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Chapter 2674 Hide and Seek Boy

Chapter 2673 Hide and Seek Boy

Although William Anjou's visit to the local area was not publicly publicized in newspapers, it seemed that many people knew about it. Shade was also curious about what he was here for, but the young officer suddenly walked away from the prince.

Leave and walk towards the east side of the manor.

"What's wrong?"

Iluna, who was sitting next to Shade, asked softly.

"See that young girl over there? The one with the blue ribbon in her hair, she's the Linda Bennet I'm talking about."

Iluna glanced at it and felt that the other person was not as beautiful as herself.

Of course, the Bennet family was also invited to the wedding banquet. At this time, the Bennets, like Miss Winslet, should be talking to the newlyweds in the hall of the mansion. As for their daughters, Shade

I have just seen the eldest daughter Jane Bennet and James Cumming walking together by the fence on the side of the courtyard.

Linda Bennet was the prettiest among the sisters, and she looked even more beautiful after she specially put on a goose-yellow dress to attend the banquet.

She smiled and waved to York Bronte, and the young officer casually folded a flower from the flowers on the side and handed it to her, and then walked along the path on the side of the mansion with the girl who was trying to be reserved.

The garden behind.

Although Shade wanted to hear what William Anjou said, he followed up with Iluna. However, this manor was too big, and tonight's banquet opened almost all the doors to the guests.


They couldn't follow very closely, so they accidentally lost the trace of the two people in front of them. When they soon found them again behind a fence in the garden, the young man and woman were hugging each other and kissing.

Iluna and Shade were at the corner of the fence at this time. The eighteen-year-old girl gently pulled Shade's sleeve, and Shade took a few steps back with her, not looking at that place again.


"Mrs. Bennet is very satisfied with York Bronte, and she is trying her best to bring him and her third daughter together. I guess the concert last week was not the first time these two met, otherwise this progress would have been too fast.


"Yes, you and I have known each other for a long time before we kissed. Girls from the countryside are really not reserved."

Iluna also said, holding on to her skirt with her right hand, but she was not only concerned about this kind of thing:

"Looking at him, it seems like he wants to live forever in this time that does not belong to him. If he is determined to do this, then he will no longer need the power of the tree hole, and the tree hole has probably been taken care of by him.

It fell off, that’s why you didn’t find any clues in the military camp last night.”

"If that's true"

Shade stretched out his hand:

"I learned a new magic skill some time ago - the return of time. This magic skill can allow people to return to their own era. And I can know where he has gone through the moment he returns."

Iluna understood what Shade meant:

"Want to test him? Of course you can do this. If you do it covertly, you can even prevent him from noticing whether someone is attacking him or whether he returns unexpectedly. But will this make him wary?"

"Although it's a bit arrogant to say this, he only has three rings, and the two of us have eight rings and one nine. The Dead Apostles are only powerful in combat, not completely omnipotent. Besides, we originally planned to take action tomorrow. Before we take action, we must at least

Is everything clear?"

Iluna thought for a moment and nodded, and Shade suddenly coughed behind the fence. Then not only York Bronte and Linda Bennett behind the fence stopped for a moment,

Even the heads of a young man and woman emerged from the grass not far away.

Shade and Iluna stood in the shadows and waited for a while. Sure enough, they saw Bronte and Miss Bennet hurriedly coming out from behind the fence. They carefully observed their surroundings, kissed goodbye, and left in different directions.


Shade and Iluna followed the former, while he seemed to want to go around the garden and then return to the courtyard in front.

So the invisible Shade came behind him:

"The way back in time."

With a gentle push, there was a crash, and the clothes and the contents inside them fell all over the floor, and York Bronte disappeared.

[1787. The content of the time curse cannot be detected, and the speed of repatriation through thaumaturgy is too fast.]

"Your magic can only repatriate people, but not clothes?"

Iluna asked curiously, Shade shook his head:

"Wait a minute, it's okay for me to sense it first. I can't sense this person anymore. No, of course not. My thaumaturgy is just to repatriate things that don't belong to this time. His clothes and belongings obviously belong to the current Rosicrucian Order.


A red metal badge floated out of the pocket of the clothes scattered on the ground. The "rose" and "cross" patterns on the badge were easy to identify.

"That group of ring magicians in Willendale? Is he a Rosicrucian?"

"This doesn't mean anything. There are many people outside the Rosicrucian Order. Since he grew up in Willendale, it's normal for him to be among them."

For example, Mr. Bernhard also claimed to be a member of the Rosicrucian Order, but that was only for the convenience of movement in Willendale.

"So when will he return?"

"This is the strangest thing. Of the three tree holes we are currently sheltering, the one closest to the present time is the year 1821 that the wooden door leads to. I thought the tree hole in York Bronte's hand was closer than that.

But he actually returned in 1787."


"67 years ago?"

Iluna was very surprised:

"But isn't York Bronte 24 years old? His father wasn't even born 67 years ago, right? Have you done a background check on him?"

"I have done it. This person is real. His life and witnesses can be found from childhood to adulthood. So if my thaumaturgy is not wrong, then this person is not actually York Bronte."

Shade's words made Iluna fall into doubt:

"Who is he? Where is the real York Brontë?"

Shade stared at the clothes illuminated by the gas lamp beside the path and was about to speak, but suddenly he was startled, and then turned around and looked behind him with Iluna who was also startled.

It wasn't that York Bronte reappeared, but a little boy playing with a black leather ball who appeared there at some point:

"Brother, sister, will you play hide-and-seek with me?"

The sound of the lively banquet in the manor disappeared without a trace at some point, and the darkness around the path was swallowing up the light of the gas lamps. The boy raised his head, with no eyes on his pale face.

This does not mean that his eyes are blind, but that where normal people should have eye sockets, there is only smooth skin on his face.

"Humanoid Relic."

Iluna said through her teeth, taking the initiative to stand in front of Shade:

"You leave first, I'm probably the one who caused this. Really, I've been worried about encountering an accident in the woods all afternoon, but I didn't expect that I ran into trouble after returning to the city.

Don’t worry about me, I know this thing. The secret keeper-level relic [Hide and Seek Boy] cannot refuse his game request, but as long as he can find the black ball he hid within the time limit, he will leave on his own.”

But if it were really that simple, this relic would definitely not be classified as "Keeper of Secrets".

"I'll play hide and seek with you!"

Iluna didn't even give Shade a chance to stop her, and directly said to the eyeless boy who was patting the ball. She had rich experience in encountering relics. As expected, the boy's action of patting the ball stopped:

"You want to play with me?"

"Yes, it's me, not us!"

"Okay, you guys want to play hide and seek with me! Sure enough, I found the right place. My brother, who was blessed by the guy who likes to make toys, really also likes to play games!"

He threw the ball in his hand into the night sky, and the ball disappeared without falling.

Then the eyeless boy pointed at two people:

"Since there are two people playing with me, naturally we have to use more interesting rules. You were using the power of time just now, so why not"


Shade reached out to take out the umbilical cord that had been turned into a toy, but it was too late. Iluna didn't even see the process, and Shade disappeared in front of her just like York Bronte.

Of course, when Shade disappeared, he also took his clothes with him.

Jumping golden thunder appeared in the hands of the angry girl, and the boy bowed to her:

"The rules of our game: He must first find my ball, then give the ball to you, and then you give it to me. If you fail to find my ball within three hours of the time we are now in,

, then not only will he not be able to come back, I will also make everyone’s heads here into my new ball!”

(Little Mia is running)

It seemed that just for a moment, when Shade took out the jar from his pocket, a strange light flashed before his eyes, and then Iluna beside him and the boy in front of him disappeared.

There are no traces of whispering elements around, and looking around, it is still the old Collins house where a wedding banquet is being held.

But looking carefully at Shade, he still found something different. Although it was also night at this time, the temperature was clearly midsummer. Moreover, those things belonging to York Bronte on the ground were gone, and the flowers in the flowers beside the path were blooming brilliantly.


What illuminates this place is not modern gas lamps, but rather primitive gas lamps and a small amount of kerosene lamps. These lamps are placed on both sides of the path, but the optical effect is better than that of simple gas lamps.

Feeling a little hot, Shade took off his coat and looked up at the boundless starry sky tonight:

"What year is it now?"

[The summer of 1821, do you want to know a more specific time?]

"It was the summer 33 years ago. Even if you send me to the past, why not send me to 1787?"

He sighed and looked at the light in front of the mansion in the distance. Although the era was different, a wedding banquet was obviously being held here tonight. The ribbons and garlands hanging everywhere proved this. This was the only thing that had not changed.

Of course, at least being sent to 1821 was not the worst thing. Because in the summer of that year, Miss Denister's teacher, a lady who also had the thirteenth ring level, was also in Ximu Town.

This chapter has been completed!
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