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Chapter 2675 The reappearing lady

Chapter 2674 The reappearing lady

Compared with the manor 33 years later, today's Collins Manor has almost no changes. And when Shade followed the dim path on the side of the mansion to the courtyard in front of the manor illuminated by a hanging kerosene lamp, he unexpectedly discovered this scene.

The wedding banquet was even more lively than the one 33 years later.

The open-air banquet actually lit a bonfire in the courtyard, and the night was darker than in 1854. The guests were having fun, dancing around the bonfire, or walking and chatting with friends holding wine glasses.

He didn't notice Shade's arrival either.

The development of the steam industry has made the times change rapidly. Even if it is only 33 years apart, people's clothing style is very different from that of 1854. But fortunately, Shade is only wearing a white shirt, which at least does not look out of place.

Shade didn't know whose wedding this was for the time being, nor did he know exactly what he was going to do when he was sent to 1821 by the relic, because he didn't hear the rules mentioned by the relic at all.

However, the effect of "Beacon Acorn" had not expired at this time. He was trying to use the "time stamp" to find out whether there were time travellers in this era, but after activating the effect, he realized that he should not do this:

"The hermits say that the function of acorns is to find objects with different timestamps from their own, and it is obvious that the timestamps of everyone in the past are the same as those who lived in 1854."

He stopped and thought while facing the crowd illuminated by bonfires and lights, because after his perception was activated, he looked at the people dancing, joking, eating, drinking, and talking, but there was only one "time traveler" he perceived, not


Taking a deep breath, the stranger himself felt a little dazed. He covered his forehead, and a question that had arisen a long time ago seemed to be answered. His ability to travel through time at will does not seem to be simply due to the permission of the tree father's power. It seems that he can travel through time at will.

"My soul does not belong to any time in this world."

He stood outside the banquet under the moonlight, his figure looking so lonely at this moment.

"She" said softly:

【But all time is willing to accept you, and all time is willing to give you a timestamp. Whenever you are, that is your home.】

Shade continued to look at the bonfire that was suddenly rising due to the addition of wine. People were laughing and screaming around it:

"So if the tree father hadn't given me a time limit every time to return to the 'present time', theoretically, I could have been living with Chloe, Miss Feliana or Miss Violet in the fifth place.

Ji? Could it be that the tree father's mission time limit is not to put pressure or remind me at all, but to prevent me from actually staying?"

[This is a very dangerous idea. But you adjust your emotions so quickly.]

"Her" voice is very gentle:

[Besides, are you really willing to abandon the people of the present and stay in the past? 】

It only takes a little digging to find out that this grand summer wedding was the wedding banquet of the eldest son of the Collins family. And the Mr. Collins who got married in 1821 was the same Mr. Collins whom he met in Vista 33 years later in 1854.

Earl Collins.

As for the only time traveler that Shade sensed nearby, he was also at this banquet. Beacon Acorn showed great ability. Not long after Shade adjusted his mood and entered the banquet venue, he saw himself

Target - York Brontë.

In other words, people now call him "Ben Bronte". He was not repatriated by Shade's "Journey Back in Time". The repatriation time was 1787. Today's Ben Bronte

Came to attend the wedding with his brother, Baron Bronte, the staff officer of the First Regiment of the Royal Army 33 years later.

The Witch also investigated the information about the Bronte family when investigating the traditional nobles of Ximu Town. Ben Bronte died in 1829, which was 8 years ago. And the obvious thing is that at this time "

"Ben Brontë" is not Ben Brontë at all, he is still the same person who should have lived in 1787.

Even though times have changed, Shade is still standing in the courtyard of Collins Manor holding a glass of champagne. No matter what secret this Bronte has, the most trouble Shade needs to solve now is the matter of the hide-and-seek boy who is a secret keeper-level relic.


"Although I don't know what the rules of the game will be if both Iluna and I participate in the game, but it is always right to find the black ball."

He drank the champagne in one gulp and was about to take action when he suddenly felt a flash of white light in front of him. The scene in front of him was still a lively wedding banquet, but the prosperous bonfires were gone, illuminating the scene here.

It is no longer the early gas lamps and kerosene lamps but modern gas lamps, and the clothes people wear are thicker and more modern.


But no one seemed to notice Shade's sudden appearance, because the next moment the white light appeared again, and Shade once again faced the wedding banquet of the "pre-steam era".

[It’s not an illusion, you briefly returned to 1854.]

Shade understood immediately:

"That secret keeper-level relic doesn't have the ability to completely send me to the past. I'm currently in a time-unstable state!"


This is not a guess, but a fact that Shade deduced based on the current situation. Even if the relics have their own special features, according to the time rules of the Sixth Era, it is not easy to send a person to the past casually with a Keeper-level relic.

It can be done, after all, [Hide and Seek Boy] is not a simple relic of time.

After understanding this, it seems that the most important thing to do now is not to find the black ball, but to try to join Iluna in 1854. But Shade doesn't know whether the next time he sees 1854 again.

When, and he didn’t know where Iluna would go:

"Or, should I go directly to Miss Danister's teacher? Although the tree hole in the forest is normally used as a one-way traffic from 1854 to the present, maybe, since there is no time limit this time, I

Can we just go to the woods and find the ruins leading to the [Space Maze], and then go home and have a look?"

【This is also a very dangerous idea.】

"Why? This time I am not crossing through the twisted tree hole. There should be no rules that cannot leave the Vista Woodland area, right?"

It's just that he failed to try his more bold ideas after all - such as going to see Carina, the baby of this era, as if fate also prevented Shade from running around in 1821. While he was thinking about the plan,

After separating from the lively banquet crowd, a mature black-haired lady wearing a beige sun hat and a black skirt had already walked towards him.

In fact, Shade didn't notice someone approaching him at the first time. When the lady was about to come to him, he suddenly noticed someone approaching.

He raised his head and saw a lady who was dressed incompatibly with the banquet. She looked mature in her thirties, with black hair and a black dress that looked quite weird. The leather belt that tightened her slender waist and the beige hat

A big hat is the last thing that should appear at this banquet.

As for the color of her eyes, her eyes were the same standard rose red as Miss Danister. After realizing this, Shade immediately understood:

"Is that you? I mean, hello, good evening."

The black-haired lady smiled:

"Hello, young man, we meet again."

This mature black-haired lady was the teacher of Miss Daniste who had a brief conversation with him in the woodland with her back to him when Shade and Miss Daniste accidentally entered 1821.

Shade didn't see the other person's face last time, but he would not admit the wrong person. After all, it is unlikely that a second thirteen-ring sorceress will appear in Ximu Town in this era. At this time, Shade is considered the first

Seeing her head-on for the first time, the lady was also looking at Shade up and down. She reached out and picked up a wine glass from the table behind Shade.

The light of the bonfire caused the long shadows of the two people to fall over the dining table behind them and onto the ground. The light and shadow merged. A lot of amazing things really happened in this hot summer of 1821:

"Just now I was wondering if I had seen the wrong person, young man. It has only been a week since we last met. Why, do you miss this era so much?"

She smiled and joked, but no one around them looked at the two of them. Shade guessed that this was some kind of trick of the thirteen-ring sorceress, so he smiled sheepishly, and noticed himself when he raised his hand.

The shadow is also moving:

"I'm in trouble again. This time I probably need your help. But can I ask if you're here because you received an invitation from the Collins family?"

Shade glanced in the direction of the young married couple, but then looked at "Ben Bronte":

"Is it because of this person?"

The former librarian followed Shade's eyes and nodded slightly:

"Did you and Danister also find problems in your time? Yes, there is a problem with this Bronte. After I came to the local area, I communicated with the hermits in the forest and bought some strange things from them.

of Acorns, and then discovered Ben Brontë.”

But the hermits in 1854 did not say that they talked about time travel with this lady, but considering that the hermits in 1802 said that they would not tell the next generation about the identities and experiences of the time travellers, so

It's also possible that the hermits in 1854 really didn't know what happened 33 years ago.

"Ben Bronte is an aristocratic young man from Ximu Town who has a clear growth trajectory, but he does not belong to this era. The purpose of my coming here was originally to find traces of an astrologer, not because of time travel, nor because of time travel.

I didn’t want to get involved in things here. But after meeting you last week, I did some research out of curiosity.”

She stood side by side with Shade, looking at the people attending the summer night banquet with him. Behind them were champagne towers and various fruit platters.

PS: The picture in this chapter is "Helena Carter".

The author of this picture is very satisfied.

This chapter has been completed!
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