and humans, tracking down dragons and lunatics in the dark, and helping those in need. I think there will always be someone who will remember what you have done."

Shade touched the cat on his lap with one hand to prevent it from falling, and supported the steel plate with one hand by his side. He smiled and shook his head in the sun:

"I don't do these things just to be remembered by others, but it's finally over. If I hadn't talked to you about this, I wouldn't have realized how busy I was this summer."

After a pause, he stared at the city on the other side of the river:

"Doctor, in your opinion, what is justice?"

Bill Schneider looked down at him:

"Look what you said, detective, aren't you the one who is just?"

"I don't want you to praise me, I'm really asking this question."

The doctor thought for a moment:

"Justice, this is really a profound question. Detective, I can't tell you the answer. Some people spend their whole lives searching for the answer, only to discover in the end that the process of their search itself is the answer."

Although this time he did not tell the unique truth like before, Shade was not disappointed:

"Some people are willing to sacrifice themselves, some are trying to save others, some are trying to get revenge, and some just can't stand the unpleasant things. Justice, justice is pale and humble, justice is powerful but cruel."

"Don't you understand this very well?"

The doctor smiled and asked:

"And I gave you the answer just now: the process of pursuing justice itself is justice. Detective, look, the story you just told is the story of a foreigner bringing justice to this city?"

"Doctor, I told you that you don't need to praise me."

Dr. Schneider moved his eyes away from Shade and continued to look at the bustling Moon Bay scenery on both sides of the river bank under the sun:

"I'm not complimenting you. Look in front of you, detective. This scene is your justice."

The huge tower bridge surrounded by dense scaffolding is full of workers. The noisy sounds come from both sides of the river bank under the bridge. The city is gray and warm yellow under the sun, like a lightly colored oil painting, or like fine brushstrokes.

of meticulous painting.

Ant-like people injected endless vitality into the city. The wind blew newspapers with Margaret's photo on them. There were still wanted notices for cultists commissioned by the church and issued by the city hall on the lampposts along the river bank.

Little Mia lay lazily on Shade's lap, and the sunlight made the cat's fur glow golden.

The sunshine was just right and the warm breeze was pleasant. The blue-eyed psychiatrist crossed his arms and looked into the distance. The stranger stroked the cat on his lap while looking at the city that he and his friends had saved.

The wind seemed to drag the light and shadow on the two people backward, and the birds hovering overhead flew across the sky and flew into the distance. The incomplete bridges in the building blended perfectly with the riverside scenery of the bustling steam city, and the river below their feet

The sparkling light complements the sunlight-reflecting tiles of the row upon row of houses.

The warm wind carried the clouds slowly drifting under the blue sky, and the flower petals blown by the wind drifted past Shade's face and flew to the unknown distance.

The vivid scene under the sun was so vivid that Shade felt that he really understood what Mr. Bernhard said when he said goodbye, and understood why he was so reluctant to let the summer of 1854 end like this.

The soft wind blew over my cheeks, and I took a deep breath. The warm air made my whole body feel full and comfortable. A gentle smile rang in my ears, as unreal as the iridescent light and shadow in the sun, or as if it was emerging at this moment.

Satisfyingly true:

[Sixth Epoch, Year 1854 of the Universal Calendar, Flower Moon. The severe cold dispelled the warm wind of summer, and the excessive dazzling light was not always beneficial. The prophecies sent by the ancient gods from the old days destroyed the ancient city, and the new gods

The hope gained from death composes a new ending. The gluttonous dragon flies in the sky, and the blood-thirsty beast lurks in the shadows. When you and they draw the sword of justice and point it at the powerful enemy, and the golden thunder strikes down, the eternal light shines.

Where, foreigners who offer sacrifices to the ancient silver moon, across time and destiny, civilization and years will record everything. May you run around the world with this light.]

Shade listened intently. He felt that until this moment, all the adventure stories of Moon Bay had finally turned the last page.

This scene under the sun was so beautiful. Although there was sacrifice and sadness, he thought this was the best ending this story could have.

Of course, Dr. Schneider beside him didn't know what Shade was thinking. He just stretched out his right hand and pointed his palm upward, as if he wanted to use this hand to catch a ray of light:

"Detective, although I just said that everyone's justice is different, would you like to hear what I think is justice? Let's talk about this matter from the perspective of a psychiatrist."


He sat there and gently stroked Miss Gold's cat.

"Detective, my justice is to bring a ray of light to every patient whose heart is shrouded in shadow."

When talking about his own job, Dr. Schneider is quite serious:

"Of course it is insignificant compared to what you have done. But the two things are actually the same. We cannot solve every trouble in the world, and sometimes we can't even solve the troubles we encounter.


But even so, it is still valuable to let yourself be a ray of light to illuminate a dark soul and a dark life."

"That sounds amazing."

Shade praised, and the doctor waved his hand that "caught" the light forward, as if to cover the entire Moon Bay:

"You can't save everyone, Detective, and you can't manipulate everyone into doing what you think they should do.

So, give them a ray of light or let yourself be that ray of light, let them see the hope of life and the future, and then people will follow that ray of light. This was the case before, and it is the same now.

I can enlighten those bored minds, and you can point out the direction for people's lives. In my opinion, justice is probably this kind of thing. Don't think of yourself as too great, but don't think that you can't do anything. Look, you

It has become that ray of light. Now it is not only the sun that illuminates Moon Bay, but also you and the gentleman who volunteered to sacrifice."

"Doctor, you are always so eloquent."

Shade praised, Dr. Schneider shook his head, but there was clearly a smile on his face.

"If justice, give me a ray of light?"

Shade looked down at his right hand, and at the same time, tiny streams of light gathered behind him to form a holy emblem in the shape of a golden dragon head. Because Shade was sitting while the doctor was standing, Dr. Schneider only squinted slightly, and it was very clear.

Saw this scene.

But the "well-informed" doctor was not surprised, and he didn't even say anything. He tried to blink his eyes, and the luminous circular emblem disappeared from behind Sha De.

The doctor clasped his hands on his chest, raised his head slightly and continued to look at the scenery on the other side of the Taton River under the bridge:

"What a peaceful day. Detective, I don't know what the weather was like the day you first came to Yuewan, but such a legendary and beautiful story should end on such an ordinary but sunny day.


Little Mia's paw patted Shade's right hand, and he asked to continue stroking.

Shade had no choice but to give up looking at his hand, and continued to look at Yuewan while touching little Mia.

They at the end of the construction bridge are just two black spots when viewed from a higher place, while the Yuewan City seen from a higher place looks like a living creature full of vitality. The sun shines on the city, and thousands of sails are moored in the harbor.

Perhaps experiencing a disaster will leave dark wounds, but as long as the light is still there, hope is still there.

"Regardless of whether I have given others light about their lives and future, at least I am a light in little Mia's 'cat life'."

It is rare for outsiders to think proudly in their hearts. One person continues to stand and the other continues to sit at the end of the bridge. They will probably stay here for a while before leaving.

A flock of pigeons flew over their heads, but only a small shadow flashed past.

The white pigeons flew over the pier, over the Moon Bay Bridge, over Herring Street, over Spider Alley under the blue sky, and finally landed in twos and threes on the upper edge of the dial on the terrace of Belindell's Big Ben.


The pointer moves to the next grid.

At the end of the bridge, someone seemed to be hugging Sha De from behind, and "her" gentle voice came from the wind:

【Outlander, you have gained new strength.】

(End of this volume)

This chapter has been completed!
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